Edge Animate CC :: Image Swapping With Correct Dimensions?

Jun 13, 2013

Hovering over a row of thumbnails, I swap the full size photo following this code :
var photo = new Image();
photo.src = 'images/'+fileName; // parameter of the function
console.log(fileName+' L= '+photo.width+' H= '+photo.height);
width: photo.width,
height: photo.height,
src: photo.src
The full size photo swaps, but retaining the dimensions of the first one (initially on the Edge stage).
Even more puzzling, as you can see in the following screen capture, sometimes I can get the correct photo.width and photo.height (even if it isn't correctly assigned to the 'toile' element), and sometimes those values are zero ! And I feel so lost that this seems random.

May be it has to do with loading delay, asking the width and height information before it is available ? Should I necessarily preload the images ?

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Edge Animate CC :: Rollover And Click Event With Swapping Images?

Jun 24, 2013

I want to have a mouseover and -out effect on my navigation bar and on the event click it should stay in the mouseover status. So far the mouseout and the click event affect each other on a wrong way. The example I attached here is done with plain rectangles, but later they will be images.
MyStatusQuo: [URL]

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Animate From Zero Up To The Correct Percentage Value

Oct 3, 2012

I have an Edge animation with a dial which indicates a percentage value. I want the dial to animate from zero up to the correct percentage value. This percentage value will be calculated via PHP and supplied to the Edge animation.
So what I'm asking is can you specify the rotation value for an element dynamically (via code).

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Edge Animate CC :: Check For Correct Dropping Of Elements And Display Feedback

Jan 2, 2013

I'm doing a drag and drop. I'm working on how to check whether the user has dragged and dropped the elements correctly or wrongly in order to display the corresponding animation. That means, all the same type of animals have to be placed together in the same row in order for the animation to display a "correct" feedback, and if the user placed it in the wrong order, it will display the "wrong" feedback. There are 3 types of animals: birds, snakes and insects. The "feedback" animations is in the "feedback_sym".
I have placed a "Reset" button on stage, but it does not appear even after changing the positions on the "Elements" column.
Here is a link to my folder. [URL]

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Edge Animate CC :: Find Correct Code To Make Idle Timeout

Feb 20, 2013

I have a touchscreen project that I am using Edge Animate to create. So far its working great, but I am trying to find the correct code to make an Idle Timeout after 3 minutes to go back to the stage frame 1 or the label "StageStart" that I have created. I have tried attaching the following code as a 3 second test to the function "touchend", but it doesn't seem to work:

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Photoshop :: Correct Edge Of This Image

Jun 18, 2009

to correct the edge of this picture?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Down-sample An Image

Sep 10, 2013

I placed an image and scaled it in Edge. I notice the image is exported at its original size. Can I tell Edge to downsample a bitmap image?

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Edge Animate CC :: Orientation Changes Image?

Apr 17, 2013

I am producing an advert for a client that is going to appear in the UK Top Gear magazine.
Top Gear magazine is landscape only but the gyroscope functions are still available.
I'm looking to rotate the device 180 degrees and then the background image changes. Is it possible in DPS or even using Edge Animate content through DPS.
I'm looking to produce this without a HTML coder.

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Edge Animate CC :: New Image At The Beginning Of Timeline?

May 22, 2013

Why when I put a new image (or symbol) in the stage, always appears at the beginning of the timeline? And how can I move it?

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Edge Animate CC :: Added White Space To Right And Under Image

Dec 12, 2012

Viewing the website in IE8, the poster image displays correctly but there is added white space to the right and under the image.

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Edge Animate CC :: Why Does The Poster Image Not Match Animation

Feb 27, 2014

This is part of a larger issue with DPS that necessitates placing a static version of the animation (the poster) into InDesign that shows prior to the animation. Not doing this, there is a white flash when the page first opens and before the animation can get loaded. Unfortunately the poster image from Edge is noticeably lighter than the animation itself.

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Edge Animate CC :: Keep Image (logo) Centered To Page?

Oct 12, 2013

I'm trying to centre an image to the centre of the browser using the responsive settings. My problem is that I can centre the image, but as soon as I start to scale upwards or downwards the Logo isn't staying in the middle of the browser.

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Edge Animate CC :: Import Image In Canvas 10x Bigger

Dec 19, 2013

i've an image of a tyre..100x100 pixels.when i import it in edge, i get something like 1000x1000 and the tyre is left side top..as 100x100 the rest is empty and i cant get it away??

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Edge Animate CC :: Error Loading Image Into Composition

May 22, 2013

Everything was working fine, now every time I try to load an image into my composition I get this error "Error Loading Image!"

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Get The Width And Height Of A Loaded Image

Sep 11, 2013

Clicking on any of the 26 letters of the alphabet, I display the 15 logos starting with the first brand whose initial is the clicked letter.
Logos have different dimensions, but I fail recovering them, so that they are displayed stretched or squeezed, retaining the width and height of the first 15 logos put on stage in the Edge source.
Both of the two console.log in the following code produce w= 0 h = 0 :

- just after assigning the src attribute ;
- in the callback function of the load.
$('.letter').on('click', function()
// swap the 15 logo images


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Edge Animate CC :: Error In Image Path When Import Them

Oct 4, 2013

I have problem when I try import imagen inside Edge stage. Then I need close the file and re-open to fix the image paths.

I note that Edge create a image folder to save the image inside the Library.
Do I am doing anything wrong trying drag/drop image inside the stage?

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Edge Animate CC :: Click Image To Zoom And Bring Up Information?

Dec 18, 2012

I have an image of a room, and I want to add the ability to click different parts to zoom in (by scaling up background image) and have the relevant information appear. I don't know if the best way is to have all the "camera zooms" and information on one timeline (have to manually animate everything dissapearing, fiddly), or to separate them into symbols and call them up?

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Edge Animate CC :: Change Image Source In Instance Symbol?

Feb 28, 2014

Well, I need a little slideshow of images, the code for mouse events (click, mouseover, mouseout, etc.) is the same for all images, then I create a symbol with one image inside for this, and drag&drop instances to stage, but now I don't know how change the image source of other symbols. In design time, when right click over any symbol instance only edit symbol it's possible (not single instance), and I don't know if is possible to change the image source of any symbol instance by code.

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Edge Animate CC :: Cleanup - Removing Unused Image Files?

Mar 18, 2014

I have used some image files as templates in my animation. There doesn't seem to be a way to remove the files without Edge squaking about those files missing. Even after I have removed all references to those files. What is the proper way to remove unwanted files completely from a Edge animate project? It was suggested that there is a right click, but this only shows you where the file is in the finder.
"File saved but Edge Animate encountered error(s): Failed to Copy Image: /Users/danjahson/Rain/Clients Work Folder/Nu Skin/Bespoke Moblie App/Intro & Reveal HTML Video/Bespoke_Intro/Bespoke_Intro_1/images/Intro_Template0012.jpg: No such file or directory"
This file is no longer in the animation - but it still asks for it. I cant seem to kill it.
I am on a mac with the latest version of Edge Animate (

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Edge Animate CC :: Image With Alpha Blocks Collision For Buttons

Jul 6, 2013

I have an image that is mostly alpha.Problem is that it blocks buttons from working.Is there any way to set a flag to an image so it is not part of the 'touch/mouse' collision funcitons?
i can arrange it behind the buttons... but that brings other issues, because something needs to be behind the image with alpha but over the buttons.

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Edge Animate CC :: Advance Image Masking And Sliding Effect

Mar 22, 2013

create animation effect in adobe edge URL....  actually it is created in flash.does this tool supports Mask effect like flash or not?

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Edge Animate CC :: Centering AND Scaling An Image (inside A Div Or Symbol)

Jan 31, 2014

I have a top banner for a website - the website is fully made in Edge.
The banner is 540px high, and 100% width. (Stage width is also set to 100%)
Now inside this banner, I want a large image to show.
The center of this image should correspond to the center of the banner.
The width of the image should be 100% of the banner. (Hence 100% of the browser window).
The height of the image should remain proportional to the width of the banner, i.e. no distortions. (Was using auto before)
The overflow should be hidden. (So basically the image is always 100% width of the browser window, and the height overflows both both up and down).
Somehow in ver 3 of Edge Animate I can't get all these options to work at the same time - can't use 100% width and auto height for an image anymore.

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Edge Animate CC :: Show Image Before Animation Starts Playing?

Jan 3, 2013

I have started to work on an animation which will work as a splash-screen before the users see the actual site. (Yes I know... but the client wants it like this...)
The problem I have now is that the animation plays after a few seconds and that during these seconds it shows the content of the website. Besides that I still find it pretty difficult to actually position the animation the way I want.
I am using a plug-in for wordpress.
I tried fixing this with a pre-loader but this is also too slow. Is there any way I can force the animation to play sooner or to make sure they can't see the content before the animation has played?
You can find the concept of the website on: [URL]

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Edge Animate CC :: JSON Content - Can't Display Image After Click

Nov 17, 2013

I am trying to to load a JSON file and load images with text information.
I have a problem when i click the thumbnail, the large image can't displayed, i am receiving the following error:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
my code in compositionReady:
for(var i=0; i<=data.length; i++){
var s = sym.createChildSymbol("template","content");


and at the element that hold's the thumbnail image, I added on the click event :
sym.$("finte").css({"background-image":"url("+$(this).data('largeimage ')+")"}); 
I believe that somewhere on +$(this).data('largeimage')+") is the mistake. But I can't find it.Moreover, how, the thumbnails, can be displayed as a table of 4x5?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Make A Centered Background Scaled Image / Video

Jul 31, 2013

How to make a centered background scaled image/video in Edge Animate.  Can't code, so I'm trying to use the properties panels.
1. Have the image centered in the middle of the stage
2. Have it scale to fill the screen always so there are no black bars (ie, I want a stage with only picture on it)

(This project is only aimed for iPad and above - desktop, so don't need mobile resolutions)
My work around is to do this via manual CSS, but there has to be a better way to keep it within the Edge compositiion
I also tried to import this Edge stage into Reflow after seeing this demo [URL]...
but just got blank screens : [URL].....

(I do like Reflow's ability to target specific resolutions but I don't quite need it for this project).

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Remove Loaded Image On Stage From Symbol Containing A Button

Jan 14, 2013

1st the setup:

General map is loaded

2. On a click event, an larger image of the region is loaded with the following code. On mouseover the name of the county appears and on click a popup (symbol) shows some info.
$('<img id="region1" width="310" height="475" src="images/region1.png" usemap="#region1">'+'<map name="region1">'+...
'<area id="Dallam" shape="rect" title="Dallam" coords="29,17,97,58"/>'+.....

3. In the popup symbol, I want the large image map to be remove on the click event of the button: "View another region" . I have the following code which does not work (the image is not removed) resulting in what you see below:

  how do I remove the image (large image of the region in purple here loaded as described on 2.)?

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Do Image Moving Based On Mouse Movement In Adobe

Feb 11, 2013

How to do image moving based on mouse movement in adobe edge animate 1.0?Just like drag and drop option in flash

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Set Text / Image And Link For A Symbol Used Multiple Times On Stage

Oct 7, 2013

I have a logic problem in my code that I need solving,
here's the bit of code which is supposed to set the text, image and link for a symbol used multiple times on the Stage.
var names = ["melz", "brom", "calm", "micj", "mick", "brir", "mato", "brym", "azin", "hugh", "nicl", "bonr", "lisa"];
var name = null;
for(var x = 0; x < names.length; x++){
          name = names[x];
          var initials = (name[0]+""+name[3]).toUpperCase();
          var cursymbol = sym.getSymbol(name);

The text and image code work, however my problem is with setting the link. It always sets all the symbols to the last name in the names[] array. What I want it to do is to set the link to the personalised name in the array. So the HH button will link to hugh.html and the BM button will link to brym.html etc.
For now I'm going to play around a bit and see what happens.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Center An Animate Stage Left And Right In Browser Window

Dec 22, 2012

I want to center an animate stage left and right in the browser window.

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Edge Animate CC :: Create Multiple Pages On One Animate Project

Jul 24, 2013

1. crolling like where you have buttons for example or press on a navigation bar tab, then it goes to that specific pace of the page, for a one page website, for example some sites you press on contacts and gose down to the bottom of the page where the contacts place is located, not opening a new link.
2.Second, navigation bar, where it fallows the scroll as it gose down, like for example when it is html the object is fixed to the top, and when you scroll down it will fallow it it,
3.I need Parallex scrolling where you can have the timeline or animations run while you scroll in the meantime and have animation running all the time, for example the infographic site where the bees are fluying but still have seperate animations while you scroll
4.I would also like to ask if like looping each animations sperately, not looping the whole timeline, can it be possible to loop an animation while you have all the interactivity witht he site like looping seperately all the time, without interfeering with all the other animation
5.I also are wondering if you can create multiple pages on one animate project, like multiple pages with html
I just moved on to edge animate from html, and html was also beirf learn for me and mostly i was doing design work, and i thought getting out of graphic river and moving on the theme forest.
I want also all the five things to work on one aimate project.

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Edge Animate CC :: Text Colour To Animate With The Lines Of Code?

Nov 22, 2013

Is it possible to get the text color to FadeIn or the opacity of the text color to animate with the lines of code below? I simply want the color to fade in when the mouse rolls over the text.

Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_writing_btn}", "mouseover", function(sym, e) sym.$("writing_btn").css("color","#88ACBE");

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