Illustrator :: Shortcut To Move / Rotate / Scale A Pattern Inside
Jan 9, 2014
I'm working in the fashion industry where we are creating a lot of patterns and textile designs.transform pattern inside a vector shape without having to move the vector object :
To transform patterns but not objects when using a transform tool, hold down the tilde key (~) while dragging. The borders of the object appear to be transformed, but when you release the mouse button, the borders snap back to their original configuration, leaving only the pattern transformed. URL..
It seems this shortcut works only with US and UK keyboard.
I'm using a french keyboard where it doesn't work, probably because there is'nt any key especially dedicated to the Tilde sign (~), and you need to combine multiple keys to get this symbol (Alt GR + the key 2 above the key Z) .
I finally found the shortcut on MAC which is the keyboard key with the britisih pound sterling symbol (£). But not on PC !!!how to get this shortcut on PC with a french keyboard ?
Is there a way to change the shortcut for this very useful option, without having to take care of the kind of keyboard ?
I thought there was a way to insert an image (tif) to model space, and adjust it like you would any line or polygon. Apparently this is not the case. When I attach an image, where I place it is permanent and I can't even select it.
There are many examples of creating rectangular patterns, but not many, if any, of interrogating existing patterns.I have attached the files and a screenshot of a rectangular part inside an assembly. The part contains a rectangular pattern of holes and do I get hold of each proxy of the workplane in the pattern?In other words I don't know what to put in the for loop at the end of this code fragment:
If _invApp.Documents.Count = 0 Then MsgBox("Need to open an the assembly document") ReturnEnd If If _invApp.ActiveDocument.DocumentType <> DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox("Need to have an Assembly document active") ReturnEnd If Dim asmDoc As Assembly Document asmDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim asmDef As AssemblyComponentDefinition asmDef = asmDoc.ComponentDefinition im occurrences As ComponentOccurrencesoccurrences. [code]....
Using transform tool to rotate, often gradients do not rotate. In the example below only the "w" gradient did. Good news is the rotate tool works fine.
Appears this has something to do with compound paths, as this normally does not happen on a new single path. Releasing the compound also rotates the gradient unexpectedly.
I'm using cs6 and I want to rotate and scale individual letters. Whenever I try to do it I am only altering the text box. Is there any way I can do the same thing with the text itself without rasterizing it?
My patter brush scale options are grayed out. When the same files are opened by other co workers on their pc's the pattern scale options are available. We have tried everything. We have Illustrator CS6
So a friend created a model using zbrush and exported several different *.OBJ files. I imported those to maya and added shaders. They all fit correctly together when imported.
some of those obj files required me to do a mesh->combine. so now it appears that not every item has the same reference point so that when I move or scale the entire item, some of the objects move seperately. I think it is only the ones I had to combine.
I tried freeze transformations, but when doing that, some of the objects lost their scale settings and still didnt move together as one unit.
rotate image? I scan in several pictures at a time and having to click edit image rotate CW Right or CCW Left is too time consuming. I do not see a shortcut for this?
Question: How to select a specific layer inside of a Group, with a shortcut?
Need a shortcut command...
I can select an individual layer by holding CTRL and clicking on an area of the image (which is on a layer) in my document. This will direct me exactly to the layer by highlighting it (under layers). This makes it easy to find an area of the art/and the layer it's on.
I am wondering if there is a similar way to select an image that is inside of a Group? (in CS3)
When using the CTRL and click on image command, it goes directly to the Group folder the image is in (instead of the exact layer it's on). I would like to have a command that will go directly to the layer in a group.
I do know about right clicking on an image area and getting a list of the layers. I do not want this.
I really enjoy this new draw inside feature in Illustrator. But, I find that it does not always work. It seems to be grayed out sometimes. For example, I have drawn a shape with my Wacom tablet using a blush. I then converted it to a shape instead of keeping it a stroke by expanding it. But it will not allow me to now draw inside of it, even though it is a shape.
Is there a way to rotate a pattern after it has been assigned through the blending properties box? I want the block pattern to be assigned to a wall that is angled - the pattern overlay texture is a straight on view.
Are there any neat tricks to scaling a DWG inside a block with parameters? I would assign a scale factor parameter to Instance Scale but as I can't I'm looking for a workaround.
I have a some 2D elevation trees that I want in my 3D tree block and alI just want to control the height. The problem is that if I explode the DWG in a family everything just disappears .
I have noticed that when I place a group of bolts in to a group of existing holes the pattern of bolts seem to be free to rotate about the hole selected when creating the bolt pattern.
how to move a video, from one folder to another inside LR 4? I've moved pictures from one folder to another inside LR 4 several times before, I just marked the pics I wanted to move, and draged them to the desired folder, but I can't do it with these videos... The arrow in the left side , in folders, pointing to the folder I wish to move, is greyed out.
the same file that i'm trying to plot has it's own template that i want to use, but it's attached to a different layer. so when i try to move or rotate the template, it moves the other objects. They all have colors but aren't connected to the same layers of their colors. how do I isolate the layers so i can make it's own layer and manipulate it on it's own?
I made one scene in 3dsmax 2013 in 24fps.Is just a move and rotation camera animation.In another software(after effects) I made interpretfootage as 24fps, and the composite 24fps.
The final move apear like droping, jumping frames, a not cool sensation,May be just montion blur, but realy, apear like 3dsmax animation interpolating as 30fps.but in begin i already set the scene to 24fps.
I am looking for the shortcut that allows me to move between different image windows in Gimp. In "other" applications, CTRL-TAB cycles between open images, but it doesn't work in Gimp.
Is there a keyboard shortcut to cycle between open images?
Is there a plugin that allows real-time rotate/scale of a selection (like in photoshop) ? The way it works stock is the only annoying thing in gimp that makes my work unnecessarily harder.
My CorelDRAW has just developed a glitch - I can select objects but not move them (other than by using the nudge button) and if I click twice on the object it doesn't change the nodes to allow me to rotate - weird and seriously difficult to do any work in the programme. I've tried turning the computer off and on again and have tried the default setting.
How do you rotate or move just one or two points in civil 3d? The surveyor used Translate Survey Database and moved all the points, but 4 of them were not included. What is the difference between translate and just the autocad command move and rotate?
How can I move (rotate or otherwise transform) a Selection.
1. Suppose I have a single Layer, on which I draw an image.
2. Now I activate a Selection Tool (Rectangular, Elliptical, Lasso, etc.) and make a Selection.
3. Then I activate the Move Tool and click on the "Move Selection" option, not the "Move Layer" option. [Oddly, when the "Move Selection" option is activated, there are two greyed out (unavailable) sub-options, both indication "Move Selection".]
4. With the Move Tool, I am able to move the Selection, but not the contents of that Selection.
The Gimp Documentation guide says:"If you click-and-drag the selection without handles, you create a new selection! To move the selection contents, you have to hold down Ctrl+Alt keys and click-and-drag the selection. This makes the original place empty. A floating selection is created. The required key commands may differ on your system, look in the status bar to see if another combination is specified; for example, Shift+Ctrl+Alt."
I have tried every combination of Shift, Ctrl and Alt (Shift+Ctrl, Ctrl+Alt and Shift+Alt). None of these allow me to move the contents of the selection. Further, there are no "handles" on the Selection. I suppose the key is to get the handles to appear, but I have not been able to discover the secret combination of keys to make that happen.
I've run into Paint.NET a few weeks ago. I think it's a very good choice for beginners (and maybe professionals too) at a graphic field. I've made some cool pictures (with some cool plugins inside Paint.NET or published at the forum) and now I wanna to make my own plugin.
The question is how to move and rotate a specific part of image at source canvas. The rest of the image must be untouched. I consider it's impossible to use Layers -> Rotate/Zoom tool directly (correct me if I'm wrong). So I should use a piece of C# code. I think source code of Rotate/Zoom tool would be very useful too but I couldn't find it.