Illustrator :: Replacing Art In Pattern And Art Brush

Jan 24, 2013

Replacing the art in pattern and art brush is simple. [Alt/opt]-drag the new art over the existing brush and apply. When I do this on a scatter brush, I'm presented with the expected dialog and a preview of the updated art thumbnail, but no change takes place with I click OK. It's happens on three different computers I've tried. Is this feature broken?
Win7 64-bit
CS 6

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Illustrator :: Tapered Pattern Brush

Feb 25, 2014

I have created a pattern brush and applied it to a stroke.  My question is: Can I now taper the pattern brush once applied to the stroke?

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Illustrator :: Type On A Path And Pattern Brush

Feb 19, 2013

1.) The type "Mariners" sloping downward in an arc. I was able to get the Seattle part using type on a path on a circle and typing on top. Question is, can I also type Mariners on the bottom of that path? I recall that not being the case. Am I supposed to draw another circle over the one that Seattle is typed on and then on that one type on the bottom?
2.) For the stitching, am I supposed to create one stitch and then create a brush, draw a curve and then apply the brush to that curve?

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Illustrator :: How To Change Pattern (brush) Of Stroke

Mar 5, 2013

I traced with pen tool a line and now I need it to make it same as this:
I tried to double click to stroke lines to bring stroke options and there are few strokes in library but not exact of this. I tried to play with size and spacing but I cannot reach the same result, how to do it?

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Illustrator :: How To Get Rid Of Spaces In Custom Pattern Brush

Dec 1, 2012

I'm exploring custom brushes in Illustrator (CS6) but cannot figure out how to get rid of the spaces in between my brush pattern. I have the brush stretched to fit and the spacing at 0% but there is still a tiny gap before each pattern repetition. I tried to make the spacing a negative % but you can't do that.

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Illustrator :: Pattern Brush With Image Without Gaps?

Aug 20, 2013

I try to create a patternbrush using an image. Image is created in PS and lines up nice horizontaly. Droping it into Illustrator. From there I drag and drop it onto the brush panel and create a patterbrush. I also include an empty rectangle to control the spacing ( suggested elsewhere ? ). If I apply that brush to a curved path there are always little gaps between the segments. How can I construct the brush without the gaps? There is a denimseam brush within Illustrator that does exactly what I try to achieve except I can not.

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Illustrator :: Pattern Brush Scale Option?

Feb 26, 2014

My patter brush scale options are grayed out. When the same files are opened by other co workers on their pc's the pattern scale options are available. We have tried everything. We have Illustrator CS6

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Illustrator :: Make Pattern Brush With 3D Element?

Nov 2, 2012

I followed this tutorial to create 3D Christmas lights, and all was going well until I reached one of the final steps- release clipping mask in order to proceed with making a pattern brush. The "Release" option is simply not available, I'm only allowed to "Make."

My questions:

- What might have I missed/what should I look for to enable making a pattern brush with 3d objects?

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Illustrator :: How To Create Seamless Pattern Brush In CS6

May 2, 2013

I am trying to create a seamless pattern brush in CS6 .When I use the no fill/no stroke bounding box placed behind the object to define the repeat, instead of cropping the object for the brush, it overlaps it.  Here is an example:
When I do this in CS5- the bounding box works fine and crops out the space outside.  Was there an update in CS6?

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Illustrator :: Pattern Brush Won't Make Closed Path After Expansion

Mar 9, 2014

I've made a pattern brush that I'm using to simulate a woods line for a boardgame map:
Shown above is the unstroked bounding box as well. To use this brush, I draw an outline of a woods mass with the pencil tool, then apply the brush and Expand Appearance. At that point I'm hoping the brush sections will join into one closed path so that I can fill it with a woodsy green, but instead the fill gets applied to each section of brush independently:

 The join points seem fine - it's not like the two ends of the brush don't line up at all: EDIT - Actually, that's not just one point in the middle there - that's the ends of both paths lying almost on top of each other. It's possible to separate the two and then ctrl-J join them. Problem is, I want that single path automatically.  
So how to get Illustrator to treat the resulting path as one closed path instead of a compound path?

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Illustrator :: Create Seamless Pattern Bigger Than 9x9 With New Pattern Tool In AI6?

May 26, 2012

I played with the feature a bit and understand how to create the patterns. Problem is when I go to fill in my 12x12 space there are seams. I have chosen different sizes in the pattern window but all show up with seams when I fill the larger space. Am I doing something wrong or is the largest size you can create with this tool seamlessly only 9x9?

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Illustrator :: CS6 Pattern Maker Cannot Save Non-grid Pattern?

Jun 23, 2012

I love the new Pattern Maker in CS6, but I keep running into a problem:
When I create a pattern that is NOT tiled in Grid (i.e. Brick), it usually works without any problem.  But once I save and re-open the file, opening the pattern in PM again will show this message:
A clipping mask was created around the pattern tile bounds to preserve legacy pattern appearance. For best results, release the clipping mask when changing the tile size or editing art that overlaps the tile edge. I would then find that, instead of a single motif layed out in a Brick tile, I would have one complete motif in the center and four quartered motifs on the corners of one clipping box.  This is tiled in a Grid pattern to emulate a Brick appearance.
So long story short, what's supposed to be a Brick tile turns into a Grid tile that's faking a Brick tile.
Is there a way to keep the simple Brick tiles?

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Illustrator :: Replacing Colors With Symbols?

Mar 24, 2014

I have converted an image into a photomosaic aimed at creating a pixelated look
on an image 725 x 725 pixels. The Mosaic is 100 x 100 grid.
I would now like to replace each color in the mosaic with a symbol
can this be achieved, if so how?

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Illustrator :: Bulk Replacing Pictures In AI

Jun 13, 2013

Most of the time I got issue with placed pictures that I have to take a lot of time to do it one by one, so I am looking for any action to peform in bulk as follow:
1. Select all pictures and change their 'Placment Options'
2. Replace all pictures with only one same picture
3. Cancel the repacement at once (if you select 100 pictures to relink, then you decide to cancel you'll have to press Esc 100 times too!)
I tried to create action for Placement Options too, but seems that the action cannot be recorded with such activity.Are all these improved in CS6?

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Illustrator :: Replacing White Areas With Transparency

Oct 28, 2013

I have an ink drawing intended for part of a comic book that I scanned in black and white (no grey) and I am just trying to replace the white areas with transparency so that I can come in with other layers and add color to the image...I am just wondering how I would go about doing this...

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Illustrator :: Replacing A Blend Spline With A Circle

May 23, 2009

I've tried replacing a blend spline with a circle in order to get an easily editable "flowering effect" but it's not working out.
The blend does accept the circle as its new spline, but the start object and end object aren't distributed along the circle equally. The Blend only travels around the circle 270 degrees.
Is there a trick to making this work?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Deleting And Replacing Layers?

May 1, 2013

So I'm trying to create a fairly simple script that will measure the size of art on the artboard for making printing plates. That part I have working. But once I have made one file, I have to delete the measurements layer manually (which is where the script puts them) so that I can make the next one. I need the script to check and see if there is a layer called "measurements" delete it and then create a new one called "measurements" in which to put the dimensions of the (new) artwork. This way I can keep making files and "saving as" with a new name.

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Illustrator :: Replacing Colours After Image Trace

Feb 25, 2014

I've just used image trace to get a three colour vector of a photograph. I want to replace the three colours in the image with colours from my brand's style guide. At the moment, they're thre shades of a kind of muddy brown.
How I do this? The three colours in the image aren't showing in the swatch menu and I don't really know what I'm doing.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Get Effect By Changing Size And Pattern Of Brush

Feb 28, 2013

On one image I used ripple texture to simulate shine on glass and it worked great.  On another image, I tried to do the same thing but the texture is a small repeat pattern and doesn't look like glass at all.  I tried to get the effect by changing size and hardness and pattern size of the brush but no luck.  What should I do?

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Illustrator :: Creating A Pattern Containing A Pattern?

Jun 5, 2012

i'm using illustrator cs5. making a pattern containing a pattern. i have some illustrations that i've put a simple polka dot pattern behind. in order for illustrator to accept it as pattern, i've been expanding the polka dot part before dragging it over to the swatches panel. however, when i do this it slows everything down tremendously and usually makes the system crash.

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Illustrator :: How To Change The Brush For The Blob Brush Tool

Feb 5, 2014

I'm having a problem with the Blob Brush tool where I can't change the basic brush to something else. Whenever I pick a brush I want and I try draw with the Blob Brush tool, the brush I picked reverts back to the basic brush. Here are screenshots:
I pick a brush that I like first

But when I start drawing with the Blob Brush tool, it reverts back to the basic brush automatically

Am I doing something wrong or is the Blob Brush tool only capable of using the basic brush?

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Illustrator :: Finding And Replacing A Text String To Style Block Of Copy

Jul 19, 2012

Is there a way when finding and replacing a text string to style the block of copy. My problem is that I have some color codes given by the customer that now need to be converted to our internal color matches on our production drawings.
The original string of text looks like this:
Holder: P1 (Metallic Silver)
What I’m getting when I go to replace this string is:
Holder: Natural Satin
What I want is:
Holder: Natural Satin
I do not want the replaced text to be italicized. I'm thinking since the original string ends with an italic style that the replacement string is also italicized. There are about 50 pages of drawings with about 10 colors on the job and some pages have them entered in more than one place. So that's a minimum of 500 entries and defititely more considereing the multiple places these are called out. I'd really rather not have to copy and paste all of these by hand. I'm use to FreeHand, which would respect the font styling of pasted text in the find and replace diaglog.

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Illustrator :: Angle Gradient Effect - Using Blend Tool And Replacing Spline With A Circle

May 13, 2009

I am trying to acheive the same angle gradient effect that can be done in Photoshop but in Illustrator. The actual thing I want to be able to create as a vector is the graphic attached...
Can this be done by somehow using the blend tool and replacing the spline with a circle? 

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Illustrator :: Pattern Has No End

Feb 27, 2014

I am trying to create a pattern swatch for this shape, but it doesn't seem to be possible to find the edge of this pattern. Take a look at the image I inserted, the colored boxes are the shape that will be repeated.

The next picture is an example of how the shape is repeated (in a clipping mask):

Here is an example ai file from my dropbox: [URL] ....
I want to be able to apply this pattern to many different shapes very quickly, so a pattern swatch would be super useful. Either way, I would really like to know the answer to this puzzle.

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Illustrator :: Creating A Pattern 64 Bit

Sep 10, 2012

Having trouble saving a pattern in 64bit Illustrator? Seems to work fine in 32bit but only saves the original symbol (1 time) in 64. Follow the same procedure in each case, drag symbol (or place own symbol) to library then to document, make pattern (all works fine) but then "save a copy" in 64 only saves the original symbol not the pattern(in my case).... 32bit saves the pattern.

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Illustrator :: How To Map A Pattern Onto A Picture Of A Bag

Jul 10, 2013

So I have been hired to map a pattern onto a picture of a bag so it looks like the pattern is on that bag. I have the whole adobe creative cloud so I have all the programs I could possibly use but I don't know how to make the bag look like it has a pattern on it. I know to to creat a geometrical shape, revolve it, and map a symbol onto it and I know to to make a symbol but what I'm trying to figure out is just to have a plain image and map a pattern on that.

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Illustrator :: Can't Manage To Get Rid Of Pattern

Feb 15, 2014

I can't manage to get rid of the pattern and what it is to look it up. First time using illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Exporting A Pattern

Oct 11, 2012

I'm using Illustrator CS6 and Photoshop CS6.I've been creating patterns in Illustrator, saving them to the swatch panel and then applying them to certain size squares.
I'd like to get those patterns into Photoshop but no matter what I try, there are small artefacts on them.  I've tried exporting to PSD, JPG, PNG..They look perfect in Illustrator.

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Illustrator :: Overlapping Pattern With Repeat

Mar 4, 2014

Please see image below.
How would I be able to create an image like this where the highlighted section completes in sequence. i.e - the overlapping sequence stays correct?

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Illustrator :: Centre A Pattern Within A Shape

Aug 25, 2012

when I create a pattern using the new pattern maker and I apply it to say a rectangle, how can I make sure that the pattern is centred?  For example I have a chevron pattern that I want to fill a rectangle, but I want to make sure that the chevron pattern is dead centre.

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Illustrator :: Repeating A Pattern On 3D Object?

Dec 11, 2012

I have some 3D sand in a bottle and I'm trying to map a sand symbol to it, but it's coming up way to large. Illustrator will not let me duplicate the image when I try apply it through 3D extrude & bevel - map art option. It doesn't seem like this should be a difficult task. Basically, my sand picture is 1000px x 1000px. I saved it as a jpeg, then imported it into my swatch gallery in illustrator (pretty sure that's the correct way). When I try to apply it to my sand using "map art" I have the option to "scale to fit" which distorts the image horribly. I want it to be a 1:1 ratio, if that makes sense, only smaller and duplicated 10x or whatever to cover the whole object. It's not a seamless picture that I'm mapping, so if there's a filter that I can apply that would make it less noticable. I'll attach a screenshot of the sand to show you what I'm talking about. The top layer of sand looks almost perfect, but the bottom one looks terrible because I had to stretch symbol to cover the whole object. If you can tell from the image, each grain of sand is stretched horizontally by like 10 so it doesn't even look like sand.

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