Illustrator :: Import Image Into Hole Pattern And Show Only Outlines?
Jun 5, 2012
I have a small problem: I have several images which I need to import / combine with an hole pattern. Then I just need the outlines of the holes (each color) for laser cutting. Doing by hand and coloring each dot is difficult, how to make this in some few steps ?
I can't figure out how to create outlines (vector lines) for my patterns , as I need to laser cut the pattern, and all the lines have to be seen I use Illustrator CS6.
I'm playing with the 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended for a friend. He provided an .obj file of a tool part and it opens just fine as a complex, shaded object.
Question: Is there a way to generate simple outlines of the object and export those outlines as paths to Illustrator?
I'm trying to create a logo whose letters have an image in them - which I've got figured out (turning letters to outlines, creating clipping mask with image). The trouble is, once the image is inside the letters, I can't figure out how to then give the letters a thin stroke outline. Is this possible? The image I've placed is high contrast black and white, so when I create the clipping mask, large chunks of the letters disappear.
When I make a pattern on a document and save it, it shows up fine. BUT when I go to my other documents, it doesn't show up on the swatch list for that document (it ONLY shows up on the swatch palette where I made the pattern). It also doesn't show up if I make a new document.
I need to create pattern using a simple shape and a background colour – the catch is they both need to be exactly the same colour.
For example ideally I would like to lower the transparency of the shape to around 30% so it’s lighter. Then put down a completely opaque background colour and move the shape onto the background. Logically I understand that making the shape transparent means it won’t show up on a background that is opaque... The only other option I've found is adjusting the colour saturation however this seems to have the same affect as it being transparent. There must be an adjustment option that I don't know about?
Flipping the idea vice versa seems to be no problem, having a 30% transparency on the background colour and an opaque shape works well however this isn’t what I’m trying to do.
I know it’s possible as I’m trying to replicate a pattern background we already use. Unfortunately I only have the screen shot jpeg of the background that has been OK to use on small designs in the past. Now I’m attempting to re-create it properly as a vector so I can blow it up to 2metres x 1metre for an exhibition stand without worrying about pixelating.
When making a pattern into a swatch and applying it to letters, I am noticing that you can see an abrupt point where the pattern stops and repeats. How can this be done so it is not visible?
I just started using CD X5. I want to buy a cycling skinsuit, similar to this one: URL....
I have a chance to design it myself and send a .cdr file to the company that manufactures it. I have some questions. I drew a basic shape of the suit and split it into 3 objects like this: URL....
Black legs is object 1, middle 2-color part is object 2 and white top is object 3, I wasn't able to fill the middle part with a black-white pattern unless I made it an object. I surely know there is a way to do it all with only 1 object that is divided into 3 sections but how? Smart fill works when you just draw some lines that form a closed contour but regular fill doesn't. Secondly, how to use a pattern fill that doesn't affect outlines? Third question is how to nudge only part of an object, for example if I want to make sleeves longer? Now I'm able to move the whole object only.
Looking for some sample code for patterning a hole in a part using Inventor 2010. I dont need it to be selected because it is the only hole i have in the part. My main trouble is that I am having trouble withobjectcollection idea. As you can guess I am a newbie at Inventors API.
I would like to know ih which way could make hole pattern on solid material when draw model? Precisely, PC monitor on back side. Monitor has little holes and stripes on the cover to use for ventilation.
I have a cone shaped part and would like to put a hole in the curved face. I would like have to hole square to the face in the flat pattern so it can be cut on the plasma table, is there a way to do this? I attached the part with holes in the approximate location.
I have a part with a parametric pattern in the sketch. When the part gets longer, more holes centers are added to the sketch. However, Inventor does not automatically recognize and select the additional hole centers so the holes do not appear on the part.
If you are wondering why I don't just pattern the hole feature rather than pattern the center marks on the sketch it is because the part is a multi-body solid. The pattern feature does not allow you to select multiple solids. Since these holes need to go through 6 solids, I would rather create one sketch pattern and one hole feature than 6 feature patterns. (By the way, this is a major shortcoming to the mirror and pattern features in Inventor).
How can I set Inventor's hole feature to automatically select all centers (even new ones)?
I have noticed that when I place a group of bolts in to a group of existing holes the pattern of bolts seem to be free to rotate about the hole selected when creating the bolt pattern.
We have several chain guards which we punch from sheet metal. We recently changed our practice to punch a hole pattern in the part rather than weld in a mesh screen - saves shop assembly/fab time. See the attached 2 parts.
My question: Is there an automated way of delelecting all holes within X" of the part edge. Currently we have to go through one by one and it takes a lot of time. how to model this part more efficiently. As you can see, the designer of the new part got lazy and did a rectangular pattern. The goal would be to have a consistent margin around the full perimeter of the part more like the first.
I have a vertical stripe pattern and I have to put it on each glass drawing that I have (8 total). I've four countersunk holes on each unit so I need to trim the glass perimeter and larger hole from the stripe pattern (which is 1/4 inch solid hatch fill with 1/2 inch clear space). How can I make this faster?
I am Using x3(with all patches installed) This problem has persisted throughout all patches. Often times when I combine 2 objects, the clipping hole does not show through. The objects are combined, but they appear as one solid object. It only happens occasionaly. I have tried virtually everything to make it combine properly, but to no avail.
I've received floorplans from a client in PDF format. When I import or open the PDF, all of the outlines are coming in with a transparency applied to them (see attached png). I can't work with the file like this because DRAW is just choking. There are thousands of these lines and I can't figure a way to remove the transparency from all the outlines.
I try to create a patternbrush using an image. Image is created in PS and lines up nice horizontaly. Droping it into Illustrator. From there I drag and drop it onto the brush panel and create a patterbrush. I also include an empty rectangle to control the spacing ( suggested elsewhere ? ). If I apply that brush to a curved path there are always little gaps between the segments. How can I construct the brush without the gaps? There is a denimseam brush within Illustrator that does exactly what I try to achieve except I can not.
In the attached part, I am trying to show a hole drilled at a compound angle. I have attached a pic of what the part is supposed to look like. I am having trouble laying out the plane on a compound angle. The hole should be centered on the width of the flat and drilled through. 15° angle one way and 20° another way.
The ipt file attached is really messy in attemps to acheive the compound angle.
I'm using Illustrator cs6. I would like to change the dark gray background that surrounds the art board to a step and repeat patterns of our logo. We use screenshots as a means of generating low-res proofs. Having our step and repeat logo pattern as the background would allow us to easily include it in our low-res screenshot proofs. Can I replace the "system file" for the dark gray to our step and repeat pattern?
I'm using Illustrator 5.5 Premium on a Windows 7 platform.
I'm trying to link an image in psd file on the Illustrator. PReviously, it has no problem, however, today when I try to do that it didn't appear in illustrator. It only have a rectangular box with an X across it. I have tried to do stuff like Bring forward or Bring to the front, but it didn't work.
When I convert all .jpeg images into .tiff format for printing (I did this in Photoshop). When I placed the images in Illustrator, I noticed that some of the images show too much noise... do you know why this is happening? It look fine in Photoshop, but not in Illustrator. Both files is in CMYK format as well...
How do I "get outlines" in Illustrator CS6. Option was available in version 4, but now is gone. Have tried copying an InDesign-created outline but it will not copy.
I am making a video in Nero Vision 10 and need to cut out the screen of a tv so that I can layer the TV over an image/video so it looks as though it is on the screen. I enclose a screenshot of the project. 'Transform-tools-crop' only cuts in straight lines so I wonder which device I should use which can cut out an odd bespoke shape? You can see in the uploaded image from the project how the image currently cannot fill the frame without covering it.
I played with the feature a bit and understand how to create the patterns. Problem is when I go to fill in my 12x12 space there are seams. I have chosen different sizes in the pattern window but all show up with seams when I fill the larger space. Am I doing something wrong or is the largest size you can create with this tool seamlessly only 9x9?
I love the new Pattern Maker in CS6, but I keep running into a problem:
When I create a pattern that is NOT tiled in Grid (i.e. Brick), it usually works without any problem. But once I save and re-open the file, opening the pattern in PM again will show this message:
A clipping mask was created around the pattern tile bounds to preserve legacy pattern appearance. For best results, release the clipping mask when changing the tile size or editing art that overlaps the tile edge. I would then find that, instead of a single motif layed out in a Brick tile, I would have one complete motif in the center and four quartered motifs on the corners of one clipping box. This is tiled in a Grid pattern to emulate a Brick appearance.
So long story short, what's supposed to be a Brick tile turns into a Grid tile that's faking a Brick tile.