i made this vector on 3p perspective using an image background that was on 3d, how can i bring this 3p perspective vector to 1p perspective in a way that the vector will look 2d rather than 3d that it looks like now, i have tried to copy from on plane to another but it still looks the same, it doesnt transform.
I have a line of type which obeys the Perspective on one Plane, but I want it going the other way : From my image can you see it's coming from left and getting bigger to foreground. I want it starting on the right face of the Perspective grid, but it won't obey
I am in some trouble in the one-point perspective in Illustrator. I am making a scene where I need the vanishing point to be on the left and the vanishing plane on the right, in one-point perspective. I just moved the vanishing point & plane where I want it to be, but Illustrator still thinks the plane is on the left, so when ever I type something and move it onto the vanishing plane, it becomes mirrored. How do I go about this? Can I change the settings for the planes or do I have to reflect the text each and every time?
In Photoshop, you can transform a layer by pressing ctrl while you click in the border of the object. I would like to do it on Illustrator CS6, is there anything like this tool available?
Below is a .jpg copy of the Vitruvian Man that I bought on istockphoto.com. I would like to get rid of the gold background and keep the black line work. I would like what was the gold background to be transparent. I would like to convert this .jpg to a vector file using Adobe Illustrator CS5. To do this I assume I somehow use the Live Trace feature but I'm not exactly sure how.
I would then like to be able to select the black linework and change it to red. Does this mean I need to somehow convert the drawing into a collection of indivdual paths and anchor points? When I've used Live Trace before, I had the tolerance set to about 45 and Simple Trace. This indeed got rid of the gold background but gave me no individual paths or points I could select and change the color of. The only thing I could select was the image as a whole, not individual points or paths. It was the entire image within a box. This occurred whether I used the black arrow tool (Selection tool ) or the white arrow tool (Direct selection tool). If no, then how could I change the black linework to red?
I bought an image from shutterstocks... But when I change a colour, it all turns in monochrome colour. My Ai (CS6) knowledge is very limited, so I do not know what to Google "How to..."
I would say that in a moment I change colour Ai understands that I colour in borders and all lines overlaps each other... However, I do not colour borders...
Image is very complex pattern and I believe it is somehow related with image production... The image does not appear as it looks like - everything is over layered with cut-outs of object above... But it is beyond my knowledge...
I have tried to ungroup but with same results... How to manipulate this image?
I want to change a car drawn in illustrator from RED to BLUE. It is very detailed in design with a variety of different gradations and mesh. I know about the feature Recolor artwork but i find that its not doing the job i want. Maybe I am missing something, or it only allows you one color chage a time instead of all colors to a BLUE .
I'll omit the long background --- suffice it to say I did this once and need to do it again, but can't recall the toolchain / workflow I used.
I _think_ it was Macromedia FreeHand 8, and that I used a plug-in w/in that program, but I can't recall. Any way other than rendering the drawing as a half-toned bitmap and then tracing it? Or re-drawing the image on top of such a bitmap?
I want to crop with a perspective change in PSCS 4 Extended. Whenever I add a crop outline, the Perspective checkbox is disabled.
I thought that the way to change perspective was to make the crop selection and then check the Perspective checkbox and then adjust the proportions but something is strange.
I have a photo of a coffee table that's on an angle. I want to rotate this table so it looks like you're standing in front of it and seeing the front. The problem is the Rotate, Perspective, and Map Object tools don't seem to be able to do it. I also tried a plug-in called EZ Perspective, but that also doesn't seem to work.
At this point, I'm guessing you can't change the perspective of an image (up, down, left, right) because it's flat and not 3D, and no program knows what the other sides would look like. Is that correct, or can I do what I want and just don't know how, yet?
I'm working on a picture of a coffee table in CS2 Photoshop. The table is facing to the left and I want to change it's perspective to face straight forward. How do I make this change?
The picture below is a (sadly), .jpeg and I would like to be able to change its dimensions from 800X600 to 958x198However, when I use Ctrl + T to change the size (of course), the sun (most of all) becomes an ellipse.Is there a way that I can change the dimensions of this image without losing the perspective?
Like maybe a way to extend the clouds? I've read about the Clone tool but it leaves seams and aside from that it looks like the image belongs on Santas island of misfit images . Any way, maybe what I am asking is not possible at all but I thought I would ask nonetheless. I've tried keywords up the wahzoo in the FAQ's & forum but have come up empty handed.
I set a viewport to a perspective mode. I do this by starting 3DOrbit then right clicking and choosing perspective. Save, close, open and all perspecitve views are set to parallel projection.
For some reason regardless of what I save or the fact that I've saved the template files, everytime I open a new file it automatically adds shadows and applies perspective view. This is extremely annoying. How do I alter the default settings to be ortho with no shadows?
I am working on 3d model of interior and I have two problems. I am trying to made similar model as it is on the first image.
After setting all render properties and turning on sky and illuminations my view on object switch from isometric to perspective view.
Is there any way to change it to isometric view so the point of view do not change position at the time of changing, because I find out the way to return it to isometric but then the point of view that was placed inside of room is moved outside and I can't render object that was inside.
Also I can't set white background as it is on the first image. Second image is my attempt that is made inside of the room.
I've been using Illustrator since the late 80's but this request just now came up for the first time, twice in one day: the clients each want me to send them layered files (OK-no problem) wherein all the layers, even the raster layers, register as vector layers. Or at least all the layers, regardless of file-type (vector or raster) are contained within an unflattened Illustrator file. One of the clients specifically asked that the Type layer (No problem-all the type is on one layer) be "vector mapped", whatever that means, while all the other layers can be Photoshop layers, if necessary. So how do I hand them an open, unflattened Illustrator file containing both vector art and raster art? Can it be done in Acrobat, as a PDF? I'm working in AI and PS CS5, but I can and will upgrade if I have to.
I'm working on a sticker with a Big Ben style clock on it. I've created it using the 2-point perspective ability in Illustrator. Unfortunately, I've decided that I want it to feel "taller" than when I started, so I need to shift the perspective. However, when I use the Perspective Grid Tool and adjust the ground or horizon line, it only adjusts the grid, not the artwork. Is there a way to have the artwork adjust with the grid so that I can move the artwork around in 3D space to find the right perspective?
I have objects in perspective but i need to remove them and make them flat and normal again rather than in a perpective view. How can I remove them without redrawing everything?
I am using the perspective grid to make a 3d looking building. I want to use a brick pattern for the sides of the building. I am having trouble makeing this look right when the perspective is skewed a lot (see right brick wall), the left brick wall isn't too bad. I used an envelope mesh 1 2 rows and 1 column. Is this the only way to preserve pattern when skeweing an object?
I would like to draw eyes with the same perspective as the ones in the attached image. What is the easiest way to do this? Is there an easy way to do this with starting with the eliptical tool?