remove couple annoying white edges around the transparent PNG.
Solution :Here is what I did in GIMP (how to do it in PS):
Open the image
Add another layer underneath the first.
- sample the green and paint the new layer with it
Select the original and do "Alpha to Selection"
"Merge Visible Layers"
Add Layer Mask -> Selection
Apply Layer Mask
Save as PNG
- Important: In GIMP there is a checkbox option to save transparent colors. Make sure it is checked!Reimport into the SketchUp material and it should work (did for me).I want to remove all white edges , i'm okay with black edges.
I'm in hopes there is a technique whereas I can paint within the black areas to remove the white spec without worrying about going over the edge, as I would with a black paint brush. I tried different brush blending modes (screen,overlay,multiply) didn't do the trick.
I'm getting some white edges on my artwork, very fine ones. I googled a bit the problem, but couldn't find anything useful.
This is what I'm talking about:
Can you see them? They appear in the red figures. Looks somewhat pixelate with white color and sometimes black.
Here another example:
Because of the angle, I gues, the white edges on the red shape don't look as disturbing or pixelate as in the other picture. I even thought they weren't there, until I gave a closer look (click on the picture to see it better).
What I need to do is find an easy way to remove the white spacing around an item and have the item displayed tight to the edges.
For example: I need a quick and easy way to turn this into this
With the intention of then being able to resize the image to the exact dimensions I require before then resizing the canvas size to create the exact amount of white spacing between the tops and bottom of the image.
I have made a couple pretty nice text images, for friends, and myself. Many times this text image will have a border and consequently a transparency along a corner of the image because they are not always perfectly rectangle.
The problem is the images keep saving with a fine white line at the corner's of my image. How can I make this sharper so it doesn't have this white edge that stands out from the image?
this I scanned into MSPaint then opened in Gimp, I just need the bubble... but there is a lot of color mixed edges and even the white is color mixed... how do I fix the edges to be pure black and the bubble to be pure white?? plus I need to remove the 'recalcualating' text...
I've been using gimp for awhile now and have had great success using itto retouch about a zillion scans of old family photographs. but other than then few things I need in order to do that (paintbrush, clone tool, rotate tool and crop) I am still largely ignorant of how to use gimp. (There's just so much functionality in there, and I'm sure that I don't even have any use for about 90% of it.)
Anyway, a relative just sent me an old old family photo that some nitwit,perhaps a generation or two ago, did some seriously violence to with a pair of scissors. To salvage this one and to make it look presentable I really need to be able to take the scan I have of it and crop it into a oval shape.(Yes, it is a portrait.)
So anyway, how do I do this? It isn't obviously. I already did manage to figure out how to make a selection of the exact size and shape (and location)of oval that I want, and I _did_ make a selection like that... at least I_thought_ that I did... but then when I did crop-to-selection I ended up with the picture cropped to a rectangular shape, where the rectangle in question is, quite apparently, the rectangle which only and exactly contained the oval that I had selected earlier.
I'm sort-of guessing that what I really want is gonna end up being another one of these things that ends up involving multiple layers... yes? I mean of course, what I _really_ want to end up with is an image that _is_ in fact a rectangle, but everything outside of my selected oval has to end up being painted total white (255).
This is a strictly B&W image, BTW... just like all really old family photographs everywhere. How to fade the edges of the oval slowly to white.
After using these instructions (below) for making the background transparent for my logo, their is still a bit of white around a small section. Is their a way to remove the left over white?
- use select by color tool, with treshold of 0, no feathering and no antialiasing. Click on the background. This will select only pure white pixels in the background
- grow the selection by 2 pixels. The selection now includes the background, and the border pixels (anti-aliasing)
- use Color/Color to alpha with white (it will only applies to background and logo border)
I rebuilt my line on white background from Rich2005 and Ofnuts. My latest version is darker, smoother higher res and wider (see attached).
The problem now are stray pixels, many of them unattached to the line itself. I spent a lot of time with an eraser, but still haven't gotten them all. THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY!
I found this excellent link on the subject. [URL] RobA even has a script to do what I want. However, I don't think it is GIMP 2.8 compatible, as I can't seem to find it to run it.
I'm a furniture maker in Japan, and usually take photos of my work on the road next to my shop. I like the texture of the blacktop. Using Gimp, I'm working up the learning curve, and don't know how to remove the white lines and dirt at the upper corners, and extend the pavement to cover it. I'm hopeful that with Gimp, it can be accomplished.
For quite some time I've been trying to find the best way to remove a white background from images. I've checked out the sticky thread on this forum and as my image isn't of great quality and because it features quite a lot of white that won't apply.
Recently I found this tutorial which is supposed to work great (as seen in the comments). However, I think that because of a GIMP update that won't apply anymore somehow. I was hoping you guys might know what was causing it.
Everything works well until I get to step 7, where I have to select to Alpha. There it selects just the outlines, but my selection includes inner parts of the image, not just the background. And then after I invert and delete, the white that remains still has transparent parts that show up on the upper layer. So, am I doing something wrong with the Alpha to Selection, is that tutorial updated or is there a better way to remove the background from ie. a logo with just one background colour which isn't of great quality.
Ok so i have this image (Attached) im trying to remove the blue rectangle and the white rectangle leaving the blue swirl on the white back ground, iv tried using content aware but it comes out really bad, maybe im doing it wrong will some one be able to look at this for me, maybe it came out wrong because i have the blue swirl and content aware doesn't work correctly with it .
As you can see, the base for the shape is fluid and curved, but since it is so close and big it creates corners. Is there any way, besides expanding the stroke and curving it manually, to remove the edges? Preferrably while still maintaining the editabiliy of the stroke.
I have an image that has a tiny bit of white around the edges of people's hair so it is very difficult to get rid of without erasing the hair. I've tried the erase, magic wand and laso tool but it doesn't get rid of all the white.
I'd like to have the border or edge of my picture gradually fade to white. What is he best way to do this. I tried to use a large airbrush with pressure at 50% and white paint. It's works but my hand is not too steady. Is there a more accurate way?
I am attempting to make some combined images to make jewelry for my family but when I cut out an image from one picture and paste into a new layer above a different background, my cut image has white surrounding it, even after I have gone into 1600 zoom and removed all traces of white. I think the cut image is clean then I tell the program to print preview and wow, serious white outline, how to get rid of it? It sure makes my final print really juvenile and cheezy. Using v3.5.8. to cut out images. Using ms Word to resize, layer and group images although I seem to have the same issue using too.
how can i get rid of these unwanted white spaces between two shapes in illustrator.İ spend my whole week to fix this, i tried everything but didn't work. İt's not something about antialiasing, when i import these shapes to photoshop or another programs, i'ts looking worse.
I used a quick mask to remove a background from an image and when I place the image into Indesign CS2 (Using Photoshop CS2) I can see a small white edge around the masked photo.
This is going to print at 2400 dpi four color and I don't want my customer looking at it and saying it's not up to par.
Is there any way to remove the effect I described?
I'm pretty new to photoshop and am struggling to seperate an image into two layers without dodgy white edges i've done it using the lasoo tool and have tried using a pen with path but the same thing seemed to happen. has anyone got any tips on how to do this without getting the white borders ...
I'm quite new to 3DS Max and I'm using the 2013 version. Normally, all the edges on any unselected objects in my scene were grey, but all of a sudden, every edges in the scene became white, and they remained white even when nothing were selected.
I don't know if I have used a shortcut that I'm not aware of, but this is really anoying. I can't tell which object is selected .
Im using Corel Photo-Paint X5 and was wondering how to decrease or remove pixelation from the edges of a low quality photo? Iva attached a sample below:
I was designing some cartoon character, but I've noticed something, I'm working on CMYK and I've got some black lines on the top layer, and some red and violet color shapes in the bottom layer for the background color, but like if the colours weren't mixing allright in the edges, like some kind of jagged white fine edge and I don't know how to get rid of it.
Here are some jpeg of the problem: [URL] ....
Perhaps it's not as strong as I see it on the CMYK Illustrator vector, but it's pretty annoying on the final result. How to get rid of these things?
I have a document in publisher 07 with a photo of a product in it made from Photoshop CS3 saved as a PNG24. No matter how close I zoom in Publisher everything looks fine. When I create a pdf in acrobat using standard or high quality setting there shows white jagged edges aroung the photo. I have tried saving in a multitude of ways but cannot get those stupid jaggy edges to go away. Is it Photoshop, Acrobat, Publisher?
I have created a logo for a client using Xara. I would like to be able to send then a transparent version of the file so that they can use the logo on different backgrounds. The problem is a white hairy edge surrounding each element of the logo.
I have tried saving to png, gif, and tiff but they all look the same.
I'm, trying to make an animated gif from a png image. I managed to do it, but there's a small problem... when I convert the png to gif (to make the animated gif afterwards) the image gets a strange white border around the edges. I tried to play with the Dithering and Tansparency threshold, but to no avail.