GIMP :: Fixing Edges And White In Image?

Dec 28, 2013

this I scanned into MSPaint then opened in Gimp, I just need the bubble... but there is a lot of color mixed edges and even the white is color mixed... how do I fix the edges to be pure black and the bubble to be pure white?? plus I need to remove the 'recalcualating' text...

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GIMP :: How To Prevent White Edges In Image

Dec 29, 2011

I have made a couple pretty nice text images, for friends, and myself. Many times this text image will have a border and consequently a transparency along a corner of the image because they are not always perfectly rectangle.

The problem is the images keep saving with a fine white line at the corner's of my image. How can I make this sharper so it doesn't have this white edge that stands out from the image?

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GIMP :: White PNG Edges / How To Remove

Apr 8, 2013

remove couple annoying white edges around the transparent PNG.


Solution :Here is what I did in GIMP (how to do it in PS):

Open the image
Add another layer underneath the first.
- sample the green and paint the new layer with it
Select the original and do "Alpha to Selection"
"Merge Visible Layers"
Add Layer Mask -> Selection
Apply Layer Mask
Save as PNG

- Important: In GIMP there is a checkbox option to save transparent colors. Make sure it is checked!Reimport into the SketchUp material and it should work (did for me).I want to remove all white edges , i'm okay with black edges.

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GIMP :: How To Fade Edges Of Oval Slowly To White

Mar 30, 2012

I've been using gimp for awhile now and have had great success using itto retouch about a zillion scans of old family photographs. but other than then few things I need in order to do that (paintbrush, clone tool, rotate tool and crop) I am still largely ignorant of how to use gimp. (There's just so much functionality in there, and I'm sure that I don't even have any use for about 90% of it.)

Anyway, a relative just sent me an old old family photo that some nitwit,perhaps a generation or two ago, did some seriously violence to with a pair of scissors. To salvage this one and to make it look presentable I really need to be able to take the scan I have of it and crop it into a oval shape.(Yes, it is a portrait.)

So anyway, how do I do this? It isn't obviously. I already did manage to figure out how to make a selection of the exact size and shape (and location)of oval that I want, and I _did_ make a selection like that... at least I_thought_ that I did... but then when I did crop-to-selection I ended up with the picture cropped to a rectangular shape, where the rectangle in question is, quite apparently, the rectangle which only and exactly contained the oval that I had selected earlier.

I'm sort-of guessing that what I really want is gonna end up being another one of these things that ends up involving multiple layers... yes? I mean of course, what I _really_ want to end up with is an image that _is_ in fact a rectangle, but everything outside of my selected oval has to end up being painted total white (255).

This is a strictly B&W image, BTW... just like all really old family photographs everywhere. How to fade the edges of the oval slowly to white.

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Photoshop :: Image With White Around Edges

Oct 16, 2011

I have an image that has a tiny bit of white around the edges of people's hair so it is very difficult to get rid of without erasing the hair. I've tried the erase, magic wand and laso tool but it doesn't get rid of all the white.

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Paint.NET :: White Edges Of Cut Image

Mar 17, 2011

I am attempting to make some combined images to make jewelry for my family but when I cut out an image from one picture and paste into a new layer above a different background, my cut image has white surrounding it, even after I have gone into 1600 zoom and removed all traces of white. I think the cut image is clean then I tell the program to print preview and wow, serious white outline, how to get rid of it? It sure makes my final print really juvenile and cheezy. Using v3.5.8. to cut out images. Using ms Word to resize, layer and group images although I seem to have the same issue using too.

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Paint.NET :: Converting PNG To GIF - Image Gets White Border Around Edges?

Apr 14, 2013

I'm, trying to make an animated gif from a png image. I managed to do it, but there's a small problem... when I convert the png to gif (to make the animated gif afterwards) the image gets a strange white border around the edges. I tried to play with the Dithering and Tansparency threshold, but to no avail.

How can I avoid this with Paint.NET?

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Photoshop :: Web Image (GIF) With Transparent Background Showing White Edges

Feb 7, 2011

I'm having this odd problem that I can't seem to figure out. I have a web image (gif format) with a transparent background (deleted the background layer before saving as a gif), and when the image is against a darker webpage, the text of the image (that is basically all the image is, just blended text) has white pixels around the edges of the text. Did I do something wrong when I deleted the background, or how I saved the file???

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Remove White Border From Product Image So It Is Tight To Edges

Dec 31, 2012

What I need to do is find an easy way to remove the white spacing around an item and have the item displayed tight to the edges.
For example: I need a quick and easy way to turn this into this
With the intention of then being able to resize the image to the exact dimensions I require before then resizing the canvas size to create the exact amount of white spacing between the tops and bottom of the image.

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GIMP :: Fading Edges Of Image

Mar 29, 2011

What I am trying to do is, I have an image. I would like to fade the image edges into the background which is colored black. So in essence, I want the image to meld into the background which is black. How is this done. I tried so many things and I cant seem to get it right.

Every time I get close, to getting it right, my image fades somewhat using the gradient tool and a new opaque white layer but I get white and silver boxes on the edges of my image?

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GIMP :: Getting Depth In Image Or Soften Edges?

Jun 7, 2011

I changed the background of a picture and I am satisfied so far, except for the end of the hall. The transition form where the hall ends and the green stuff I pasted begins. The edge is to hard or something. I don't know how to explain it but it is obvious that there can be made some progress there. How to make those edges more natural?

This is the original
And this is the result (sofar)

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GIMP :: Curved Edges When Creating Puzzle From Image

Apr 15, 2011

I am trying to create a puzzle from an image but I am having some trouble with the edges of each puzzle piece. Basically in short what I am doing is this.

1) I load my image in gimp (image layer).
2) Create new white layer (puzzle layer).
3) Use Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Jigsaw...
4) From the Jigsaw windows I select; Bevel width; 0, Highlight; 0, Jigsaw style; curved.
5) I then select the white area from the puzzle later, copy this area from the image layer, and paste this on a new layer (piece layer).
6) I duplicate the piece layer (duplicate layer).
7) Paint the piece in white in duplicate layer.
8) In duplicate later I select Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur
9) In piece layer I select Filters -> Map -> Bump Map
10) I select the duplicate layer as layer.

My problem is that the edges look really bad. Is there any way how I can make them look better? That is, not so much crippled?My aim is to have each puzzle piece in a different layer since I have to save them in different files. I checked several tutorials on how to create puzzles but all give me similar results.

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GIMP :: Fixing Windows In Place?

Sep 14, 2011

Is there any way to fix the windows in place when opening a file that already exists?Example: I go to my image folder, right-click to open a .png in GIMP, and the window opens up like this with the right corners of the image window off the screen. I have to resize every time, just to see the right-most parts of my image when I zoom in.

This is what I want my default settings to look like - perfectly set within the screen, with each corner of the image window visible.I've messed around with the Preferences menu, but so far all I've been able to do is make it so my toolbox pops up in the same place.

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GIMP :: Fixing Deleted Left Behind Lines

Jun 26, 2013

When I start a new project and I start editing the photo (i.e. drawing on it with the paintbrush) I encounter a problem when I try to select certain colors and delete. So lets say I have three colors in my image. I do a little drawing and editing on my image and then I want each separate color to be a separate layer. So I select two of the colors and delete them. Any things that isn't that third color or where the two colors I deleted used to be now has these "editing lines" is what I want to call them. You can see faint lines where I had made slight changes to the image with lets say the paintbrush. HOW DO I GET RID OF THOSE LINES?

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Photoshop :: Fixing Image

Mar 18, 2003

way to get rid of the glare in this picture?

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GIMP :: How To Cut Out White Background Of Image

Feb 19, 2012

I would like to know how I can remove the white background from this image.

so that only the logo left behind.

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GIMP :: PDF Image Opens All In White?

Jul 5, 2012

I use gimp for basic graphic work on images my clients send me. I mostly receive vector pdf's, but sometimes when i open them, the image is displayed all in white with a white background. i've played around in gimp to try and get the image to show but cannot succeed. i know there is an image in the file because i send it to a friend who uses illustrator and he manages to make the image appear somehow.

How can i make the image appear using Gimp.

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GIMP :: How To Place White Frame Around Image

Mar 5, 2012

A book scan produced about 250 images (one per page) that have gray around the edges where the old paper was yellowed (almost brown). I want to write a batch program to place a white frame of a specified width around the perimeter of the images to eliminate this unwanted gray. How can I do this?

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GIMP :: Removing The Image White Corners

Jan 17, 2014

I need to round the top corners of a simple gradient image to use as a header background for a custom web page using a border-radius: 1em.

For some reason I just cannot get rid of the white corners on the image. I used the same
steps given here to create the image with the rounded top corners:


1. Select -> Rounded Rectangle...
2. with Rounded Rectangle selected I used the regular Rectangle select tool to add "square" selection to the bottom of the Rounded Rectangle select.

This is the header background image:   

Here is what it looks like on the page so far, as you can see, the radius on the image corners looks consistent with the border:   

But if you look at this it appears the image corners themselves are still squared, the white voids are covering the border.

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GIMP :: White Border Around Transparent Image

Mar 7, 2013

I'm using 2.8.4 on a MacBook Pro. When I create a text image with a transparent background and export as any file format, there's a white border around the ENTIRE image. A white box around the whole image. The background should be completely transparent. No border at all. Just words on a completely transparent background.

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GIMP :: White / Purple Border Over Image?

Jul 8, 2013

I came across a problem. I have a logo that had a white background and I did a Alpha to transparent on it to remove the white. Now I get this purple/white line around the image.

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GIMP :: Add Colour To Black And White Image?

May 20, 2013

i am trying to just colour her lips in

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GIMP :: Use Layers Option To Fade Image Into White?

Jul 22, 2011

I figured out how to use the layers option to fade an image into white for a Blackberry theme I'm making. After getting the hang of that, I figured I could try the same thing with a different image. But instead of opening up both images in different colors, both show up as the color of the first image. Both images are png files, the same file format that I used the first set of images for. I have not changed the size nor made anything transparent.

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GIMP :: Use Layers Option To Fade Image Into White?

Jul 22, 2011

I figured out how to use the layers option to fade an image into white for a Blackberry theme I'm making. After getting the hang of that, I figured I could try the same thing with a different image. But instead of opening up both images in different colors, both show up as the color of the first image. Both images are png files, the same file format that I used the first set of images for. I have not changed the size nor made anything transparent.

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GIMP :: Image Sequence - White Turns Grey

Jan 9, 2012

I've got an image sequence that uses white on pngs, once they've been made into animated gif the white turns less white and slightly grey, how do i remedy it?

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GIMP :: Background In Image Change From White To Transparent

Dec 29, 2013

what I want is for a single image that has a white background to be changed into an image with a transparent background. Just the white background, not the things in the image. (I mean like when the image is in a word document that has a black background, the image will only show the person inside it and the white background of the image can not be seen.) Is there a way I can do this on GIMP?

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GIMP :: How To Change All Non-white Colors On Image To Same Color

Feb 4, 2013

I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.

For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.

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GIMP :: How To Adjust Grays In Black And White Image

Aug 3, 2012

I'm still working on old family photos (it's a long-term project). This one is from my parents' wedding album, and it's an original black-and-white photo from 1952:   

Maybe it's me, but I just don't like all those different gray tones, and I would love to get my mother's gown whiter (which it still is, BTW). I have tried a few things to even things out:

- Brightness/Contrast
- Threshold, Levels, Curves (I have to admit, I don't know what I'm doing with these; it's sort of hit-or-miss)
- Auto adjustments
- Fuzzy select to try to get the darker pieces more like the lighter ones, but the adjustments I just listed aren't doing what I want and are hard to see anyway; I thought the Bucket tool might work but I don't know how to use the gray area I want as a fill color.

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GIMP :: Cut Out White Border Of Rectangular Image And Save It?

May 5, 2011

I'm trying to use the crop tool to cut out the rectangular image, but I can't seem to get rid of the white border. I scanned in the image so its still showing the white paper around it, how do I get rid of this and just save the image portion?

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GIMP :: Making Scanned Image Background White

Sep 20, 2013

I am currently running Gimp 2.8 and am a new user. How to make an image's background white. I have a watercolor painting that I have scanned into my computer, however you can see some shadows from the grain and edges of the paper. I have tried some different ways to change the background completely to white, but I feel like maybe I'm missing out on a quicker method. So far, the one I've been working on is taking me longer than it took to even draw and paint the picture in the first place. That method was to use the fuzzy (lasso) tool, make a rough outline of my painting, use the quick mask button in the bottom left hand corner and follow up by using the pencil tool to make a more precise line around the image.

Another tutorial I found showed I should use the Select by color tool, select an area that should be white in my image and press Ctrl+x. However, when I pushed ctrl+x, I saw no change in my background and my image remained outlined in the shifting lines that the select by color tool causes.

Is there a way to achieve a plain white background with out going through the long process of tracing around the detailed image?

It should be noted that I'm not hugely familiar with Gimp as I've only used it a couple of times with tutorials. So, the more basic you can describe something, the better. I am also running Windows 7.

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GIMP :: Turning Image White - Add Layer Mask?

Feb 4, 2014

I have an image that looks like this...


...that I would like to look like...


So the motorcycle would be all white but stay within the bounds of the current lines of the bike. I did some digging and it looks like I need to add a layer mask which I did without any luck. When I add a layer mask which option should I choose?

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