GIMP :: Curved Edges When Creating Puzzle From Image
Apr 15, 2011
I am trying to create a puzzle from an image but I am having some trouble with the edges of each puzzle piece. Basically in short what I am doing is this.
1) I load my image in gimp (image layer).
2) Create new white layer (puzzle layer).
3) Use Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Jigsaw...
4) From the Jigsaw windows I select; Bevel width; 0, Highlight; 0, Jigsaw style; curved.
5) I then select the white area from the puzzle later, copy this area from the image layer, and paste this on a new layer (piece layer).
6) I duplicate the piece layer (duplicate layer).
7) Paint the piece in white in duplicate layer.
8) In duplicate later I select Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur
9) In piece layer I select Filters -> Map -> Bump Map
10) I select the duplicate layer as layer.
My problem is that the edges look really bad. Is there any way how I can make them look better? That is, not so much crippled?My aim is to have each puzzle piece in a different layer since I have to save them in different files. I checked several tutorials on how to create puzzles but all give me similar results.
creating your own templates for jigsaw puzzle pieces? So far, I can create these in CS6 (no longer seems to have Texturizer with a jigsaw puzzle texture like earlier PS versions) by using a single template (found with a YouTube video on this topic) for a specific number of pieces, confined to the one template.  I would like to make jigsaw puzzles with a variety of pieces, so it would be useful if I could create my own templates with different numbers of pieces. There are PS plugins but these have costs associated with them, especially if used commercially. If possible, I'd rather create my own templates (in PS or AI). For example, I'd like to create an "easy" puzzle template with 20 pieces.  If none exist, an option would be to re-install PS CS 4, 5 or 5.5, alongside CS6. Not sure which is the last version to have Texturizer with a jigsaw texture, but it may be CS4 (by additional download for CS5). But, not having seen or used it in earlier versions, I also wonder if it has sufficient configuration options to choose the number of pieces for a jigsaw? As mentioned, would like to create a range of templates all with different numbers of pieces.
For a promotional campaign I'm working on, I'd like to take a picture and "break it up" into puzzle pieces, then move those pieces around to mimic the look of them floating into place as the image is completed.
I have a great handle on the "move them around" and "float into place" parts, but I'm having no luck with the puzzle piece end of this, that I did previously using blocks. It's the right effect, but I really want that jigsaw puzzle look to this next one.
Ubiquitous Information: Adobe Illustrator CS6 v. 16.0.3 (32-bit) Win XP sp3 OS  I have a vector art file of puzzle pieces (connected as though the puzzle has been assembled) that I would like to use with an image file. If I wanted the entire image to appear finished, I would simply place this vector layer above the image layer and voila...finished puzzle. However, I would like to use the 3D effects in Illustrator to make it appear that some of the pieces are not yet seated into place. I know how to do this with the puzzle vector art, but how do I attach or clip the image layer to it so that it rotates, bevels, etc. with the individual puzzle pieces I want to treat in this manner?
What I am trying to do is, I have an image. I would like to fade the image edges into the background which is colored black. So in essence, I want the image to meld into the background which is black. How is this done. I tried so many things and I cant seem to get it right.
Every time I get close, to getting it right, my image fades somewhat using the gradient tool and a new opaque white layer but I get white and silver boxes on the edges of my image?
I have made a couple pretty nice text images, for friends, and myself. Many times this text image will have a border and consequently a transparency along a corner of the image because they are not always perfectly rectangle.
The problem is the images keep saving with a fine white line at the corner's of my image. How can I make this sharper so it doesn't have this white edge that stands out from the image?
this I scanned into MSPaint then opened in Gimp, I just need the bubble... but there is a lot of color mixed edges and even the white is color mixed... how do I fix the edges to be pure black and the bubble to be pure white?? plus I need to remove the 'recalcualating' text...
I changed the background of a picture and I am satisfied so far, except for the end of the hall. The transition form where the hall ends and the green stuff I pasted begins. The edge is to hard or something. I don't know how to explain it but it is obvious that there can be made some progress there. How to make those edges more natural?
This is the original And this is the result (sofar)
As you can see, the base for the shape is fluid and curved, but since it is so close and big it creates corners. Is there any way, besides expanding the stroke and curving it manually, to remove the edges? Preferrably while still maintaining the editabiliy of the stroke.
I don't even have any single experience in editing images but I can do simple image manipulation like cropping.So what should I do to learn Gimp quickly?
And I am in an urge to create an animated .gif image like the one in the attachment. I have to post to my blog to illustrate a process. So how to create an image like that?
Have a question regarding the preparation of a TIFF image for printing. I would like to take the image and use it as the background for a printed flyer I want to mass-produce.
Currently the properties of the image are:
pixel dimensions: 1600 × 790 pixels print size: 564.44 × 278.69 millimetres resolution: 72 x 72 ppi colour space: RGB Colour file size: 3.8MB file type: TIFF size in memory: 13.2 MB number of pixels: 1264000 number of layers: 1
I have been told I need to provide an image at least 300 x 300 dpi in order for it to be printed at a decent resolution.
My flyer is going to be around 100mm x 200mm and will be printed on both sides. I will be placing text over the image too. I have the text ready so I just need to work out how to get the background image ready.
My question is, how do I get the image into a format which is acceptable for printing?
I am using Gimp 2.8.0 but only understand about 5% or less of it. (It is running on Win.7 Hm. Prm., Vsn 6.1, Sp-1.)
How can I define or adjust the pencil tool so it draws at the one pixel size in a new ".gif" work area. (That would be one pixel in the image to one pixel on the screen.) I found how to define the work area in pixels for a ".gif". The predefined pencil tool sizes (chosen by assorted dots) "went away" several versions of Gimp back as far as I know.
The object of this effort is to produce "TrainGifs" for use in other applications. Should you be interested just Google "TrainGifs" and you will be able to check out multiple site for this hobby.
I have a b&w image (greyscale) that i want to colorize based on the greyscale. Some thing the provides a thermal or in this case a colorized pressure map. I
In this case it is a like a stamp. Replacing the blacks with red and down toward blue as on the grey scale.
I have been using Photoshop since 5.0, in Photoshop the line tool is used for creating lines, the pen tool is used for creating curved shapes, so what is used for creating curved lines?
I'm working on a map and need to have curved lines ending in arrows. When I use the line tool it only makes straight lines. When I use the pen tool it only makes solid shapes. I wish to use a tool that acts like the pen tool in illustrator - will give me a line that I am able to curve as I choose, at the thickness I choose, in the color I choose. I've spent an hour trying different tools to achieve this and no luck. A coworker suggested creating the lines in illustrator then importing them, however that seems counterproductive and I can't believe Photoshop can't do something as simple as making a curved line!
I already have an image file in png format..which I want to use as an application launcher icon for my android application.
The android specifies image with following properties for the launcher icon(Will need 4 different image to support different screen size in mobile devices)
Launcher icons should be 32-bit PNGs with an alpha channel for transparency. The finished launcher icon dimensions corresponding to a given generalized
Screen density are shown in the table below. 1. 36 * 36 px 2. 48 * 48 px 3. 72 * 72 px 4. 96 * 96 px
I would like to create 4 png files(with specifications mentioned above) from the already existing image file. How do I do that in GIMP.
I am completely novice to image editing(Never touched any image editing software before) and not sure how to achieve this in GIMP.
I need to make a label for a cup but haven't been able to. how to do it (theoretically), I don't how how / if I can use CorelDRAW to do it. I have included the video I used to find out how to do but it uses a different program that uses a "mould tool". Is there a tool that does the same thing on CorelDRAW?
I've been working on creating a sword in 3D Max for the last couple of days and have run across a problem. At the base of the blade, it goes up straight for about an inch and then tapers out and up another half inch in a curve.From there, the blade tapers/curves back in, then out once more to create a thicker end of the blade, width wise. I need to know a simple way of doing those curves. A friend of mine suggested using quick loops, then individually scaling them to get the curving effect. That just seemed like it took too much time to me, and I thought there must be a simpler way. I tried adding a taper modifier to the selected area, but that didn't really seem to do much, except give the opposite effect that I wanted.
I've been using GIMP to make GIFS for a long time now, but recently the "optimize for difference" option I've used is having the reverse effect it should have- ie, it's making the file larger. Here's an example. It's the exact same image, same dimensions, same amount of colors. The first one is unoptimized, each frame is a full picture, and it's file size it ~149kb. The second one is the same as the first, except optimized with about ~50% of the pixels removed from each frame (except the first frame obviously), and yet it's file size is ~155kb. I can not for the life of me figure out why an image with most of it's pixels removed is creating a larger file size. [URL]...
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I am trying to constrin a washer to a curved pipe. How do I create an axis along the curved pipe so the washer can constrain and move along the cruved axis?Â
I want to create a collage image with numerous large photos, each in it's own layer during editing. In order to fit, all the images need to be scaled down to varying degrees, but when I'm starting out, I'm not sure what scale each image will need to be. With the default, if I shrink them too much then they get pixellated when I try to enlarge them again. Is there a way of enabling gimp to scale each image, but drop this version and reuse the original data on future scale operations (ie a "lossless" scaling operation)?
Currently I'm having to essentially create the collage twice - first time various shrink and expands til all images fit together, then start again but just rescale once to the required size.
I presume I'm correct in thinking there's no record function in GIMP yet, so I can't record my actions to GIMP then just delete redundant steps and replay...
So I couldn't think of a better place to put this. I have something that I'm thinking of having professionally printed. What are the steps I should take to make sure I produce a high quality image? File format, Dpi and so forth. Make a list of steps to creating a high quality image file that will look good printed from a print shop.
I designed an upholstered furniture with curved surfaces. When I generate sections or elevation I'll see the invisible edges on curved surfaces! Is there a way to get the same result as the object viewer hidden line (or shaded with edges)?
2nd question. is there a way to control how many  steps the surfaces are tessellated? The outline is not very smooth!
I need an image on my website with a transparent background. I first tried creating this as a gif, but it looked horrible over my website background image. Then I tried saving it as a png, which looked much better, but it has jagged edges. What is the right way to create a transparent image in PS so that it will have smooth borders? It is basically a circle, about 60 px wide, with a solid color in the center and a border of about 2 px. Nothing fancy. It looks perfect in PS but once I embed it on my page over the background image, it looks a mess.
Is there a way to do this? After perusing some threads on creating edges from vertices, the "Create" tool under "Edit Geometry" doesn't seem to solve my issue. In Blender, you can create a face by selecting at least three vertices and pressing "F". Is there anything similar to that feature in 3DS Max?