GIMP :: Gradient Replacement - Creating A Thermal Image
Mar 19, 2012
I have a b&w image (greyscale) that i want to colorize based on the greyscale. Some thing the provides a thermal or in this case a colorized pressure map. I
In this case it is a like a stamp. Replacing the blacks with red and down toward blue as on the grey scale.
I am trying to creating an eye lid image to for a video. I would like to make two extremely large black circles that are totally opaque at the top and then as the image approaches the bottom there would be a gradation of transparency where at the very bottom of the circles the image is totally transparent.
I have not created a document yet and would like some thought on how to do this: I want to use a continuous tone black and white image which is somewhat close to what would be a 'knockout' but with soft edges - so it gradates appropriately over the background image I want to use, making the black part of the image used as the mask become much of the effect of a gradient mask: the background image shows through whereever there is the 'black' and 'tone' of the image.
my first thought is to create a layer mask and then paste the black and white image onto that, but I'm not sure if that will work to accept the 'soft tones' of the image and work appropriately. What steps I should take to make this effect work?
I have an image I am trying to create that I want to fade from right to left. In other words, I want the right side of the image to be full clarity, color, etc., and have it generally fade to almost gone by the time it gets to the left edge. Think of it as a gradient for an image.
Any way to do that with Gimp?
I found a blur tool. If I cannot do this with some kind of gradient tool, is there a "fade" tool?
I am unable to add a gradient to an image. I do the following:
-Select a gradient (I just selected a default gradient to start off with)
-Then I select a region of the image that I want to apply the gradient to (I use the rectangle select tool)
-Then I switch back to the gradient tool
-Then I hover the cursor over the selected region of the image. This is where I expect to be able to click the mouse down and drag to create the gradient. However, when the cursor hovers over the image the cursor turns into a black circle with a line through it (which obviously is telling me "no, you can't do this"). Obviously, when I click and drag, nothing happens.
I am trying to recreate a tilt shift effect on a photo but I cannot use a gradient except once and then it cancels out the first when I try to add a second blur in an opposite corner. How do I add multiple gradient to the same image?
I'm designing a banner for my gaming guild's forums. I have draw the logo/banner and textured it. After Desaturating the image im left with a nice B&W image.
I know of many ways to color the image but everytime that I do the color doesn't match the other colors we have on the forums.
What I want to do is color the image according to a color gradient that we use on the forums.
I would like to have the whitest pixels of the banner be the lightest color from the gradient(#c0a864) and the darkest pixels of the banner be the darkest color from the gradient(#917341). And have GIMP interpolate between those two colors for the other pixels in between the lighest/darkest.
Similar to how a Bumpmap works, only instead of simulating depth based on the range of colors from Black to White, I want it to colorize the banner.
I have a photo and I would like to blur the bottom of the image while leaving the top of the image sharp, similar to limiting the depth of field by using a large f-stop. I created a gradient mask and then used Filters > Blur but it is not working. If I choose the layer that I created the mask on and choose blur, nothing happens. If I choose the layer (background) under the mask then the whole image blurs.
I was trying to teach myself to use gradients the other day... And now when I start a new project and try to paste in a photo as a new layer, it pastes as the gradient instead.
I have opened up both the gradients dialog and the gradients editor but cannot turn it off. In fact, when I open a brand new (empty) file, I can see the gradient attached to my pointer (mouse).
I don't even have any single experience in editing images but I can do simple image manipulation like cropping.So what should I do to learn Gimp quickly?
And I am in an urge to create an animated .gif image like the one in the attachment. I have to post to my blog to illustrate a process. So how to create an image like that?
Have a question regarding the preparation of a TIFF image for printing. I would like to take the image and use it as the background for a printed flyer I want to mass-produce.
Currently the properties of the image are:
pixel dimensions: 1600 × 790 pixels print size: 564.44 × 278.69 millimetres resolution: 72 x 72 ppi colour space: RGB Colour file size: 3.8MB file type: TIFF size in memory: 13.2 MB number of pixels: 1264000 number of layers: 1
I have been told I need to provide an image at least 300 x 300 dpi in order for it to be printed at a decent resolution.
My flyer is going to be around 100mm x 200mm and will be printed on both sides. I will be placing text over the image too. I have the text ready so I just need to work out how to get the background image ready.
My question is, how do I get the image into a format which is acceptable for printing?
I am using Gimp 2.8.0 but only understand about 5% or less of it. (It is running on Win.7 Hm. Prm., Vsn 6.1, Sp-1.)
How can I define or adjust the pencil tool so it draws at the one pixel size in a new ".gif" work area. (That would be one pixel in the image to one pixel on the screen.) I found how to define the work area in pixels for a ".gif". The predefined pencil tool sizes (chosen by assorted dots) "went away" several versions of Gimp back as far as I know.
The object of this effort is to produce "TrainGifs" for use in other applications. Should you be interested just Google "TrainGifs" and you will be able to check out multiple site for this hobby.
I am trying to create a puzzle from an image but I am having some trouble with the edges of each puzzle piece. Basically in short what I am doing is this.
1) I load my image in gimp (image layer). 2) Create new white layer (puzzle layer). 3) Use Filters -> Render -> Pattern -> Jigsaw... 4) From the Jigsaw windows I select; Bevel width; 0, Highlight; 0, Jigsaw style; curved. 5) I then select the white area from the puzzle later, copy this area from the image layer, and paste this on a new layer (piece layer). 6) I duplicate the piece layer (duplicate layer). 7) Paint the piece in white in duplicate layer. 8) In duplicate later I select Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur 9) In piece layer I select Filters -> Map -> Bump Map 10) I select the duplicate layer as layer.
My problem is that the edges look really bad. Is there any way how I can make them look better? That is, not so much crippled?My aim is to have each puzzle piece in a different layer since I have to save them in different files. I checked several tutorials on how to create puzzles but all give me similar results.
I saw thermal properties in the list of Inventor's materials. However, I didn't find how to make a thermal analysis using Inventor MEF. Is it possible?
I already have an image file in png format..which I want to use as an application launcher icon for my android application.
The android specifies image with following properties for the launcher icon(Will need 4 different image to support different screen size in mobile devices)
Launcher icons should be 32-bit PNGs with an alpha channel for transparency. The finished launcher icon dimensions corresponding to a given generalized
Screen density are shown in the table below. 1. 36 * 36 px 2. 48 * 48 px 3. 72 * 72 px 4. 96 * 96 px
I would like to create 4 png files(with specifications mentioned above) from the already existing image file. How do I do that in GIMP.
I am completely novice to image editing(Never touched any image editing software before) and not sure how to achieve this in GIMP.
I want to draw a section with thermal insulation line without the boundary lines of main profiles and rivets. in fact thermal insulation should be around and back to main profile and rivets.
i used linetype batting and i can not do that. how do you deal with that?
I've been using GIMP to make GIFS for a long time now, but recently the "optimize for difference" option I've used is having the reverse effect it should have- ie, it's making the file larger. Here's an example. It's the exact same image, same dimensions, same amount of colors. The first one is unoptimized, each frame is a full picture, and it's file size it ~149kb. The second one is the same as the first, except optimized with about ~50% of the pixels removed from each frame (except the first frame obviously), and yet it's file size is ~155kb. I can not for the life of me figure out why an image with most of it's pixels removed is creating a larger file size. [URL]...
I want to create a collage image with numerous large photos, each in it's own layer during editing. In order to fit, all the images need to be scaled down to varying degrees, but when I'm starting out, I'm not sure what scale each image will need to be. With the default, if I shrink them too much then they get pixellated when I try to enlarge them again. Is there a way of enabling gimp to scale each image, but drop this version and reuse the original data on future scale operations (ie a "lossless" scaling operation)?
Currently I'm having to essentially create the collage twice - first time various shrink and expands til all images fit together, then start again but just rescale once to the required size.
I presume I'm correct in thinking there's no record function in GIMP yet, so I can't record my actions to GIMP then just delete redundant steps and replay...
So I couldn't think of a better place to put this. I have something that I'm thinking of having professionally printed. What are the steps I should take to make sure I produce a high quality image? File format, Dpi and so forth. Make a list of steps to creating a high quality image file that will look good printed from a print shop.
I open a new project and add a layer, then create a rounded rectangle, is there a way to fill just that rounded rectangle with a gradient. I keep getting a message that the layer is not directly editable or something. I need to just play with the thing, I'm sure - eventually I'd porbably sort it all out. But I got a job creating a web page for a mortgage company and I wanted some custom buttons with a gradient fill -
how do I create a gradient using my own colors? I've recently upgraded form CS3 where I was able to just drag a colour swatch onto the gradient slider to set the colour. Now I can't do that. If I try with one of the default colors it works no problem but if I create my own swatch then I get a circle with a line through it saying I can't do it.
What I want to do is make a row of five small thumbnail images that blend into each other. I've got them on five separate layers, and I just want to be able to select the edges of the pictures and create a horizontal gradient that makes the very outer edge almost 100% transparent, and the inner edge of my selection 100% opaque.
I need step by step gradient text instructions for Photoshop WITH TWO CUSTOM COLORS GOING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.
How do I (instead of using the preset color choices) make a custom gradient? I am trying to create text with a top to bottom gradient of green (#228B22) down to aqua (#40E0D0).
I shot a TV set and we decided to add a white to transparent gradient on the otherwise black TV screen to create depth for shaping.
What I did was create a circular gradient in the top left corner of the TV set. It has been set to go from White to Transparent. Then I reduced the opacity to around 40% to make it seem more realistic. The problem is that there are very visible bands from where it starts to where it fades out. These are visible from 100% opacity and downwards. I want the transitions to be smooth smooth smooth My Layer Blend mode is set to normal Will changing the blend mode help? I did try to use different blend modes and nothing changed.
I'm Using CS2 9.0.2 on Powerbook with Cinema Display
How do I create a gradient with with a photo - a landscape photo, from white on the left going darker to your right with colors being more prominent on the right?
I was making a website and I wanted to make a pattern that looks like one color turning into another color by way of small circles increasing in size. I've created a small mock-up of the type of effect that I want to make, and what is the name of the effect, or how to do it. But for some reason it doesn't let me post the image.
I've been using Corel X4 extensively for the last year to create screenprint designs for the company I now work for. Although some of my designs are extremely complex, they are straight 1-5 colors, which I seperate for printing myself.
My boss has purchased RIP software which I have a vague knowledge of using, however, I have no clue how to actually create the design that would need a halftone print and therefore, have never used the expensive RIP software to print with.
I need step by step gradient text instructions for Photoshop WITH TWO CUSTOM COLORS GOING FROM TOP TO BOTTOM.
How do I (instead of using the preset color choices) make a custom gradient? I am trying to create text with a top to bottom gradient of green (#228B22) down to aqua (#40E0D0).