GIMP :: Background In Image Change From White To Transparent
Dec 29, 2013
what I want is for a single image that has a white background to be changed into an image with a transparent background. Just the white background, not the things in the image. (I mean like when the image is in a word document that has a black background, the image will only show the person inside it and the white background of the image can not be seen.) Is there a way I can do this on GIMP?
I'm trying to change the white background on a picture of myself to be transparent. When I use the "Color to Alpha" tool, it works, but when I paste the photo into word/powerpoint/etc not only does it turn the white background 100% transparent but it also makes the whole image slightly transparent.
How can I make the white background disappear without making the whole image transparent? I want to use color to alpha because if I simply use the magic wand tool and delete the white area there is still some white showing through my hair.
I have some text documents in PDF format and would like to edit it in photoshop CS5, but each time I open them up in photoshop, the background seems to be transparent (tiny grey and white tiles), which is very eye tiring when editing/annotating with a wacom pen, how to fill the background total white?
i have attached the file of my simple work. I have done everything, still only one thing is to change the background color from white to a transparent. All layers are theirs and the work is very simple to understant. I use filter->Render->Cloud and filter->Noise->Add noise for the last layer + setting it to screen option.
I would be happy to explain to me ho to change the background to transparent if possible of course.
as an example using a earlier post "Changing a white background to transparent (.png)" I have zoomed part of the edge of the logo.It varies from white through grey then up to the logo colour.My Query how do you decide at what point in this change do you stop the transparent section? As when you put colours or pictures as a background you would I think have to reblend the edges for each type of background.
I have a .png file of a WordPress logo that has a white background. I would like to take the white background and convert it to a transparent background. I am having a spot of trouble making it happen.
I have a black and white png image. I want to make the white background transparent. I can select the white background by color, but then how do I make it transparent?
I have a jpg file (part of our logo) white background with black text and I would like to change it to transparent background and keep the black text (to be able to insert it on a cup image).
I tried to change it in photoshop, however, when I slide the "opacity" and "fill", the text got ligther as well.
Do I need to have the original psd.file to be able to do that, or can you please lead me through with jpg file? (I tried to save the jpg to psd and png, but it did not work.)
I looked on one of your videos, but I could not find one of the features under "Select" tab.
My plan is to recreate the text to have the transparent background if necessary (It would be great if I can avoid that). However, how do I find out which font was originaly used? Does photoshop has this feature, or do I need to go trough each of the font one-by-one?
how do I change space between letters (to have them more tight. I am not able to find it.
I have a photo with a background that I erased and when I open it in Windows it looks fine, but when uploaded to a site like Facebook, the white background shows up.
I created a logo and then opened it as a layer so that I can make a website header image. It is shown here [URL] and as you can see the background is an off-white colour. It is probably unnoticeable to many, but I would prefer to get it right. How can I make the background a pure white so that it blends in with the white of the wordpress theme?
I'm having this odd problem that I can't seem to figure out. I have a web image (gif format) with a transparent background (deleted the background layer before saving as a gif), and when the image is against a darker webpage, the text of the image (that is basically all the image is, just blended text) has white pixels around the edges of the text. Did I do something wrong when I deleted the background, or how I saved the file???
I created a transparent digital signature png from a scanned original handwritten signature. It works fine for adding a signature to pdf documents with a white background.
For those times when the background is other shading/pattern, say a 'grayscale' looking shading/pattern...I want to 'adapt' the background of the signature.png to that of the pdf.
So in practice open the pdf, select an area that has different shading/pattern up to the clipboard, and make the background of the signature the same as that in clipboard; with hopes the background will 'blend' into the pdf.
I didn't realized that as I'm importing images, the 'background' was defaulting to white. I'm working a couple images right now, in which the transparent setting is really needed. I found where to change the default, but not how to change it for existing images in PS already.
I'm using 2.8.4 on a MacBook Pro. When I create a text image with a transparent background and export as any file format, there's a white border around the ENTIRE image. A white box around the whole image. The background should be completely transparent. No border at all. Just words on a completely transparent background.
I was wondering if there was a fairly simple and straightforward way to make an image's background transparent (for example, a transparent .gif) without using layers. Similar to some apps that have an eyedropper tool used to create transparencies.
I have been working on colorization, by putting a transparent B&W image over the color background, all is good apart from when I do people and just want to show their eyes in color. Allot of the times eye color comes out wrong, for instance, when I did my daughter her eyes are blue but color came out brown eyes.
I've attached before and after images. The "after" image was created using Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel, and the using the Magic Wand to select the areas for deletion.
When I place the image on a webpage, it is completely transparent!
I have been playing with GIMP now for several months and love the program. One problem I have run into is I cannot figure out render the background of an image transparent so it can be merged with another image. Now, I have tried to read the instructions numerous times, but I have no background in understanding what a path is and several other terms. I have failed time and again and finally decided this is not something I can learn to do on my own.
Warning: I'll be honest. I have no experience in any form of image manipulation and even simple things might need to be explained.
How do I change the background image to white for an IDW.?? If I go to Tools, Application Options, Colors, Click on Design, Presentation and set the background to 1Color. This works for IPT. IPN. But when click on go to Tools, Application Options, Colors, Click on Drafting, Presentation and set the background to 1 Color I get Gray and there is no white for the IDW.
does not work either as the .Item sub class does not even under the color schemes object. im sure i am passing the wrong color object to the save as bitmap method anyway -
I have a shape (of a splat) and want to use an image to 'paint' it with, so that the image only overlays the shape and the rest of the background that is not part of the shape is transparent - how can I do this.
I am currently running Gimp 2.8 and am a new user. How to make an image's background white. I have a watercolor painting that I have scanned into my computer, however you can see some shadows from the grain and edges of the paper. I have tried some different ways to change the background completely to white, but I feel like maybe I'm missing out on a quicker method. So far, the one I've been working on is taking me longer than it took to even draw and paint the picture in the first place. That method was to use the fuzzy (lasso) tool, make a rough outline of my painting, use the quick mask button in the bottom left hand corner and follow up by using the pencil tool to make a more precise line around the image.
Another tutorial I found showed I should use the Select by color tool, select an area that should be white in my image and press Ctrl+x. However, when I pushed ctrl+x, I saw no change in my background and my image remained outlined in the shifting lines that the select by color tool causes.
Is there a way to achieve a plain white background with out going through the long process of tracing around the detailed image?
It should be noted that I'm not hugely familiar with Gimp as I've only used it a couple of times with tutorials. So, the more basic you can describe something, the better. I am also running Windows 7.