GIMP :: Change White Background On A Picture To Transparent
Aug 16, 2012
I'm trying to change the white background on a picture of myself to be transparent. When I use the "Color to Alpha" tool, it works, but when I paste the photo into word/powerpoint/etc not only does it turn the white background 100% transparent but it also makes the whole image slightly transparent.
How can I make the white background disappear without making the whole image transparent? I want to use color to alpha because if I simply use the magic wand tool and delete the white area there is still some white showing through my hair.
what I want is for a single image that has a white background to be changed into an image with a transparent background. Just the white background, not the things in the image. (I mean like when the image is in a word document that has a black background, the image will only show the person inside it and the white background of the image can not be seen.) Is there a way I can do this on GIMP?
Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.
It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...
The cat is from [URL]...
A general idea of the selected area
What happens when I take out the selected area
So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?
I have some text documents in PDF format and would like to edit it in photoshop CS5, but each time I open them up in photoshop, the background seems to be transparent (tiny grey and white tiles), which is very eye tiring when editing/annotating with a wacom pen, how to fill the background total white?
i have attached the file of my simple work. I have done everything, still only one thing is to change the background color from white to a transparent. All layers are theirs and the work is very simple to understant. I use filter->Render->Cloud and filter->Noise->Add noise for the last layer + setting it to screen option.
I would be happy to explain to me ho to change the background to transparent if possible of course.
as an example using a earlier post "Changing a white background to transparent (.png)" I have zoomed part of the edge of the logo.It varies from white through grey then up to the logo colour.My Query how do you decide at what point in this change do you stop the transparent section? As when you put colours or pictures as a background you would I think have to reblend the edges for each type of background.
I have a .png file of a WordPress logo that has a white background. I would like to take the white background and convert it to a transparent background. I am having a spot of trouble making it happen.
I have a black and white png image. I want to make the white background transparent. I can select the white background by color, but then how do I make it transparent?
I have a jpg file (part of our logo) white background with black text and I would like to change it to transparent background and keep the black text (to be able to insert it on a cup image).
I tried to change it in photoshop, however, when I slide the "opacity" and "fill", the text got ligther as well.
Do I need to have the original psd.file to be able to do that, or can you please lead me through with jpg file? (I tried to save the jpg to psd and png, but it did not work.)
I looked on one of your videos, but I could not find one of the features under "Select" tab.
My plan is to recreate the text to have the transparent background if necessary (It would be great if I can avoid that). However, how do I find out which font was originaly used? Does photoshop has this feature, or do I need to go trough each of the font one-by-one?
how do I change space between letters (to have them more tight. I am not able to find it.
I have a photo with a background that I erased and when I open it in Windows it looks fine, but when uploaded to a site like Facebook, the white background shows up.
I created a logo and then opened it as a layer so that I can make a website header image. It is shown here [URL] and as you can see the background is an off-white colour. It is probably unnoticeable to many, but I would prefer to get it right. How can I make the background a pure white so that it blends in with the white of the wordpress theme?
I just want to cut out/lasso an item in a pic and not have a black or white background..just the item itself..
I have *picked a photo *click layer *chose transparency *added alpha channel* *cut/lasso item out *selected invert *pressed delete on keyboard *pressed select and none
I then get this picture which looks perfect right???
But when I copy and paste it or open file in paint or anywhere else it ends up like this? I want just the cut out and not the background too but no matter what I do the stupid thing comes with..
I created a transparent digital signature png from a scanned original handwritten signature. It works fine for adding a signature to pdf documents with a white background.
For those times when the background is other shading/pattern, say a 'grayscale' looking shading/pattern...I want to 'adapt' the background of the signature.png to that of the pdf.
So in practice open the pdf, select an area that has different shading/pattern up to the clipboard, and make the background of the signature the same as that in clipboard; with hopes the background will 'blend' into the pdf.
I have a multilayered psd file. All layers should remain opaque except the black to white gradient layer where I need the white to be transparent. So that when I place the final psd on top of a block of solid colour in Indesign the gradient shows the background colour through where the black fades off.
I've got three layers that all seem to be set against a transparent background, which is what i want. Only, when i flatten them, the layers appear on a white background, not transparent. No where on any of the layers is it white, so i can't figure out why this is happening. the outside edge is jagged, thus i can't just crop the picture. How in the world can i keep the transparent background when i flatten?
I took an image that was a JPG of an icon on a white background, set the blending mode to Multiply, and painted white underneath the icon to preserve the colors.
This basically leaves me with 2 layers that comprise the icon and its transparent background, and works wonderfully.
However, I need to save this icon as a GIF with the transparent background, but when I save it the white background persists. I've tried loading the white bit as a selection and deleting what's outside, but that removes pieces of the image that aren't 100% transparent or opaque that I'd like to leave in for matte-ing.
I don't know if I've explained this properly, so I'll attach the problem file. [quite small, only 160KB] I popped in a background for a better idea what I'm attempting, and if you remove it you'll see the troublesome white around the icon.
I have a picture with white background . I want to crop only the picture from there with transparent background .
i read your forum and i use the Magic Wand Tool , and i save the image in png , but the image saved was also with white background . How i can do this .
I have a .jpg file of a band logo with white text (bordered by sketchy black outlines) on a white background. I'd like to keep the text and border effects the same but make the background transparent and then save it as a transparent .png or .gif so that just the white text (with the black text borders still included) appears the same on my website no matter what the background color of the page is. Here's the image: URL....
I want to keep all the black sketchy outlines intact and I want the white text itself to remain white and not transparent, I just want the white background surrounding it to be transparent. I've tried selecting just the text with all the little lines and such of the text borders included so that I can make it into a new layer and then paste it onto a transparent background but I've been having trouble successfully selecting it...the way the text is written, I haven't had much luck using the magic wand or quick selection tools to properly select it.
Another (less desirable) option would be to fill in the white background with the background color of the page I'm going to be posting it on (hex color #1d1d1d) but filling it in with the paint bucket in Photoshop CS5 fills in the majority of the white text as well so that hasn't really worked either.
i have been trying to cut the white background out of a picture. But when i select the picture after cutting the white background out of it and putting it on a black background the picture surrounded of a part of the white background.
<--- this is the picture cut off the white background. <--- this is the picture when i put it on a black background
I just started using, and while I love it, I am functionally useless with it as of now. I am making a pair of shoes on another website, and I need this image as a picture for the shoe, but no matter what I try, the image always saves as a white background, when all I want to save is the picture itself WITHOUT the white background.
I'm currently deployed in a computer came in the mail broken so I'm unable to do this. How to take away the black background to make it white or transparent.