GIMP :: How To Use Multi Image PAT Files
Oct 16, 2012
I downloaded what is supposed to be a gimp fill pattern pack but it turns out that there is only 1 pat file named 'love patterns.pat'... I open it with gimp to view them but I get an error message 'Opening <file path>love patterns.pat failed: GIMP pattern plug-In could not be opened' how do I use multi image pat files in GIMP???
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Sep 4, 2012
I need to get a multi-layered image into another multi-layered image keeping all the layers/effects of both images. Can't seem to just copy/paste and I don't seen import function.
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Jul 29, 2012
Import a pdf-file that only contains (scanned) images [book pages]. Rotate them (okay I can do this). Seperate and/or crop them (I can do this but my way is so complicated). Export back into a single pdf file. (I can't do this).
Usually I have a scanned book. So sometimes there are two pages on one image. To have an easier readability I like to seperate those. So what I do is:
- I cut/crop the page out of the image with the two pages
- I place that in a new layer
- I rotate that layer if needed (I use the transform tool, but it is a bit difficult to tell if the text is perfectly rotated, in Photoshop there is an automatic tool, is there one in gimp?)
- I go on with the next page
Problem is that layers are not of the same size. So I have to drag them around to have them (layers) all centered. Also image quality is much lower after importing it to gimp. How do I figure the original resolution of the image saved in the pdf? When I have them all in new layers exporting them to pdf will always result in one single page with only the first layer.
So is there an easier way to do this? Also why does exporting not work?
I'm using Gimp 2.8 on Ubuntu 12.04.
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Nov 27, 2011
How do you delete saved image files from Gimp once you are finished with them ?
My 'Document History' is so cluttered with unwanted files they are now appearing on my Desktop ! I have used edit - clear ... but the files remain as a blank transparency & I cannot find a way to remove them entirely.
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Jul 10, 2011
Is there no way to have Gimp create a thumbnail or preview image of XCF files?
Using Windows Vista, & Gimp 2.6.11.
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Aug 7, 2013
I'm using the script export-selection.scm to create a series of PNG files from an existing image. It works fine but I find the fact that it saves the file to a name that it constructs (based on the .xcf file loaded, and whether it is saving a one layer or visible layers, etc) really slows me down, as I have to bounce between gimp and explorer to rename each output file after every save.
I looked at the source to see if I could tweak it so that the filename it created was unique, but I must have missed a crucial episode somewhere, because I couldn't get past first base.
Here's the candidate line from the script:
(outputName (string-append imageNameNoExt "-sel")) you get a filename of MyGimpImageName-sel.png. What I want to do is create filenames called MyGimpImageName-sel-001.png, MyGimpImageName-sel-002.png etc.
An alternative would be to add an edit box to the dialog to allow you to specify the filename.
On a related subject, is it possible to set up a key binding to execute a script? If this could be done, I could roll a version of the script that skipped the dialog altogether and just used the last settings. In combination with the unique filename mod, this would speed up the job considerably.
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Aug 2, 2013
I have a not-moving .jpeg image and I want to put 5 different animated .gif images on top of that .jpeg image background but I don't want those 5 .gif images to stop moving.
how to make .gif images like these using GIMP 2.8.6
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Mar 5, 2013
I'm coming from, which is bloating tif images to the extreme......I work on tif's for work (engineering revisions) as well as multi-page tifs.Needless to say, I need to get up to speed on Gimp as fast as possible, as work places don't like a learning curve The image editor used by others is atrocious.
I see the Gimp will open multi-page tifs, but how do I save them back as multi-page? Or is this not possible?
And how do I go about drawing a filled rectangle? A good deal of my work is digitally "whiting out" things on technical drawings. I see the brush tool, but not a filled rectangle.
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Aug 17, 2013
I've just started using VS X6 Pro, after not doing much with video for a few years. I previously used VS 10 and 9.
We have a canon P&S camera which produces HD H264 mov files which I am editing for the first time and getting a weird problem. The files play fine on the time line, but when I try to use the multi-trim tool I get two issues:
1. Audio is badly out of sync in the multi trim window, like 1/2 second in a 20sec clip. (again, same clip plays fine on the time line)
2. When I make a multiple trim, the "play trimmed video" button does not work properly. eg if I make two selections from a clip with a gap between them, play trimmed video plays the whole clip to the end, then returns to the start of the second trim selection and plays that.
If I load up an mpeg2 .avi clip, the multi-trim tool works perfectly: audio is in sync and it correctly plays only the trimmed sections.
I have enabled smart proxy on the clips, and following another hint in a thread here, I downgraded quicktime to 7.5.5 but neither worked. Also I have installed sp1.
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Jun 28, 2011
As 3dsmax is used in so many different areas, I try to get an overview of the use of multi-channel OpenEXR files. EXR files are usually used as an intermediate file format to hand over cg footage to compositing for further processing. Different compositing packages are handling EXR's more or less comfortable. My guess would be and that is not meant as a judgment if you comp in afx, it is less likely that you use EXR files, but when you comp with nuke, I am pretty sure you do. With composite and fusion somewhere inbetween. Also, when you work in ArchViz and MoGraph you propeably prefer psd files, while when you do tv commercials and film works, you are more likly to use EXR.
The questions in the poll are meant in a general way. It doesn't mean when you vote 'Yes' that you exlusivly render to EXR.
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Apr 30, 2013
I've imported three mov files and have created them on three separate layers in my AE comp screen. When I press to preview the files they play but only for about 3 seconds. I need them to play the full length of the mov files which is about 15 seconds.
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Apr 8, 2014
I am taking a long shot at this because I know its possible, but I cant seem to figure out how to do it. My problem is that I have a lot of resturants clients who have different menu (take out, dine in, delivery) that contain the same items over and over agian. Problem is that if there is a change in one you have to manually change it in other menus. I am wondering if there is a way to setup these menus where you change the text in one file (doc, txt, rft, incopy or whatever)? BUT the tricky part is that, each of these files have its own indepdent text & paragraph styles and that cant be disturb by the edits.
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Jul 25, 2012
Both here and to Gimp. Tested it a bit on and off, but the breakthrough for me was the single window mode, so now I am currently making an effort to learn something.
My first question is actually about something I am failing to do with Photoshop CS4. I create a text, rasterize it, then create the stripes via the rectangle tool (in this case I am messing with different national colors, like Germany). Now so far so god, but I never get around to actually be able to merge the strips with the text. The closest I have gotten is to see the text behind the stripes, but then the strips also covers the space between the text. I followed this tutorial for that: [URL]......
I looked at Your Sweet Candy tutorial and, excluding some steps, seems to be relevant, but for step 15, where I do not want to select stripes available inGimp, but create new ones.
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Aug 31, 2012
How to Export Many ai Files To A Multi JPGS?
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Aug 25, 2013
I cannot open a file in either Photoshop CS6 or CC if the file has more than one layer. The application crashes every tme I attempt to open a multi-layer file.
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Jul 6, 2012
I am using Civil 3d 2011 and i have about 200 landxml files that I need to import into my drawing. Is there an easier way of doing this besides importing them one at a time?
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Mar 19, 2012
I have recently, and reluctantly, purchased LT2012 and have learned to hate it with an unbridled passion. I have a client that uses Acad R14dwg still and when I open their dwg files the multileader style is set to some arbitrary "standard" instead of matching the existing dimstyle of "3-16 Letters" that the file was created with. When editing old files it makes it silly to add a leader and have to create a new multileader style with every single dwg I open. Can it be done once and never be done again for all subsequent dwg files regardless of when they were created? Can it be 'matched' to an existing leader that was created years ago?
For that matter, why did Autodesk pull some dimension leaders OUT of the dimstyle options at all? All dwg files are ONLY in model space, they never use layout or paper space, but that's another topic.
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Jun 5, 2011
I'm sure I'm trying to do something fairly basic here but the manual doesn't seem to work for me re canvas re-sizing (unless I'm missing something).
I want to take several images straight from the camera (say 3-4Mb each) and combine them to eventually make a single JPEG. Is this done by resizing canvas? Is it a case of taking one image and resizing the canvas or starting with a blank new canvas?
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May 9, 2007
Trying to change the blue color in this abstract image (see image) to a much darker green (pantone 561) Any way to do this easily? I am not coming to close to this new darker green color.
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May 16, 2012
I'm frequently creating .gif and .jpg images for web ads and these have to be within a strict 40KB size limit which is often tricky for larger formats. Now a new 'fireplace' format has been created that is an ad that is an image frame around the sides and top of a web page, consisting of two vertical pieces each side of the page and a horizontal bar along the top that links both the side pieces into a single seamless image. This means that I have to create three separate image files, each of which has to be less than 40KB and because each of these pieces is also quite large I will have to carefully adjust the images settings in 'Save for Web and Devices' to get the file size within this limit. My main problem, however, is how do I do that whilst ensuring that the visual consistency between the images is such that it isn't noticable where the three separate pieces join?
For example, if the side pieces have radically different style and colour of content to each other and the top part, saving these as separate .gif files could result in each file having a different indexed colour palette and number of colours etc, making the separate pieces look visually different and the places where they join look really obvious and clumsy.
What steps do I take to keep within the file size for the images whilst keeping the images looking seamlessly consistent? This isn't as much of a problem in .jpg but there may be times when using .gif is more efficient - is there a way to save an indexed colour palette for .gif and apply it across multiple files?
The master file is created as a single image in Photoshop CS4 and later split into three files which are saved as .gif or .jpg.
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Aug 3, 2012
In order to retain a wider gamut, I'd like to export a .raw file as a multichannel image (psd or any other file type to be opened in photoshop). Those channels should be e.g. c, m, y, k and two spot colours. As far as I understand, this can't be done from within photoshop, since an image presently in rgb can only be converted to a cmy mulitchannel image.
Would you achieve this by exporting the .raw from lightroom setting a colour space (under file settings) that contains such six print colours? And if yes, how ywould I produce such a colour space (that, if I understand correctly, must be present as a file itself, to be selected instead of the default choice between sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), and ProPhoto RGB)? Or if there is another way to obtain such wider gamut image of more than cmyk.
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Sep 30, 2013
When importing a multi-page pdf or ps file into a multi-page document, sometimes the inserted pages will all have their Document Grid layer visibility turned on, even when the existing pages in the document all have it turned off.
If I bring up the object manager, I can go through the affected pages and 'un-eye' them one page at a time. But it's a blooming nuisance, especially when importing dozens of pages at once.
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Feb 19, 2007
According to the Help for Lightroom V1.0, I can choose to print my identity plate on each image on the page:
>To have the identity plate appear on every photo in a multiphoto template, select Render On Every Image. The identity plate is centered on each photo and can be moved, scaled, or rotated using the controls in the Overlays panel.
I can move the ID if it is rendered only on one image.
I cannot figure out how to move the ID plate once I have clicked "render on every image." It seems to be fixed in the center of each image.
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Mar 27, 2012
When I construct a multi image contact sheet and send it to my printer the file is aborted. Mac Pro, 15 GB ram, OSX 10.6.8, Epson 7890. LR4.
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Apr 17, 2013
How do I change Gimp from a Multi-window view to a single window view?
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Sep 14, 2012
A link or a brief explanation of"when & why" and "how to use" a master layer when working with a multi - layered image (psd or psb) file in CS6.
I've seen a couple of tutorials that make use of a "master layer" but I don't understand the "when & why.
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Oct 8, 2010
! would assume that something like this has been made but i cant for the life of me find it when shall i find a plugin or default way of doing this i have about 50 layers that need saving as an image each and the idea of doing it by hand scares me.
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Aug 31, 2011
I'm looking for a way to transform 200 xcf files directely into pdf files.
I had some try with convert command, but my 300ko xcf file becomes 20.0Mb pdf file
Is it possible to use gimp directly from CLI ?
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Aug 18, 2011
So I am making digital color prints at 24x30. the photography work is about color fields and gradients, so I need super high res files. I have set the size to 24000x30000 pix at 1000 my problem, when i go to save the gimp file as a jpeg i get this error message "JPEG image plug-in could not save image"
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Jul 25, 2012
I am making a video in Nero Vision 10 and need to cut out the screen of a tv so that I can layer the TV over an image/video so it looks as though it is on the screen. I enclose a screenshot of the project. 'Transform-tools-crop' only cuts in straight lines so I wonder which device I should use which can cut out an odd bespoke shape? You can see in the uploaded image from the project how the image currently cannot fill the frame without covering it.
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Apr 4, 2012
I have a PNG image with only one layer as a start point. It has a faded map on it.
I have a second PNG image with a hex grid on it. I do colour to Alpha to establish transparency on the hex grid for white filled hexes (others are not filled with white).
Now, I wish to overlay a portion of the first image with the faded map with the non-transparent part of the second image.
So I select by colour (for the hexes not filled with white) on the second image (the overlay) and I then paste to the first image (after creating a transparency layer and selecting it to receive the overlay).
I see the desired overlay section (minus any transparent stuff as expected), however it is centered over the map in the first image, not where I want it to be. It is a floating selection and must be anchored. So I select the anchor icon in the layer dialog and I think I anchor it into the transparency layer on the first image (that's what I'm trying to do anyway).
And then my problem:
I want to move the thing I just pasted in to the right place with respect to the underlying faded map. I attempt to use the move tool, but all I move is the background map (pretty much the opposite of what I want).
Nothing I do seems to let me reselect the pasted-in overlay so that I can move it.
Why I can't ever reposition the pasted in overlay? It should be in the transparency layer I created but even if I select all, I don't seem to be able to move anything other than the background image.
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