Problem is, in sky areas, this causes patchy colours and banding issues. However, and this is the strange part, if I convert to TIFF (even using JPEG compression), and then apply the colour matrix, I don't get these issues.
BUT, even wierder, if I then try to convert the fine-looking TIFF image to JPEG again (even with -quality 100), I get these patchy colours again.
This is with GIMP 2.6.12 on a Fedora Linux system.
I use gimp to make layered stencils for spray painting...I reduce it to a couple of colours, seperate the colours into different layers and then cut them out...
When I do im left with a ghost type image where the original layer was..
I have a jpeg image of a motorcycle on a pure yellow background. I want to make the yellow transparent. Naturally there are a lot of spaces within the motorcycle image that contain yellow.
I followed instructions I found...
Removing the background of an image
1) add an alpha channel to your layer
2) use colors/color to alpha and use the background color
This results in the checkerboard being applied to the motorcycle, not the yellow background. I assume that's okay.
This makes all the pixels with the background color transparent, and those with a close color partially transparent.
- select the background with the magic wand,
- grow the selection by a couple of pixels to ensure that the border of the sprite is in the selection (the most important work of color-to-alpha is on the border pixels, so they shouldn't be protected)
This selects only the area outside the bicycle, but I don't mind reselecting smaller areas, if I can.
- grow the selection by a couple of pixels to ensure that the border is in the selection (the most important work of color-to-alpha is on the border pixels, so they shouldn't be protected)
The brush dynamics matrix is all greyed out and there is no way to activate it. Maybe Im doing something wrong. I understand that you can either set the brush dynamics preset or set the matrix. Also the curve editor doesnt seem to be working either.
importing photos into Xara 7 - the photos have a "green" sheen to them - I've only noticed as I've been using xara to print out some photos for a friend who's printer died. he uses powerpoint to print his and the difference between the two is really marked! i'm assuming it's due to CMYK/RGB differences (ppt is RGB) but I can't for the life me see where I can alter the Xara settings so the photos come in as per ppt.
When I publish from X4 to jpeg, the (RGB or CMYK) colours appear much darker than they ought to. Is there a solution to this or could it be false settings, If yes, what settings.
I've been using CS6 for 1 year, and suddenly have some desaturated skin tones in a few photos, it looks like the skin is painted with grey paint! I first saw this in a couple of JPG conversions, the RAW NEFs from a Nikon D800 were ok, but now have found the same thing in some NEFs. I am using an HP laptop with Win 7 64 bit and 8gig memory.
If I advance the Sat and Vib sliders in ACR, some of the grey becomes colored, suggesting there is a threshold below which the skin tone saturation drops out completely. No other colors exhibit this effect!
If I open an image that I have previously created (I'm working with .gif) and then select a colour on the pallet (it can be either FG or BG) and then try to place the colour on to the image - the colour is different to what I selected on the pallet.
I have the same issue with the 'bucket fill tool' or by selecting 'edit/fill with FG color' or by selecting 'edit/fill with BG color' or by placing a selected color text onto the image. I haven't tried using any other method.
I've tried deleting and reinstalling Gimp and I'm on Win XP PRO SP3.
I have myself a picture of my kitcar which I am looking to change the colour of however I want to preview a selection of colours using GIMP to see how they look on the car.
How to "overlay" different colours on the car? I am not sure how to go about selecting just the body of the car so that I can overlay different colours.
I would prefer to not have to hand paint each colour over the body of the car.
The way I know how to do it is by typing the first word in black lets say, then open a new text dialogue on another layer and type in the other word with a different colour.
Is there an easier way to do this since I'm afraid that my text won't be in line with each other?
Best way to get the colours to be the same when I replace a face onto another face esp if you can lightly dust the colours in so the finished picture looks natural
I'm currently working on a forum template (phpBB), and I want to invert the colours of the background. I did it easily for some pictures, but I can't invert one of them.
It's a simple gif, I don't know why I can't invert it. When I go to the menu 'colours'->'invert', the option is disabled, even if I tried with several tools selected.
If I have to colours, and I want to add a third colour between them to make it flow more... is there a way to determine the middel colour between 2 colours.. eg. grey for black and white
Or between light red and dark red.. there is "normal" red.. but how do you determine the value of normal? Or do you do this just by eye?
when saving images for the web i try save them as indexed png's to save space.
however, when switching to indexed mode GIMP will alter my colours if i choose to use a palette with less colours than i have in the image. This is the most noticable if for example i have an image with bacgkround #ffcc00 and a multicoloured icon in the middle. due to the icon the image probably has over 100 colours. if i then choose 64 colours not only will it affect the colours in the icon, but change the entire, large, unicoloured background area to maybe fec50a (just an example). is there anyway to force GIMP to only use colours already present in the image?
I'm trying to change colours using the fill tool, but I only get different shades of grey, whatever colour I change it to. I've tested a couple of things and can't work out how to alter this... likewise, the defult patterns also come out in black, white and grey..
Basically I want to merge two images. Both of them are grey originally so I change them to RGB mode and change the colours separately. I then go to copy and paste one image on top of the other and it automatically changes to whatever the colour is of the destination image.
Whenever I open an image in Gimp, it's just a little off colour. Then when I save it as an image file (usually png), it's even more off colour than what's displayed in Gimp. For example, if the image starts out with a grey background of 808080 (RGB Hex Value, 16-bit), in Gimp it's 7F7F7F, and when I save as a png, it's 6E6E6E (honestly, how does that make sense under any circumstances?). I've tried every combination of settings under colour management, to no avail. Once, I managed to get Gimp to display the correct colour, but when I saved it as a gimp file, and re-opened it, it was wrong again.
I've been using GIMP for a while for basic website stuff. Very basic website stuff. I've recently been asked if GIMP has some more advanced features. Well, advanced put to my usual level of use anyway.
So, I thought I'd query if I could do the following in GIMP...
(1) Edit a BMP but ensure the file size remains the same?
The person asking is using the images for a specific purpose and they always have to be the same size.
(2) Open .pspimages and possibly save back as this format.
The answer to this seems to be no on the opening front anyway.
(3) Restrict the image to a very limited range of colours, say 3-6?
Again this is due to the very specific and restricted nature of the images they are creating.
I am trying to make Apple's mostly greenish star space wallpaper for iPhones from iOS 7 (see the attachment #1) into beautiful gradient of colours.
The problem is that I do not know how to do it, so was only able to make a striped version colouring via huge brush, not true gradient.
how I could make a really smooth, gradiental transition between colours?
Attached File(s) Original greenish star wallpaper for iPhone.gif (256.91K) Number of downloads: 6 iPhone45WallpaperStars.jpg (160.65K) Number of downloads: 4
I am trying to remove some unwanted buildings and replace them with sky. I created a mask, removed the offending buildings, used the clone tool and recreated the sky in its place. All looked great in Gimp. When I export to jpeg, I see the outline of the mask I used and what appears to be areas that were not completely filled with sky using the clone tool.
I have used gimp for a few years, today i installed windows 7. i was excited to try gimp on win7 but unfortunately its the new version of gimp that i hate . anyway, when i try to save an image there are only a few formats available: xcf and other GIMP formats i guess. there is no gimp brush format or bmap or jpeg or anything! I am making a timelapse for youtube.
The dying plug-in may have messed up GIMP's internal state. You may want to save your images and restart GIMP to be on the safe side."I can open other jpeg's just not this certain one.
i'm working on a job with 2 colours. I already did this using CMYK and setting 2 of them to 100% and the other 2 at 0%. But people who press these posters say me that they always have to convert the CMYK file to a 2 colours file. Is there a way to set my colours to 2 colours instead of 4?