I'm trying to change colours using the fill tool, but I only get different shades of grey, whatever colour I change it to. I've tested a couple of things and can't work out how to alter this... likewise, the defult patterns also come out in black, white and grey..
I use gimp to make layered stencils for spray painting...I reduce it to a couple of colours, seperate the colours into different layers and then cut them out...
When I do im left with a ghost type image where the original layer was..
GIMP 2.8.6 on Window 8.I used Canvas Size to add a horizontal space at the bottom of a jpeg photo. (I want to use it for a text caption for the photo.) The new space is filled with a checkerboard of small light & dark grey squares.
I used the Rectangle Select Tool to select the new space.I clicked on the Bucket Fill Tool and moved the mouse over the new space. The mouse pointer includes a circle with a diagonal stroke through it, indicating I cannot fill the selected area.
i'm basically making a shape with the pen tool, then i click the paint bucket, then the shape disappears. i've also done this with the rectangle tool and the exact same thing happens.
usually, it will work when i frst open the document, but after i start making new layers/text then i try to do this, the shape i make disappears.
how i can keep the shape so i can select the paint bucket tool?
Basically whilst using a tablet to draw the outline, i want to fill in the space with a colour. however, this leaves a pixellated edge around the fill, resulting in the piece looking far from perfect. how can i get around this without having to hand fill each individual pixel? is there any way to turn the sensitivity on my tablet off on the tool so that i just draw thick black lines instead of ones that get lighter around the edges?
not being able to change colors of an object while using the Interactive Fill Tool? That is, change an existing color or add/delect a color to the gradient. I have to delect and reselect the object to change colors. I have to do this each and every time want to make a color change. Without this functionality I am not sure what the point of the tool is.
When I use the fill tool to simply 'fill' a selection, it does not completely fill it. There is an ivisible barrier or line that prevents it from filling all the way to the edge. Do you think I have my settings wrong?
I used a heart fill pattern of the right 75% of the picture and the left 75% of the picture is selected overlapping the first fill in the background... I want to fill the selected background area with a flame fill pattern where it overlaps the selected portion of the heart pattern as well as the transparent area... 'overlay' looks better but Gimp is FAILING to fill the transparent areas, it ONLY fills the overlapped heart pattern portion of the selected content!!! I even tried filling the transparent area with 'white' then filling the selected area, but it STILL ONLY wants to overlay fill the heart pattern, it STILL leaves the rest alone!!! it doesn't matter if the background is white or transparent, it leaves that alone and ONLY fills the heart pattern area of selected portion of the image!!!
I cant change the settings of any drawing tool, it just says you can drop dockable dialogs here.Attached File(s) Capture.PNG (195.6K) Number of downloads: 4
When I open Gimp, I want all selection tools to have antialiasing turned off, all thresholds set to 0, default brush set to 1 pixel, and erase tool set to hard erase.
How can I achieve this? (I use gimp for pixel drawings.)
The nodes on my path tool seem awfully big. They get in the way of seeing what i'm editing. I've noticed on some tutorials the nodes are quite small. Is there a way to change their size?
Currently the cage tool recalculates the transformation with every point I change. This can be terribly slow for every point moved.
What I imagine would be good therefore would be to have an option for how the transformation is previewed -
1. None - useful for moving many points; might not be necessary if 2 below works well2. Low-Res - useful for getting the transformation almost right without incurring exasperating delays3. Full Quality - final checks and tweaks
(It would also be a useful extra to mark key points and see how they move, but not quite so necessary as having a low-res preview option)
Also an option if feasible to transform what's outside the cage also?
sort of like CS6, the dark menu has grown on me :P plus i thought it would match nicely with my dark firefox theme and dark GNOME interface AND my favour for dark BG designs.
I know i can change the background of the workspace, i've canged that to blue but my concern is more for the main GUI.
I'm getting a little frustrated that elements that i copy and paste (or open) in photoshop from Illustrator do not look the same, very muted, additionally when i come to save for web they look even worse. So i can never get the colours looking like the original unless (which isn't a solution) i change them manually by increasing the contrast ect.
All my colour settings/profiles are synced, the documents are both RGB. I just can't work it out
I need to change the colour of several objects at different times.
Imagine I have 30 blue boxes that I want to change to red boxes but they dont start changing and finish at the same time. How do I do this?
One method is to have 30 materials that I keyframe to change from red to blue at certain times.
Another method is to have two coincident boxes and fade the red box out to leave the blue box. This way, I can make the fading start and finish at different times.
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM www.beanboxanimation.co.uk
everytime that i try and match properties or change the line type by selecting a layer in the layer properites manager, all the lines stay the same (as if nothing has happened). the lines that i am selecting are not in blocks
I have an architects plan consisting of many different layers, I have exploded all the plan so that there are no blocks.
I have now created a layer called building. I have selected everything and and placed it on this layer. The layer colour is colour 8.
I now want everything to be by layer so that it is all colour 8. However when I select all (151038 items) and change it all to by layer nothing changes. All colours stay as they are.
But if I was to go and select a small area at a time it allows me to change them to by layer and the colours change to colour 8 as desired.
How to select all and select by layer and have all the colours change in one go rather than me going around the drawing selected sections at a time to make the colours change.
When I add a logo to my artwork in illustrator, import the illustrator file to a word template and print, it changes the printed colours dramatically..(black to blue, green to black and yellow to pink). Do I need to change a setting for that imported logo to make it compatible to print? Without that particular logo, the document prints fine.
If I open an image that I have previously created (I'm working with .gif) and then select a colour on the pallet (it can be either FG or BG) and then try to place the colour on to the image - the colour is different to what I selected on the pallet.
I have the same issue with the 'bucket fill tool' or by selecting 'edit/fill with FG color' or by selecting 'edit/fill with BG color' or by placing a selected color text onto the image. I haven't tried using any other method.
I've tried deleting and reinstalling Gimp and I'm on Win XP PRO SP3.
I have myself a picture of my kitcar which I am looking to change the colour of however I want to preview a selection of colours using GIMP to see how they look on the car.
How to "overlay" different colours on the car? I am not sure how to go about selecting just the body of the car so that I can overlay different colours.
I would prefer to not have to hand paint each colour over the body of the car.
The way I know how to do it is by typing the first word in black lets say, then open a new text dialogue on another layer and type in the other word with a different colour.
Is there an easier way to do this since I'm afraid that my text won't be in line with each other?
Best way to get the colours to be the same when I replace a face onto another face esp if you can lightly dust the colours in so the finished picture looks natural
I'm currently working on a forum template (phpBB), and I want to invert the colours of the background. I did it easily for some pictures, but I can't invert one of them.
It's a simple gif, I don't know why I can't invert it. When I go to the menu 'colours'->'invert', the option is disabled, even if I tried with several tools selected.
I'd like to change the default foreground/background colours, so that when I click on the toolbar's Default Colour Icon (or press D), I get something other than black and white. Alternatively, I'd like to be able to save a color and call it up as the foreground (or background) colour with a key-stroke.
For the whole project we’ve had this issue, however it’s never effected our drawing until now.
When we receive an background, we use setbylayer to change everything to by layer, then in the layer manager, set the layer colour to 8, so all is grey.
Then we xref that background dwg into our model drawings and doodle all over the thing, pretty standard stuff.
But today, in our model drawing, I’d like to change, well, any of the xref’s layer colours, but I cannot! As soon as I make a change, it reverts back to the original ‘8’ colour. It refuses to change colour.
I’ve changed visretian from 0 to 1, open, closed, changed it again, all combinations but to no avail.
I can freeze, turn off & on layers, just not change the colour (or lineweight).
When resizing (either image size or canvas size) I can't tell which numbers I've highlit, as the highlight colour is dark blue on a dark grey background. Is there any way of changing this to something more useful?