everytime that i try and match properties or change the line type by selecting a layer in the layer properites manager, all the lines stay the same (as if nothing has happened). the lines that i am selecting are not in blocks
I use gimp to make layered stencils for spray painting...I reduce it to a couple of colours, seperate the colours into different layers and then cut them out...
When I do im left with a ghost type image where the original layer was..
I have an architects plan consisting of many different layers, I have exploded all the plan so that there are no blocks.
I have now created a layer called building. I have selected everything and and placed it on this layer. The layer colour is colour 8.
I now want everything to be by layer so that it is all colour 8. However when I select all (151038 items) and change it all to by layer nothing changes. All colours stay as they are.
But if I was to go and select a small area at a time it allows me to change them to by layer and the colours change to colour 8 as desired.
How to select all and select by layer and have all the colours change in one go rather than me going around the drawing selected sections at a time to make the colours change.
For the whole project we’ve had this issue, however it’s never effected our drawing until now.
When we receive an background, we use setbylayer to change everything to by layer, then in the layer manager, set the layer colour to 8, so all is grey.
Then we xref that background dwg into our model drawings and doodle all over the thing, pretty standard stuff.
But today, in our model drawing, I’d like to change, well, any of the xref’s layer colours, but I cannot! As soon as I make a change, it reverts back to the original ‘8’ colour. It refuses to change colour.
I’ve changed visretian from 0 to 1, open, closed, changed it again, all combinations but to no avail.
I can freeze, turn off & on layers, just not change the colour (or lineweight).
I am in the middle of a huge project and all of a sudden have a major concern.
When I am using layers and the background is a photo of the colour blue (rectangular shape).Now as a new layer, I am pasting another photo (a smaller rectangular shape) on top,with say a car in the middle.
Then saving this 'montage' as one jpeg.Now, when printing this image, would the blue colour that is physically under the smaller car photo shine through underneath? Or would it only print and use what is physically shown, despite me knowing that underneath there is another darker colour?
(As the end result should just show the smaller rectangular photo with the car and that one being surrounded by a blue border.)
When I create a Color Balance adjustment layer to colourise a selected area the Default Foreground & Background colours switch from Black/White to White/Black automatically with even the icon in the corner changing to reflect this (When switching manually back to Black Foreground the icon stays showing White as Foreground). By switching manually back I can refine Masks as I have been doing for sometime with the Eraser deleting parts of a mask and the Paintbrush adding to the size of the mask which is the logical way It seems like I have somehow changed the default Foreground/Background when applied to Adjustment Layers as I just tried using a Curves etc Adjustment Layers with the same thing happening with the defaults changing to White foreground etc automatically. Is there something I have ticked or changed that has made this change
i would like to ask about plotting in autocad 2013. at the page set up i change my line weights and i put also the colour of each layer but the colours don't change when i create it in pdf and print the drawing and also the thcikness of the lines are not changed. what can i do?
sort of like CS6, the dark menu has grown on me :P plus i thought it would match nicely with my dark firefox theme and dark GNOME interface AND my favour for dark BG designs.
I know i can change the background of the workspace, i've canged that to blue but my concern is more for the main GUI.
I'm getting a little frustrated that elements that i copy and paste (or open) in photoshop from Illustrator do not look the same, very muted, additionally when i come to save for web they look even worse. So i can never get the colours looking like the original unless (which isn't a solution) i change them manually by increasing the contrast ect.
All my colour settings/profiles are synced, the documents are both RGB. I just can't work it out
I need to change the colour of several objects at different times.
Imagine I have 30 blue boxes that I want to change to red boxes but they dont start changing and finish at the same time. How do I do this?
One method is to have 30 materials that I keyframe to change from red to blue at certain times.
Another method is to have two coincident boxes and fade the red box out to leave the blue box. This way, I can make the fading start and finish at different times.
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010 NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM www.beanboxanimation.co.uk
I'm trying to change colours using the fill tool, but I only get different shades of grey, whatever colour I change it to. I've tested a couple of things and can't work out how to alter this... likewise, the defult patterns also come out in black, white and grey..
When I add a logo to my artwork in illustrator, import the illustrator file to a word template and print, it changes the printed colours dramatically..(black to blue, green to black and yellow to pink). Do I need to change a setting for that imported logo to make it compatible to print? Without that particular logo, the document prints fine.
I am just starting to learn C# and .NET and I am trying to write a simple program to gather all the layers from a drawing in a directory, save them to a list, and use that list to change those layers to the appropriate layers. The way I want it to iterate is open the first drawing, gather the layers, ask the user which layer they want to change the original layer to, and when they select the new layer, it associates that old layer with the new layer so that in the future it won't prompt the user, it will just change it to that layer. Then it changes the layers and goes to the next drawing.
I wrote something very simple in LISP, but I need to make it more advanced and try to add in more features. Specifically I would like to be able to do everything in the background, without actually opening the drawings so I can avoid any user prompts or dialogue boxes.
I am at a complete loss at where to start though. There are so many members in the different namespaces for Autocad. Right now I am looking through acdbmgd.dll and acmgd.dll to try and find something useful, but I have no idea where to even start.
My guess would be to first define a method that gathers the layers from the drawing and saves them to an array. For example i would have multiple arrays for the different layers to which I want to convert the old layers, string [] 0layer, string [] walllayer that contains all of the layers to be changed to layer 0 and wall layer. Then I would compare the layers in the drawing to those arrays, if they are not present in any of the arrays, the program would prompt the user and ask which layers they want to change the existing layer to and add it to the appropriate drawing. Then all of the layers in those arrays would be changed to the different new layers.
At the very least, I am going to start making the different arrays to be filled. That much I can do. I'm just having trouble actually getting the data from the drawings.
I'd like to change the default foreground/background colours, so that when I click on the toolbar's Default Colour Icon (or press D), I get something other than black and white. Alternatively, I'd like to be able to save a color and call it up as the foreground (or background) colour with a key-stroke.
When resizing (either image size or canvas size) I can't tell which numbers I've highlit, as the highlight colour is dark blue on a dark grey background. Is there any way of changing this to something more useful?
when i select diffrent layers,the layer's name in toolbar does not change, i can not change the layer, color,and other settings.my autocad version is 2006 and 2007.
Model Space: has two objects one being a circle and one a rectangle
Paper Space: I have created two layers title "Area 1 Viewport" and "Area 2 Viewport". My goal is to get it so I can "Area 1" layer and the circle appears but when I turn it off that viewport goes away. Then when I apply "Area 2" viewport the rectangle appears but when turned off the viewport goes away. Currently the frame of the viewport is assigned to the layer but the objects still stay.
I've currently create several layers and after i change in one of 'em the linetype from continuous to a "Dashed" , every new layer i made had a "dashed" linetype and when i tried to change it back to default.
i'm working on a job with 2 colours. I already did this using CMYK and setting 2 of them to 100% and the other 2 at 0%. But people who press these posters say me that they always have to convert the CMYK file to a 2 colours file. Is there a way to set my colours to 2 colours instead of 4?
Is there a way in AutoCAD 2013 to have it automatically change to a certain layer when you do common tasks. I am wondering if there is a system variable, or a routine that I could automatically load when I start AutoCAD to do this. It would also be nice that the layer would then go back to the original layer that was being used prior to the command. What are my options for doing this.
For instance when I load an xref I would like it to go on the layer; A-XREF. When I insert a block I would like it to go on the layer; 0, when I create a new dimension I would like it to go on the A-DIMS layer, when I create a hatch it would set to the layer A-WALL-PATT, when I add a leader with text it would go to A-ANNO-NOTE, etc..
i still have the change occurrence layer based on material macro but cant seem to find the change layer based on part...
yes we are still using autocad in conjunction with inventor, and on a side note have been quite enjoying the new parameters, dynamic blocks, easy scripts and customization features in autocad.
For several releases Autocad's layer manager has shown only XREF layers in the layer manager by default. Open a drawing with Xrefs (nearly every drawing I have ever worked with) and to access the layers that are actually *in* the drawing, I must first open the layer manager, select the "Xref" filter, and check the Invert Filter box. Then I see the layers that would more logically be shown be default.
Does any way to change this so the non-Xref layers show up be default??? I am currently using Autocad Architecture 2012.
I am referencing a survey file in my site plan. Both were created using Civil 3D. I want to change the color of all of the reference files' layers to 250, so I selected them all in the layer properties manager and did so.
However, some layers are not changing colors. One layer is red in the reference file, but comes through on the site plan as magenta. Some Civil3D structures are also refusing to change colors.
I selected all of the objects in the reference file and made sure their colors were "by layer," but it did not completely fix the problem.