AutoCad 2D :: Xref Layer Colours Refuse To Change
Aug 16, 2011
For the whole project we’ve had this issue, however it’s never effected our drawing until now.
When we receive an background, we use setbylayer to change everything to by layer, then in the layer manager, set the layer colour to 8, so all is grey.
Then we xref that background dwg into our model drawings and doodle all over the thing, pretty standard stuff.
But today, in our model drawing, I’d like to change, well, any of the xref’s layer colours, but I cannot! As soon as I make a change, it reverts back to the original ‘8’ colour. It refuses to change colour.
I’ve changed visretian from 0 to 1, open, closed, changed it again, all combinations but to no avail.
I can freeze, turn off & on layers, just not change the colour (or lineweight).
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Jul 31, 2009
Is it possible to run a lisp which can extract all the xref names, make a layer with that name and then change the xref on the layer? I have got a similar routine from earlier posts but it doesn't work if any xrefs inserted in paper space (works fine on model space). could change this routine allowing to change the layer of xref in paper space too.
(defun dxf (i a) (cdr (assoc i a)))
(defun c:lxr ( )
(setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT"))))
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Aug 7, 2012
I have an architects plan consisting of many different layers, I have exploded all the plan so that there are no blocks.
I have now created a layer called building. I have selected everything and and placed it on this layer. The layer colour is colour 8.
I now want everything to be by layer so that it is all colour 8. However when I select all (151038 items) and change it all to by layer nothing changes. All colours stay as they are.
But if I was to go and select a small area at a time it allows me to change them to by layer and the colours change to colour 8 as desired.
How to select all and select by layer and have all the colours change in one go rather than me going around the drawing selected sections at a time to make the colours change.
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Sep 20, 2012
A way to Change the color of an xref layer via command line by selecting the layer and not by knowing the layer name? What I am trying to do is come up with an action recorder file that will allow you to change an xref layer color.
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Aug 14, 2009
I'm looking for a lisp that will change all the layer colors of selected xref by clicking the xref and select color from the color table palette. I have a routine that would change the layer color of a selected entity other than xref.
;;Changes selected object layer to a true color
;;of chose from a dialog
(defun c:cvc (/ ent ent_data rgb str objlay)
(setq ent
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Aug 8, 2013
In the attached screencast video you will see that I have a drawing set up on the left of the screen to show where all the sections are taken through the building. I have setup a layer called SPC SECTION LINES which is set up to be bylayer and on the colour green.
When I XREF this drawing into the sheet file on the right side of the screencast you will see how the colour turns yellow when reference into the new sheet file?
Why does the colour of the line change when it gets xrefed into a new drawing?
the screen cast can be found at [URL]
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Dec 3, 2013
My alignment ticks use the stanard Aecc Tick block. It is on layer 0/bylayer/bylayer etc and the style is set by layer. They display correctly in the source drawing but when I xref that drawing into others, the ticks change colour based on what every the current layer is in the host drawing. If the current layer is 0 they dispaly correctly, if my current layer has a colour 5 associated with it then my xref ticks regen to blue. This only happens with the tick not the text.
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Feb 21, 2013
Possible to link an xref layer and local layer so they display the same (eg. sync viewport colour, linewieght, line type)?
I insert xref's for my base drawing but legend is on local layers and I would like to be able to ensure that the line colour and linetype always match...
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May 3, 2013
Is there a macro or lisp file that allows you to click on a element in the xref or active file and turn it off?
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Jul 3, 2013
I have a building floor plan drawing which has many colours although the Layer Property Manager shows them as being all white so it seems every layer has had its colour modified manually.
it’s possible to set all layers back to their By Layer colour but take the manually modified colours with them?
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Aug 9, 2012
everytime that i try and match properties or change the line type by selecting a layer in the layer properites manager, all the lines stay the same (as if nothing has happened). the lines that i am selecting are not in blocks
why i can not change the lines types or colours?
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Apr 10, 2012
I am producing some floor plans which I am having to split into several sheets. I am reusing the overall plan in small scale as a key/location plan (in a seperate viewport).
As the viewport is at small scale I want to make the pens thinner so walls don't come out too thick so I go into the layer manager and change the viewport pen colours and freeze off unwanted layers. Trouble is although I can copy the viewport between sheets and drawings it won't remember the layer settings is there a way that I can either: Set a variable to remember the layer settings within the viewport when copying Write a script to change the layer colours within the viewport and vp freeze the unwanted layers so all the keyplan match between all of my sheets.
The script wouldn't be too much problem for me as I mostly use key commands but when I tried changing the layer colours using -la -> c -> red all the viewports changed not just the current one. Is there a different command to change the viewport colours or is it just not possible from the command line.
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Mar 20, 2013
When I place the cursor over a part in an assembly it now turns bright red and semi-transparent, where to change the settings back to solid colours?
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Aug 16, 2013
In my Autodesk Inventor 2012 product design suit there is nothing displayed when I Press
Tools menu
Appliction Options
Colours Tab
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May 23, 2013
i would like to ask about plotting in autocad 2013. at the page set up i change my line weights and i put also the colour of each layer but the colours don't change when i create it in pdf and print the drawing and also the thcikness of the lines are not changed. what can i do?
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Mar 28, 2012
I want to attach an xref of "12015.01 - 69 East Ave BB02", but AutoCAD gives me the following error:
Error: "12015.01 - 69 East Ave BB02" is already a standard block in the current drawing. *Invalid*
First I checked to make sure there were no referenced blocks or xrefs in the drawing. I then attempted to purge the following blocks:
"12015.01 - 69 East Ave BB00"
"12015.01 - 69 East Ave BB01"
"12015.01 - 69 East Ave BB02"
Nothing happens. I click on "View items you cannot purge" and highlight any of those blocks and this is what I get:
This block definition cannot be purged if:
-- It is nested inside another block.
-- It is inserted in the drawing.
-- It is an attached xref drawing.
If I copy and paste the drawing into a new file, the blocks does not copy over, so it is obviously a problem with the file and not the drawing (if that makes any sense). I would simply replace the file, but all of my CD's Xref those three files and I don't have the time to go through and re-insert all of them.
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Jun 23, 2012
sort of like CS6, the dark menu has grown on me :P plus i thought it would match nicely with my dark firefox theme and dark GNOME interface AND my favour for dark BG designs.
I know i can change the background of the workspace, i've canged that to blue but my concern is more for the main GUI.
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Oct 14, 2013
Basically I want to merge two images. Both of them are grey originally so I change them to RGB mode and change the colours separately. I then go to copy and paste one image on top of the other and it automatically changes to whatever the colour is of the destination image.
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Nov 21, 2012
We are having an issue with CAD users putting their xrefs on any layer that is current; thus creating some layer control issues. I would like to make it so that when they go to attach an xref the layer is automatically set to the "XREF" layer and then possibly reset to the previous layer.
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Nov 17, 2011
I have a drawing of a floor plan, and on a separate drawing I have text that I need to add to the floor plan drawing.
I've used the XREF command and positioned it exactly where it needs to go, but I can't edit the text drawing unless I "Open XREF in place"
I got close by going to the XREF dialog and "Binding.." the drawing as an INSERT and now it's one huge block.
I'm trying to insert the drawing with the text on the drawing with the floor plan so it's one drawing and so I can edit the text or move things around if I need to.
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Apr 6, 2012
I'm getting a little frustrated that elements that i copy and paste (or open) in photoshop from Illustrator do not look the same, very muted, additionally when i come to save for web they look even worse. So i can never get the colours looking like the original unless (which isn't a solution) i change them manually by increasing the contrast ect.
All my colour settings/profiles are synced, the documents are both RGB. I just can't work it out
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Mar 1, 2014
change the colours of the icon text colours of the main titlle bar menu (see pict) I don't know what they're called in the Colours menu.
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Apr 30, 2012
I need to change the colour of several objects at different times.
Imagine I have 30 blue boxes that I want to change to red boxes but they dont start changing and finish at the same time. How do I do this?
One method is to have 30 materials that I keyframe to change from red to blue at certain times.
Another method is to have two coincident boxes and fade the red box out to leave the blue box. This way, I can make the fading start and finish at different times.
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010
NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM
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Apr 5, 2011
I am using Auto Cad 2011 and I always use the option to 'attach' xrefs. what is the difference between attaching and an overlay? Does one use less memory than the other? When would be the best time to use an overlay?
Also when my new version was installed when I bring in an xref the layers show light (I really like this) another girl in our office has the same version but her layers are still saturated. how does she change it to show ghosted layers in the xref?
is there a way to not have the long list of xref layers when I bring them into a drawing?
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Mar 27, 2013
I want to make a layer from external reference current.
I tried to identify it with its full name, but I got an error: eInvalidInput. So I found out, I have to use only the part behind the pipe.But then there is a problem, because this name is not unique withing the drawing.
Any number of xrefs can have such layer and also the drawing itself can have a layer with the same name. How exactly can I set a layer from xref current?
layer from xref1: Xref1|LayerName1
layer from xref2: Xref2|LayerName1
layer from the drawing: LayerName1
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Mar 7, 2013
How can I create a layer on my xref so it doesn't affect othere sheets referencing my drawing without having to open a couple of hundred draiwngs. I know I can create my layer, freeze it, save my drawing, open all sheets referencing my xref and save them. Better yet, is there a setting I can use that makes my new layer pop up frozen on for all sheets while I work on my xref, on a newly created layer?
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Aug 22, 2013
Version: Civil 3D 2012 and use CTBs for our plotstyles.
I'm working on a fairly large project that requires an excessive amount of base drawings. We frequently will be asked to have a drawing made and issued in a morning. To make sure we can constantly throw these drawings together quickly we've setup an xref system of all our base mapping data. (I'm sure this is a common thing but its the first time I've been exposed to it).
A lot of these drawings will have polylines with global widths on them. The problem with this is that global width doesn't always work so well when changing scales (we frequently bounce from 1:100 to 1:20,000) or when you just don't need the line to be so thick.
Two questions:
1) Stop using global widths on lines in the base drawings and switch to a method of setting lineweights of the xref layers when you xref in a drawing.
2) find that it ends up rounding off the end of the lines. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
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Feb 12, 2011
I want to delete Xref-dependent layer. AutoCAd says I can't delete them. I want to delete them.
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Mar 31, 2011
My company uses tons of Xrefs - wonderful, however problem comes when having to navigate through 100's of layers to get to the main drawings layers. So I tried using the layer filters to just show my main drawings layers. Here is the problem, I you can select show all layers, not good, can select just the xrefs (show all of them or show just one of them, etc...), or you can show just the used layers - I tried that, but when you create a new layer it is not included in that filter. I tried setting up a custom layer filter, however, I don't know how to right the name or what selection to make that would allow me to exclude a set of layers.
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Mar 7, 2012
I'm trying to change colours using the fill tool, but I only get different shades of grey, whatever colour I change it to. I've tested a couple of things and can't work out how to alter this... likewise, the defult patterns also come out in black, white and grey..
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Apr 29, 2012
I had my first contact with and I didn't succeed to see how can we change the colours of the numbers and of the background.
How can we do that?
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