I use gimp to make layered stencils for spray painting...I reduce it to a couple of colours, seperate the colours into different layers and then cut them out...
When I do im left with a ghost type image where the original layer was..
For some reason now, when I select a tool with hidden tools under them, they display the hidden tools in a pop up next to the selected tool. This is very frustrating and causes me to lose a lot of valuable time with extra clicking. Does any one know how to reset this particular feature?
user of Corel Videostudio pro x5 and gradually getting to grips with the functionality, however I have come to a dead end on one issue. I have edited a video ready for sharing and have gone to create a disc with a menu. I did not want any of the existing menu template so managed to create my own using a photograph as background and adding text I have managed to edit the text to change font etc but when it comes to the navigation buttons I cannot seem to be able to edit the properties. When using customise I can choose the different styles of button but cannot change the colour of the buttons to suit my template colour scheme. For some reason whenever I run a preview the play button always turns out to be pale blue colour. Currently on the create disc function I am selecting DVD for testing purposes instead of burning expensive Blue Ray discs however when finished I will want to burn blue ray discs.
When I import some PDF-files to XDPX (8) (Windows XP SP 3) it shows with CMYK colours. That means that I can't use the material as all colours are "wrong".
Is there a way of importing PDF-files so that they show with RGB colours?
Could that be an option in forthcoming versions; that you can select to import either as CMYK or RGB?
I recently started using Maya on Mac OSX, after having always used it on Linux, and I'm really baffled by the child windows behavior (think Hypershade, Graph Editor, Script Editor, etc...)
The shortcut Cmd+~ does switch focus between the windows, but the child windows always stay on top of the main one. That means that if I open one of these, but need to work in the main maya window, I need to click on the minimize button or double-click the title bar (because Cmd+M doesn't work on these!!!), then need to click in the dock to recall them...
Surely I must have missed something, didn't I? Is there a way to ensure the child windows are hidden by the main window when I switch focus using Cmd+~? On Linux I remember we had a way to set the environment variable MAYA_SET_PARENT_HINT to change this. For sure it's possible under OSX, since that's how firefox / safari and other applications work (switching focus between the different child windows correctly manage which one are in the foreground / background)
If I open an image that I have previously created (I'm working with .gif) and then select a colour on the pallet (it can be either FG or BG) and then try to place the colour on to the image - the colour is different to what I selected on the pallet.
I have the same issue with the 'bucket fill tool' or by selecting 'edit/fill with FG color' or by selecting 'edit/fill with BG color' or by placing a selected color text onto the image. I haven't tried using any other method.
I've tried deleting and reinstalling Gimp and I'm on Win XP PRO SP3.
I have myself a picture of my kitcar which I am looking to change the colour of however I want to preview a selection of colours using GIMP to see how they look on the car.
How to "overlay" different colours on the car? I am not sure how to go about selecting just the body of the car so that I can overlay different colours.
I would prefer to not have to hand paint each colour over the body of the car.
The way I know how to do it is by typing the first word in black lets say, then open a new text dialogue on another layer and type in the other word with a different colour.
Is there an easier way to do this since I'm afraid that my text won't be in line with each other?
Best way to get the colours to be the same when I replace a face onto another face esp if you can lightly dust the colours in so the finished picture looks natural
I'm currently working on a forum template (phpBB), and I want to invert the colours of the background. I did it easily for some pictures, but I can't invert one of them.
It's a simple gif, I don't know why I can't invert it. When I go to the menu 'colours'->'invert', the option is disabled, even if I tried with several tools selected.
when saving images for the web i try save them as indexed png's to save space.
however, when switching to indexed mode GIMP will alter my colours if i choose to use a palette with less colours than i have in the image. This is the most noticable if for example i have an image with bacgkround #ffcc00 and a multicoloured icon in the middle. due to the icon the image probably has over 100 colours. if i then choose 64 colours not only will it affect the colours in the icon, but change the entire, large, unicoloured background area to maybe fec50a (just an example). is there anyway to force GIMP to only use colours already present in the image?
I'm trying to change colours using the fill tool, but I only get different shades of grey, whatever colour I change it to. I've tested a couple of things and can't work out how to alter this... likewise, the defult patterns also come out in black, white and grey..
Basically I want to merge two images. Both of them are grey originally so I change them to RGB mode and change the colours separately. I then go to copy and paste one image on top of the other and it automatically changes to whatever the colour is of the destination image.
Whenever I open an image in Gimp, it's just a little off colour. Then when I save it as an image file (usually png), it's even more off colour than what's displayed in Gimp. For example, if the image starts out with a grey background of 808080 (RGB Hex Value, 16-bit), in Gimp it's 7F7F7F, and when I save as a png, it's 6E6E6E (honestly, how does that make sense under any circumstances?). I've tried every combination of settings under colour management, to no avail. Once, I managed to get Gimp to display the correct colour, but when I saved it as a gimp file, and re-opened it, it was wrong again.
Problem is, in sky areas, this causes patchy colours and banding issues. However, and this is the strange part, if I convert to TIFF (even using JPEG compression), and then apply the colour matrix, I don't get these issues.
BUT, even wierder, if I then try to convert the fine-looking TIFF image to JPEG again (even with -quality 100), I get these patchy colours again.
This is with GIMP 2.6.12 on a Fedora Linux system.
I've been using GIMP for a while for basic website stuff. Very basic website stuff. I've recently been asked if GIMP has some more advanced features. Well, advanced put to my usual level of use anyway.
So, I thought I'd query if I could do the following in GIMP...
(1) Edit a BMP but ensure the file size remains the same?
The person asking is using the images for a specific purpose and they always have to be the same size.
(2) Open .pspimages and possibly save back as this format.
The answer to this seems to be no on the opening front anyway.
(3) Restrict the image to a very limited range of colours, say 3-6?
Again this is due to the very specific and restricted nature of the images they are creating.
My 'Tool Options' Box has always been on the left of the screen - at the bottom of the 'Tool box'. I clicked on something yesterday while using the Tool Options Box and somehow moved it. There is now a message there that says 'You can drop dockable dialogs here'. I've tried various things but can't get the Tool Options box back. It's lurking underneath the main Tool Box. I can drag it out and use it, but afterwards it hides again. I know this has to be a dead simple problem but I just can't seem to correct it.
I am currently using dual monitors and whenever I open or create a new document in CS2 it wants to go on top of the menu bar till I move it. This gets annoying after a while when trying to edit multiple documents. Is there a way to make the Menu bar always on top and the documents to just live in the work space below it and never go ontop of the others? I know this was possible in earlier versions of photoshop.
It seems that I've somehow "hidden" all of the extra options for any given tool in the Toolbox in GIMP (in 2.6, but I'm having the same issue in 2.8). I'm quite baffled as to what I did to cause this issue. URL....
When hiding or showing a layer the main canvas is not refreshing.
If I hide the layer window then the canvas is refreshed.
So in order to hide a layer I click the eye icon, click in the canvas panel, hit Tab to refresh the canvas, and tab again to shop the layer window again.
I'm pretty sure this is not by design but I'm not sure whether there's a setting I've accidentally activated, or if it's a bug in Gimp or if it's a problem with the graphics set up on my machine (not having any other problems).
I'm using Gimp v 2.8.4 On fedora 17/Gnome 3
I've tried purging gimp from my system and reinstalling with out success!
I am trying to decipher an image (it's for an online game and I refuse to cheat for the answer!!)
I have a .psd image, that I have opened into layers - see the attached screenshot... It makes far more sense than the long-winded paragraph I just deleted!! All other layers were easy to deal with I just had to click on the eye to make them visible, but the one with the dotted box around it - I can't work out what to do..
So for this troublesome layer, I need to work out how to 'see' whatever is hiding in there. I have played around with lots of things, but the best I get is a white box if I remove the alpha channel.
I don't want to know what the other letters are, just how to find them.
The original image is here, it will prompt to open or save: [URL] .......
when I click on the hdr toning menu it comes up too large, it obscures the image and I cannot move it around as the blue border at the top is not there...is there a way I can make that menu/window smaller...so that I can see the image and move it around...the sharpen image is quite large as well but there is a plus/minus widow which allows to see the image
I have a problem when switching between different programs, eg LR, Word, itunes, Firefox. When returning to LR, it has moved behind the task bar which is fixed on the left on my screen. Since the file menu is then covered by the task bar I have to shut down LR frequently via the task bar. This only happens with LR. I am using LR 3.4 on Win 7 Prof 64bit on a Sony notebook.
I am trying to make Apple's mostly greenish star space wallpaper for iPhones from iOS 7 (see the attachment #1) into beautiful gradient of colours.
The problem is that I do not know how to do it, so was only able to make a striped version colouring via huge brush, not true gradient.
how I could make a really smooth, gradiental transition between colours?
Attached File(s) Original greenish star wallpaper for iPhone.gif (256.91K) Number of downloads: 6 iPhone45WallpaperStars.jpg (160.65K) Number of downloads: 4
In 2008, never had this issue.Just dumb, circles, and lines in a view port, that have hidden or center linetyoes assigned to them. When we go to plot using legacy hidden (this new for 2012?) the plot comes out with continuous lines. These are not solids. Just ordinary line entities.Now, when I change the shadeplot to "hidden" the linetype is shown correctly, but now my entities are coloured, when I just want my drawing to be black and white (going to PDF), even though all of the colours in the pen style are set to "Black".
Has this changed? Is there a new variable introduced?
I've installed CS6 (CS5 is still on the machine), and in the Bridge Menu, there is no longer a Batch menu item for initiating actions.In Bridge's Edit/Preference command, I have the Startup Scripts checked.There are no files in the "Startup Scripts" folder.
I don't see a "Startup Scripts" folder in CS5, only in CS6.I can still do batch operations directly from Photoshop CS6's automate window, however, I like the ability in Bridge to select specific files on which to run the action.
I signed up for Adobe Creative Cloud, so that I could evaluate the latest version of Illustrator and Photoshop. I downloaded and installed Illustrator, however my computer crawled after the install. So I had to do a System Restore back to before the download and install of Illustrator.
After the System Restore, I again downloaded and installed Illustrator. The program showed up in the programs menu. I then downloaded and installed Photoshop and Dreamweaver. But after that, two separate versions of Photoshop show up - regular and 64 bit (I only downloaded and installed one version of Photoshop), and Dreamweaver. Illustrator no longer shows up in the Windows 7 Programs menu. How is this possible???
I looked in C:Program Files, and a 342MB Illustrator CC file is there. But I cannot find a .exe file in that file, and so cannot start Illustrator.
Worse still, when I try to download and install Illustrator once again, Adobe Creative Cloud shows me as having downloaded and installed it already, and that it is working perfectly - which is of course, NOT TRUE! Creative Cloud will accordingly not allow me to download and install Illustrator again! So while Creative Cloud thinks I have a worling version of Illustrator CC to try out and evaluate, I in fact do not!
What happened, and why the version installed in Program Files folder is not showing up i the Programs Menus of Windows 7, and or what I can do to get Illustrator to start up.