GIMP :: Using A Filter From Within Script-fu (2012)
Aug 22, 2012
I'm learning how to write script-fu scripts. I've managed to resize an image, but I would like to use a filter from within the script-fu script, applying it to the image after it's been resized. More specifically, I'd like to run the Filters->Generic->Dilate filter on the image, before saving it. I've searched on Google for how to do this, but I can't find any references to using filters from within a script.
Got a problem here with the map to object filter, or maybe it's just a case of it can't do what I want it to. I thought it best to ask here to find out for sure.
s.xcf (Size: 146.5 KB / Downloads: 30)
The circle at the top and in the foreground is the one that I want to map to a cylinder, but no matter what I do I can't seem to get ride of the other two circles, the one at the bottom and the one in the background. I can erase them after the mapping's finished but I was hoping to find a way to prevent them appear in the first place.
Having a problem in Gimp 2.6.11 on Windows 7 x64 system. You can watch the video, linked below, but the basics are: I do a selection, scale the selection, make a new layer out of the floating selection result. I try to run a RGB Noise filter on the new layer and no preview shows in the filter dialog or it doesn't show correctly. If I anchor the floating selection into the original layer, instead of making a new layer out of it, the preview shows correctly. Is this a bug... or?
I want to write a Java program that mimics the plasma filter. However, my first few (as in 30-40) attempts have not been very successful. If GIMP provides algorithms or source code for the filters anywhere?
Searched three fora: this, General, and <I forget>. I looked for a Developer thread thinking this might already be a requested feature, but did not find one.
When I have a filter window open, most often there is a "preview" window--of fixed size--which I can pan, but not so far not figure out how to zoom to see detail.
I wish I may I wish I might: - be able to resize the "preview" window - be able to zoom in to see the effects of the filter better
I am running Mac OS X 10.8.3, Gimp 2.8.4 and Python 2.6.5
I remember using Slice in the past, but I can't remember if it was before upgrading to Gimp 2.8. Now, there are only 2 items (Image Map and Semi-Flatten) under the Filters/Web menu. Slice isn't there.
So, yesterday I was trying to halftone an image. Everything was working fine, but I couldn't figure out how to use it the way I wanted to. So I found a tutorial. I read it, figured out what I was doing wrong, went on my way. Everything seemed fine.
Then I went to use my newfound knowledge, and lo and behold, the Newsprint filter stopped working. No matter what I tried, the preview image looked just like the original. And when I tried applying the filter anyway, figuring maybe something was just up with the preview panel, nothing happened. The filter pauses to load when I change something, acting like it's working, but nothing happens. The closest thing I've been able to get was the image completely disappearing when I change a certain setting (switch to luminosity, in case you were wondering). I tried googling my problem, but all that gets me is tutorials and the how-to-use guide.
I want to make a basic color filter over my image that, for instance, filters out every color that isn't red. so everything that was red would show up as normal and everything that was blue or green would show up as black.
I'd like to know how to apply a "filter" to a bunch of images. By "filter" i mean a grid for sharing image in equals parts. How to be able to locate elements in a image. And to "apply" this grid to all the images of a directory even by script-fu if necessary.
Is there a stock filter or one that can be added to GIMP that sort of rounds the edges of sharp parts of an image?
I'm looking for a filter or effect that can round the sharp edges of a bitmap image of a font, to give it that 'Xerox Machine' effect where a sharp font looses it's sharp corners and gets a rounded effect from being copied over and over.
I already tried the 'Gaussian Blur' filter, but that just creates soft edges and not the rounded corners that I'm looking for. The effect that I'm looking for is not fuzzy or blurred, but is more of a 'rounded corners' effect... it can be seen in the attached image that is below.
Attached File(s) Universal_Picture.jpg (34.92K) Number of downloads: 4
I need to correct distortion from my 18-200 mm lens for my Nikon D80.
I can experiment with the controls until I get what looks reasonable,but it would be easier if I could find recommendations for settings of the lens distortion filter at different focal lengths for the lens.
I used to use a Panorama Tools plugin for gimp for which I found such recommendations, but I can't get that plugin to work with recent versions of gimp.
Of course I can experiment by photographing a grid at different focal lengths and different subject distances and using trial and error, and create my own tables.
Finally, where can I find a description of the the algorithm that the filter uses. If I had that, it might simplify things. Usually these algorithms apply a polynomial (usually cubic) correction based on the radial distance from the center of the image. The parameters set the coefficients of the polynomial.
There used to be a pnorama tools plugin which allowed one to entercorrections for specific lenses which I was able to find on the web.That worked very well. But I haven't been able to find that plugin forrecent versions of gimp.
There is a lens distortion filter, but you have to use it by trial anderror. I haven't found any specific recommendations to use forspecific lenses anywhere. And in some cases, nothing I try works. Iattach an example below. It was taken, I believe with a Nikon 18-55 mmlens at 18 mm. You will notice that there is no distortion at thesides but significant barrel distortion as you move in from the sides.No combination of major and edge correction that I've tried does anygood.
P.S. I understand that ahd I shot raw with my Nikon, I might havebeen able to do the correction more easily using ufraw. Also, it mightbe possible using hugin to correct the distortion. But I would like tobe able to do it with gimp if I can.
My problem is it's in its own menu under Filters and I would prefer to have it under Light and Shadow. So I open the script using Wordpad like I've done many times before with similar scripts and go to edit the menu path. I make the change, save it, and refreshed the scripts and I get the error "eval: unbound variable:" I tried changing it back and I got it again.
Here is the code, again the only line I've changed is
"<Image>/Filters/RSS/Ray S_tudio" to "<Image>/Filters/Light and Shadow/Ray S_tudio" ;Ray Studio v0.2;;Ray Studio - ray effect creation script;;;Version history:;==================================================================;ver. 0.2 (November 27th 2011); - official release;;==================================================================;script-fu-ray-studio;Main function;LIST OF ARGUMENTS:;IMAGE - processed image;;LAYER - processed layerй;;FLOAT - lightning edge;;COLOR - ray's tone color;;FLOAT - ray toning [code]....
These are the reasons why I went back from GIMP 2.8 to GIMP 2.6.x:
1.) The free text field in the "Open file" view has been removed, or at least I couldn't find it. A frequent use case for me is to copy a fully qualified file name (i.e. including the path) of an image and to paste it to the "open file" view of GIMP... Not possible anymore? Why? Progress IMHO is if possibilities grow, not if they disappear.
2.) I open a JPEG and I want to save(!) it as JPEG. Why is GIMP starting to domineer over the user now (like e.g. MS Windows has been doing all the time) by changing the file type to XCF and forcing the user to "export" the image (that was opened as a JPEG!) if he wants to save it as a JPEG again? Progress IMHO is if things get easier, not if they get more complicated.
3.) The calculation of the image size of JPEGs when saving in preview mode is buggy, i.e. the size is way too high (GBs instead if MBs). Of course, this is only a minor bug which will be fixed soon (if it isn't already). I just wanted to note it.
I'm in the process of making a command map for the free video game Wolfenstein Enemy Territory.
The games allows to generate a TGA file called Tracemap, which is used by the game to detect which places are outside or inside, for precipitations and artillery. It is commonly used as a base to make command maps, such as:
Other examples:
To obtain a comparable result, I have decomposed the making in 4 steps (4 layers): - The terrain (background); - The buildings (in shade of grey); - The roads (a tool drawing white lines bordered with black and doing the junctions automatically would be neat, if it ever exists...?); - The "foldings" (that's the Reverso translation, I think it can be guessed from the pic).
So, I exported the terrain in a separated map, compiled it, generated a Tracemap, and I have it in GIMP now. I would like GIMP to detect and do some lines between the different levels like Paint Shop Pro seems to do:
This way, I can draw the height lines accurately, and then color (I already made the palette with required colors); Does this exist in GIMP? Tried few filters but never came close to something like in the Warchest forums.
My decor filter has disappeared from the filters menu. Was using it yesterday, no problem. Today, it's just gone. I have uninstalled Gimp and reinstalled it several times and that does not work.
The version I am using is 2.8.4 and I have a PC with Windows 7. I have been using the program for the last two months with no problems and the more I use the more I like it.
Just to add the issue, I installed Gimp 2.8.4 on my wife's computer, and the filter is there.
I have just loaded 2.8 with much anticipation and found that the default toolbox is fixed on the right-hand side of the screen adjacent to the dock able toolbars.
Is this normal for 2.8? It seems weird that it would now be positioned on the right.
This is another of those things I knew how to do in PShop and am now trying to duplicate in GIMP. I have a photo of a flowchart drawn in green marker on a whiteboard. Photo taken with an iPhone, so quality is yuck. I brought out the greens with Color Enhance, but now the white board has areas that are yellow on the right and blue on the left.
How to target these "problem colors" and desaturate or otherwise move them back to white?
I have myself a picture of my kitcar which I am looking to change the colour of however I want to preview a selection of colours using GIMP to see how they look on the car.
How to "overlay" different colours on the car? I am not sure how to go about selecting just the body of the car so that I can overlay different colours.
I would prefer to not have to hand paint each colour over the body of the car.
How / where I am supposed to extract gimp-help-2.8.0.tar.bz2 file. If I can't get this to work, I would be satisfied with a pdf of the 2.8 help files! Just anything, because I cannot always work connected to the internet. My operating system is Windows Vista.
How do you make your text 3D? As in, instead of flat it has a 3D cube look or round or something like that? I looked at the text portion of the user manual and didn't see anything about that.
Suse 12.2, gimp 2.8-git branch installed in ~/gimp, compiled resynth-git prefixed there, too.Can call "heal selection" and Resynthesize, but the do nothing.
Example: I have a white square with one corner missing, the corner shows alpha. Now I select all the alpha, then call filter-map-resynth, tell it to look 50pixel further, run it, it calculates for a minute, munches cpu and all, and then...Nothing.The layer is correct, it has an alpha channel, alpha is not locked.Tried both heal and resynth.
I am using GIMP 2.6.11 .I am using it to make DVD jackets among other things and have a template made. It's been about a year since I've done a jacket and made no notes - my bad.The Template is 10.597 inches wide X 7.292 inches high for a 7 mm spine jacket.I have it set in the Image - Print Size as well The big problem I have is trying to set the page setup setting from the File menu - It is stuck at Portrait, A4, Front tray and will not change - it resets every time. It refuses to switch to landscape or US 8.5 x 11.
The Print menu from the File menu only has 2 tabs - nothing like what is shown on the on-line manual. Only A General and Image Setting Tab.The image Setting Tab is useless as nothing I change seems to matter. the maximum size I can enter is H= 5.670" and H= 8.240" I have read section 1.6.2 Printing Photos and all the related links without finding out a thing. And nothing seems relivent. All I would like to do is make a graphic and print it out at an exact (or very close) size. I didnt think it would be so difficult.
I Googled and found the steps for creating a colored circle with theborder size I preferred. Cool. But when it came to something as simple as copying that circle (it's in a new layer) and changing the size, Google was pulling up irrelevant sites. Yes I've seen the official docs, but they're very detailed and I'm in a "get it done now" environment.
My base image is a screen capture of the most commonly-used screen in our main software here. I want to create copies of my groovy new circle and place it over the buttons employees will use each day. Plus re-size the circles as needed. (Note that I've been using Photoshop in the past, and I don't know how to "see" each new layer in GIMP.)