GIMP :: Trying To Print 4x6 - Printing Half Of The Picture
Oct 13, 2012
Brand new GIMP user. I have been able to layer my pictures to create the effect I want. My problem is PRINTING. I can print but it is only printing half of the picture. Trying to print 4x6. If I flip the setup on my printer to landscape it only shows the bottom of the picture and it is not centered, the right size, and is on the top middle of my 4x6 photo paper. If I leave at portrait, it only hows the right side of the picture and, again, is the worng size and on the left side of the photo paper. Obviously I am missing something very basic?
I put a picture in gimp and when I go to print it it isn't a size anything like the picture in gimp. It's sometimes way bigger or smaller . How do I resize the picture to the size I want to print it.
I used scale image to make a 2.314" x 3" image to print so it'll fit in a frame that I have for that same size. When I print it out the size looks great but it's over on the edge of the 4x6 paper and most of the picture is cut off. I tried, I should use print size and not canvas size but when I change the print size to 4x6 it also changes my canvas size back to 4x6. I still have my original so I can do this again but what I want is a 2.314"x3" image to print out on my 4x6 glossy paper.
This is a very strange thing that is happening. Half the text on my file is not printing, it's like it's invisible. The strange thing is I received two files from the same person the first one was fine. It odd the first five lines are printing but not the rest of the text. I can re-type the text but I was wondering why it's happening.
I am making an image to be screen printed. In the background theres a moon in a very dark sky. The moon is going to be white, with a greenish gradient glow (circle shaped) around it, fading into darkness in the rest of the sky. I have the gradient ready but I can't figure out what to do about making it a half tone so I can screen print it.
I suppose the specifics of my image aren't crucial. What I need to know is how to make a coloured half tone where it's essentially two colours on two separate layers that blend into each other. Should it be two half tone layers? Or is it better to have ONE of the two colours a half tone, while the other sits below and together they create the illusion of blending?
I am currently printing/plotting a ANSI D size drawing to 1:2 scale but whether I plot directly to the printer or publish to PDF I lose the drawing border.
Using Elements Ver. 7. I have one photo which I have cropped using a 4x6 aspect ratio. I've done the same thing on dozens of photos but this one only prints on half the page (4x6 photo paper) no matter what orientations I set the printer or the program to.
I've just installed an HP5000N printer on a Windows 7 Network. I'm printing from CORELDRAW X3. (Same problem exists when using X5) I'm using the HP UNIVERSAL print driver. (I have both PCL & Postscript versions installed.)
I'm trying to use the ADVANCED Settings - which require POSTSCRIPT - with no success from either driver. I can SEE the dialog for changing LINE SCREEN, it allows me to change line screen (i.e. 35 lpi) and Screen angle (i.e. 45 degrees) - but when I PRINT - it give me the default printer screen of 100+ lpi.
I have also run the windows wizard and let WINDOWS search for a driver. It selected the HP5000 PCL 6 driver. This driver does NOT support the TABLOID (11x17) nor does it solve the no postscript functionality.
Getting an HP5000N to print different line screens from X3, or X5 running on W7 platform?
I have been printing half tones for quite some years now with no troubles, all of a sudden my post script printer wont print half tones, I must have changed an option somewhere, and dont know what I did whether I have changed something in corel or on the printer itself but I dont think it is the printer .
when i open an image to work on onlyhalf of it is showing. It is as if i need to scroll down to see the whole page. I have the scroll bar visible, but it doenst move. When i try to move the image up the screen it moves out of its box, leaving a checkered background in its place.
When printing in 3d with the vp set to 3dhidden and the shade plot set to hidden legacy some solid items print with the wire frame. This usualy happens with torus and cones. How do I stop this?
When printing from PS CC using the print dialogue box I am getting a severe red shift in the final print. When I print the same image from PS CS5 or CS6 I get a color-correct print.
I am running a MacPro with OS 10.7.5, and printing to a Canon iPF8300 with its latest firmware and print driver. I am using the proper ICC profile for the paper. In the print dialogue box, I select "Photoshop Manages Colors".
A couple things I noticed: In the "Print Settings" where I dial in the printer setup, the settings for "Color" are both turned off (Colorsync & Vendor).In the printer driver settings (still within "Print Settings") the "Color" tab is grayed out, but when I click the "Settings" for that sub-panel, Colorsync is selected.When I printed the image from the Canon PS Plug-in, the red cast was gone, but the blacks were too heavy (there is no "Black Point Compensation" check box available because the Canon plug-in uses Adobe Color Engine for that, and it's only 32-bit and won't run).
I have just bought and installed Lightroom 5 and need to set my print size to A3 and in the future even bigger. I do not have the facility at home and need to have them sized correctly for the print shop so they do not have to waste time resizing them. I am at a loss how to do this. I cant find any settings for this size print. A3 is roughly 42 x 29.7 cm.
When the modify dimensions box is open, the 'roundoff' menu gives me 1/16", 1/8" etc, even when DECIMAL is selected as the unit format.
This wasn't happening earlier, not sure what's going on. [in fact in a solved problem from earlier, a colleague found a drawing that had units set to millimeters, had its insertion scale set to inches! Different computer, so not related].
My office has two desktop printers, both HP. Our Officejet 7000 wide format prints great. On the HP Officejet 7500, we are often seeing text printing errors. It will not print the text from vertical dimension strings, and cuts off some M-text at an imaginary vertical line in the middle of the text box. PDF's of the same drawing look fine. Is this a printer driver issue? Is there anything I can do within AutoCAD?
Say you select all of the patterns on one half of the image.
Is it possible to mirror the selection, so that it selects the corresponding ares on the other half as well? Because it would cut down the workload by a fair bit.
I am trying to edit a JPEG. It is one layer. My mode is Normal with 100% opacity, 100% fill. The layer is not locked.
I can use several tools including move, magic wand, paint bucket, crop. However, I cannot use the eraser, paintbrush, healing tool, clone stamp (which is the one I desperately need to use) or many others.
Alright, with out pictures, let me try to explain what I'm trying to do I'm trying to create a black and white (grayscale) top-down gradient of half a cone.
I select a circle, and using the cone gradient, start from the middle and go outward to the edges. Great so far, I have a top-down cone, but what I really need is only half of that, as if I was creating a top-down volcano with the top half sliced off and a flat rounded middle.
This is becoming a bump-map so the RGB value must match perfectly the highest point of the gradient with the sliced off part.
i just started using gimp on ubuntu 13.10 . almost half of the menu items are greyed out. most of the filters work or ar not greyed out, g'mic is greyed out and so is most of the stuff in the file menu (export, save, save as, etc.) . i already tried re-installing gimp from the software center with no prevail. this is how it was the first time i installed it on this new ubuntu 13.10 .
is there something that i can do to maybe refresh the entire gimp folder maybe? maybe delete it then re-install gimp. i really dont know if this would fix anything though.
this is really irritating. and no its not the "image RGB/indexed mode" problem.
im pretty sure i dont have anything installed (like some weird ubuntu restricted access fake file) that could interfere with the interface at all as this is a pretty fresh installation. the most i have installed that might even be close to interfering with the interface is "pipelight" which is for flash and silverlight, not gimp.
i even tried different color profiles and none of them work. i even downloaded the brand new color profiles from adobe. none of those work either.
the only way i got ALL of the menu options back, including g'mic, was opening gimp through raw therapee (basically adobe lightroom for ubuntu) which might be of some use in finding an answer to this?
i already have everything i need installed including the ubuntu restricted access extras and such.i just would like gimp to open normally with all the normal file menu options enabled like everyone elses and not be all greyed out ..
Our supplier sent us some wierd size pdfs that are not full size or half size. I am trying to resize them to full size pdfs (Arch D) but am unable to figure this out in Acrobat.
My work-around is to insert them in AutoCAD and scale them based on known dimensions, then print to pdf. Unfortunately the resulting file is collosal and the quality degraded.
Is there a relatively simple, automated tool in gimp to apply one picture's environment lighting properties to another picture?
So for example if i cut out an object from one picture that has pretty warm lighting environment, and put it in a cold light background it will look pretty out of place obviously, and this is what I would like to resolve.
What I want to do, is take the path tool, make a pattern around a picture (which is rectangle) placing it on a picture of a board like this...and then pull the picture horizontally, and vertically, to make it circular, to fit the perimeter of the board. If I understand it correctly, when you use the path allows you to make an image round (from rectangular) is that true?
I can find tutorials and plugins and such to convert a picture into a cartoon picture... but is there a plug in or way to go from cartoon to RL (real life image photo)???