GIMP :: Ancient Manuscript Ink Differentiation?

Jun 19, 2013

I work with old manuscripts, many of which are digitised and available online. However one of the problems our readers have encountered is differentiating the main text from ink which is coming through the page from behind (bleed-through), and ink which has come from the page adjacent (offset). What I am hoping to achieve is to have one final image with the main text in one colour, and the bleed-through and offset in other colours so we can quickly identify what is real and what isn't.

I usually work with ImageJ but am hoping to use GIMP to assign colours to each of these layers. I have three base images to work with (the front of the page, the back of the page horizontally flipped, and the adjacent page which is causing offset). They aren't registered, but even something like using semi-transparency on an overlay, and physically colouring in the different ink areas could work, but I'm not sure where to start.

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GIMP :: Bend Music Manuscript Into Full Circle?

Oct 9, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to bend a music manuscript into a full circle?

I have tried the warp and bend/curve filters but cant seem to get the effect i want.

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Illustrator :: Color Differentiation When Exporting To PNG

Oct 10, 2012

Whenever I export my artboards to the PNG format, I receive a slight change in the bitmap colorization.
In Illustrator, my colors are perfect, but when exporting to PNG, the end result shows an increase in color vibrance - making a light blue (for example) show as slightly more turquoise/sharper light blue.
(This is a screenshot capture. Illustrator artboard is on the left hand side, the exported PNG example is on the right hand side.)
So, my question is if I am doing something wrong with my color settings?

My settings have been set in my Adobe Bridge to:
Europe General Purpose 3
RGB Space: sRGB IEC61966-2.1
CMYK Space: Coated FOGRA39 (ISO 12647-2:2004)
PS: I constantly switch between creating graphics that are used for the web and other on-screen web applications (such as GUI's) and printed booklets and posters, etc. I've always had immense trouble finding a perfect working space with web and printed material. Any color settings or some kind of best-practice working environment to create consistent color.

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Photoshop :: Ancient Symbols

Aug 6, 2004

Just wondered if anyone knew of any tutorials on how to make cool ancient symbols and stuff in ps

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Photoshop :: Upgrading From Ancient Intuos 2 Pad / Pen

Jan 7, 2013

Yes, it's been well over a decade since I upgraded from my Wacom Intuos 2 pen/pad, but I think I've finally worn the thing into the grave. It had served me well, so I didn't see need to get any new versions--until now.
So my question is, what do you recommend as an upgraded improvement? There's newer models of the Intuos pad/pen and there's also Bamboo pad/pens. I'm an illustrator that colors my work in great detail exclusively on Phtotoshop so I'd love to get a pen/tablet that handles all daunting assignments. And because I'm an illustrator, I can't really afford a Cintiq tablet, so I guess an Intuos of Bamboo are my choices.

My ancient Intuos 2 pen still works so-so but it suddenly started delaying and I find I have to tap the pad with the pen to get the cursor to move in the area I want it to. I installed the Intuos 2 driver again but nothing's changed. Yep, time for new tools.

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Photoshop :: How To Add Effect Of Ancient Picture?

Oct 30, 2004

How to add in PS effect of ancient liny picture? I did not find standard PS filter for that.

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AutoCad 2D :: Restore / Convert Antique Drawings Of Ancient Boats And Sailplanes

Feb 24, 2012

In my 2D drawings I use a lot of splines. I restore/convert antique drawings of ancient boats and sailplanes in/to Autocad 2012. I use these drawings as a raster image and draw precisely over the handcrafted lines. So these original drawings contain a lot of hand shaped (organic) formes that go through, by dimension defined, fitpoints (so as indicated on the original plan) and are tangent to other lines elsewhere in the plan.

As I draw a lot of these splines, I want to manipulate the default settings in order to save time and effort.Is there a way in Autocad 2012 to increase the weight, by default, of a vertex point in such a way so that the vertex point becomes a fit point by itself? What is the maximum value to give to a vertex point? Does it become a fit point then?

When a fitpoint and a vertex point coincide, how to keep them stay that way; that means relocate both at the same time when editing the spline, and not one seperately.

I don't want to see these splines to leave the points they absolutely should go through as I clicked them when drawing the spline. I want splines to be smooth, and to stay smooth even after replacing fit points or vertici. And I don't have the time to re-re-re-re-refine every single spline I draw, as I draw so many. I've tried so hard to fix this problem, but I can't, probably because of incompetence.

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GIMP :: Tool / Plugin For Gimp To Transform Selections

Sep 18, 2011

I have checked the road map for GIMP and I have seen that the Unified transform tool can be expected in version 3.8. (ugh)

Now what I would like to ask is there any tool or plugin for GIMP that can transform my selections? Or is there any open source image editor that can do it.

I'm not an artist and just for this I have to use Photoshop. For me PS is an overkill for just cutting up an image.

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GIMP :: How To Correct Blurry Images Using Gimp

Mar 24, 2011

A few photos from my digital camera that I cannot re-take, the pictures are blurry, how would I go about correcting the blurry photographs using gimp?

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GIMP :: HDR Photography With GIMP

Sep 27, 2012

Is it possible to do HDR photography with GIMP? If so, how?

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Photoshop :: Or Gimp

Mar 31, 2008

Which do you think is easier to design with?

Photoshop, probably just really used to it and I couldn't switch to Gimp.

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Photoshop :: Gimp Ps?

Aug 19, 2004

I have been useing gimp for a while now and I find that it is just as powerful as ps but interface sucks. also I have found the some of the gfx filters are gone.

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Photoshop :: Gimp

Apr 14, 2005

if there are any sites where you can get free .psd files of different shapes, pictures etc. What I am looking for I guess is a photoshop version of clipart - just some shapes and pictures I can drop into a design to save time etc.

I work for a charity and have to make promo posters all the time -

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Photoshop :: GIMP?

Dec 11, 2008

The only thing that is lacking from photoshop is the ability to easily determine exactly how many pixels apart things are. For instance, I have some guides placed and I want to drag another guy exactly 10px below the current one. Thing is, i have no idea what pixel that first guide is at. I can't double click it to get that info, I can't set the information bar in the bottom left of the image window to a coordinate system like gimp. I do a lot of web development and this is a very important feature to me. Is there something that I am missing? I know I can go to view->new guide but I don't feel like guessing 30 times as to which point an image i have happens to fall, and then add the 10 pixels down from there.

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GIMP :: Updating From 2.6 To 2.8?

Sep 12, 2012

Whenever I try to install the latest version of gimp I get the error that tells me that the uninstaller to remove the previous version has failed.

I tried to run the 2.6 uninstaller but it failed so I removed the gimp folder from my Program Files folder and my User\(name) folder, I realize now that this was probably not the smartest move. I still get the error telling me to uninstall the previous version and I even ran a search of my computer and can't find any trace of the previous version of gimp.

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GIMP :: Where Are The Gradients

Feb 27, 2013

I have made MANY custom gradients, some manually, some by 'sample gradient along path' but NONE of those custom gradients are in the 'gradients' folder!!! I want to back them up like I back up every custom content (brushes, patterns, plug-ins, etc.) but unable to find!

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GIMP :: How To Actually Upgrade To 2.8

May 30, 2012

I'm having trouble installing 2.8 on crunchbang (Debian Xfce). Since, as opposed to popular belief, Ubuntu is not Debian these instructions are useless: URl...

How to install on Debian. I tried adding ppa in Synaptic but "Add Source" button was still grayed out after pasting "ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp"

Also tried "sudo apt-get update" then running "sudo apt-get install gimp" and got return message: "gimp is already the newest version." How to actually upgrade to 2.8?

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GIMP :: How To Use Paths In 2.8

May 7, 2012

Do you know about a a torturial of how to use paths in Gimp 2.8?

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GIMP :: Enter Key In Mac OSX

Apr 27, 2012

I am trying to use the Foreground select tool, and while I can select the section I want. WHen it instructs me to press the enter key, I do and everything de-selects.I cannot copy the selection...I'm using a MacBook Pro 10.5.

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GIMP :: Way To Use Scuffing

Dec 2, 2011

Is there any way to use "Scuffing" in Gimp like how it's shown in this video? URL....

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GIMP :: Can't Use Any Tool

Feb 23, 2011

I'm a long time GIMP user but I'm new to Mac. My Wacom works perfect with the GIMP. I figured out to use click-through so I would have to double click all the time on windows. What I can't figure out is why my mouse can't use any tools. I pick a tool, select for example - it does nothing on the canvas. Paint tool, nothing. Any tool I try does nothing when using my mouse. I switch to my Wacom and all the tools work perfectly.

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GIMP :: How To Convert DWG To PDF

Oct 25, 2012

I am an experienced Photoshop user, but just found Gimp. So far, very good. I work as a consultant Chemical Engineer, in an oil refinery.

I plan to bring converted DWGs - to PDFs - into Gimp, and then insert/modify with new valves, pumps, control valves, pressure controls, vessels, etc. That would be used as "marked-up" flow diagrams, P&IDs, for new designs or modifications.

Is there a selection of objects like this that can be opened directly into Gimp, without my needing to create each one? Yes, I realize there would be some advantages to a vector-based program versus a bit-mapped program, but I can modify and use existing drawings much easier in a bit-mapped program.

Is it possible to even be able to create objects like this and import/open them in Gimp, to be moved/pasted to wherever one likes?

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GIMP :: Install 2.8.2 On Mac OS 10.6.8?

Feb 9, 2013

I downloaded Gimp 2.8.2, the "native" version for use on my MacBook, OS X 10.6.8, and no luck. It will not open. I have trashed it and re-downloaded, restarted, etc. No good.

I have tried downloaded it from both [URL] .......

Each time I try to open it, it gets to finding fonts and then "unexpectedly closes."

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.

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GIMP :: Cannot Run Some (old) Scripts

Aug 8, 2013

I have windows XP (SP3) and use GIMP 2.6.11.Have installed lots of scripts ( _scm), plug-ins (_py and _exe).Everything is fine with that.

My problem with some few scripts at this moment: e.g. (and there are some more)

-Filters– Alpha to Logo – ComicBook

-Filters- Alpha to Logo- Chrominium.. [URL] ........

An error message comes up:

Error: eval: unbound variable: script-fu-util-image-resize-from-layer.

I checked all paths. There is no script like that on my PC.And a similar one missing as well: script-fu-util-image-add-layers.So, where can I find / download this scripts?I will not change to Gimp 2.8 or any other version.

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GIMP :: How To Add Background To GIF

Jun 3, 2013

I want to take this gif and add a background to it. I've been trying everything I can think of for at least an hour, and now I've completely frustrated myself. It seems like such a simple thing to do, and yet I seem to be over-looking it.

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GIMP :: Converting FPS To MS?

Feb 3, 2014

I made an animation, and let's say I got it to look good at 15 FPS. I go to save it as an animated GIF, and that's in MS. How do I get the right MS to get 15 frames per second? and what's the conversion amount for other FPS numbers?

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GIMP :: Raw Processing In 2.6.8?

Apr 8, 2011

I am using the Gimp Mac 2.6.8 (seems to work best with Mac Tiger 10.4.11). I have an Olympus E1 DSLR, want to be able to process, manipulate Raw files from the camera in the Gimp. Am I able to accomplish this? If so, is there a plugin I can install in the Gimp? Although I have been using other Gimp functionality, I am completely new to working with Raw files. "non-jargon" terms how I can accomplish this? On my own I got the "ufraw-0.18.tar.gz" file from Sourceforge, am I on the right track?

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GIMP :: Export PNG To XPM

Feb 3, 2013

I am new to Gimp.

I have a question. I have an photo image in png format, But I need to convert it to xpm to use it as OpenGL texture, it has to be "128 128 64 1".

I could make it 128x128 easily, but how can I make it 64 color, 1char per pixel in Gimp?

I use Gimp 2.8 for Mac, the Export of xpm come out as "128 128 15347 3"

Is there somewhere I can set the color and char/px?

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GIMP :: Using ICC Profile Between Different OS?

Jan 19, 2012

In case I have a hard time running some colorimeter under linux , is it okay if I create an ICC profile under windows and then use it in linux?

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GIMP :: Get Rid Of The Selection Now?

Jan 4, 2014

I made a selection, I did what i needed to do with it but... how do I get rid of the selection now?

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GIMP :: How To Change 72 Ppi

Jul 21, 2011

I cannot find anything on changing ppi to a higher setting.

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