Photoshop :: GIMP?

Dec 11, 2008

The only thing that is lacking from photoshop is the ability to easily determine exactly how many pixels apart things are. For instance, I have some guides placed and I want to drag another guy exactly 10px below the current one. Thing is, i have no idea what pixel that first guide is at. I can't double click it to get that info, I can't set the information bar in the bottom left of the image window to a coordinate system like gimp. I do a lot of web development and this is a very important feature to me. Is there something that I am missing? I know I can go to view->new guide but I don't feel like guessing 30 times as to which point an image i have happens to fall, and then add the 10 pixels down from there.

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GIMP :: Tool / Plugin For Gimp To Transform Selections

Sep 18, 2011

I have checked the road map for GIMP and I have seen that the Unified transform tool can be expected in version 3.8. (ugh)

Now what I would like to ask is there any tool or plugin for GIMP that can transform my selections? Or is there any open source image editor that can do it.

I'm not an artist and just for this I have to use Photoshop. For me PS is an overkill for just cutting up an image.

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GIMP :: How To Correct Blurry Images Using Gimp

Mar 24, 2011

A few photos from my digital camera that I cannot re-take, the pictures are blurry, how would I go about correcting the blurry photographs using gimp?

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GIMP :: HDR Photography With GIMP

Sep 27, 2012

Is it possible to do HDR photography with GIMP? If so, how?

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Photoshop :: Or Gimp

Mar 31, 2008

Which do you think is easier to design with?

Photoshop, probably just really used to it and I couldn't switch to Gimp.

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Photoshop :: Gimp Ps?

Aug 19, 2004

I have been useing gimp for a while now and I find that it is just as powerful as ps but interface sucks. also I have found the some of the gfx filters are gone.

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Photoshop :: Gimp

Apr 14, 2005

if there are any sites where you can get free .psd files of different shapes, pictures etc. What I am looking for I guess is a photoshop version of clipart - just some shapes and pictures I can drop into a design to save time etc.

I work for a charity and have to make promo posters all the time -

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Photoshop :: Upgrade From Gimp?

May 6, 2012

I'm looking to upgrade from Gimp to Photoshop for graphics creation for website and apps - but am unsure of the benefits and costs - are there any good pointers here, and what would I have to do w/ all of my existing projects?

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Photoshop :: Import GIMP Path Into CS5

Mar 8, 2012

For a while, I have been using gimp program but I've recently downloaded photoshop to try.  I've used gimp for so long that I'm used to using the beside tool.  The problem is that I don't like the results of gimp's path stroking smoothness.  I want to export the gimp paths into photoshop to give the paths a smoother stroke.  Is there a way to get gimp be ore paths into photoshop to stroke?

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Photoshop :: Gimp Like Color Picker

Oct 22, 2007

I use The gimp alot at home , but at work they have photoshop (CS2) and something has been really bugging me, in gimp you can get a color picker window up, so that you have your image there and the round color picker thing, and you can dart over and click somewhere on it and get a new color, then go back to painting it's a really nice flow, but in photoshop the best I can find is the 'color swatch' thing which is not good enough (its to small and only really lets you do colors you have a;ready decided on), basically I want something like the photoshop color picker,

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GIMP :: How To Import Photoshop Bushes

Jan 11, 2013

I am really liking GIMP and continuing to learning more of it so comes more questions. I followed a tutorial on how to import Photoshop bushes into GIMP.

Brush is Repeating

1) I read GIMP can use .abr brush file so I imported a Photoshop brush into GIMP. I then painted with it but it is painting with a repeating pattern. I did a comparison to show what the brush should be painting like. The same brush looks great in photoshop but is tiling or creating a pattern in GIMP. Is there a setting I need to select to get the brush to paint so it looks like the Photoshop example?

Organizing GIMP Brushes

2) It doesn’t seem like GIMP recognizes named brush folders. I had a folder named “Watercolor Brushes” and in it some .abr brushes. When I copied the folder to GIMP’s “Brushes” folder and then opened GIMP I found the brushes were randomly placed amongst my other GIMP brushes. This makes it very hard to keep organized. Is there a way to load the brushes so they are properly organized?

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GIMP :: Brushes And Rotations Like Photoshop

Feb 20, 2012

I just saw a video about using photoshop where they selected 'scar-like' brushes and rotated the brush. Is there a way to rotate brushes in Gimp? Also are there any realistic brushes or brush sets out there?

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GIMP :: Unable To Use Photoshop Elements?

Jan 28, 2014

I just "upgraded" (sic) to Mavericks and my beloved Photoshop Elements no longer works. Until I can afford to replace it, I'm trying ... emphasis on the "trying" bit ... to make do with GIMP.

do I simply select something from one graphic and then copy it to another? Every single time I close the outline with the selection tool, the damned selection disappears! What is THAT about? Why does it do that? I just want to select an area of one photo, copy it and then paste it into another.

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GIMP :: How To Photoshop Superimposed Name In Photo

Jul 13, 2012

The attached XCF file has the name of the person in the photograph. For humor purposes, we would like to change the person's name, from the original name of the chief police officer of a country, to one of the most famous athletes/politicians/singers/celebrities of the same country. We were planning on keeping the "Ph.D" part and the rank and title underneath the person's name.

The task for us looks difficult. Behind the name is a blue, pin-striped uniform.

PNP pacquiao5.xcf (Size: 649.54 KB / Downloads: 29)

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GIMP :: Save Files As PDF Like Photoshop?

Feb 19, 2012

Is it possible to save files as PDF like photoshop?

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GIMP :: Convert Photoshop Brushes (ABR File)?

Jan 30, 2013

is there any way to convert Photoshop brushes into Gimp brushes?? I downloaded some brushes that the person who posted them says they are Photoshop brushes (.abr file) in his description.

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GIMP :: Change Button Icons To Photoshop

Feb 18, 2013

Can I change the program buttons so that they look like the same as Photoshops?

Despite using many times now, I always find myself searching for the cropping tool

Solution: make the icons the same as Photoshop's

I'm hoping that replacing the graphics is easy as replacing a folder full of graphics.

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GIMP :: 2.7 Versus Photoshop CS5.1 / Line Smoothness?

Apr 6, 2012

One thing I notice is that when I use the Bezier curve tool in GIMP, when I stroke the path, the result is a jagged messy looking line. In Photoshop however, when I stroke the path with the pen tool, the result is a much cleaner, smoother line. Is there a way to get a smoother result in Gimp like Photoshop does?

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GIMP :: Moving Content Of Layer Like In Photoshop?

Aug 16, 2013

I'm trying to learn Gimp so I can use the art I made with it in my games later on but as a formal Photoshop user I feel like that I have a hard learning curve.

I'm trying to move things on my layer without effecting the layer boundaries (just like the way move tool works in Photoshop).

I know that this is possible using selecting the part I want to move on my layer, then holding Ctrl+Alt and dragging with my mouse, then it creates a floating layer what I have to convert to layer in the layers panel.

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GIMP :: Photoshop Multilayer Image - CMYK To RGB

Jul 14, 2013

I had a sudden loss of Photoshop and need to work on a large multi-layered psd. (Had I known in advance I would have reduced the size & layer amount.) Gimp won't open it because it's CMYK.

Tried several conversion techniques to RGB, none worked well. How can I open this file and maintain the layers? Also, there seem to be several different kinds of RGB, what are the differences?

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GIMP :: Can Layer Groups Be Opened In Photoshop

Nov 9, 2012

I have a image that has many layers that are grouped by folders and I've just exported it to .psd and after opening the exported file to check it, I see that the Group Layers cannot be opened. I've also tested this in an on-line Photoshop program (I can't install the actual Photoshop in my computer).

Adobe Photoshop CS be able to open the Group Layers and edit them?

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GIMP :: Photoshop Content Aware Fill

Sep 16, 2013

Is there a similar tool in GIMP? If there is I haven't found it yet.

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GIMP :: Plugin For Photoshop Pattern Loader

Mar 22, 2013

I downloaded the plugin for "photoshop pattern loader". I tried to open a pattern I downloaded, and received the error "gimp pattern plugin could not open image". I put the plugin under "program files/gimp/share/gimp/2.0/script" and also tried, under "c:/users/gimp 2.8/ plugin" folder.I don't know if I am trying to put the plugin in the right folder to work? I am running windows 7, 64bit.

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GIMP :: Can't See Real Image When Open With Photoshop

Nov 8, 2011

If I open with Photoshop I can see the real image, but whit gimp this is how it looks like.

Uploaded with

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GIMP :: Brush Settings For Photoshop Brushes?

Oct 7, 2013

A few months ago, I bought a book that had some Photoshop brushes on its CD. Inside the book, each brush had some vallues written under description, for Painter and Photoshop. I have heard that Gimp can import Photoshop brushes but are the settings equivalent to the pnes in Photoshop? Here are some examples of what I mean:

Brodery - Opacity: 70-100%
Flow: 50%
Shape Dynamics:
Size Jitter: 0%
Min diameter: 0


Canopy- Opacity: 100%
Flow: 50%
Shape Dynamics:
Size Jitter: off
Angle Jitter: 0%
Jitter: 73%
Roundness: 62%
Texture: Wrinkles
Scale: 45%
Texture Each
Tip: On
Mode: Multiply
Depht: 100%
Depht Jitter: off
Diameter: 110px
Spacing: 15%
Scattering: Both
axes: 0%
Count: 1
Other Dynamics:
Opacity Jitter: 0%
Flow jitter: 0%

Could all these settings be done in Gimp? Are they equivalent? How to use them?

Dual Brush:
Diameter: 110px
Spacing: 15%
Scattering: both

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GIMP :: PSD Imported From Photoshop - Can't See Layers Properly

Nov 26, 2013

I have a PSD made in Phoshop. In this file I have layers named button which has a blue gradient color:

1. Created a round rectangle tool.
2. Under styles menu, I chose another style which I downloaded from the web (n ASL file).

The problem is that in GIMP I can't see the colors in the layers and only see the base style which is black and white.
Wandering in the web I have downloaded the three scripts from [URL] ... into the plug-ins directory of GIMP, but still it looks like I can't import an ASL file into GIMP.

The weird thing is that opening the PSD in a simple picture viewer (Gwenview) I can see the colors perfectly but I obviously can't work with the layers.

You can see in the attached files a snapshot of the picture as supposed to be (orig.jpg) and as seen in Gimp (gimped.jpg)

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GIMP :: Photoshop Brush Flow Corresponding Setting (2011)

Dec 16, 2011

I am reading some drawing tutorials for Photoshop and they talk about a setting of the brush called "flow". Is there a corresponding setting in GIMP and where it is?

Edit: After some additional searching I found that the option is called "incremental", but I also found that it doesn't work as described in the docs - it is not limited to the opacity set for the tool.

I am using GIMP 2.6.11 on Gentoo Linux

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GIMP :: Gamut Warning Huge Compared To Photoshop

Feb 9, 2012

One thing that I just can't work out is why the gamut warning in GIMP is so much greater than in Photoshop.

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GIMP :: Convert For Smart Filters And Other Photoshop Stuff

Aug 11, 2011

I was positively surprised to find out that many of the options in the tutorial are also in Gimp. However there are something I could not find and I am not sure if this is because they are named differently or else because they are still not there.

The first thing I did not find is "Convert for Smart Filters". In the tutorial it says using this "you can apply filters to the photo while leaving your original in tact. It's a non-destructive way of applying filter effects, as you'll be able to adjust the filters you've applied at any time. First you'll get a message saying the layer will be converted into a Smart Object.".

Another thing I could not find is "Vignette" and "Midpoint"options in Lens Correction (in Gimp I found Lens Distortion) window. Do these exist in Gimp? or can be created with some other filter?

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GIMP :: Feature Similar To Levels And Curves In Photoshop?

Feb 16, 2012

Does gimp have a feature similar to levels and curves in photoshop? In photoshop, a new layer for levels and curves is created?

Is there a particular part of the forum where similarities / dissimilarities with photoshop are discussed?

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GIMP :: Include Hierarchy Of Layers That Are Originally Laid Out In Photoshop?

Jan 11, 2012

I do web development and I am attempting to see if I can ween off Photoshop for what I do, (mainly cutting up images) is there a way to have Gimp view a PS file and include the hierarchy of the layers that are originally laid out in Photoshop?

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