GIMP :: Updating From 2.6 To 2.8?

Sep 12, 2012

Whenever I try to install the latest version of gimp I get the error that tells me that the uninstaller to remove the previous version has failed.

I tried to run the 2.6 uninstaller but it failed so I removed the gimp folder from my Program Files folder and my User\(name) folder, I realize now that this was probably not the smartest move. I still get the error telling me to uninstall the previous version and I even ran a search of my computer and can't find any trace of the previous version of gimp.

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GIMP :: Crashes When Updating Tag Caches?

Feb 4, 2014

Gimp will not load up for me. It'll start the process, but it stops when it is "updating tag cache" and then I get a Windows message that says that Gimp has stopped running and to close it down.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled it. Several times. No new brushes or fonts. I actually removed some. I believe I am running the latest version of Gimp. I don't know how I can check to make sure.

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GIMP :: Dynamic Updating Of Blend?

May 11, 2012

I've just downloaded the new version of gimp 2.8 and have started fiddling around trying to get myself accustomed. I've been having a problem modifying a blend after it has been rendered.

Somehow I thought I remembered that Gimp 2.6 allowed you to dynamically update the blend after it had been rendered the first time by changing settings like opacity, color, etc...

It seems that the only way to change the rendered blend is to change the settings and redo the blend.

Am I just dreaming that this should be a dynamic function? Is there a bug I'm not aware of?Am I missing something in the process?

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AutoCad :: Updating Drawings With Updating Template

Mar 20, 2013

I am using Mech 2007. I have created a template to use with new drawings, and want to know if there is a way to update all the drawings at the same time when updating the template.

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Photoshop :: Updating ACR In CS6

Aug 5, 2013

I am trying to update ACR in CS6 to take photos from Canon 6D. However for some time I have been getting the error message "The update server is not responding. The server might be offline temporarily or the internet or firewall settings may be incorrect.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Updating

Apr 5, 2009

I have 2 updates, download them and install is said to be done but they don't.It continues to tell me I have updates and then download but nothing happens. I have tried everything I know toclean, clear cache, defrag, etc. etc....but it remains the same. Anyone have any ideas as to why I can't get my downloads...or by chance if there isn't any...why "update" is not greyed out?

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Photoshop :: Updating Camera RAW

Nov 22, 2013

I was trying to update my camera RAW (I have the 7.0 version now). This is the screen I am getting when I go through the HELP> UPDATES. I changed my firewall setting to allow Photoshop cs6.

And it still showing the same message.

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Photoshop :: Updating CS4 11.0 To 11.0.2 Fails?

Apr 30, 2012

Photoshop 11.0 on Mac OS X 10.7.3
After reinstalling Photoshop on my new iMac I'm unable to run the 11.0.2 upgrade installer. It tells me that 11.0.2 is "already installed".The "About" box in Photoshop shows the version as 11.0.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - All Layers Updating

Feb 18, 2013

I have copied the Background Layer and deselected this.  I have then made adjustments to the copied Layer and when I commit the Background Layer will change as well.   I then created a New Layer and selected only this one, but then all layers were changed. 

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Photoshop :: Can't Print After Updating MAC?

Mar 4, 2013

Since updating my MAC, photoshop 'unexpectedly quits' when I try to print.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Title Bar Not Updating

Nov 16, 2012

Then, I wrote a loop to save automatically a list of documents with the Save As method (Database.SaveAs). The code is the following:

doc.Database.SaveAs(path, True, DwgVersion.Current, doc.Database.SecurityParameters).

While the documents are correctly saved with the correct new name (e.g. Map1.dwg, Map2.dwg, etc.)  in the correct location, the doc.Name properties are not updated, the title bar of autocad also. They still remains Drawing1.dwg, Drawing2.dwg, etc.

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Photoshop :: Updating Version 8.0

Jun 2, 2009

I have an old version of Adobe Photoshop version 8.0 (8.0x118) on my XPversion 5.1 Service pack.

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Photoshop :: Logo Needs Updating

Jul 24, 2006

My local football club has an old logo that someone made about 5 years ago now, and they need it updating (ie. making it look sharper.. if that makes any sense) for printing onto shirts etc. And also needs the white surround taken away just to leave a round logo.

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Photoshop :: Updating Extension Manager

Nov 4, 2012

An update to the extension manager was received but when attempting to run the update it errors out with the following message:
Extension Manager 6.0.4 Update
Installation failed. Error Code: U44M1P7
how to correct this?

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Photoshop :: Updating 5.1 Into Creative Suite CS6?

Feb 1, 2013

I recently purchased the Adobe Creative Suite (CS6.0). About a year and a half ago I purchased Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 and I have been using it heavily and customizing it. I have installed the Creative Suite and Photoshop CS6 shows up as a completely different application than Photoshop CS5.1.

How do I transfer all my custom brushes, swatches and other settings to Adobe CS6? Is there a way to just update the 5.1 into 6.0 while retaining all my settings?

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Photoshop :: Error On Updating Camera Raw 7.3

Dec 18, 2012

I tried twice (the second time after a reboot) to install the update to Camera Raw 7.3 but got an error with the number U44M1P15. So far i have been updating without a hitch.

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Photoshop :: Updating CS3 On OSX 10.8.2 Mountain Lion

Feb 6, 2013

I have just made the jump from OSX 10.6.8 to OSX 10.8.2. It's been so long that I've updated my iMac, that I forgot about any issues with PowerPC/Rosetta/etc. I did a clean install on my iMac, and brought it up to Mountain Lion (OSX 10.8.2). After this, I installed Adobe CS3 onto Mountain Lion and had no problems with the installation and starting it up and using.
Having used CS3 Photoshop 10.0.1 for years with OSX 10.6.8, I knew that I had to run an update to take my virgin install from Photoshop 10.0.0 to the more current Photoshop 10.0.1 on the new OSX 10.8.2.
- The Adobe Updater does not detect any updates, so I am stuck with CS3 Photoshop 10.0.0, and am unable to update it. How can I accomplish an update?
I have tried several things, including manually downloading the "Adobe Photoshop 10.0.1 update for Adobe Photoshop CS3" from here: URL.....but Mountain Lion does not let me run the patch because of an alert that it isn't part the app.
I have also read extensively about using the Terminal to command-line the update... is this safe? point me to the exact set of terms to type in Terminal, as I'm uneasy about going into the OS with Terminal and coding things?
I have also read about setting the iMac's clock back to October 1, 2011 so that the Adobe Updater's receipt file doesn't think that it's expired? Is this something to try that is safe, and then change the clock back to present day?
how to take my virgin install of CS3 Photoshop 10.0.0 to CS3 Photoshop 10.0.1,This, of course, goes for all of the products in CS3 that I cannot update.

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Photoshop :: Updating CS6 On Windows 7 Machine?

Oct 21, 2012

Several of the operations out of LR 4.2 say I need to update to  ACR 7.2. When I go to the Updates screen in CS6, I get a message saying the servers are busy, or possibly there is a problem with the firewall.
I logged off as my normal user and logged back in as the Administrator and tried it again and got the same message.

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Photoshop :: Getting Error While Updating From The Menu

Dec 25, 2012

I try to update PS6 from the Help/Updates menu and get the following error message:

Adobe Application Manager

There was an error downloading this update. Please quit and try again later. Error Code: U43M1D207
My version of PS6 is: 13.0.1x32. I am running Windows 7 and IE9. I have LR3 installed-I don't know if this is a problem.

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VideoStudio :: Updating From X3 To X4 (Saved Content)?

Mar 10, 2011

Updated from X3 to X4, did you notice, or can you, keep all your older libraries, transitions, effects, templates, etc. from X3 into X4?

I know in previous updates all installed items did not migrate to the newer version. Wishfully hoping X4 will migrate from X3 vs another "Fresh" install.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Updating Path Of Underlay

Jul 14, 2011

I am attaching a PDF or DWF file to my drawing it shows in xref dialog but when i try to get it from

Database.GetHostDwgXrefGraph its not in the graph node list. can some body give code example, how i can update the underlay path. the following code crash Autocad.
using (Transaction trans = database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { UnderlayDefinition uDef = trans.GetObject(objId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as PdfDefinition; uDef.UpgradeOpen(); uDef.SourceFileName = newPath; trans.Commit(); }

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AutoCAD .NET :: Updating Attributes Of A Selection Set

Aug 1, 2013

I am trying to update blocks from a selection set and based on two specific attributes.  I get and error eLock Violation

Not sure where it comes from since this is a dll.
Dim doc As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim x As Integer = 0 Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() MsgBox("Going into attribute write", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly) Try Dim idArray As ObjectId() = selSet.GetObjectIds() For Each blkId As ObjectId In idArray Dim blkRef As BlockReference =

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Colours Are Not Updating In IDW?

Mar 28, 2013

I have just installed IV 2013 Pro  and I am having some issues with changes in the IPN transferring to the IDW. I changed the colour of a part in an assembly which transferred fine to the IPN, but the IDW did not update. I have tried turing off the visibility of the part in the browser in the IDW, then turning it on again, selecting the associative icon  in the drawing view dialogue box, but still the view will not update. I even tried re-inserting the IPN in the IDW, still the colour had not updated. This is unacceptable. I do not have time to re-create all the IPN's.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: References Not Updating

Aug 15, 2013

I have a recurring problem that I can't seem to figure out.  I have my existing grade TIN surface as a data shortcut into my roadway design file, but it sometimes will not update when opening the drawing.  The surface profile will not display until the surface is manually synced.  Any labels that are associated with that surface (or other object) will just display the ??? because it can't seem to connect to the data.  After a manual sync it seems to come back.

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Photoshop :: Updating Existing Web Page

Feb 23, 2009

I have an existing web page that I would like to keep updating by adding new hyperlinks. I have built the page in Photoshop and "Save for Web" to MS Frontpage. The page will eventually have 36 slices in it so I can add hyperlinks to it.

My problem is that when I unhide a layer (for my new hyperlink) in Photoshop and resave for web into Frontpage, I have to add all of the hyperlinks again. If I add a new hyperlink each week, by the time I get to 36 weeks I will be tired of adding all of those hyperlinks each time I add one. Any ideas? I think the answer lies in the ImageReady part of Photoshop, but I'm not sure how to accomplish it.

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Photoshop :: Updating/changing Logo

Oct 16, 2006

re-creating the logo I've attached from scratch so I have more control over the design elements.

I want to remove the "black box" background, I need to change the color and size of the type, and I want to change the aspect ratio of the entire logo so that it stretches wider and is not quite as tall.?

I'm an intermediate PS user, but don't have much experience with type effects.? If someone would be willing to walk me through the process of recreating this, I would be very grateful!? (Note, I'm mostly talking about the text effect... I think I could handle the red line and possibly cloning the sun and flowers out,

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Photoshop :: Uninstalling Old Software And Updating...

Aug 10, 2009

I am upgrading from cs2 to cs4 - what do I uninstall from cs2?  Do I uninstall ALL adobe programs and start again? Or do I keep all the little bits like Adobe bridge etc?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: 2011 - Tag Not Updating?

Aug 10, 2011

I’m having a problem with ACA 2011 and tags (prop sets). 

They are not updating When add any type of tag to an object.  It’s coming up as –

I have download the sp2 and it seems to fix the problem,  but then it comes back again.  Some PC are working and other are not.

The only workaround I have got is to remove ACA from the regedit and run CAD again or run the update msi.

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AutoCAD LT :: Updating Drawing Template

Feb 25, 2013

I seem to recall there is a method of substituting old drawing templates with the latest version on open drawings, but for the life of me can neither remember what the command is or enter anything into the ACAD Help search that results in anything remotely useful .

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AutoCad 2D :: Annotative Block Not Updating?

Feb 6, 2013

I have created an annotative block. This block is displayed in a few different viewports at different scales. After I create the block I go and check the viewports and it is displaying well. The linework (polylines and a circle) is annotative as is the text in the block.

However, if I then change the scale/annotative scale of a viewport, the block doesn't seem to update properly. The text within the block updates to the new size although the linework within the block doesn't seem to scale and resets back to the model space size.

I've tried regenning etc with no luck. Is there a command I need to use after changing a viewport scale to force annotative blocks to update?

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3ds Max :: Camera FOV Not Updating When Switching SafeFrames?

Oct 14, 2013

is this a feature or a bug?
Max 2014 x64.

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