How can you use the reflecting nodes horizontally or vertically nothing is happening when I click the nodes how do you make the nodes snaps horizontally or vertically so that your drawing look symetrical.
I have created a path, which I want to copy, then flip the copy in the vertical axis, then join it onto the original, yeilding a path that is vertically symmetrical.
I can create the path OK, and I've figured out how to copy it.
BUT .... when I go to Edit > Transform Path ... the flip vertical and flip horizontal options are greyed out.
I use tile on 95% of my jobs. It is a waste of space when I tile all vertical pictures because I do not have the choice of Tile Vertically or Tile Horizontally as on previous version of Photoshop.
I tried the different choices offered on "arrange document" and there is non with the vertical choice, unless you choose one that displays my photos some on one size and the remaining or two or three remaining, a different size to fill up the screen.
Is there a way to align more than 2 objects either horizontally or vertically? I've used the ALIGN command and I can't get it to work. I get a message that says something like: "all 3 destination points are colinear".
I can get it to work if I'm just aligning two objects.
For instance, say you have four boxes, scattered around model space, and you want to align the left edge of three of them to the left edge of the fourth box, without moving them vertically. In other words, can you "left justify" all four boxes?
I find at least once every project I need to do something like this (skewing/forshortening). If I make a section view of a set design (cutting right through the stage), I'll do that by taking my set elevations and skewing them.
the solution, painstakingly outlined in VIDEO FORMAT, and annotated..?
When you get back up and running, here's a full demo of both the 2D and 3D methods described [URL] ......
I have Architecture 2009 and my computer needed to have my profile rebuilt. Now I am unable to tile my acad drawing horizontally or verically like I used too. I tried to rebuilt the file and reinstall but that doesn't seem to work. Also rather than opening at least 2 drawing (or more) now results in seperate sessions rather than 1 session with 2 or more files. What the setting is that I need to update?
a routine that has the option to break vertical or break horizontal, depending on the option, the lines that cross either the horizontal or vertical (again, depending on the option) a specified distance (say .05) on either side of the line you wanted to keep. So if I choose BREAKH, the vertical lines that I choose would break any horizontal lines that cross them. Same applies to BREAKV. Hopefully I communicated clearly enough.
I am trying to create a window block that stretches both mullions horizontally and vertically. I figured out how to get both to stretch horizontally but when I try to stretch vertically I get a really funky skew thing happening.
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
I know there must be a way to change the colors of multiple objects without doing each one manually. But I am not finding the instruction. Say I have 17 parts of a drawing that are blue, and decide I'd rather have them blue/green.
I noticed these two options in the status bar . what are they... how they work. i dragged into my toolbar and showing that memory allocated and swap space.
I am a Canon shooter but received some raw Nikon files from a fellow photographer. We've done this before and I've had no problems with his files - well, we have done this a number of times but before I used LR 4 (i.e., in LR 3 and before). With this batch, when I start cropping, the image gets stretched vertically, but is fine when I hit enter to commit the crop.
I'm trying to vertically center text in a cell (in a table of course). So far, I have tried Align and Distribute when the cell is active, using text selector. I have also tried selecting table tool and highlight a column, then trying Align and Distribute functions. Both are no-go.
I have done a photomerge in PS CS6 of two birds in flight as the wings are clipped. The images merge nicely but the problem is that the blurred bird has been placed on top of the sharp bird, i.e. the top layer (bird with blurred eye) is blocking the bottom sharp bird. I have clicked and dragged the bottom layer to the higher position on the layers panel but the images do not swap positions.
i've to list all layers and objects in the drawing. I've got 2 checkedlistbox, one for layers, the second for objects.I've got 2 buttons, one up, one down, for swaping order. I've no problem with objects, but it seems a little more complicated with layers.I use this code to swap:
Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction Dim id1 As ObjectId = listLayerID(CB_List_Layer.SelectedIndex)Dim id2 As ObjectId = listLayerID(CB_List_Layer.SelectedIndex + 1) Dim first As DBObject = tr.GetObject(id1, OpenMode.ForWrite)Dim sec As DBObject = tr.GetObject(id2, OpenMode.ForWrite) first.UpgradeOpen()first.SwapIdWith(id2, True, True) tr.Commit() end using
id1 is the ID of the first layer, and id2 the id of the second layer. ListLayerId contains IDs of all layers. CB_List_Layer is my CheckedListbox.When is swap 2 layers, it don't swap objects in the layers. (ex : What i've got now :
Obj1, Obj2 in layer0 and Obj3, Obj4 in layer1 SWAP Obj1,obj2 in layer1 and obj3,obj4 in Layer0.It's not what i want. I want : Obj3,Obj4 in layer1 and Obj1,Obj2 in layer0)
I have one pic of my mom and dad. I just want to swap the heads of my mom and dad. I keep trying and I have created a new layer. But when I cut my dads head and move it and then try to cut my moms head I can't go back to my dad's head and move it to where I want it.
Basically at some point or another, maya swaps back to the default hotkey layout. Im not quite sure how or why. Sometimes it takes an hour before the problem arrives, other times minutes. Its not permanent tho, restarting the app will fix it.
I've tried deleting second language, installing keyboard software, searching for alternative pref. files etc., and no, capsLock is not on ^^.
I can't get started - I have downloaded GIMP 2.8 but can't get it running as I get this error message:
"USER Installation Failed.
The GIMP user installation failed; see the log for details. It appears that you are using GIMP for the first time. GIMP will now create a folder named '/Users /andrzejnowosielski/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.8' and copy some files to it.
Creating folder '/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.8'..Cannot create folder '/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/GIMP/2.8': Permission denied" myname is my full name not myname......
I am using a Max with OSX version 10.7.5..I have checked all the relevant folders and made them all Read Write..I have tried making the relevant folders manually and re-starting GIMP but same message.
I have 2 files and I'd like to copy a titleblock from a template drawing and use it to replace an existing titleblock on an in progress drawing. The titleblock on the in progress drawing has attributes, and I'd like to keep them when I put in the new titleblock. The attribute tag names between the 2 titleblocks are the same.
I do not know the exact names of the titleblocks, only that they contain the words "title block" somewhere in their name.
I've developed for Inventor for a while now, but I'm completely new to AutoCAD. How might I go about this?
I believe the basic steps would be something like this:
1. Identify which object to copy from template sheet.
2. Save that object to memory
3. Identify object to replace in existing drawing
4. Copy attributes and get position of existing titleblock
5. Delete existing titleblock
6. Insert new titleblock and copy in attributes
I've taken the Autocad tutorials, and I've searched for relevant posts on ThroughTheInterface. Is there someplace else to look which might give a more in-depth example of what I'm trying to accomplish?
I would like to mirror a car, to look into the other direction, but i realsied when i flip horizontally, that the steering wheel also flips and goes to the other side Its the same with the texts and graphics on the car... I tried to replace it with the original and free transform it to the right position but is doesnt works. I also tried the perspective and the warp transform tools but without success...
I want to sample part of an image and clone it at the same point on the horizontal axis but further along. Holding down shift doesn't seem to work for constraining any of the brushes along an axis. Is there a way to do this?
One of the problems we face in 2010 is the part labeling issue, where it labels the family name for a part and not the description name. The way to get around this was to do a swap part. Well for me when i lay out a storm network, i create it by pipes only and then swap the parts that i need to. The only flaw about this is that you can only do one swap part at a time.
Well if you go to civl3dreminder blog site there is a fix for that. I actually tried it and it worked. I was actually able to swap pipes and structures at the same time. This routine will definitely come in handy.