CorelDRAW X6 :: Saving Printing Styles?

Aug 21, 2012

I have files which I wish to print with particular settings - Layout > Imposition Layout = Book ; Preference > Features = Landscape. I 'Save As' these settings as Print Style 'BOOK'. When I open a new file and select 'BOOK' from the drop down menu, nothing changes. The print style remains the same as default.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Show Up Status Bar While Printing Or Saving File

Sep 28, 2012

Status bar.JPG

Is there a way to have the status bar show up whenever a file is printing or saving. So far the only way it shows up is if you click on the little icon at the bottom right of the window.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Saving Feature Styles

Jan 7, 2010

I brought in a SHP and have pretty fancy style with a label. How on earth do you save these? The style library does not work for SHP files!

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Photoshop :: Saving Font Styles

Aug 5, 2002

I am using Adobe Photoshop 6.

to save font styles that you have made so you don't have to make them every time you want to use them.

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Revit :: Line Styles Not Reading / Printing The Same

Feb 25, 2014

I have two detail items (split-face cmu & cmu sections.) within each family it says the line is "Heavy Line." and the lineweight is set to 5 for both. yet on the computer screen and when it prints out one of the detail items is thinner than the other? how to correct?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Styles Edits Not Saving

Sep 18, 2013

When I make changes through styles editor and try to save them, I get a window that pops up saying "Style library (C:Vault_WorkDesign Data) cannot be saved because it is damaged".

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AutoCad :: Printing Blocks With Named Plot Styles?

Dec 4, 2011

I am trying to insert blocks (nuts and bolts, external equipment, etc.) into a drawing that uses named plot styles. Then I want the inserted blocks to print with, say, 30% screening. I've tried different flavors for the blocks, By Layer, By Block, Layer 0, other layers, etc. The only way I can make this work is to go to the original block with Block Editor, and then change the individual lines to "30% Screening". It is pretty time-consuming.

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Photoshop :: Saving Pictures For Printing

Aug 21, 2006

if I have an image that was originaly 3000x2000 or so, and I reduced it to 800x600 for web viewing, and then saved it as a photoshop file, can I just open up the file in photoshop again, adjust>image size to make it go back to 3000x2000 and print it out without loss of sharpness or quality?

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Photoshop :: Printing And Saving Paths

May 2, 2005

I'm having trouble with a particular image. The image is composed of pathways defining the outlines and painted colors filling the region between the pathways. The problem is when I go to print this, only the colors seem to get printed and not the pathways. Same thing happens with saving. That is, no matter what format I save it in, if I close it and then reopen it, all the pathways are gone leaving only the color. How can I preserve the pathways when saving and printing?

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Lightroom :: Saving Pages For Printing?

Mar 4, 2013

I use lightroom 4 to design album pages. (Mac mountain Lion if it's relevant). When I complete a page, I don't always print it at that time, because I may need to make changes later. I choose to "save created page". If I want to layout another page, I  have to "create a new page"  and close the previous one. Most of the time when I return to the saved page the layout is gone. The images I used are shown in the filmstrip, but the layout is gone. 

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AutoCad :: Scanning Drawing While Saving / Printing?

Dec 12, 2012

I have an issue with a drawing created in AutoCad 2002. Whenever I open it to edit it and then either Print or Save it shows Scanning Drawing and takes considerable amount of time for this process.

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Illustrator :: Blends In CS4 Are Not Saving Or Printing Correctly?

Aug 20, 2013

Why are my blends in Illustrator CS4 not saving or printing correctly???

Adobe CS4
MAC 10.5.8
I got a outlined Text blend with a drop shadow.  And another text with a drop shadow on top.  Not too complex at all. Heres some screenshots of the problem.

(1) Adobe Illustrator Screenshot
(1) Screenshot of my saved TIff file.  I saved as a PDF as well and still no luck.

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Photoshop :: Printing / Saving To PDF / File Size Is Enormous

Apr 9, 2013

I am trying to convert a psd file that is a 36"X80" banner to a pdf file.  In the past, I have printed to PDF and all has been fine.  Today the Print to PDF fails...  it doesn't give me an error it just pretends like it prints to pdf with the status box popping up for a second, then nothing.  So I attempted to Save As a PDF instead this worked, but resulted in pdf with a file size of 453M!  This is much larger than the pdf's I was getting before, in the 3-ish M file size..

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Illustrator :: CS6 Crashes When Saving Or Printing Existing Document

Mar 27, 2013

The problem doesn't apply if I create a new document. This is the error code: [URL]

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Lightroom :: Saving Same Image With Different Cropping For Printing Various Sizes

Apr 6, 2012

I tend to always have a few pictures in rotation that I end up cropping multiple times when I am printing.  Pictures  where today I need to print a 4x6 and tomorrow it's a 5x7 of the same picture, etc.  I am trying to figure out a way to save the file with that cropping.  Ideally there would be a way that if I also modified anything else in the image that would also show up in the other versions.  I know there is Create Virtual Copy, and that could work if I could then figure out how to change the file name so it would show that it was cropped for 5x7 or whatever.

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AutoCad :: Restrict Printing Screen / Saving Files Into External Drives?

Sep 3, 2011

Our general manager strongly worries about data security after reading this news. [URL] ..... How we can forbid staff from Saving files into external drives, Printing specific files, Printing screen? We are also in finance field and we are not going to pay for penalty charge due to data loss.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Tabs In Text Styles

May 1, 2012

I love the new object styles docker for text, much easier to use, much more reliable and it doesn't insist styling should apply to entire paragraphs. The only problem i'm having is setting tabs for styles. The only way i have found to do it so far is to set up a paragraph text box the way i want it and use 'Copy Properties From...' Is there a simple way to edit a text style's tab settings?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Text Direction For Styles?

Oct 5, 2008

I created a Corel Draw template (*.cdt). Everything was working well until, for some unknown reason, the text direction for Artistic Text and Paragraph Text (and all Bullet styles) switched to right-to-left. I do not recall doing anything to cause this.

Also, the only place that I can find the text direction option is in the Text > Options > Guidelines > Styles > Edit button for fonts > Paragraph Tab (in Format Text dialog box). The text direction shows Right-to-Left and it is grayed out - not available!

My system is Hebrew enabled and Hebrew is a right-to-left language. However, I do not use and have never used Hebrew in any form in CorelDraw.

Also, there is no information at all in the User's Guide or on-line help.The words "direction" and "text" do not appear together.

2 questions:

The important one - How can I access the text direction property?

The less important one - What could I have inadvertently done to change the text direction from L-2-R to R-2-L?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Macro For Styles

Jul 19, 2011

Is there maybe a macro for styles (either text or graphics) that

1. connects objects assigned with a style, to that style LIVE? eg, altering the style properties, automatically all objects assigned with that style will adopt those changes too, 

2. offers LOT more configuration options than the current default CorelDraw styles options

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Text Styles

May 30, 2012

Problem with text styles: I have a big body of text, with several styles applied. The problem is, editing one of the styles does not affect the text that has this style applied to it. Changing the style or creating a new style does not work - it's like these particular parts of text are immune to editing the style. It works only when I select the text and manually apply the style. Further editing the style does not affect this text, I have to manually select it and apply the style again.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Can't Get Color Styles Docker To Open

Jul 2, 2012


Neither Ctrl+F6 nor selecting from Menu will get Color Styles docker to show up.

Rt Clk a selection offers Color Styles>New from Selection...  but when dialog is OKed,  no Color Styles docker(?).

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Create New And Apply Text Styles?

Apr 26, 2012

As with any upgrade to Corel over the past decade, they change things on new versions and hide them!  I've been using since v1.0 (which instantly became v1.1 upon release).

I JUST installed v X6 and off to my first problem within 10 minutes. 

The old menu in X5 used to have a docker called "Graphic and Text" which is no longer available in X6.  After some research, it looks like the "apply a style or style set to an object" is the way to go, HOWEVER if I right click on the text as suggested to find the "Object Styles" menu, the sub menu is a blank little rectangle that won't display the menu items.

How to copy a style to a menu and then apply it as well in X6?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Clearing All Color Styles?

Oct 4, 2012

I'm just checking back in to see any updates on how to quickly and easily clear all color styles in a document.  I've tried the following:

Os's nifty color styles patch (comes with recentfilesDecBeta macro)

saving as CMX (that bites because it converts underscores to objects and other mean things)

manually (takes too long and sometimes replaces colors in current document then save settings as default (I not like this).

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CorelDRAW Technical Suite X6 :: How To Activate Various Callout Styles

Sep 29, 2013

I have downloaded evaluation versions of Technical Suite X5 as well as X6 from Corel's website and face the following problem in both versions (both are 32 bit).

resolving this issue with the callouts: 

While drawing callouts, the shape menu is not visible. I have reset the workspace several time and played with all possible options before writing on this forum. Actually, the menu did appear once but subsequently disappeared. While the menu was visible it was great to have text boxes at the end of the callout that automatically adopted to the size of the text.   How to I activate the callout shapes option? I have included a screenshot of the menu from the pdf manual for your reference.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Adding New Line Styles?

Jul 14, 2012

In CDraw X5 I can choose line styles. But I would like to add some more styles (and to remove some that I never use).I only found a possibility to create new styles based on a kind of a pixel approach: A one-by-many array of single squares can be marked to be coloured of white, producing dashed lines with any kind of dash length.Also, the dash "frequency" seems to be dictated by the line width only; I do not manage to make thin dashed lines with a reasonably visible dash frequency.

However, I would like to make line consisting of other shapes, like circles, triangles, diamonds, etc., either filled or "open". Or make thin dashed lines with user-specifiec dash and space lengths that do not change when changing the line width. Is this possible?

Also, multi-colour dashes – with e.g. odd-numbered dashes in one colour and even-numbered ones in another color – might be useful.

In the current version, however, the number of dash schemes available is big enough to be confusing. Especially when the line is made relatively wide – say, 0,5 .. 1 mm or so – and I want to make more lines with the same shape, than it is difficult to find again the same shape the list of standard shapes. Is it possible to add names (or numbers, but not just running numbers!) to the shapes, so that a shape can be found again easily?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Create Macro That Automatically Delete All Color Styles

Nov 17, 2010

Now that SP2 is out and we can delete all in one sweep, is it possible to create a macro that would automatically delete all color styles as soon as any file is open? I never use that feature and would gladly pay for such a macro.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Import HTML Including Styles?

May 27, 2013

I am wondering if there is a way to import e.g. a table from a website without loosing the styles (CSS stylesheets). I want the table to be printable - so the resolution of a screenshot is too low.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Style Sheets / Color Styles And View Manager

May 25, 2012

The most annoying in the style sheets, view manager since x3 is still existed in the x6 as style sheet sets  having unnecessary styles which i have not created besides color styles & view manager as well. Are  they not considered anyhow ?

Default style set is ok and Styles is also ok to create our own but Why this nuisance of style sets which are having a lot of dump.  Truly view manager is unnecessary docker i think but have lots of zoomed data. 

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Change Colors Of Entire Document Like In Color Styles In X5?

May 31, 2012

how to change the colors of a entire document like in color styles in x5

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Drop Down Menu For Applying Styles?

Dec 6, 2011

In coreldraw 12 there used to be a drop down menu for applying styles. in coreldraw x4. where is it?

Windows 7 [64-bit], Core i3 - 3.02 GHz, 4GB DDR 3 RAM

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Applying Default Contour Labels Styles To Surface Styles?

Aug 21, 2012

How do you apply certain contour label styles to certain surface styles (i.e. When I have an existing surface i want the default contour labels to be an "existing contour" style).  Right now the default is a "finished contour" label style for all surfaces.

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