CorelDRAW X6 :: How To Open 64 Bit File In X5 32 Bit
Jul 14, 2012
a similar problem, I am running CorelDraw x6 64 bit on a win 7 64 bit 8 gb ram 8 core processor machine. One machine that I use have x6 64 bit on win7 64 bit and the other one x5 32 bit on a win7 32 bit.I saved the work in x5 x4 and x3 versions on this machine; but the files I 'saved as' never open in any other machine except on x6 64 bit/32 bit machines. I tried opening them in x5 32 bit on win 7 32 bit but the files are not opening. the x6 64 bit files saved in above versions perfectly open in x6 32 bit; but not a single file that I saved in on x6 64 bit open in x5 32 bit.
I was working on my wedding album and had half of it done. The file size is 2.08 GB -- huge I know, and every time I saved the file or the autosave feature came on it took several minutes. I closed the file and tried to re-open it but all I got was a blank standard sized page. The same thing happened with the back-up.
I desperately need to submit the album pages in the next 12 hours or I lose the money I prepaid with the printer. I tried renaming the file as a .zip and then went into one of the folders and opened the riffData.cdr file, but no luck there. I also tried opening a new CDR file and importing the old one, but that didn't work.
When I try to open a 17 MB CDR file, A.R.M. comes up and Corel crashes. I can open other CDR files fine.
WHen the ARM wizard finishes, I get this message:
---------------------------CorelDRAW X3: CorelDRW.exe - Application Error---------------------------The instruction at "0x0065007d" referenced memory at "0x0027f8aa". The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program---------------------------OK ---------------------------
is a very important file (I can't open the Backup file either).
I made a file in coreldraw x6 and unintentionally opened in corel X5. Obviously it didnt open. But apart from that, the file neither opens in corel x6 now!
It seems it cant be opened or something like that. But anyway it still sizes 2,94MB, so I am hopeful to recover it.
When I open a CGM file with X5, I see my graphique and my text correctly. But after a save/close/re-open, I have problem with some letter like X, H, I, L or T. Extremities of those letters are joining and letters look like "greek" letters (After check, it's not a greek format). How to fix it without re-write all text?
I´m trying to open a file that comes with a cd. Windows explorer tells me the file was produced with coreldraw 5. but when i try to open it coreldraw x6 crashes immediately (x64).
latest patch installed.
link to the file: [URL]
i´d be very lucky if you tell me with which version of coreldraw you were able to open this file and/or how to avoid crashing of coreldraw x6 on my computer.
I working in a file which contains 12 photograph cut with 12 letters a simple file.. and cannot open. I clik in open (open draw window) and it is´nt working.
Running X4 under Win7 and it always goes back to the last file I was working on when I go to the Open dialogue. It insists on going to the Libraries Directory on my C: drive and 99% of my files are stored on my H: drive. Sometimes it's easy to get out of, other times I can't back up at all. Is there someway to gte the Open dialogue to simply go to My Computer instead?
Often I have "stuff" outside of the actual "page" size, and I'm wondering if there's a setting in X6 which will show all content (as opposed to the page size) upon opening the file.
Q When I import an EPS file into CorelDRAW, and print to a non-PostScript printer, the output appears pixelated and unclear. Why?
A An EPS file is a Postscript (PS) file and meant to be printed to a PostScript printer. When printed to a non-PostScript printer, it will only print the file header which is a low resolution preview of the actual file. If you wish to print the actual contents of the EPS file to a non-PostScript printer, import the file it into CorelDRAW using the PostScript Interpreted (PS, PRN, EPS) filter.So, apparently it can be done, but when I try to import this file into my Coreldraw, there is no option to import with that type of filter that I can see. Is this something that is missing in v12? If v12 wont do it, is there any other way to import this file without it coming in all pixellated? Or is there another way to convert the file into a format such as .plt?
I am not being able to open a .cdr file in Draw. Its about 1.16 gb, I know its big but I didnt realise it has become so big, it has 18 pages now. It was working fine till yesterday. but now when i am trying to open it a pop up comes showing error reading file. I am using x4 in a 32 bit windows 7 with 4 gb ram.I have tried opening in laptop with 64bit windows 7 4 gb ram, it opened till 80% adn then a different error came which said - invalid object. I need to retrieve the artwork, i have worked on it for more than 3 weeks. The back up file also shows the same.
I recently opened a .pdf document into CorelDraw x5 using the pdf extension in available file types to find the file.
Now when i try to use the normal open command to open a file the cdr is not available in the available file types region, everything else is still there except CDR.
To open a coreldraw file now has to be done in file manager.
I have a .cdr file which I would like to export in a ai file and open it in Photoshop. The ai file opens empty in Photoshop and logo's I made in CorelDraw are not there.
Which settings in the export window do you need to select?
I have been using Corel since 1989. I simply downloaded a pic from Corel gallery and even removed C15 many times still no joy. All hundreds of files are effected..
I made a file in coreldraw x6 and unintentionally opened in corel X5. Obviously it didn't open. But apart from that, the file neither opens in corel x6 now!!!!
It seems it cant be opened or something like that. But anyway it still sizes 2,94MB, so I am hopeful to recover it.It was a lot of work for me wasted. I tried to convert it to x5 format in URL....
When I want to flick from one file to another in X5 draw the tab to bring up the second file is hidden behind the open one, is there a way or a short cut to save me having to minimise my open file to see the tab to maximise the second?
When I open a file that I have previously saved a message comes up saying the font Biondi Normal (Western) is not available and it wants to substitute with another font in this case Ribbon Normal which is nothing like the font I need. I have read the previous threads but as they are quite old I thought there might be something new (perhaps easier) I could try.
My Corel X5 file won't open but gives me the message "encountered an improper argument" or just freezes trying to open it. I tried installing Corel on a different computer but with the same result.
Is my file corrupt? Is there any way to (partly) recover the inforamtion in my file?
On my PC running Windows Vista Ultimate with an Nvidia GEForce GT 545 video adapter, when I attempt to resize the Open File window in CorelDraw X5 to see more of the file information, the window starts rapidly flashing and opens a stack of same window. System response is slowed when trying to close or cancel the window, and it will display "Not Responding" for several seconds before it clears. CorelDraw X5 itself also has trouble closing. I repeated this 3 times and had the same thing happen, so it is not a random event. Not sure whether it is CorelDraw conflicting with the Nvidia driver or something else. The only workaround I found was to use Windows Explorer to view the additional file information, such as date modified or other metadata.
I use Corel X5 and I don't have any problem.One of my suppliers use version X3.When I save files for this supplier, I saved them in version X3 format. But when he open the file, some graphics are missing.
I can't see where the problem come from. When I re-open the version X3 file with Corel X5, the file look fine and everything is there.The supplier keep saying that the problem is on my side. I asked him to upgrade to X5 as I think it should solve the problem.
When I double-click a .cdr file CorelDraw opens but the file doesn't. I just get an empty workspace as if I had opened Draw & closed the welcome screen.
I have one logo designed in Corel draw X5 and sent the file to the printer company ,they have corel draw12 on their PC and they are not able to open the design as it come as a blank page in corel draw12 .. how to open the same in corel draw 12..
I have a logo that was done for me but I would like to open it in Corel to do some tweaking but it won't open the ai or eps version of the file. I tried to post the file but its too big, If you can look at it send me a email at Hornnumb2 at Comcast dot Net and I will send it to you.
I'm running Coreldra X4 on a windows vista machine. Lately I started having a courious problem with Coreldraw x4. When a try to open a cdr file before opening CDX4 i get an error message saying that the file dos not exist. after this CDX4 crashes.
On the other side if I open CDX4 and then try to open the very same cdr file everything is ok.