I was just trying the features of the new CorelDraw X6 recently. The first problem that I found was - it crashed when I tried to open a file (which was created using CorelDraw X5) with several Fonts (28 different script fonts used and there were only text in the file).
Then I again re-open corel X6 and when I tried to open the same file, it crashed again & again. I did this for 6 times with a crash everytime.
Then at the 7th time when I tried to open the same file in Corel X6, it just got hanged.The file is working fine (and opens quite fast) in Corel X5 as well as Corel X4.
I remeber similar problem happening with Corel X5 initially. Only after Service Pack 2 was made available for Corel X5, that problem solved. Is Corel X6 needs some patches too?
I have a file that was created in the online trial version of Corel Draw. How can I open it in my full version of X5? I'm getting an "invalid format" error message.
I have a CS4 file i have been working on (rendering a PDF) file got big 1.7 gig, crashed, and now wont open. I get this message: Error opening the PDF document. Error code =0x20030003. I need to recover this file.
My hard drive crashed so I lost a lot of my CDR work. I was able to get some back in the form of JPG. These were files that I drew in Corel and Exported as JPG. Is there anyway I can get them back into Vector without re drawing? I figured there had to be a way since they were originally drawn in Corel.
I have a major problem with PhotoPaint X5 after SP2. I have an image of a movie poster from internet. Let's say about 1000x1500 pixels. I make the width 300 px. (height will be 440 or more) Than I make a new document of 300x430 pixels. Copy and paste the first file into the second. Move it up and/or down with the arrow keys to have a good composition. Than I combine the image with the background (shift/control/arrow down) and save it to rest.jpg. When I want to close the original image in CorelPaint I get the Corel A.R.M. window. I tried a few times without combining the image to the background and than I CAN close the file without crashing PP. I'm glad I found a workaround since I do these actions quit a lot for my movie and music database. But it took a lot a time to figure out where it went wrong. So according to my tests it must have something to do with combining the image to the background. Sometime when nudging the image a couple of times up and down crashses PP too when I then combine the image and background. At that point i don't come a far as exporting.
A client sent an Illustrator CS6 file to me that I can't open, even though I am also on CS6. He is on a PC and has v 17.0. I am on a Mac with v 16.2.1. I don't see an update higher than that for Mac. Does he need to backsave the file to CS5?
Earlier this year, I was still using CS3. I created a bunch of original TIFF files, and modified files which had been created in CS1. When I am having to go back and reference these CS3 TIFFs, some of them are giving me an error message and refusing to open. Evidently, they are not compatible with CS6?
I have since uninstalled CS3, but the box is sitting on the shelf if I need it (which I am hoping I don't). Any workaround - preferably one which will not destroy my layers.
I have been sent a file that when I try to open it, it says I don't have enough Ram. However, I have files far larger than this one (1.01 MB) which all open with no problems.
can my PS6 open files produced in later versions of PS?
we have bought aclt 2013 and we have got a problem with some files created wtih older versions of aclt.When we try to open the file (plan), the file name appears but the progress bar don' t move then the file close.
I created a file in Illustrator CS6 (v. 16.0.0), and saved it as an (editable) PDF. When I try to reopen that same PDF inside Illustrator CS6, however, I get a "Could Not Open The File" error. The file opens in Acrobat just fine, but I need to continue editing/working on it. Opening it in 5.1 works but it's all flat and not ideal for editing. Renaming the extension to .eps or .ai didn't work, either. I also looked into potential font conflicts (none) and restarted my Mac (OS 10.7.5) to no avail.
Using Revit 2014 LT. Trying to open a file created by another user/seat of Revit 2014 LT (trial version for now).
Error Message reads "The file is open for editing by another user. If you open the file, you cannot save changes until the user closes is. In this case, your changes will overwrite the user's changes. What do you want to do?"
The file is NOT open by another user though.
I realize LT does not allow worksharing, but I assumed that was multiple users working on the same file at the same time. We need to open files one at a time, but by different users.
I have created a new item in content center in my personnel library. When i am creating a new item in content center its creating *.ipt file somewhere ? If so from which location i can open the part file ?
How to recover a brochure that I created. Now I can view it in the preview but whenever I try and open the file it stops about 30% - 40% through opening and then crashes Corel and shuts the program down. Now I have tried to import the file as well but the same thing happens. I don't want to have to redraw the entire brochure. The file is about 186MB.
Corel Draw X4 crashed while I was editing text but a box came up and asked if I wanted to save the file before I closed. I ofcourse said yes but I can't find the file anywhere.
I was working on a .psd file (opened in PaintTool SAI) when there was a blackout so my laptop was crashed. When I opened it an hour later, the .psd file was ruined; all layers flattened to one black background layer; and no matter how many programs I tried to open the file, it's still the same black image.
Is there any possible way to recover my .psd file before it was crashed?
X5 just crashed and a dialogue showed up asking med to contact Corel support and send them the DMP file.
I find it a little strange that they don't offer a direct upload option of the DMP file as a part of this dialogue, but it's probably me who is a little strange...
Anyway. Is there an email address or something where I can send this DMP file? It would be much faster than getting in touch with Corel support.
I downloaded/installed the PPA for Gimp 2.9.1. It worked great for the first half dozen 16-bit tiffs.I use a few RAW converters to create these tiff tiles, RawTherapee, UFRAW, and the Sony software supplied with my A700 DSLR, Image Data Converter running through Wine.
At any rate, most of the tiffs I create now cause Gimp to crash when opening new files. I get this message: Plug-in crashed: "file-tiff-load" and Opening '/home/caruso/Desktop/PHOTOS from IDC/DSC06219.tif' failed:
Files created previously continue to open as normal.
I was so thrilled to have succeeded in installing 2.9.1 on my system, but now may have to uninstall it and fall back to 2.8.x.I realize that 2.9.1 is experimental and unstable, but would like to know if this is something simple that can be fixed.
I was working on my wedding album and had half of it done. The file size is 2.08 GB -- huge I know, and every time I saved the file or the autosave feature came on it took several minutes. I closed the file and tried to re-open it but all I got was a blank standard sized page. The same thing happened with the back-up.
I desperately need to submit the album pages in the next 12 hours or I lose the money I prepaid with the printer. I tried renaming the file as a .zip and then went into one of the folders and opened the riffData.cdr file, but no luck there. I also tried opening a new CDR file and importing the old one, but that didn't work.
When I try to open a 17 MB CDR file, A.R.M. comes up and Corel crashes. I can open other CDR files fine.
WHen the ARM wizard finishes, I get this message:
---------------------------CorelDRAW X3: CorelDRW.exe - Application Error---------------------------The instruction at "0x0065007d" referenced memory at "0x0027f8aa". The memory could not be "written".
Click on OK to terminate the program---------------------------OK ---------------------------
is a very important file (I can't open the Backup file either).
I made a file in coreldraw x6 and unintentionally opened in corel X5. Obviously it didnt open. But apart from that, the file neither opens in corel x6 now!
It seems it cant be opened or something like that. But anyway it still sizes 2,94MB, so I am hopeful to recover it.
When I open a CGM file with X5, I see my graphique and my text correctly. But after a save/close/re-open, I have problem with some letter like X, H, I, L or T. Extremities of those letters are joining and letters look like "greek" letters (After check, it's not a greek format). How to fix it without re-write all text?
a similar problem, I am running CorelDraw x6 64 bit on a win 7 64 bit 8 gb ram 8 core processor machine. One machine that I use have x6 64 bit on win7 64 bit and the other one x5 32 bit on a win7 32 bit.I saved the work in x5 x4 and x3 versions on this machine; but the files I 'saved as' never open in any other machine except on x6 64 bit/32 bit machines. I tried opening them in x5 32 bit on win 7 32 bit but the files are not opening. the x6 64 bit files saved in above versions perfectly open in x6 32 bit; but not a single file that I saved in on x6 64 bit open in x5 32 bit.