CorelDRAW X5 :: Open File Window Crashes When Resized
Jul 12, 2013
On my PC running Windows Vista Ultimate with an Nvidia GEForce GT 545 video adapter, when I attempt to resize the Open File window in CorelDraw X5 to see more of the file information, the window starts rapidly flashing and opens a stack of same window. System response is slowed when trying to close or cancel the window, and it will display "Not Responding" for several seconds before it clears. CorelDraw X5 itself also has trouble closing. I repeated this 3 times and had the same thing happen, so it is not a random event. Not sure whether it is CorelDraw conflicting with the Nvidia driver or something else. The only workaround I found was to use Windows Explorer to view the additional file information, such as date modified or other metadata.
I´m trying to open a file that comes with a cd. Windows explorer tells me the file was produced with coreldraw 5. but when i try to open it coreldraw x6 crashes immediately (x64).
latest patch installed.
link to the file: [URL]
i´d be very lucky if you tell me with which version of coreldraw you were able to open this file and/or how to avoid crashing of coreldraw x6 on my computer.
I'm running Coreldra X4 on a windows vista machine. Lately I started having a courious problem with Coreldraw x4. When a try to open a cdr file before opening CDX4 i get an error message saying that the file dos not exist. after this CDX4 crashes.
On the other side if I open CDX4 and then try to open the very same cdr file everything is ok.
My AutoCAD 2012 installation has been doing this for a while, but I don't remember it always doing this:
After I close a drawing (if it is the last drawing open), by using either the "close" command or by clicking the "x" on the window, instead of going to the generic gray-stripe background it just shows what the drawing looked like before close. This keeps messing with my head, as I think AutoCAD has just stopped responding.
If you look closely, though, you can see that the "AutoCAD" and "Autodesk" labels appear on the drawing, but I don't immediately notice this because my drawings are more complex than the sample drawing I've attached.
See images below.
However, when I manually resize the application window (either by restoring or maximizing, or by draging the window edge, the application window refreshes to show the proper generic gray-stripe background.
I successfully installed CorelDraw X6 but I am unable to open it. It starts to load and then it crashes. At first I thought it was a bad install, so I uninstalled and reinstalled and it still won't open. Norton AV was turned off during both installs. I have searched and see that quite a few users have the same problem but I haven't found a cause or solution. I'm using Windows 7 64 bit, Intel i7, 16 GB ram.
now that i am weeding myself off of my Intuous and using my Cintique as my mouse-source for both of my monitors, it is more important to have my macro (and other CorelDraw windows) open on my second monitor (where CorelDraw is).
presently, i have Ultramon to force-open Coreldraw onto my second monitor; but when i open a macro window (such as Select Same), it opens on my primary monitor.
is there a setting to change this? or (shiver) a line of code to add to the macro itself?
When I go to open a file (any file, jpeg, psd, tif) Photoshop CC launches and begins the process of starting up. The file image appears for a brief moment then the program closes (aka crashes) and that's it. I then try CS6 and it opens the file just fine.
My Photoshop crashes if I open two *.psd files at the same time. If I open only one file everything works. If I try afterwards to create a new file it crashes again. It seems it can't handle more than ONE file.
I had several CorelDraw documents that crashes on me, and the auto-backup did not work.
In all these documents, if I open the text paragraph window and typed on it, the entire program will crash if I exit that window after finishing.
I discovered that if I typed directly on the text paragraph, it will not crash. That means do not open the text paragraph window to do editing. But this makes editing very slow since it seems to be more memory intensive.
Strange the auto-backup directory/folder always do not have my backup files too.
I have been running corel x5 for about 2 years now and all of a sudden I tried to open a new blank document and it crashed the program saying that Corel Draw has encountered a problem and needs to close??
Anytime open a file, Any file and then close Photoshop, Photoshop crashes before it has completely closed, I'm using Photoshop CS6 extended v13.01 x32 on Windows 7
Every time I open a RAW file in CS6 (at 16-bit depth) it crashes, so I am unable to open RAW files after editing in Camera Raw. The RAW files open OK in Camera Raw and I can edit them, but then opening them from Camera Raw into Photoshop (by clicking on Open Image) causes a crash.
Further background: I also had CS3 (the entire suite concurrently) installed. Thinking that might be a problem, I removed all of CS3 using the Adobe Uninstaller tool to see if that would work. Then I re-installed Photoshop CS6 from scratch and then downloaded and installed all updates.
CS6 still crashes every time I open a RAW file if I open it as 16-bit. If I open a .DNG file directly from Photshop (without using Camera Raw), that crashes too. I'm opening them into Photoshop using Adobe RGB (1998), 16-bit, 3456 x 5184 (17.9 MP), 300DPI.
Thinking it might be a memory issue, I checked free RAM using Activity Monitor and I see it has 3.4 GB free with both CS6 and Bridge open, which should be plenty. However I do see by looking in the crash report from the system log (portion included below), that it appears the crash may have resulted from a failed MALLOC (memory allocation).
Here's the kicker: oddly, when I open the file up in Photoshop at 8-bit depth, it works fine.
Software and Hardware versions: Photoshop CS6 Extended (13.0.4 x64) Camera Raw 7.3 Bridge CS6 ( Mac OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion) 8 GB RAM 27" iMac with 2.66 Ghz Intel Core i5 ATI Radeon HD 4850 graphics card with 512 MB RAM 1 Terabyte HD with 750GB free Canon EOS Rebel T3i Canon EF75-300mm f/4-5.6 Lense
Top portion of System Log file with the crash data in it: Process: Adobe Photoshop CS6 [4110] Path: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS6 Identifier: com.adobe.Photoshop
I am running 2.8 with Windows 7 64 bit. This just started today. I had done a picture, then closed out gimp. When I reopened it, I could no longer open files in Gimp. I can start gimp, then click on open files, and scroll through the files, and as soon as I select one, it whites out and says Gimp has stopped responding. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program, same issue. I tried jpeg, png, and xfc files, none will load.
I was taught in school that to set up a project location, go to File > Set Project... to choose a folder for saving all files and materials, and then go to File > Project Window. But for some reason, when I click on Project Window, it does absolutely nothing. The window does not pop up.
It works fine in computers in school, but at home on my Windows computer, it doesn't.
I have migrated to a new PC with Windows7 64-bit. I installed my copy of PSPP X3 and it works fine except for two issues. The File Open dialog always crashes the program when I use it although Drag&Drop and Recent Files work fine.
Another (related) issue is that I cannot use Customize Scripts either.
I installed AutoCAD on my pc with windows 7 and to complete the installation I had to change the registry file EULA from 0 to 1. Now it works but when I try to open an existing file it crashes.
My illustrator CS6 crashes when i try to open an AI file with RGB color mode. I worked on this file yesterday and changed it to RGB mode. Today i tried to open the file again but illustrator won't open it and crashes. It does work when i want to open a file with CMYK color mode.
I've just reinstalled my window xp which I used it before, but as the result, I couldn't open my saved vsp file at Corel Videostudio pro( I used same software to edit my video), screen say:"file format is not valid" and error no. is 15055:1:1, also I couldn't import my video file of the project to the library, shows: unable to open the file , file not found and I couldn't see all my files' format(such as video, audio etc) in the smart packaged folder. BUT I can still import the video files which I have never used
So for some reason when I open maya and try to open a file or create reference the window doesn't pop up and I can't click anything else whenever I try I hear a ding sound. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling.
When I click on Open File, the window that comes up has several default columns (FileName, Date, Size, etc).
I can right-click on the tab bar and add "Date Modified" to the tabs, but I would like to have "Date Modified" be a default column whenever I open the file selector (and no matter which folder I open up).
I cannot find a way to do this. I want to know the last date I modified a file, not when it was created.
Is there a way to universally set this column as a default?
I'm running PS CS4/mac on a Apple 30" display and have all my tool windows set up on the left side of the screen in three columns. When I open up a file, it is placed BEHIND my tools in the upper left hand corner so I have to keep moving it over to the right - is there a way when you open or create a new file that the window opens to the right of my tools?
My external hard drive has disappeared from the 'open file' window in photoshop CS6. It's working fine and appears in other applications such as bridge and lightroom. How do I get it back? I'm running a Mac on OS X.
When I try to open a Photoshop file from both a dropdown (File > Open) or command O, the display window will stay open for a brief moment before closing.
On occasion I'll get the error *** -[_NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 39 beyond bounds [0 .. 38]
Other times the error will say Could not complete your request because of a program error.
Other time there is no message.
The computer I'm running is MacBook Pro with Retina display, 3 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
I’m a 3DS Max transfer. In 3DS Max there is an option to open an image file for modeling reference in a separate window within Max which always stays on top. This is NOT an image plane to model off of but an IMAGE FILE, a picture i can get the details from that don’t show in a drawing or plane. Currently I open images or groups of images(NOT SEQUENCES) in the default OS file viewer program. This is fine with a dual monitor setup, where I throw the reference images to the other screen. But what about when I’m on my laptop on the go or have no other monitor? Currently I’d have to open the same program, have it underneath MAYA and flip back and forth, which is a very big hassle over time. I’d like to be able to open a small, resizable window WITHIN maya and view the image file(or files!) there so I can move it around my workspace and glance over to it in an instant.
I still want my four panels or all of my panel space to work with. With it being resizable i can even shrink it down to get the gist in the upper right corner where no icons are even zoom in on parts with such a small window.
Corel draw x4 starts up fine, when you either pick a template, open an existing file, or click the new drawing button the mouse pointer becomes the circle and it says Processing at the bottom right corner of the screen, the status bar next to processing does not progress at all and it just stays like this until i close it. It says (not responding) in the top bar.
I have downloaded the updates from corel draw and have also un installed corel draw and re installed it and it is still the same.