why all-the-sudden this macro does not show up in the list of macros? I'm not sure if it is conflicting with something else and it's been happening off and on.
Just downloaded Photoshop CC with Photoshop CS6 still installed on my computer. Why working in Bridge I noticed that when right clicking on an image and then the "Open With" link, the only thing showing up is Photoshop CC. It would be nice if CS6 was an option as well. Is there any way to set it so that both are available?
Also, how do I install my Neat Image plug-in in Photoshop CC?
So in the transfer maps box dialog when choosing what maps to output, the AO and Custom map option has disappeared from the list. All the other options are still there, normal, displace, etc. I defragmented my disk drive a while back ago but that can't be it, can it?
Is there any built in option for a symbol to have a pull down pick list of options? I know that you can make it have a prompted entry, but can you do a sim idea with a pick list?
I am adobe creative cloud Photoshop cs 6 register user iam not getting COPY CSS options even i have updated Photoshop several times . still not getting this options.
Photoshop has been crashing on me lately. Glitching. Getting locked in brush mode so I'm unable to click on other options. Not showing brush radius at times etc. It is also opening a "auto recovery" image every time I boot the program which shows as a .psb file that I am unable to find on my computer. Going to the location shown in the save as window seems to not show when I manually go that location on my computer system. I took a screen shot of the file and it's location.
i cant seem to set print options on a Mac using Mountain Lion.Where can I find the options such as paper type, resolution and gamma etc. its available when i print from pages but not from PSE9
I like to use non-default zoom options like 35% and 75%, but I can't use them both at the same time, and whichever one I'm using disappears every time I open a new image or restart the program. It would be nice if the zoom was controlled by a vertical slider that can go to any number between 1 and 800, or at least 1-100.
I'm using PSP X4, have an image open in edit but I'm not able to add any layer(s). None of the layer type options will remain highlighted for me to choose when I go to new mask layer or new adjustment layer.
Recently I downloaded the PSE 9 program from a disk onto my new computer. When I opened it to use I am unable to find under "Organize" the "File", "Edit", "Find", "View", "Window" and "Help" on the upper bar/area. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program but still do not see those options. I'm just begining to learn about PSE 9, so am new to all this.
What am I missing or not doing exactly right that I'm have dificulty trying to view and use the above? I can start to use the program with photos download on my computer, camera or external hard drive.
On the drop down menu on my pse11 the import/export options are unselecteable, why this is and how it can be resolved as I would like to be able to import things.
I am on a PC, Windows 7 and CS5.5 Creative Suite in 64bit. I have downloaded pixelbenderplugin_p3_pscs5-1_64bit_061711.mxp I have run Extension Manager as Administrator
Yet still Pixel Binder does not show up in my Filters List.
I have been using keyword tags for years in previous versions of Photoshop Elements. In version 12 at first I noticed that they were harder to apply. But now, something has happened that has removed the list of tags. How do I get them back? (and where do I find out how to use them easily)?
I'm using Draw X6 64 bit. The program seems to get very unstable with large multipage files., especially just after saving. The save icon greys out suggesting a save is completed but it seems the save is still going on in the background. Is there anyway to get the old behaviour back so that the icon only greys out when the document is actually completely saved? It's safer to stop editing the file while it is saving rather than continue working on it, but the icon is giving me misleading feedback..
When I start using the drop shadow from the center out, the options such as the Drop Shadow Angle, Shadow Fade, and Shadow Stretch in the control bar on top are all grayed out. My friend told me that this is not supposed to happen.
i've a problem with two options in the configuration of CorelDraw X4. Both option reset, after restarting the application...The first option is "Doublecklick image, to edit in PHOTO-Paint" and the second option is the performance of POWERTrace (I choose highest quality, but CorelDraw resets to better performance).
I have just installed X5 and need to know, exactly, what options are supposed to appear in the Application Dropdown. Is, for instance, Power Trace supposed to be there (in draw and photo, etc). The reason is that I cannot find it. It makes no difference if there is a document or not - it is simply not there, nor is it referred to anyplace on the page.
I cant seem to find filter select or a list view for the record area. Both of these functions come in handy on feature films and episodic television especially vfx heavy shows.
1- Somehow, in my current drawing, everything is layer-locked. There are no Xrefs in this very basic drawing. All layers are unlocked. Yet, any attempt to select any entities results in "x objects were on a locked layer". Again, all layers are unlocked. No Xrefs. No blocks. Just simple lines. All entities appear faded. This happened after viewing a layout in both paper and model spaces. Reviewing the text window shows no strange accidental commands.
2- There is a default set of viewport scales in the status bar at the bottom right. Default scales are all metric. I would like both metric and imperial. I see you can edit which exact scales are in a metric list, and which are in an imperial list. But how do you set what is displayed/available in the status bar button?
I have just installed CorelDRAW x4 and when I first used the 'Duplicate' tool, a pop up box appeared. The second time I used it, the pop up box did not appear and I cannot find how to open it again.
When you right click on a divider bar on the menu you used to have a option to import or export the work space,now it looks like the screen shot on the right. ( I didn't have a screen shot of X6, but it looked a lot like the X4.)Why does things that work well in CorelDRaw keep getting changed?
Basically when I export a PDF and open it in acrobat it opens 'page width' I'd like it to be 'fit page' so the customer sees the whole proof, not just the top of the page.
I don't see any settings, but I only have 1 fully functional eye so I thought I'd ask you all.
IF there isn't a setting for it, can the fine people at Corel add this setting in the export dialog in the future some time? That'd be awesome.
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
i have a 2 artistic text blocks (both with different fonts) in same corel document and when i ctrl+c/ctrl+v from one to other it copy/paste not only the text but also font type/size and color.
I want just the text copied not all the properties.
I am using CorelDraw to create price labels for my store. When I merge in the price field for an item I want it to show on the label with the cents in superscript as opposed to using a decimal and full sized cents text. Is this possible in any version of CorelDraw using the print merge feature?
Keep in mind that I also have the price field in an envelope so that the price takes up the full size allotted on the label whether the price is $1.99 or $999.99.
Time to increase the size of the options box as well as give it a little attention. It hasn't changed much since, ... well, forever.
Monitors are huge, so lets make it happen. I don't like having to scroll sideways with the slider to see full name of macros or tools when customizing.