CorelDRAW X6 :: Moving Pages / Changing Page Number
May 1, 2013
Is there any way different than drag and drop for moving pages in multiple pages designs. I have some presentation designs lately and have to change pages numbers or move multiple pages.
Drag and drop is not user friendly on 30-50 pages documents.
system configuration:
Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives.
I've been exploring migrating my Design and PrePress departments away from Illustrator & Flexi and transitioning to Corel. Unfortunately I've hit a major stumbling block
Right now I have a team of designers laying out sign designs. They draw each sign and we generate a message schedule for those signs in excel. From there, we've been able to use the print merge function in Corel to transfer all the messages from the data sheet to the signs. The problem is, each sign is placed on a separate page within the Corel file. I know you can then use print imposition to gang those signs for printing...but the problem is we have a laser engraver, rotary engravers and routers that are all being run. I've fairly certain we could "print" to the laser without any issues but I'm not as confident regarding the other machines.
Typically once we have the drawings of every sign created (currently doing this in Flexi), we have programmers that gang all similar components together on files that are used to power the rotary engravers. Because the print merge function in Corel puts each sign on a separate page, I'm not sure how we'd be able to transition without having to copy, paste and place each sign back on to a single page. Our jobs often run into the hundreds of signs so the extra labor required would kill any savings such a transition might bring us.
Is there a way to combine pages post print-merge, to get all the objects on a single page? I had really hoped to be able to gang all objects together on a single page within a single file.
what's the biggest filesize in terms of pages that you people have handled? I have handled a file with 84 pages, it was 122 mb in filesize. I split it into two parts for smooth working.
I checked out the macro for the consecutive numbers by using the print merge option. I found out that using the print merge and merging it to a new document does exactly what I needed to do to be as efficient as possible, except if i need to number 120 labels, it opens up 120 pages on the document. How to merge the pages to have 1 page with all 120 labels. I know there is a way to put as many labels as possible on a page when using a regular printer, but I'm printing on viynil and theres a cut contour I need
I have 100 of pages of a clients logos, I want gather them into a single A3 page, normally we can do this thing by giving print command (Imposition tool in print preview) but we can get PDF output or can directly print it, but I require cdr, so is this possible? I tried making PDF and importing it into corel but most of logos not coming well bcz those are bitmap, some bitmaps are viewing as a horizontal sliced.
When working on a document with facing pages, with previous versions of CorelDraw htting the page up or page down keys on the keyboard would change to the next set of pages.
With Draw X5, you have to hit page up or page down twice to switch to the next set of pages.
Not a huge deal to hit it twice now, but is there a way to set X5 to the previous behavior where with facing pages one page down would take you from page set 1-2 to 3-4?
I need to export pages (ie set as default ie pg3 - pg8) as .eps file. we would like to have the page name included as a suffix of the file name i.e. customer_name_2XL.eps
I am creating an object that has four text boxes in an object that is about 2" x 4". When I do the merge, I end up with multiple pages, all 2" x 4". How can I now move those pages spaced about a larger page, say 11" x 17" so I can have positioned and print multiple 2" x 4" objects on the larger sheet?
If I would like to compose a booklet in Corel Draw, how can I insert page numbers ?
I know the use of Master Layer. But contents on it will remain unchanged for all the pages. However the page numbers should auto increase page by page.
Adobe InDesign or pagemaker is useless infront of Corel Draw. But the problem of Footer (page numbering) has to be resolevd. So that Corel Draw will replace InDesign or related book work softwares.
I found the page number option in the prepress menu. that is coreldraw adds page number in the bottom centre to all the pages. Is it possible to edit the font and location of page number?
Till now i have been using page numbering macro that's built inside coreldraw by default. but its not dynamic. i have to do page number all by start if i delete a page in my document.
How do I renumber a page, starting at any number, eg 120.Reason: I have a catalog, divided into 4 files, gives the first page 1 to page 50, the second page gives the 51 to 100 and so on .. are 214 pages .. how do I get in this second part, put the number of pages, starting with page 51?
in coreldraw usually on small files having 7 to 8 pages i move pages by dragging its tab on the desired location. but how do i handle large files for eg moving page 49 before 15? the tabs list gets pretty long.
After moving a page in my document the master page elements no longer display on screen or in print. If I move the page to a different location in the document the master displays but if it is in the specific position that it needs to be it will not display. The document has multiple Masters and others do work on the page but the one that I need will not. I've tried deleting the page and adding a new one and that does not fix the problem. I've checked and "Hide Master Items" is not checked. The page in question is in position 48 with F-Master applied. If I move it to position 49 it works, 50, it works, 51, or any other it works. If I apply a different master to the page, it works. If I delete the page, add a new page and apply F-Master it still does not work. The only page that this problem is happening on is page 48.
I want to put 2 .pdf pages on one page. I used to do it with Illustrator (CS5) and it worked just fine up until now, but now (when I import .pdfs) Illustrator gives prompts like:
"The font Arial is missing. Affected text will be displayed ..."
Is there any way of eliminating such prompts with those .pdfs?
My InDesign document has a total of 55 pages. My page numbers are set up in a master. Some of the pages display the page numbers correctly: "Page X of 55" but others do not "Page X of 43". Why is it unable to detect the correct number of pages?
I have on several occasions experienced a crash (more specifically "InDesign has stopped working and needs to close" - that's a crash I think) when moving pages between different InDesign documents (some were converted from CS3, but saved as CS6 files first). It seems to happen only betwixt select files. I have avoided a crash by moving even numbers of pages - but not always. Perhaps I am unaware of some document/spread shuffle setting?
I'm consolidating several book chapters into one Indesign file, by way of clicking on the thumbnails on the Pages panel and selecting 'Move Pages...' from the contextual menu.
The problem I'm having is that I can't maintain the page flow between chapters on the destination file, resulting in a broken spread between chapters when exporting to PDF. Here's a screenshot to better illustrate the problem, here seen in between pages 18-19:
I've tried turning on and off the following options on both the source and destination documents but nothing changes:
- Allow Selected Spread To Shuffle
- Allow Document Pages To Shuffle
I've also removed all the sections from the destination document (as you can see on the screenshot, page 19 does not have the little black arrow which denotes a new section), with no luck either.
I also tried dragging the thumbnails manually but to no avail; I just can't figure out how to keep the page spreads between chapters together.
is it possble to arrange artboards in Illustrator CS6 so page 1 is on its own and pages 2 and 3 (and 4 and 5 etc) are facing each other as they would be in a printed book. In other words the same way as in InDesign?
I'm working on a document with tables, and when I ask it to autoflow, using the Shift- Click, after the first table, the rest of the tables are on one page, with long cylindrical text boxes, instead of the pages with large textboxes on them.
I have a scan of a drawing that I need to get into photoshop but the scan goes onto page 2 of a pdf file. How can I edit the two scanned pages to end up with the drawing on one page in psd file?
I am trying to load single pages from multi page tiffs, convert them to monochrome (dithered), flatten the image, then save them as single monochrome, ccitt group4 tiffs. - all through scripts.
The multipage tiffs contain pages in grayscale and color which were created using the old style (problematic) JPEG compression option.
I have tried other tools, such as libtiff (modified with a patch to handle the old jpeg compression), and the latest version of imagemajick. Unfortunately they cannot correctly convert the files, whereas gimp can, but only one page of the multi-page tiff at a time(gimp crashes if I load a 5page document (as separate images) then convert each image to monochrome,flatten and save in one session)
the scripting function for loading tiffsfile-tiff-load does not expose the options to load individual pages, or to select loading as images or as layers, which the visual file load/import does.
How I can achieve this using a script.? Manually is not a problem, but too time consuming for large (eg. 200page) tiffs.
I am creating printable PDF files and up to yesterday I was using a free trial of PSE 10. To create a multi page document I first saved it as a PSE project file, then added blank pages, then when I was done I saved it as a PDF and voila - done!
Now my trial has run out I have bought the paid version (which is now version 11) and I seem to have lost that option entirely. The product is useless to me without a way to create multi page PDFs
Alternatively can I downgrade back to PSE10 which was fine for me!
When opening a multi-page TIF file, there are options to open a specific page, a range of pages, or all pages. Unfortunately, the options for range of pages or all pages are dimmed, and cannot be selected. What can we not select these other options?
I quite often need a separate ruler scale on each page of a multi-page document. The only way I know how to do this is to create a separate document for each drawing that requires a new scale.
I request that you add the ability to change the ruler scale on a per page basis within a single multi-page document.