I'm using X5 and trying to save a PNG with a transparency mask. Everytime I save or export, I get the white box around it. I read a few posts that talk about a "masked" option check box, but that is not on my PNG save dialog box.
In Photoshop, I have removed part of a layer via a mask, leaving only one part of the image. Now I wish to save this part as an independent image, png or gif with a transparency. How can I achieve this?
I need to make an object or group transparent towards its borders.
In particular, I drew a red heart and gave it a yellow contour with 20 steps, imitating a gradient. So the heart looks like it has a gradient (from red to yellow) towards its border.Â
Now I need this heart to also be transparent towards the border. The transparency should begin somewhere in the red part and slowly mask everything and it should end just before the outer border, which should be completely transparent.
The radial transparency tool does not produce good results, because the heart borders are not uniformly transparent. I need a mask exactly of the heart shape.
While creating various circular masks with a radial gradient from white to black, whenever I change the blending mode of the mask path Ai will throw me out of mask mode into layer editing mode. Since this is on a large document of ~2Gb file with multiple artbords for large poster & UI refresh speed is slow, this has become quite frustrating. Is this normal Ai behaviour?
i am having a problem with the mask automatically deleting and making transparent the image when I load up a TGA. Simply deleting the mask doesn't bring back the parts of the image that are become transparent, the mask is deleting everything it touches upon loading of the image. Is this a setting somewhere I accidentally turned on? or a bug? PSP didn't used to do this when I first installed it. I have reset all the preferences, uninstalled/ reinstalled, but no fix.
pictures of my car and adding effects and making my pictures really look good. I am in the process of making a new background for my computer i used a layer mask and set the background image to transparent.. I have the regular picture of my car as layer 1.. now when i use the gradient tool to show the transparency behind it works fine.. i save it as a PNG file and everything but when I go to set it as my background, the BLACK background doesn't fade into the picture.. the surrounding area where the transparent layer was showing through is always WHITE.
how can i make the black fade in? i know i can just make the background of the picture black instead of transparent but i want to be able to post these on the internet and give them to my parents so they can do the same.. so i dont want to make everyone have a black background to make it look right, which is why i want transparent.
What I want to do is create a sort of “transparency layer mask”, meaning that this layer will go on top of all my existing layers and will make an area transparent according to the mask. Kind of drilling a hole to transparency through all the layers underneath. I see that you can do similar things with adjustment layers but I couldn’t make one for transparency. Even better would be to be able to specify which underneath layers this layer will affect.
Alright, so I'm about to rip my hair out. I'm a Photoshop guy who occasionally vectorizes stuff into Illustrator CS4 by exporting work paths. Usually it works fine, but it's been a few years since I've done this and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to apply an opacity mask to an area of a layer so that it is transparent through all objects of the layer down to the background. Â Basically, I created an image with text in Photoshop. I exported work paths to illustrator and colored/filled in all the objects. I need to cut out certain parts of the image so that they're transparent through to the background so that when the image is printed up on a shirt, fabric shows through rather than ink. This sounds like a stupid question, and it probably is, but I just can't get it to work. Â I've gone through all the steps of creating an opacity mask, but every time I make the object transparent, I just get a white fill from an underlying object. It will not cut through to the transparent background. I need to get this object to cut through all layers.
I'm in the process of drawing a site plan which contains buildings, roads and wooded areas. I want to draw roads which go through the wooded areas. I want both the road and the woods to be opaque except where the woods overlaps the road (I want the wood to be partially transparent at the overlap). Example of the effect I want is shown below. I don't get this effect when trying to use blending transparency modes. I'm sure it can be done with the opacity mask but I've tried all sorts of combinations and not managed to get this effect.
It seems I'm unable to save a png (or gif) with transparency.
I want to convert a white background to a transparent background so I perform the steps below but unfortunately the exported image still has a white backgroud. I've tried exporting to gif but that doesn't make a difference. Here are the steps:
1. I first add Alpha Channel
2. Select color to alpha and select white (this gets rid of the white background but now my image looks ugly as all the white is gone and it's partially transparent so I perform the next steps to add the white back to the image)
3. Duplicate the layer
4. On the second layer I add a layer mask and initialize it to white
5. On the second layer I use the bucket to color it all white
6. With the second layer selected I meticulously erase the white background knowing that if I accidently erase too much it wont be a big deal - it will only begin to expose the ugly image that.
7. I'm happy with the image so I merge the layers
8. Export to png and I make certain the "Save color values from transparent pixels" is unchecked
why the image I see in GIMP is losing the transparency when I export?
Suddenly when I save an object in Illustrator and import it into Indesign, I have a white background. How do I save to preserve the background transparency? This has never been an issue before but suddenly started happening. Is there a setting I changed while making a new doc?
I have a logo with a transparent object (trying to achieve a stamped/weathered look), transparency set at 80%. When I go to save as pdf, the object looks jagged and 100% (no transparency).
I used Graphics & Photos 2013, I update the software yesterday and if I save my job as PDF, the transparency done on a picture is inverted.Currently I removed the transparency but it is not the solution.Issue appear only when I create a PDF file. By creating a JPG file it works.
I designed a photomask with micrometer-sized structures in Autocad. I try to save it do DWX (or better to CIF, but that's not directly possible with autocad), there the mask-maker can handle it. However whatever I try the structures seems to dissappear if I try to open it in another program like illustrator, Clewin, etc. I think I should save it somehow on a different way such that I save more detailed, but I cannot find how.
I inserted external blocks, it looks like it do not recognize these, do I need to link this somehow?
I have an image, whose outline is well defined, which I am preparing for laser cutting/engraving. I am trying to find a quick and easy way of creating a cutting path around the edges of the image. Tracing in Corel Draw is not good enough. PhotoPaint will convert the mask to a path but it is not well defined. I can easily create an accurate mask with Paint Shop Pro, and even fill it with black colour, but that is as far as I can get. I have tried pasting as a new image but there is an undeleteable and unmoveable layer created which stops the image being visible. Instead of crisp black image I just get a blank white square.
I draw a rectangle and color it to M40Y80 in CMYK. Then draw Circle color radial fountain 80% Black & white.
Then apply Uniform transparency. Now I got problem in printing also & while making CMYK jpeg also same problem. If I convert to Bitmap CMYK same problem. but if you convert to RGB it look OK & then you have to convert to CMYK.
I just tried the pdf export of a multipage document. When I open it in Reader or Acrobat I see a grid where the page is not covered (transparency grid?). It has nothing to do with the Reader feature - the grid is in the pdf (I can see it with Pitstop in wireframe mode). Can't find where to turn it off.
It looks as though my transparency object is locked because I am trying to edit a bitmap file and I don't get the checkered background behind the object.Â
I am unable to solve my problem with exporting an object (curve) with 2-colors fill (with transparency) to WMF, PNG or AI. I spent quite a long time already to figure out how to make transparent fill and when I finally succeeded, I cannot export that and work with it
I would like to transform the curve with transparent fill to just curves somehow... than it should be no problem with exporting. Or transform it to some other vector object - it does not matter - just to be able to use it and export it as vector object.
I have been having an issue with the Lens Transparency effect and bitmaps . When I apply a square lens transparency over a square bitmap and group them it looks fine on my screen but parts of the final image are always missing when I print . I have duplicated this error a number of different ways and with two different video cards . I am running XP and have 3 gigs of RAM .
So I'm creating some interface elements in Draw, and the shadow transparency blend settings always go out the window when I try to export my art as any type of bitmap. It just flips back to "Normal" regardless of what I've set it to be. Is this a known issue?
i'm surprised nobody else has mentioned this problem, but when I place one shape inside another and try to apply transparency to the powerclip, the transparency only affects the original outside object. In addition, only the outer objects fill is affected, and not it's outline. The following image should explain this better.
A graphic exported in Draw & PP in X4 as a .png works fine.
The same graphic copied & pasted into Draw or PP in X6 does not.Repeatable 100%...The eyedriopper selection of the transp[arent color seems to pick up the right color, but the output presents like a .jpg. Viewed in IE9, Firefox & Chrome with same results.