CorelDRAW X5 :: Import Simple ASCII File With Node Positions?

May 13, 2012

I have a simple text file in a formX,YX,Y and so on..

What would be the easiest way to convert that into a curve?A curve with node positions as in the text file, connected with straight lines..

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Import ASCII Point Coordinates (from Comma Delimited File) Into File

Oct 17, 2011

I'm relatively new to AutCAD map 3d but I've used arcGIS a while back.

I have existing roads, towns etc data that are already set to UTM 17.  I want to import ascii point coordinates (from a comma delimited file) into the file.  I can import the ascii coordinates as points fine (easting and northing), however the points come in as the absolute coordinates rather than geometric coordinates.  I already set the files for right geographic projections.  Beyond manually inputing the coordinates into the coordinate tracker, is there a way to import the coordinates form the file set for the geometric coordinates?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import ASCII GRID File

May 3, 2012

How can i import ASCII GRID file in autocad civil 3d. I use autocad civil 3d 2012.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import ASCII File Into Drawing

Nov 4, 2013

I'm having problems importing points into Civil 3D 2012.I'm trying to import an ASCII file into the drawing.Files formats are P,N,E,Z,D in ASCII file and the same format is selected when I try importing.

The ASCII file has well over a 1000 points but when I import the points only the first twenty or so points import to the drawing.This seems not to be limited to this drawing.I tried to import points to a different drawing and the same thing happened.

Up to this point I have not had trouble importing points into other various drawings.Is there a button or setting that may have changed that is preventing full importation of the points?

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AutoCad :: ASCII File Of Position - Import Points

Dec 5, 2012

i received a ascii file of position and elevation points (PNEZD) and do not see any where to import these points into AutoCAD 2011.

I know there exists survey products from autodesk, but still kind of wondering why there is no easy way to import points in the basic CAD program.

How to import a PNEZD file into AutoCAD 2011?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Import IAM File With Views And Positions To Showcase?

Sep 23, 2013

I need to Import a IAM file with Views and Positions to Showcase. I found several tutorials on this, but as soon as I add a position in Inventor none of the above are imported. Without any Positions, Views get Imported.

It's Inventor and Showcase 2013.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Export Object Names In ASCII File?

Jun 7, 2013

I've exported in all supported vector file formats, and it seem that only SVGsupports object name (and data)... however, I can't use SVG at the moment.

Is there a way to export all objects using a macro?I need in plain ascii: layer and object names, and maybe object data.

I'm looking for a simple format, no transform matrices (as in SVG).

Something like this:

Layername: Layer 1Object type: Rectanglename: rectoutline: 1mmpos: 100.000, 100.000size: 100.000, 100.000rotation: 0.000Object type: Ellipsename: circleoutline: 1mmpos: 100.000, 100.000size: 100.000, 100.000rotation: 0.000Layername: Layer 2Object type: Curvename: Curveoutline: 1mmstart: 100.000, 100.000lineto: 200.000, 200.000bezierto: XY1, XY2, XY3, XY4end

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Import Simple IGES File Into Vanilla?

May 16, 2012

I'm trying to import a simple IGES file into vanilla Autocad. I found the IGESIMPORT command and I can get the geometry to import. The issue I am having is that the geometry is importing as splines. Even if the geometry is a straight line, it is imported as a spline. Perfect arcs also import as splines and I can't find a way to convert them.

In Autocad Mechanical, I can use the IGESIN command and the geometry imports as regular lines and arcs. I'm working with a customer that doesn't have access to Autocad Mechanical and trying to find a solution for them with vanilla Autocad.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Getting Errors When Exporting Simple File As EPS?

Jan 3, 2013

I'm getting these errors when exporting a simple file as an EPS. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Convert CRD File To ASCII

Jun 7, 2013

I have a .crd file which i need to convert to ASC1II file to then import into civil 3d to build a ground model.

I have used the survey link: [URL] ...

However when i click convert i get an error saying points not found, please see attached.

How i can go about importing the .crd file?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: ASCII File With XYZ Coordinate Data

Nov 22, 2011

I have a .PTS file (an ASCII file with XYZ coordinate data + two additional sets of info per point). Is there any way to bring this into AutoCAD natively?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Random Patterns - Image Twisted Around Into Different Positions

Mar 16, 2012


How has a  pattern like this been achieved. They are not uniform and the same image is twisted around into different positions but evenly spaced to form a pattern.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: X And Y Coordinate Positions Suddenly Stop Working

Jul 17, 2013

I am using CorelDraw Suite X5 on a Windows 7, 64-bit operating system. I always used x,y coordinates for positioning objects. Last week that option suddenly stopped working. Now when an object is highlighted the x,y coordinates always registers 0,0. If I try to re-position an object by putting in new coordinates, objects are placed way off the page. My inputs are not held and the coordinates are back to 0,0.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Importing ASCII File Error / Rounds Elevation To Nearest Foot

Aug 12, 2013

I am battling is bringing in LiDAR files from ArcGIS. I have tried TXT and ASC, and they both seem to only maintain the elevation to the nearest foot, as you can see in the attached image.

What is strange, is that when the file is brought back into GIS, this issue is a problem. Is there a setting for reducing the amount of units when importing data? The text file as I shared has data to the thousandth.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: How To Import AI File To X6.4

Dec 9, 2013

I've bought AI and JPG format files to import to CorelDraw But when I drag AI file to Corel Draw window, it does nothingand also importing AI file doesn't working.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Pen Tool - Change Node Direction

Feb 17, 2012

what gives here with Corel's so-call Pen Tool. First there's almost NOTHING out there in terms of tutorials etc. Plenty about the Bezier tool but truly hardly anything about the Pen Tool

How on earth do you change the node's direction? This is SO frustrating! I just wanna control this *** but I can't. In Adobe PS it's simple, just hit ALT and you're back to 0 angle. In Corel I read somewhere that you double click the last node......yeah that ends it alright but when you go back to continue at a different angle it goes back to the same angle all over again so it's literally useless.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Mesh Node / Can't Remove A Color

Aug 22, 2012

I have been unable to remove a color after it has been applied to a node.  Despite the  "X" that show up in the color palette, clicking it does not remove the color.  The only way to remove a color is to set the node's transparency to 100%, and the color will still show as the node's color in the mesh fill property bar.  The color will appear to have been removed, but when clicking on the node again, the color come back.

The bug manifests itself in different ways depending on what color is selected.  If the "X" is picked from the color palette floating/docked menu to remove color, nothing happens.  Is it is picked from the Mesh Fill color drop down window from the context menu it will temporarily appear int he property bar. 

In other object fills, you can select the "X" to remove the fill.  I that something one ca't do in a mesh and one needs to color pick the background or set a default color for?

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Node Reduce Does Not Work On Certain Shapes

Jul 4, 2013

Usually the reduce node tool will reduce the nodes easily, but I have had a few issues where an imported shape or vector - usually a dxf file or plt file has thousands of nodes but the reduce node tool does not work.

When I select a node on these files it only reduces the node I select? is there a way of smoothing these without redrawing ?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: How To Create A Node Exactly On Intersection Of Two Curves

Sep 3, 2013

I want to create a node on the intersection of two curves (eg bezier curves). Of course I can zoom in and try to be as near as possible, but it won't be exactly. Is it possible to exactly find the intersection?

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Stop Node Arrows From Chasing Each-other?

Jun 27, 2011

How can I stop the node arrows from chasing each other? 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: GDG Node Manipulator V2

May 16, 2013

I'm working on upgrading my Node Manipulator macro. I have already added a few cool new features and a completely new form that saves space. 

Here's a quick sneak preview..

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CorelDRAW X3 :: EPS File - Import Error

Jul 23, 2011

When I try to open this eps file it gives me a message that says import error I/O error? Never had that  one before.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Import PRN File - Cannot Be Opened

Dec 18, 2013

When I import PRN file in CrelDRAW X4, facing this error:

"An error occurred while processing Output.prn. The file cannot be opened."

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Node / Line Editing

Mar 11, 2011

in earlier versions of draw you could move one end of line with the pick tool by moving the cursor over the end node grabbing it and moving it where ever you wanted. With x5 it seems that you must go to the node editing tool to select the node. Is there a setting I'm missing that will allow the pick tool to select node?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Change Node Size

Jun 25, 2012

I not remember where is that!

Would be nice able to change the color or shape too!

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Jerky Node Edits

Sep 12, 2011

I don't do a ton of node editing, but I've noticed that lately my node editing seems really jerky. I wrote it off as having large files utilizing lots of memory, but I don't think that's it. To test I closed Corel and all instances of it, restrated drew a rectangle and converted to curves. Then my node editing was smooth and fast. I doubled the nodes (now 8) and it was fine. doubled again(16 nodes) and that was the show stopper. I finally have it that at 9 nodes it is smooth mouse movements, at 10 it goes jerky. No big difference between 10 nodes and 3000 nodes. Same jerkyness when editing nodes.

I've turned off all "snap to" features.

I did recently change to using the HD output to my monitor, i haven't checked that as an issue. I'm using the video card on the motherboard (don't hate).

I went back to the default corel workspace and it's fine up to 1000s of nodes. I switched back and it's goes all haywire again.

I use the cross hair cursor I turned that off and WHAMO! it works now. (really it made that sound, trust me) When I go back to cross hair cursor it goes back to jerky. So verify that using the cross hair cursor screws up their node editing? Is there a way to use the cross hair for everything except node edits?

Machine info: windows XP All service packs X5 with all service packs. i3 cpu 3ghz with 3gb memory.

Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Cannot Import Any Adobe Illustrator File

Dec 7, 2011

I use CDX5 and I can not import any Adobe Illustrator file. The Corel stop to work each time. I try to start the pgm with the F8 key, but no way. It doesn't work.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: How To Import A DGN File

May 25, 2013

Is there anyway to import or edit .dgn files in CorelDraw X3 ?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: PDF Import - File Corrupted Error?

May 4, 2011

Any "fix" for issues with Corel PDF import "the file is corrupted" error?  We do custom apparel and recently added an on-line design tool that exports in PDF.  Corel cannot read the files so we are forced to import into AI then expert as an AI file to import into Corel.  I am at the point where I believe if there was a book written with all the quirks of X5 it would be a telephone book in size.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: What Attributes Of EPS File Will Be Incompatible To Import Into CD

Nov 20, 2012

What attributes of an .eps file will be incompatible to import into CD x6?

I have imported several of the free vector art found in various websites as .eps without issues, until this one.  This one imports everything except the circular renditions of snow and snowballs.  Gimp and PSE will import and convert the .eps to an image as it is supposed to appear.


I do not need these snowmen anymore, I found other candidates, and I believe I could recreate the snowballs with ovals and a meshes.  I am more concerned about being able to import .eps files in general.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Missing File Extensions In Import?

Jun 3, 2013

I have X5 and win 7 64bit. When I open the import window the only file extensions I can select are pdf and the alphebet after. I do not show cdr or any extensions from a to p or show all files. If I look in windows explorer everything is ther and I can drag a file to the draw page. I tried repair and then reinstalling x5, still no show. I show the files being associated with the program.

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