CorelDRAW X5 :: Export To PDF Shifts Some Text

Apr 13, 2011

When I export to PDF some of my artistic text shifts about 2 cm.  Most, if not all of this artistic text was previously imported into corel from PDF.  I've tried a combination of settings in the export menu with no luck.

When I print to PDF I don't have this problem.

This is a very unfurtunate bug since I didn't realize this was happening until after our project was printed. Our work is technical and requires everything to be precise so it has caused us a lot of grief....

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Export Of Text To SVG Will Not Use Fonts If Text Has Transparency

Feb 3, 2013

Coreldraw has a user-selectable option to export text "As text" (with or without font embedding) or "As curves". But if the text has a transparency applied to it, then Coreldraw always exports it as curves regardless.

This is a bug. The SVG spec clearly states that text is painted like any other path and so can have SVG opacity applied to it.

Problem applies to X6 and X5.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: How To Export Editable Text From X5 To PS4

Aug 14, 2012

I have read all threads about exporting an editable text but couldnt find the solution. Someone said that the PS have to ask you about maintaning layers but PS doesnt ask me something when I open the exported PSD file.

Is it something to do with PS4, should I get PS5? or am I doing something wrong?

I have tried this with artistic text and also with paragraph text. In some webpage it says that SP1 for x5 allows you to do that. I downloaded SP3, but still doesnt work.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Export To CMX And Text Goes Missing?

Jul 30, 2011

For years I have exported Draw 4 files to CMX 5.0 to import into Ventura, with no problems.

I have just upgraded to Windows7 and whilst Ventura and Draw work fine in themselves, when I export to CMX and import into Ventura all the text is missing. Old CMX files are fine and even the new ones show the text in the preview thumbnail in Ventura.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: EPS Export Of Paragraph Text

Apr 15, 2013

why the bounding box is so wrong when exporting paragraph text as EPS and placing it in InDesign or opening in Photoshop? See screenshots below. Text is being convert to curves in the EPS export dialog box.

At one point today, I was exporting an entire 8.5x11 page with a small block of paragraph text in the middle and it came into InDesign at 10x11".

Draw, Ghostscript GPL 8.64

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Export Doesn't Scale / Space Text Correctly

Oct 1, 2012

I have a problem exporting a file to TIFF format as the text spacing becomes "corrupted".The text is just a simple text block, pick any font you want (i.e. Arial). I export the file as TIFF format with the following changes of note:

Do not select "Maintain Aspect Ratio".Change the vertical scaling to something like 140% (nothing magical about 140%, just something that stretches it out enough)

That's it. When the text comes out, the letters are all stuck  together, either overlapping or touching. This happens with TIFF, PNG or BMP format, but it does not happen when I export GIF or JPG format. Of course, converting the text to curves prior to export also produces the correct result.

Of course, the reverse also happens if I scale vertical to less than 100%, the characters get spaced out farther than they should. I cannot really convert to PNG then to TIFF as I need to maintain the CMYK colorspace on this one. I also do not "pre-scale" the image correctly in CorelDraw first because I actually need to export the image to several different aspect ratios and I would like to maintain only one "master" source image.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Text Export With Sysfilter / Translate

Oct 23, 2013

Used the program Sysfilter to translate texts in draw. [URL] ....

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Export JPG (text File) For Banner That Was 6ft X 18ft?

Apr 18, 2013

(CORELDRAW X6.3) Today I tried to export a .jpg file (text file) for a banner that was 6ft x 18ft.  The export function wouldn't allow the 18ft, but changed it to like 9ft.

Tried in same in X3 and had the same result.

I could export the file as a .pdf and it worked just fine.

The question is, is there a maximum export size?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: How To Export Text As Editable To Photoshop Or To Photopaint

Oct 11, 2011

how to export the text as an editable to photoshop or to photopaint as exactly as in the coreldraw ? It should be editable after exporting them 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Top Line Of Curved Text Missing - Export Logo To PNG Or JPG

Nov 1, 2011

I'm having problems exporting a logo to a png or jpg the top line of curved text (MWW) keeps disappearing. It's probably really simple, but damn its annoying. File is on rapid share [URL ...

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Export Text Or Graphics As EPS Files - Vinyl Cutting?

Mar 18, 2012

why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.

I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?

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Photoshop :: Color Shifts When Merging Layers

Oct 22, 2012

We are Fine Art Printers using PS4 on Windows XP and 7. Because we have to proof individual colors and individual areas we often have over 20 adjustment layers and masks on images greater than 1 meter square. The masks get hugely complicated and the images sizes are often well over 1GB.

Normally we would take a Snapshot(?) Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E as we get an area correct, then move on to proof the next. We have an image with  dark blue/black cloud and noticed the image lost contrast and colors subtly changed when we did this. We have tried flattening layers, merging visible layers, merging down adjustment layers and even saving as a JPEG, but the colors change slightly each time layers are merged.  A global change like Levels is not an option for fine art images. We need to simplify the images and reduce the memory used for printing.

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AutoCad 2D :: Image Shifts When Printing In 2007

Jan 26, 2012

Sometimes when I import an image (such as a TIFF or pdf) and draw over top of it, when I print the stuff that I've drawn shifts. It will look fine on the screen and in print preview but shifts when printed.

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Illustrator :: When Image Trace In CS6 And Then Expand It Shifts The Art

Mar 1, 2013

For my work I use the Image Trace a lot. When I Image Trace something and then expand it, it shifts the art over. Every once in a while I wouldn't mind but it does it every time and I have to go back and nudge it back into place by setting the original layer as a template and then looking at it in Outline mode. Here is an example of the shift...

I never had this issue in any other version of Illustrator and I have been working with it since 8. When I have multiple items to Image Trace on one of my jobs and I Image Trace on each one individually, it does it in random directions. Sometimes down and to the right, sometimes up and to the left and sometimes it doesn't do it at all.
Here are the settings I am using...                   
I am image tracing 1200ppi bitmaps and I don't need it to be any more exact than it is now becuase I am then offsetting it .05" and using that as a relief for our products. But ignoring the shift would make one of our CNC machines mill through the art. Anything to stop "THE SHIFT" would be great. I am using up precious time in my pre-production schedule to be constantly doing this.

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Illustrator :: Shifts Placed Object When Opening File?

Feb 9, 2014

I have come across an odd issue! I have an object built and saved as an illustrator file, which has some knockout type (transparency). When I placed this object in another illustrator file, all is well, and I save this new file. When I reopen the new file, I noticed that illustrator has moved the placed object very slightly. I have looked at other placed files and objects in this new file and illustrator doesn't seem to affect those. Every time I resave the file, illustrator adds the same shift to the objects current position. If I just open the file without saving, the position stays as is. The shift is added by illustrator when I save the file!
what may be causing this issue and how to prevent it? (I suspect it might have to do with the knockouts but I can't figure it out).
This is in CS4. T
PS: Another strange thing is that when I tried to save the object-with-knockout as an EPS file from illustrator, the EPS file discarded the transparency.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Export To Webpage Directly Since HTML Export Doesn't Work?

May 17, 2013

Will Corel6 (or later) ever be able to export to a web page directly since the HTLM export doesn't work (drops links). The Corel Web program, or what ever its name is, was a joke. Its amazing that Corel work puts its name on a program that you could not open a CorelDraw file.

My current work around is  to export to a JPG and then import that into dreamweaver and add the links there, then post. A pain but it works.

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Photoshop :: Cursor Shifts Back To Starting Point

Sep 27, 2012

I noticed that if i draw a very short line (about 10 pixels or less) then cursor shifts back to starting point.
Tested on systems an drivers:
Mac OS X 10.6.4 or 10.7.4
Driver 6.3.0 or 6.3.3-3
Photoshop CS 5 (12.0.4)
Photoshop CS 5.5 (12.1)
Mac OS X 10.8.2, Driver 6.3.3-3 and Photoshop 6 (13.0.1) - same problem.

I have three Intuos 5 tablets for now and all have this bug so this is not a hardware problem i think. Corel Painter 12 - all good.

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AutoCad :: MTEXT Shifts In Different Versions (2007 And 2012)

Nov 21, 2011

I have a number of drawings which I believe were originally created in ACAD 2012 but have since been edited with ACAD 2007.

The drawings contain hatched areas. Within each hatched area is a MTEXT entity with background mask enabled within a rectangle. The idea is that the background mask on mtext wipes out the hatch below for legibility.

When opened in 2007 all mtext entities seems to be centred within the rectangle and the background mask fills the rectangle as intended (see below).

mtext 2007(2).png

When this same dwg file is opened with ACAD 2012 the mtext entities shift position and the size of the background mask is altered (see below).

mtext 2012(2).png

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Photoshop :: Momentary Gamma Shifts In CS6 Composed Image H.264 Video

Jul 7, 2012

Having discovered the problem in a more complex scenario, I've narrowed down to a simple set of jpg images placed sequentially in a video group, and exported as an h.264 video from Photoshop PS6. All is on Windows 7 Professional SP1, all software involved completely up-to-date.
I first noticed the gamma shift using the 'High Quality' preset. It occurs with variations on Vimeo 29.97 and Youtube 29.97 presets. The gamma problem does not occur on HD 720p or 1080p 29.97 presets.
When I view the resulting video through Quicktime, I see a gamma shift for a moment on the first image, making it look washed out. After another moment, the gamma goes back to normal. On other players such as Windows Media or VLC, no such shift is visible.
Interestingly, the shift comes at 1 second when exporting to the Vimeo 29.97 preset, or 'High Quality', while at 3 seconds on Youtube 29.97. Similarly, the shift back occurs at 2 seconds, or 6 seconds for Youtube.
What the gamma shift looks like sounds like the now age-old Apple Quicktime fault on h.264. -- except it occurs only for one or a few seconds, then reverts to proper gamma, instead of continuing..
With the simple setup of single image (jpg) sequence, it occurs only on the first image. With a more complex scenario, some actual videos included, I've seen it occur on every jpg -- or on some -- in a sequence.
This is very repeatable here - 100%.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Diamond Plate Texture Shifts In Bends

Sep 6, 2012

Doing a bend on diamond plate. I have applied a texture map to the side of the plate that has the diamond pattern.  When the pattern gets in the corners (inside or outside), the texture map shifts.  When it does this, the diamond pattern does not look the way the real part will. Below is an image of what I am seeing.   

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Mask Shifts Relative To Image After Closing

Mar 14, 2011

I am creating a mask in Photo Paint and feathering the edges.  Everything works fine up until I "Finish Editing" and the object is returned to Corel Draw.  The mask has shifted up from the image and the wrong area is masked. If I save the image from Photo Paint and re-open it it's fine...just not when it's sent back to Corel Draw.

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InDesign :: CS6 Export To PDF - Not Export Line Of Text?

Mar 31, 2014

Im using CS6 and in InDesign can see all of the text required. When I export to PDF, one line of text is not picked up, this is say line 4 of 8, all the other text is exported correctly. Then when I amend this section by adding text/changing colours, InDesign does not pick up my changes?

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Photoshop :: Export Text InDesign To PSD And Preserve Text Edit Ability?

Oct 2, 2012

Is there a way to export text from InDesign to Photoshop and preserve the type as editable text in an area text box, similar to the export to PSD in Illustrator? Designed many web site pages in InDesign, and now need to covert all pages over to Photoshop quickly.

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CorelDRAW / DESIGNER SDK :: How To Wrap Text Inside A Text Field / Paragraph Text Using C#

Feb 1, 2013

I have designed a C#  application to To Print I Cards  Of School. Here I am sending data from my application to a CDR FILE (Already Created ) Which Contains ADDRESS Text Field..Now I Need to Print Address(which contains 60 characters or more) on this Text field .

I Have Used The following c# Code.. To Replace Address text field that contains text 'Address '.....

s.Text.Replace('Address',"Text To be replaced .......") s is Active shape...

This Works Fine But How can i WRAP TEXT....of Address field.

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Photoshop :: Export All The Text To Text File Like Word?

Sep 27, 2013

How do I export all the text from a PS file to a text file like word?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Publish Vs Plot - Image Shifts And Border Cut Off

Aug 13, 2012

I have found that when I Publish, the drawing comes out shifted about 1/8" down and 1/8" left as compared to when I use Plot. Which of course is just enough to cut off the sheet border which is 1/2" from the paper edge. I am using the same Page Setup for both Publish and Plot, same drawing.

This is to an Oce TDS600, and it only happens with 15x21 paper size. All paper sizes are set to 0" border. Probably an Oce issue, but have any of you seen this before?

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Illustrator :: Image Trace Shifts Artwork Once The Trace Is Finished?

Aug 23, 2013

Image trace shifts artwork once the trace is finished.  Have to nudge art back into place each time.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Export To JPG Or GIF

Oct 22, 2013

It goes like this: I have poster created in Corel X6 home & student version. I try to Export it to JPG or GIF but the Corel just Shuts down. Before it shuts down there appears a statement about their failure and question if I want save it and close program and two other options.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Export For Web

Jun 15, 2012

As I am corelian, i am using corel for emailer also, its great but sometimes only facing problem while exporting object for web i.e. suppose I require 650px of jpg or png image size and i put the same value but output image was not the same size it might be 647px or 648px and sometimes it give me thin white line either side of the image (left or right). it created  problem in emailer's layout so i have to export it in larger size e.g 670px and then open into photoshop and resize into 650px.

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CorelDRAW Premium Suite X5 :: Stretching Text Slightly Later Doesn't Match Any Other Text?

Jul 27, 2011

My boss is using CorelDraw x5 on a Dell Studio lappy w/ win7 x64, his question is... If you accidentally stretch text and don't realize it till later is it given a value that can be compared to other text so you can conform it to the rest of the text? Is this a tool or what? The scenario is you accidentally stretch text minutely, save the file, copy and paste this text to another file with same format to realize later it has been manipulated and doesn't match.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Text Mode Crashes While Typing Text Window Box?

Jul 14, 2013

I had several CorelDraw documents that crashes on me, and the auto-backup did not work.

In all these documents, if I open the text paragraph window and typed on it, the entire program will crash if I exit that window after finishing.

I discovered that if I typed directly on the text paragraph, it will not crash. That means do not open the text paragraph window to do editing. But this makes editing very slow since it seems to be more memory intensive.

Strange the auto-backup directory/folder always do not have my backup files too.

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