CorelDRAW X5 :: Changing From One PPD To Another?

Mar 13, 2013

I have two large format printers that are different Epson Models. When setting up the second printer I accidentally chose the wrong PPD for it. So now when I go to print the PPD is checked (the wrong one) and I can't figure out how to switch it. If I uncheck it and recheck it I never get the pop up window to actually choose the PPD. Corel just assumes I want to use the first one I chose. (doesn't it know a click around like a maniac and I'm accident prone?) how can I switch PPDs.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Changing Origin In X6

Apr 3, 2012

Changing the " Origin " on guidelines. The default is to have the point of origin at the bottom left of ones page. I want to be able to change that and keep it as a default so that my point of origin is at the top left corner of my page.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: H And V Position Changing

Aug 9, 2011

I am running CorelDraw version with Service Pack 1.

I need to position graphics in exact locations and using the Transformation Position window, especially with Nudge and Super Nudge, is very useful. However, when I zoom in or out, go to another page of the document and back again, or close and re-open the file, many times the H and/or V coordinates shown in the Position window will have changed by one or two units (sometimes more). I can change them back to the correct coordinates but they will change again, and not necessarily by the same amount, when doing any of the actions I mentioned.

It's not that big of an issue when I know the location ends in either a 0 or a 5 and I can move it back to the correct location, but there are times when the graphics are not on a round number and I don't know if it correct or not.

This has been a bug in many versions of Corel (I have been a CorelDraw user since the beginning), but it is happening with every file I work on in X5.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Colors Changing On Their Own?

May 9, 2012

Windows 7 64-bit / CorelDraw X4 Educational Version with Service Pack 2 installed

I was working on a file last night and had objects Powerclipped into an object. Next thing I know, the colors are all completely off. They just changed on their own. I don't know if I saved the file and it just did this, or if it just did it on its own. But it always seems to be related to the Powerclip. This isn't the first time I've lost information using X4's Powerclip.

The scarier part is that it seems to be affecting multiple documents of mine that have used the same color. We're talking about months of work.

Also, this isn't the first time colors have just changed on me after closing a document and reopening it. I've set colors to RGB black and when I've reopened it at a later time, it changes to R:2 G:2 B:2

Tonight I'm going to try and uninstall X4 and reinstall and see if it remedies the issue. If that doesn't work, I'm going to try a different version, perhaps downloading a trial of X6 and see if it corrects the issue.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Changing Color Of Hyperlink

Apr 15, 2011

I have a string of white paragraph text, to which I have assigned a simple hyperlink to a selection. CorelDraw X5 turns the linked text blue to indicate that it is a live link and the Publish to PDF function works as expected. I want, however, for the linked text to be yellow, not blue, and I can't seem to be able to accomplish this. If I change the text to yellow the conventional way, the hyperlink no longer functions.

Is there a way for me to simply change the color of an active hyperlink?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Color Changing On Save

Sep 16, 2011

Hurricane Irene has hit us hard and I lost 4 computers.

I downloaded X4 again and when I re-open a file that was designed in x4 previously, all colors replicate except RGB Green (0,255,0) that we use as a cutting contour on a Roland print/cut.  There are hundreds of files. It now opens it as Green (4,255,2).

We need to use RGB because of 10 years of files written in Corel 3-11.

Now I realize that files we just composed and saved are also opening with the same results.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Changing White Background To Transparent

Aug 6, 2013

How do I pick one color (white) and make it transparent.  I am importing .tiff images and need to make the white background transparent.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Colour Changing - Batch Processing

Oct 4, 2012

I have found macro's to change specific RGB values to different specific values within a Corel file. I have not been successful in finding a solution on applying the same sort of change across multiple files. i.e. All Corel files within a folder will search for specific RGB's that I`ve told it to change to other specific RGB's.

I know that Corel has a macro that accomplishes a batch process where it will convert files to different file types.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Changing Size Of Object / Text

Jun 18, 2012

I can no longer type in the size of an object.  I draw a rectangle and then type in the correct size.  Nothing happens.  The size of the box does not change.  

It's the same with text.  If I type a name that needs to fit a certain area, I type in the size for the width and it doesn't change.  

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Changing Width Of Cell Of Table?

Oct 17, 2013

I have a problem with my table in Corel Draw X6. 

So, my table has a few rows and a few columns. I want the width of the first cell of the last row to be wider by 1 cm than the width of the first cells of the other rows. 

When i select a cell and resize it with my cursor, the whole column changes width. I want the column to stay as it is, just its last cell to change width. How to do this?

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CorelDRAW X5 :: VBA Macro - Changing Outline Color?

May 29, 2012

What I am trying to do is check if a shape does not match a known set of values. If it does not it will run code where the "If msgbox" is at. What I have works if my line or object has a Cyan outline. The issue I am having is when it is checking a line that is any other color that doesn't have Cyan = 100, it errors out.

Below is what I am trying to use.

Sub Start()        Dim s As Shape        Dim sr As ShapeRange                       ' ActivePage.Shapes.All.CreateSelection        Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange                        For Each s In sr            If s.Type = cdrTextShape Then GoTo s_A            If s.Outline.Color.CMYKCyan = 100 Then GoTo s_A                                   If MsgBox("dude", vbOKCancel) = vbCancel Then GoTo s_B            s_A:    Next ss_B:End Sub

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Illustrator :: Converting From CorelDRAW To AI - Colour Changing

Jun 14, 2013

I am having an issue with colours changing on me when I convert files Corel Draw files in to AI files. The colours seem to get darker. I am converting files to AI but this is making it rather difficult.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Changing Fill Of Many Objects?

Oct 3, 2011

Im working with an image (pictured below) and I want to make all of the white bits clear, so as to allow whatever colour is behind to show through.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Moving Pages / Changing Page Number

May 1, 2013

Is there any way different than drag and drop  for moving pages in multiple pages designs. I have some presentation designs lately and have to change pages numbers or move multiple pages.

Drag and drop is not user friendly on 30-50 pages documents.

system configuration:

Win 7 Pro 64bit, Intel i5-2500, 8 GB RAM, 128 SSD SAMSUNG + 2TB on hard drives.

corel version:


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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Changing Size Of Text

May 21, 2008

I am having a problem with cutting the size of text that I want. On the main working screen I type in the specific dimensions of the text that I want to cut ( I have a graphtec cutter). When I pull up "Cut/Plot" in the dialog box under Job Size....the size is NEVER what I have specified. It is normally smaller.I will then type the dimensions into the Job Size field and cut the letter. BUT when I cut the is not the size I typed into the job size.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Changing Default Locations

Apr 3, 2012

I'm surprised that a lot of "application data" seems to be stored under the Program Files Folder. I thought this was a no-no? I'm particularly thinking of :

C:Program FilesCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6Custom Data
C:Program FilesCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6DrawCustomMediaStrokes
C:Program FilesCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6DrawGMS
C:Program FilesCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6DrawPresets
C:Program FilesCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6DrawWorkspace
C:Program FilesCorelCorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6Programs64Addons

Is there anyway to move the default locations, perhaps by a registry hack? I'd like to move it, at least to the AppData folder or even to another drive where it is easier to backup/make changes.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Changing Font Colors

Oct 5, 2011

I'm been trying to change this font to have three colors. The stars, the fill and the outline.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Changing Color Management Presets Easily?

Sep 10, 2013

I run three different printing and engraving systems at the same time with my business. Each system needs to have a different color management preset selected or the prints are screwed up. Each time I open a file I have to go to tools..color management ... default settings. and check or change the preset. It seems like half of my day is spent doing this and from time to time I forget and screw up a print. Is there a macro or docker or something that will display what preset is in use on my screen some where and maybe even give me an option to click on it and change the preset? Each file is normally only for one particular system so if there is a way to save the file so that the preset that was used when saving it comes back up when it is opened would be useful too.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Macro To Select All Text And Changing Font

Mar 5, 2013

I would like to have a macro to select all the text in a document (independently if it is in a group or ungrouped), and change its font to another one.

I have tried to record a macro by myself, but appear a text that says that these functions could not be recorded.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Changing Length Of Rectangle In Stack Of Objects

Jul 8, 2013

peace sign.cdr

Howdy gang, I am trying to create a peace sign in CDX6, but I cannot change the lengths of the two angled members, as they seem to be selected in some special mode. I am sure that this is a quick fix (and I have a CD Book coming today) and obvious.

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CorelDRAW X3 :: Changing To Colour Still Prints Jobs Out As Mono?

Jun 23, 2011

I print to a Canon Colour Image Runner printer. The default colour setting is set to mono.

I've noticed when I open a colour image in Coreldraw, navigate to Print Setup, change the job settings to Colour, then print, it still comes out mono, or sometimes come out as a random combination of both mono and colour.

I've found this to be caused the setting called 'Output colour bitmaps as'. This appears to set itself to match the default printer settings on the host pc. Ie my printer is set to Mono by default, hence the above setting sets itself to Grayscale to match. If i choose to print my Coreldraw document in colour, the above mentioned setting remains set to Grayscale, hence the printed output is for bitmaps is grayscale, not colour as i selected.

Likewise if i change my printer defaults to colour, the 'Output colour bitmaps as' setting changes itself to RGB, and then there is no problem.

I assume this is a bug, as if one of my users chooses to print a document in colour, then it should come out in colour. It shouldn't be necessary to change *another* setting to achieve this.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Changing Form Of Rectangle

May 21, 2013

I am trying to do this tutorial: [URL]....... but I have a trouble at Step 3 : Creating Web Header - rather: Now go to the " Shape Tool ", double click on the bottom middle line to create a custom node / corners.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Outlining JPEG Image Instead Of Changing Nodes

Apr 12, 2011

If there is an easier way to outline a JPEG image instead of changing the nodes.  I am looking at a lot of pictures to do this with and can not possibly change the nodes with all of them.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Crashes On Add / Alter Text And Changing Fonts

May 17, 2013

So I am running x6 ver. and we use Corel for all of our artwork designs.  However just as of yesterday, I am consistently crashing any time I add/alter and sort of text.  Sometimes it's as simple as trying to change the font from the object properties tab.  Others is as soon as I try to paste text into the program.  I have had no issues up until yesterday.

No new programs were installed to my knowledge.  Nothing was changed on my computer.  Corel has simply spazzed out. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Changing Angular Display?

May 14, 2013

I'm trying to figure out how to accurately display the current rotation angle of an object in DRAW X6.  Based on my drawing precision settings, the angular accuracy is there, but it's not properly displayed.  

IE - If I type in 5.05 deg rotation, it will DISPLAY 5.1 but will actually be 5.05.  

Is there a way to update the display to show more than one decimal place for rotation?  

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Color Is Changing / When Convert

Aug 17, 2013

I have a client who is waiting for a flyer design i did.  So i created a christmas flyer.  It looks nice with christmas colors and all.  When i go to convert it into a jpeg in photo paint, the green changes to lime green and the other colors change as well.  To florescent vibrant type. This just started happening recently.  When i played around with settings, i saw something about RGB, CMYK (which dulls everything).

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Text Changing Characteristics When Moved

Mar 5, 2013

When I copy and paste a block of text, and then use the x and y coordinates to move it into position, the text characteristics change. It becomes all caps, and italicized text becomes non-italic. This happened with both Perpetua and Stone Sans.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Changing Colour Of Scanned Object?

Jun 3, 2012

When i scan an object i cannot alter the colour when using X5.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Changing Next Node Type While Drawing

Aug 24, 2011

I seem to vaguely recall a method from some vector drawing program where you can press or hold ctrl or alt or shift and change the next type of node you will draw while using the bezier tool, or the pen tool, or the multi-line tool.

Is there any way to do this in 12, or use VBA to make it happen.  I really just need to switch back and fourth between cusp and symmetrical.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Changing Drop Down Menu Size?

Mar 26, 2013

Recently, I'm finding the size of the drop down menu text too small.  Is there a way to increase the text size?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Changing JPG Resolution When Exporting Image

May 25, 2012

Been a CorelDraw user for a long time. Just installed x6 (previous X4), and tried to export an image to jpg. X6 seems to have this dialog box with all these presets. How do I manually set my resolution, pixels, etc. as in the previous versions?

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