CorelDRAW X4 :: Unwanted Hyphenation - Empty White Space At The End Of Line
Apr 28, 2011
I have a large line of text (110 characters) with no spaces in it that I'm trying to fill into a 4"x6" area, with the text wrapping / font size scaling as needed.
The problem is that Corel is breaking up the text at a hyphen leaving a lot of empty white space at the end of the line after the hyphen.
If I remove this one particular hyphen (there are many), then no problem. I've already checked for hidden (newline) characters.
The "Use Hyphenation" option is unchecked and there is no formatting going on other than the size of the text box itself.
In Coreldraw 12, I often use combine to end up with a one solid shape with many holes in it. Often I want to add a color inside one of the holes, much like a coloring book, but there is no shape there, it is just empty. What is the quickest way to create a solid that fills that hole exactly?
I have drawn two squares. one is 20mm sq and the other is 15mm sq.
I placed one square inside the boundery of the other and selected NO FILL..Yet when I import the image into my Laser Engraving program, the empty space between the borders of the two squares is FILLED...
Every time i make a JPEG image it comes out with a thin white line at the bottom and left side of the image (kinda looks like a border line). Is there any way to take that off? I can't seem to make a seamless black pattern with those lines there....
When I export an image from CorelDraw to a jpeg, or png, (or probably anything for that matter) and try to use it in my web design program I get the little 1 pixel wide white line. WTH? I then have to take it into corel photo paint and erase that one pixel line, in order for it to be gone.
I've used Corel Draw since version 4 I think and this problem has existed in every version Corel has put out. I like the product, I find it easy to use but this glitch is maddening.
I have done this before and it worked just fine, i saw the whole model and printed the view i needed. UCS symbol is exactly at the corner of the model and everything shows in the model space, but whatever i do paper space remains blank. I am lost and devastated. I attached print screens of the model and the layout.
I am using Photoshop CS6 to prepare images for use in online Help and a print / pdf user guide for the company's newest software / Web app. What do you do to remove blank space from a screen capture? I am specifically curious if you add some type of indicator that tells the user that the actual image will be larger.
The first screen shot (left to right) is a typical screen shot that I've not edited. In the second one, I've cut the bottom button bar and moved it up to reduce the white space in the image. In the third image, I added a quick and dirty little "wave" to tell everyone that I've cut out some of the white space.
I have been using PSP9 for many years now. However, after trying out PSP X5 I liked some of the new features, so I decided to upgrade. Now I'm starting to regret it... For some reason, the new version creates this little "empty space" at the end of text which I cant figure out how to get rid of! I attached a screenshot to show you what I mean. Is there any way to remove this?
I have a drawing that is shwing model space empty, nothing in it, however on paper space the drawing is there. I can double click my viewport and able to use my drawing commands as normal. what has happened how come i cant see my drawing in model space, like it is hidden, i have tried regen, redraw etc.
Started producing a new catalogue some time ago very happy working away on the first 3 – 4 pages
Before long I was up to 100 pages, looking fantastic. But then the thought come to me, I have set may page colour to BLACK and all my drawing and text are WHITE as I said looks fantastic until you go to print a page. How much black Ink would you use printing 100 pages black.
I have tried publishing to PDF then in acrobat replacing document colours and on screen that works fine but when you print it still prints
With the black background and white text for some reason.
Once I have removed the background from around a picture and save as a .psd it looks perfect. only picture and transparent background - even if I slide a black background behind it all, there is no white outline - just as I want it. Then I delete the background color only leaving the picure and transparent background - I export to a .png from the .psd.
When I re-open the .png and slide a black background color layer behind the picture, I see a tiny white outline around the picture.
Do I have an issue with my erase command or my export to .png-8?
Is there a way to measure the volume/empty space within an assembly? Example: I have a tank with a transformer assembly inside of it, need to know how much oil is required to fill the unit.
So I am trying to use "fill hole" for this empty space on my mesh but it isn't working. I know I can figure out another solution to this problem but I want to know why it won't work.
First of all, when I double click the edge around the hole it doesn't just select the hole, it selects a huge ring that goes around the whole head for some reason (I'm attaching a picture).
Then when I select the edges around the hole one by one and select "fill hole" nothing happens and I get a message at the bottom of the screen that says "polycloseborder2" (I am also including a pic of this).
I applied a preset to an image, and overall I like it except that it has a pinkish tone to it. The develop panel shows it as a black and white (not just desaturated) image, and there is no tone applied through the split tone panel (both saturation levels set to 0%). I can't figure out where the color is coming from -- I'd like to reduce it or change the color without having to drag it into Photoshop.
Somehow I ended up with three catalogs in LR 4 -- Catalog.lrcat, Catalog-2.lrcat and Catalog-3.lrcat. My original catalog in LR3 was Catalog.lrcat. When I upgraded to LR4, Catalog-2.lrcat was created, and this is the catalog that I use. I'm not sure how Catalog-3 was created, but all of the images are grayed out and have question marks on them.
I would like to free up some space on my hard drive by getting rid of -- deleting -- Catalog (104MB) and Catalog-3 (103MB). Is this not recommended? And exactly how do I go about deleting a catalog?
I'll admit it up front, I'm a way better photographer than a photoshop wizard. I'm attempting to take a gif file of my son's schools mascot, an indian chief, and make it large enough to be digitized & then embroidered onto his new Varsity Jacket. The gif is purple with a translucent background. When I attempt to place it, it gets a white pixelated boarder around the purple art work. Not sure if this is normal. My worry is that when I send it to the folks embroidering it, that they'll enlarge the photo & they'll also get this white nasty boarder & it will turn out awful.
So, I've got 2 problems, we want the Indian chief embroidered in white & it is purple now. When I enlarge the file in purple, it looks great to the 10 inch size file I'm placing it on. However, when I try to change it to white in the 10 inch size, it shows this rough pixelated looking boarder. In fact, no matter what size it is, it always shows this white boarder.
Is there a way to fix this white boarder thingy & also "digitize it into
I am trying to remove two people from the background of this old B&W photo of my Grandpa and Great Uncle. how to get them out and keep the photo looking realistic? I don't mind changing the background, I just can't figure out and easy way to get this done, aside from zooming in really close, cutting them out, and pasting them on another background. I just don't know how realistic this will look.
In model space I set the units form my dwg (cm), draw a line (100units). Next i go to paper space, create a viewport. When the viewport scale is set to 1:1 the ploted line is 100mm in length (not 100cm). Why is this so? How should I correct this? Changing of units in model space does not effect the length of the line in paper space.
why is it when i cut and delete a line from an object, after the line is deleted, there is another line appear automatically , and i can not select the line itself. how do i keep the object from closing??
when I click/select on a line a box appears with line info, I know that these pop up when you click on a line twice however something is making it so that it appears after 1 click only. This is annoying me as it blocks other lines i need to work on. How do I get it to stop?
On a view of a wall detail, I added a flashing with a Detail Line which shows only on that view specific detail. The flashing is at the bottom of a wood stud and brick wall in which the brick was added with a repeating detail. Now I want to move slightly the flashing a little lower from where I originally put it, but by doing so the brick also moves and I do not want the brick to move.
I assume something is locked or joined there. My question; How to detach the flashing from the brick so only the flashing line moves?
For printing or mailing purpose, i used to re-open big .psb layer files (2-6GB) in cs5 and cs6 with keybombo "alt" and "shift" while double clicking the document in the finder window (10.6 + 10.7.5), in order to save time.
This is not possible anymore, everytime i open a document this way its white and empty in photoshop.
When trying to etransmit a dwg from Civil 3D 2010 which has line/curve tags with tables built from them, we are getting output which has the table headers but no entries below. The cad user on the other end gets no line/curve data. The other user is on Civil 3D 2011.
I am having an issue with the sheet set manager's tool to insert sheet list table. I have a new sheet set for a new project that was created entirely in Autocad 2012. When I try to insert a new sheet list table, after I click OK in the Sheet list Table dialoge box, it simply closes to an empty command line with nothing inserted. Why nothing is inserted?
I am using live paint to paint cartoon character illustrations. The artwork is brought into Illustrator CS3 and live traced. Then I convert it to a live paint group and use the paint bucket to fill. Everything looks fine no matter how much I zoom in. If I bring the AI file into Photoshop CS6 I can see a thin white line between the black line art and the fill. This is most noticeable where black meets black. I can also see this sometimes in file previews while browsing through files. If the white line cannot be seen in Illustrator is the file ok? I did just upgrade to CS6 if that would make a difference.
I use CorelDraw Windows 7. Everything was fine for 2 days. Now, you can not publish to PDF from. We use CorelDraw for 3 years at the PDF edition for my work. Now the pdf is empty by opening acrobat and zoom is set to 5603%. I get this error when I try to change zoom to 100% "document (14)."