CorelDRAW X4 :: How To Colour Outline According To Filling
Aug 27, 2013
I'd like to ask if it is possible to change colour of outline according to filling. I've traced the raster picture (outline tracing) and there is no outline and the picture seems to be disturbed by tiny white lines. So I'd add hair outline and I'd like to have the same colour of the outline as is the object. Is there any function what is able change it at once and all at the same time?
I have traced this image from a Jpeg into a Vector to colour but how can I change the black out lines into other colours. When I right click the mouse with an outline selected the colour appears around the line but there is still a fine black line in the centre of it. I want to change the actual outline into another colour
I'm using Illustrator CC. When I draw an outline with either the pencil tool or the paintbrush tool, I can't fill it in with color, even though the path appears to be closed. The "fill" square has a red diagonal line through it and won't switch to a color.
I scan cartoons I've drawn so that I can colour them in Photoshop. However, when I click within an area I wanted coloured, I get a thin white line between the colour and the black outline. No matter what I do, I cannot get rid of this except to keep on clicking the colour until the line disappears. Is there a quick and more effective way of filling colour without this hassle?
I work with a German version and so I do not know the exact English words of the objects and functions. What I want to do is drawing circles with an outline (I know how to do that) but with a filling (background) colour which has a transparency of for example 50%. Is that possible and how should I do that?
Must I enter the outline and the filling part on two different layers to get the transparency for the filling colour?
My image is in grayscale though it's recognised as RGB. It contains structures in white which I would like to fill with a colour. So basically, I'd like for all the white in the image to show up as e.g. red.
How do I do that? I'm guessing it must be possible to have a red layer and somehow this will then fill the white, but I'm getting confused with background and foreground filling options and I don't know which transparency options I have to choose.
I produce one outlined and filled alphabet letter per A4 page to create a sign for a shop window, changing the colours every three months. I use Outline Object for the outline. Is there a method by which the outline colour of a previous letter can be changed or must I recreate the letter if I require a different outline colour?
I'm occasionally using CD X4 just for fun (so i'm not that experienced). My friend who has a digital printer, once printed one of my designs but there were stripes (like you have when there's little ink in a printer) only in gradient filled areas When i fill a shape with gradient colors, i also see these stripes on my screen (when i look very close) in CD and also in pdf when i export the file. What can i do?
We receive art files here to work on. They've gone to a couple of different sources before we get them, so we really don't know how the file was originally saved. It gets emailed to us so that we can get it ready to send to the plate makers.
After opening the file, I save it as a Corel Draw file, then work on it. The problem starts when converting the Corel file to an AI file. The AI file now shows sections of letters filled in, like the letter o.
I am looking for the best way to carry this out. I have a drawing which I have scanned into my computer. The drawing is of one big shape made up of random, interlocking shapes - something like a jigsaw. Each of the shapes I want to be filled with different, single words.
I think cutting out each shape one at a time, filling with text then re piecing together may be the best option?
I should say that nothing of the original drawing needs to stay in the finished image, it's really just the shapes I am after so piecing them back together in a new document could be an option.
I am practising filling objects with color. I have attached a file of a design drawn freehand, completely as a random shape. Why I am unable to fill the top left part of the design (above the dark blue) with any color?
So far as I can tell, there are no gaps. Also I have used arrange/join curves to close any gaps. Whatever I try, I cannot get any color in to that area of the design.
I have drawn a rocket and there's a white section in the flame that I'd prefer to be filled with Red. Orange and White don't make for a very convincing flame
I added a patten fill to my libray, saved my default setting so it would stay, now everytime I draw an object it is automatically filled with that pattern fill...I even deleted the pattern fill from the library, saved default settings again, restarted corel, and it still fills an object.
I am creating some geometric patters with the transform tool. Basically a shape is rotated about a center point. When the shapes are combined they create some quick interesting shapes. However, is there a way to fill in the gaps in the combined shape automatically, without having to manually use the smart fill tool?
Breaking the shape apart does not work, because the geometric pattern is based on the overlaps. I included a jpg of what I am doing to circumvent the manual smart fill, but is there an easier way, especially where the geometric patterns become very complex.
I can take the object, trim from a background, break apart that trimmed shape, then color it, or group or shape into a single curve, then align and group with the original object. But just looking to see if there is another easier way.
I have been working on a large number of sketches. At this stage I am just using the path tool to make the outlines of my cartoons.
I have got fairly confident with the path tool now, however on my first 3 pictures my paths were a mess. The first 3 pictures I stroked the path at 10 pixels, I would like to reduce this to 6 pixels. I am not able to go back to the original paths so I guess I need to select lines from the completed pictures and and convert these to paths, then restroke.
I have been trying to select by colour (it is all black) but that gives me the outline of the black, ie, a double path. I have tried selecting the back ground and expanding it by 2 pixels, this worked but not in tight corners.
New to Corel Draw X5. I recently switched from X4 (on Win XP) to X5 on Win 7. I have over 1000 files I created with a CutPath outline. I open the file - assign the new Cut Path outline I created in X5 (didn't know how to import it from X4) and after a few minutes the cutline turns white and I have to keep re-doing it.
Also, quite often the palette I created disappears and I have to keep opening it up when I open new documents.
I'm using coreldraw to engrave words with my laser machine, which is a Epilog TT24. im trying to get a thick outline on the letters so i can paint it, but so far the only thing my laser engraves is the "hairline" outline even though i tried all the other sizes. How can i get it thicker?
how to outline a word so it can vector cut on a laser engraver. I am using corel draw x5 and I am trying to put "COWBOYS" on a piece of wood and I want the letters connected so it is one piece of wood. Whenever I spell cowboys I can't configure it as hairline (to vector cut).
In Coreldraw X6 just say you draw a box , now you can fill that box with any color or gradient but how can you make an outline more than 1 color? Is this possible with Coreldraw? is there maybe a macro or something that can be used.
Whenever I use a spot color with a black hairline outline and export it as an eps, the colors do not register right. If you select an object after importing the eps, the fill is blank, the outline shows up black, but the color is there.
If you import it into x3, it shows up as shades of grey for all of the objects that had outlines. However, I can import the eps file, remove the outlines, export it as eps again and all the pantone spot colors come through just fine. I -CANT- be the only one with this problem. Yes, I have done some research on it, and yes, I have ghostscript installed.
i want to create a sticker out of a simple black tribal design and it is an image edited with corel photo paint.but to cut the sticker i need to obtain its outline in corel draw.doing the job with the bezier tool is a tedious job and also i dont have any experience using drawing tools.but i need an outline as if it was drawn using a drawing tool into which i can fill color.
Is there a way to create a hollow circle (or ring) that has a fill, but does not actually fill the circle with the color, just makes the outline?
Here is an image of what I need:
I am having the above laser cut out of acrylic. The laser needs to have everything that is black use a Fill and no Outline. The way it is in the file now, there is no Fill on the circle, but there is a black Outline. If I tell it to have a black Fill and no Outline (like the laser needs) I end up with a solid black circle which the laser will engrave as a solid circle instead of the "ring".
In the old version of Corel that I had, when I drew a box with no fill and only an outline the only way to select that box was by clicking on the outline. There use to be an option at the top with the tools to change this option from selecting the unfilled objected by the outline only and not the inside empty part.
I'm now using Corel x5 and cannot find that option. Does it exist?