CorelDRAW X6 :: Outline Width (outline Pen Window Or Property Bar)
Mar 29, 2013
I am taking an online coreldraw class involving the rendering of a baseball with two opposing three-point curves.
Where can I find the button for the tab labelled " Outline width" or "outline pen window".
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Nov 19, 2013
I use Corel Draw X6.4 on a 64-bit Windows 7 PC, but since the first installation of Corel Draw X6 I have following problem:
I use millimeters as metric scale and when I create any object, the object manager states that the outline width of that object is set to 2 mm, but it is obvious that the width is only 0.2 mm. Now if I try to change the outline width to 1 mm, Corel draws the outline with a width of 10 mm instead and the object manager says that the width is even 100 mm. To solve that problem I always have pressed the Undo-button, so the width changes to the desired 1 mm but the object manager still tells me that the width is 10 mm.
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Aug 28, 2013
In corel draw x6 how can i create outline width that starts exactly from outside.
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Dec 14, 2013
Resizing objects is a mess in CorelDRAW X6 when objects are outlined with Scale With Object enabled to retain proportions after resizing.
None of the tools dealing with outlines (e.g. Contour or even Outline itself) continue to work properly after resizing the object.
I strongly suggest to recalculate outline property values after resizing if Scale With Object is checked. Don't just do it hidden somewhere internally in the object model by applying a temporary scaling factor. Instead actually recalculate the actual property values if Scale With Object is checked.
CorelDRAW Graphic Suite X6.4 @ Windows 7/Windows 8 - 64 Bit, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012
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Jan 2, 2013
Currently self teaching myself using 3D on a current project I'm working on. A cable stayed bridge having a span of 30 metres supported primarily by a single diagonal parabolic arch. The arch is square in section but rotated so it looks like a diamond along the arch length. To draw the arch I have drawn the arch sections at intervals along the centreline where it changes size in section 1.4, 1.2, 1.1 and 1.0m. I have then used the loft command to draw the arch using the drawn sections as the objects to loft through.
For the GA drawing I have a plan view and elevation. When printing the generated/ lofted lines are are pixelated and not very crisp or clear (not a solid line).
I have tried adjusting the visual style and shade plot, for each of the options and none of them are giving me a solid crisp outline for the generated arch. I have also had a little play using the visual styles manager but nothing seems to work and also tried maximum quality in the print options.
What do I need to do to print a solid crisp outline for the outline of the arch please, are you able to select the edges of the square and convert them to solid 2d/ 3d lines.
Arch Plots.pdf
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Mar 6, 2012
when I use the shape tool and text tool I'm getting a red dotted outline instead of the usual black outline. If I draw a rectangle it's empty, instead of shaded in? How do I put things back to normal?
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Jan 10, 2013
I have a black-and-white outline drawing that I want to color in using the "Bucket Fill" tool. There are two things I'd like to do to make it easier:
1. Is there a way to prevent Bucket Fill from leaking through small gaps in the drawing? Usually what happens is, I fill in one region, and then suddenly a much larger region gets filled in. I then have to examine the borders of the region for a small opening, close the gap with black, and then try again. Is there a feature that lets me say e.g. "Don't fill through gaps less than 4 pixels wide"?
2. Once I'm done coloring, I want to remove the black outline to make a more realistic, less cartoony image. However, it's tedious to go and paint over every segment of the outline with the color of its adjoining regions. What I want to do is essentially: Replace every black pixel in the image with the color of the closest non-black pixel. Is there a feature that does this?
Also, if there are third-party plugins that do these things, that would work just as well.
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Mar 18, 2011
I am using Designer X4 on a daily basis and it is beginning to get on my nerves that Corel Designer doesn´t have any obvious way of letting me add custom permanent outline width´s in the dropdown.
I usually work with point measurement and would like to add 0.25 pt in the dropdown list. Instead of listing ALL available line widths in numbers, Corel chooses to have the thinnest option mentioned in letters, "hairline" (which equals 0.216 points = to thin for my customers printers).
The solution is to choose 0.5 pt from the list and then manually add a "2" in front of the "5", but when you do this xx times a day, you start to think that there would be an better more permanent solution for this!
I have manually scanned through any Corel-related *.ini-files on my harddrive to find a posibility to add a custom points value for outline width, but haven´t found any obvious place for this.
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Jul 9, 2011
New to Corel Draw X5. I recently switched from X4 (on Win XP) to X5 on Win 7. I have over 1000 files I created with a CutPath outline. I open the file - assign the new Cut Path outline I created in X5 (didn't know how to import it from X4) and after a few minutes the cutline turns white and I have to keep re-doing it.
Also, quite often the palette I created disappears and I have to keep opening it up when I open new documents.
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Dec 19, 2011
I'm using coreldraw to engrave words with my laser machine, which is a Epilog TT24. im trying to get a thick outline on the letters so i can paint it, but so far the only thing my laser engraves is the "hairline" outline even though i tried all the other sizes. How can i get it thicker?
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Oct 24, 2013
I find corners and line caps in outline properties in CorelDraw x6.
But where is POSITION, like in previous versions?
I want to create outline inside object.
Behind fill is not what I want.
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Apr 19, 2011
how to outline a word so it can vector cut on a laser engraver. I am using corel draw x5 and I am trying to put "COWBOYS" on a piece of wood and I want the letters connected so it is one piece of wood. Whenever I spell cowboys I can't configure it as hairline (to vector cut).
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Aug 27, 2013
I'd like to ask if it is possible to change colour of outline according to filling. I've traced the raster picture (outline tracing) and there is no outline and the picture seems to be disturbed by tiny white lines. So I'd add hair outline and I'd like to have the same colour of the outline as is the object. Is there any function what is able change it at once and all at the same time?
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Aug 30, 2011
Is it possible to convert outline to object in the adobe reader ?
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Jan 28, 2013
I don't know what's wrong with the outline that I get this result.
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Sep 28, 2012
In Coreldraw X6 just say you draw a box , now you can fill that box with any color or gradient but how can you make an outline more than 1 color? Is this possible with Coreldraw? is there maybe a macro or something that can be used.
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Nov 1, 2011
I use this combo all the time for getting the fill I want from another object.
Is there a combo for getting the outline from another object?
What i like about this is you don't have to deselect the target object as in Right Click and Drag.
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Oct 24, 2012
Whenever I use a spot color with a black hairline outline and export it as an eps, the colors do not register right. If you select an object after importing the eps, the fill is blank, the outline shows up black, but the color is there.
If you import it into x3, it shows up as shades of grey for all of the objects that had outlines. However, I can import the eps file, remove the outlines, export it as eps again and all the pantone spot colors come through just fine. I -CANT- be the only one with this problem. Yes, I have done some research on it, and yes, I have ghostscript installed.
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Apr 18, 2011
i want to create a sticker out of a simple black tribal design and it is an image edited with corel photo paint.but to cut the sticker i need to obtain its outline in corel draw.doing the job with the bezier tool is a tedious job and also i dont have any experience using drawing tools.but i need an outline as if it was drawn using a drawing tool into which i can fill color.
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Sep 12, 2012
Is there a way to create a hollow circle (or ring) that has a fill, but does not actually fill the circle with the color, just makes the outline?
Here is an image of what I need:
I am having the above laser cut out of acrylic. The laser needs to have everything that is black use a Fill and no Outline. The way it is in the file now, there is no Fill on the circle, but there is a black Outline. If I tell it to have a black Fill and no Outline (like the laser needs) I end up with a solid black circle which the laser will engrave as a solid circle instead of the "ring".
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Jan 20, 2012
In the old version of Corel that I had, when I drew a box with no fill and only an outline the only way to select that box was by clicking on the outline. There use to be an option at the top with the tools to change this option from selecting the unfilled objected by the outline only and not the inside empty part.
I'm now using Corel x5 and cannot find that option. Does it exist?
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May 10, 2013
I have some artistic text, that I converted to curves. This artistic text, included outline which I would like to keep with the text. But now - I would like to apply a fill, to fill the entire creation, including the outlines, seamlessly. Basically, replace the outline color with the fill, and the fill itself - such as linear fountain fill.
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May 13, 2013
I just installed X6 and I noticed in the status bar the width of the object I click on only shows up with black outlines. If it is a colored outline, it shows the color but no width. If it is black it will show the outline as black but also the width.
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Sep 23, 2011
My problem concerns about shadows of outline In fact, I want to create a soft, shaded border. Effect which I want to achieve can be seen in the picture below, basically it is a design of an soccer jersey.
I tried drop shadow technique but the result is too large and inaccurate shadow. Also, I tried to create an custom artistic media brush, but the result is not as I expected. Is it out of a job that Corel can perform ?
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Aug 3, 2011
I am working in CorelDraw, drawing shapes and combining them with text.
Anyway, the problem I have, is that the colors of the outlines does not look like the fill with the same name! It is awful when you zoom in and see the differences in Color!
I want to work in RGB colors since I export everything to Photoshop.
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Oct 5, 2012
Sometimes when applying outline to text, as we increase the outline thickness, certain holes in the text are not being filled up, no matter how thick the outline is.
Is there a solution for this? As I think it's not so nice with holes here and there.
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Jan 7, 2013
what methods use to only partially hide the outline of an object but without merging the two objects together or breaking any of the two objects apart(?)..i want to rest one object on top of the other and hide portions of the outline where the two meet, something like this: [URL]
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Jun 2, 2013
Create new document, create rectangle, set outline to none, fill to none - and export to AI. (I use v8)The object is not exported if both outline and fill are set to none.
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Jul 18, 2012
Is there an option or a workaround that will eliminate the white boarders in a Corel trace? Whenever I do a trace, when I move the trace off the top of the original image, I see a white boarder around each color. Is there any way - when tracing - to tell Corel to use the fill color as the border color for each element of the trace?This would make the trace immediately usable without hand selecting each color cell.
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Nov 13, 2013
When I attempt to view text with no fill and a hairline outline in the print preview nothing shows. Is their anyway around this?
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May 30, 2012
Where did the outline properties go for TEXT in X6, like "Behind Fill" and "Scale with Image."I cannot find how to put an outline behind the text without converting it to curves!
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