CorelDRAW X3 :: Brick Wall - Graph Paper Tool
Jul 10, 2011I'm working on a project that I want to have a brick wall with a "chaotic" arrangement of bricks. Would the Graph Paper Tool be the best option?
View 7 RepliesI'm working on a project that I want to have a brick wall with a "chaotic" arrangement of bricks. Would the Graph Paper Tool be the best option?
View 7 RepliesIs these a way to replicate the graph paper too in CorelDraw - it makes it super-fast to divide a page up into X number of colums etc. I cant find this in Xara.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow to do a BRICKWALL and to be more specific, the "cracks" between the bricks.
View 4 Replies View Relatedhow to create a brick wall?
I wanna make someone breaking through the wall.
how to make a brick wall in photoshop?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi performed a proboolean on a wall, put the windows and door aec objects in and evertthing,.. i m tyring to put some brick texture on the wall. but the pro boolean deeestrooooys my uvs, and i cant do anything, cant unwrap can put a box uv modifier nothing looks good.. is there any remedy to this??? should i have used pro cutter or regular boolean?? is there a certain setting i should have used?? is there anyway to cut out the shapes for the windows and the doors without loosing my uv integrity?????
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to make a wall with some relief.. I dont want it to look flat or anything, but with some depth between the bricks. Its from a 3d view so it would not look nice if it were flat. I dont know how to get this effect though..and moreso..I have some graffiti brushes for the wall that need the same kinda brick relief effect (cause its sprayed on the bricks of course.. is there any way to create this as a style, brush, pattern or whatever...?
ive tried some wall brushes, but they dont give that feeling of depth..
I have a column graph. I want the data values to display in the columns. How do I do that? Here's what I have now:
I want the values 270018, 283148, etc. to display in the graph. Is that possible?
I'm totally new to Illustrator and want to use the line graph tool to insert a graph that passes through 0,0 and runs to 24,24. I want the x and y axes to meet at the origin. As it isn't working as you can see. I've used 0, 0 and 24, 24 as my data points. Is there any way I can change how this is presented so it's clear that it's at the origin?
I'm using CS6, if that matters.
I know how to add components horizontally to a wall like brick in the front and air space, etc. My question is how to have bottom 2 feet of wall to be of one material and the top of another material.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I draw a brick wall in the north-south or west-east direction, the pattern is at 45 degrees, but when I draw a wall at any other angle, the pattern is still at 45 degrees but not relative to the brick wall.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAt Home>Opening tab>Wall in Revit 2012 I cut an opening in a brick rainscreen wall and the brick coursing turned vertical at the wraps.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make metallic text in pse7 (free w/win7) and I am in way over my head (ok fine, it's not all that hard). I don't understand 120 text angle, and what the heck is rasterize?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIllustrator can make graphs with lines and bars / columns, for example from the docs: [URL] .....
However, when I create a graph like this, I seem to lose the ability to manually set the value axis using "override calculated values".
To reproduce this problem: Create a graph like the example, with bars and an axis on the left, lines and an axis on the right. Unlike the example, don't fix the numbers so the lines match up neatly - have one side go up to just under 20, one up to just under 250, so there are mismatched markers and numbers of divisions on each side.Try to make the markers and numbers of divisions match up, so the side that goes up to 20 actually goes up to 25 and has the same number of divisions as the other side.Everything I've tried doesn't work:
If I select the whole graph and go to 'Graph Type', I can't set Value Axis options. In earlier versions it's greyed out, in CS6 I can access it but clicking 'Okay' does nothing.If I select the whole graph and chose one graph type, I can set the Value Axis options, but that selected graph type then applies to the whole chart,If I use the Group Selection tool to select one of the series, and open 'Graph Type' options, changing the Value Axis options has no effectIf I use the Group Selection tool to select all series that share an axis and open 'Graph Type' options, changing the Value Axis options still has no effectIf I use the Group Selection tool to select the axis ticks group itself, or the axis line and axis ticks groups themselves, or the axis labels, axis line and axis ticks, or the axis labels, axis line, axis ticks and associated data series, etc, changing the Value Axis options also has no effect
It seems like this feature is broken and it seems like the example in the manual was carefully chosen to use a rare combination of numbers where it would actually look right.
When I insert new data on an existing graph (for example, just adding a new year of data) and press insert, it just deletes the graph entirely. My only option is to recreate the entire graph which is frustrating because I lose its format and colors.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen using the rectangle tool in CS5, a graph appears in the shape. How do I turn the graph off?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn ACA 2009 I could, after saving the drawing, click on a wall, window etc and drag it to the tool palette to create a new tool.
In ACA 2011 this only works for lines/polylines. Plus the wall, door and window palettes are gone. How can I retreave them?
Setting the boundary after editing an eps graph (for example, combining several eps into a single one) in X5? I remember it seems quite easy in X4 for this, by just drawing a rectangular around the graph.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am having a problem when printing out an item. when i first started there was no background graph looking stuff, its very light but i am afraid that it will do something that i don't want when i go to burn a screen, did something get changed in my program, there was another person using it recently, and now i am getting the background,
View 6 Replies View RelatedI did a drawing in ACA2011 sent it to my remote office where I have ACLT for mac 2013 (trial). Worked on the file,
had to explode the couple of walls I was editing, saved as 2011 or 2010 file.
When I open the file in ACA2011 I can not execute the wall tool. This is the message received:
Command: _AecWallAdd Command not allowed because drawing contains objects from a newer version of this application.
The new objects would be lines.
I have a wall tool whose style has a sweep attached, when I added the tool to the palette it drops the sweep. I know this was a wish list item a few years back. Has the feature been added that allows me to add the sweep to the tool so I dont have to manually import and add the sweep in every drawing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there is a way I can create a years wall planner in Corel? I have run the calendar wizard macro in Corel but this is only giving me calendar options. What I want is a year on one page.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow margins work in Coreldraw.
I work with A4 paper size (279 x 210 mm) and have always had to apply 6mm margins but I do not like the fact that I have to waste so much space. With same printer (HP LaserJet 1320m) I am able using Microsoft Word 2010 to properly print with margins set to 3,5 mm
I wish to learn how to set to either an existing project or to a new project the margins I wish to set and force CorelDraw to respect them and also show properly in Print Preview them.
I drew a stone wall with the free hand tool and used a 1.0 line width, but since the ends of the lines are square I have jagged edges in places. I tried using the eraser but as soon as I let go of the mouse button what I erased pops back. I was thinking about converting to a bit map and smooth it out that way, but I need it as a vector file. So after I convert it and clean it up can I convert it back?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded to X6. My previous version of CorelDraw used to prompt me when I tried printing a landscape oriented file without changing my printer setup to landscape. This version just goes ahead and prints without matching the paper orientation. I can't tell you how much paper I've wasted!
Is there a setting in X6 that will cause the program to tell me when the project's orientation doesn't match that of my printer setup?
Im having a image of a house with stone bricks and need to adjust these bricks as if thy are painted with grey paint.
Could someone please advice me or direct me to a useful tutorial of how to accomplish something like this. I experimented a lot already but without success.
I want to do a picture with a brick wall background and i want it to be realistic does anyone know any good links to a tutorial for it?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAny way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed. For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet. How do i get my wall cap to follow along? I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no. And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi need a lisp that construct line between two lines of wall by selection called (Wall Centerline)
i attach example of what i want assuming that i will often isolate wall layer in the project to facilitate the task.
I can make a curved wall, now I need to make a "cylinder" wall or a closed curved wall. If a curved wall can be closed I cannot figure it out.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have to draw a bulkhead wall that connects to a full height wall and a gyp bd ceiling. This causes the entire end of the full height wall to skew in line with the butt joint above the ceiling level. I tried Wall Joins but all the options screw up the bottom half of the wall which needs to remain in line with the paired opposite. I also tried editing the sketch of the wall profile but Revit couldn't keep the elements joined. I tried trimming the two walls back together afterwards but the wall profile dominates and prevents a clean join above the ceiling.
Surely there's a way to have different kinds of joins at different heights?