CorelDRAW X5 :: Stone Wall Drawn - Jagged Edges In Places
Aug 30, 2012
I drew a stone wall with the free hand tool and used a 1.0 line width, but since the ends of the lines are square I have jagged edges in places. I tried using the eraser but as soon as I let go of the mouse button what I erased pops back. I was thinking about converting to a bit map and smooth it out that way, but I need it as a vector file. So after I convert it and clean it up can I convert it back?
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Jul 11, 2013
How do I smooth out a curve that has jagged edges after it is resized?
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Nov 18, 2011
I just noticed that bitmap images always get jagged edges when rotated in Corel Draw X5. I first thought it's just the editing preview on the screen, but I've noticed that the edges are visible even when exported to any bitmap at 300dpi. So now I worry if the jagged images will also be visible in print!?
note that imported images are all in approx 12MP resolution, so when I import them, I actually reduce the size by converting the photo to 300dpi bitmap with anti-aliasing ON. I tried rotating prior to and after the "Convert to bitmap 300DPI" command. The edges are always jagged. Other parts of the image besides the edges are well anti-aliased.
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Feb 25, 2013
I have to do an online pdf report for a customer. But when I made the pdf through publish to pdf option the font looks jagged. The header is Kozuka and for the body calibri. I tried various options but results are the same.
When converted to outline it looks fine the jagge dends disappear, but cann't edit.
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Apr 3, 2012
Using X% and trying to make some website logo designs but all the letters etc do not look nice and smooth on the site.
I make the logo full size and shrink it then save for web but when I import to the site program and publish the site the logo looks ragged.
the logo in question is the top right side image at [URL] .....
I have tried lots of different design ways but still looks crummy.
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Jul 17, 2013
making un-plastered stone wall but in 3dstudio. Could something like this be made in autocad?
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Aug 3, 2006
When I want to delete the background and just have the object or person in the picture, I use the magic wand tool to delete the background then clean up with the eraser. BUT the outline of the object always looks jaggedy. This doesn't happen when I use photographs with the white background.
Is there some sort of trick I'm missing? Or do I just need more practice with the eraser tool?
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Jul 20, 2004
I'm sure this is easy, I just haven't done much in photoshop. I made an easy button usining the polygonal laso tool so the sides could be angled. Can anybody tell me how to get rid of the jagged edges on the sides of my button caused by the tool?
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Mar 5, 2005
what i want to do is get rid of the pixalated looking edges that are formed from making shapes and usinng the pen tool to make shapes. i want nice smooth edges.....
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Jun 16, 2006
Yesterday I needed to design a quick business card for the band that i work for. It's super basic, just the band's logo on the front of the card and their web address on the back. The problem I had was that the curves in the logo were jagged and not smooth; I was only able to smooth the edges by adding a stroke to the logo.
My question is, how do you make curves not look all jagged? This is the version of the card that is being printed so you can see the logo.
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Dec 4, 2012
I'm having problems seeing the walls I drew at the foundation level in this project. The walls should be shown but I can't get to see them except in a 3d view. Also, when i intended to draw them, I think I should have done it from the foundation level plan but I could not set the plan view to see the above objects in order to draw from them. I drew it from another level and then I modified their base and top constraints afterwards..
I tried to modify the view range of the foundation level without success.
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Oct 16, 2006
As the title says, lately my photoshop has been displaying rotated images with jagged/distorted edges. Now, I have not had this problem previously in the 8years I have been using photoshop, I am sure there is a simple fix to this, which I haven't really tried to fix. Any help would be apprecaited. I'm wondering if it is my monitor..?
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Feb 20, 2009
I have CS3 but just got the trial for CS4 now as well. I have been having a problem with photoshop CS3 for quite some while but accounted to Photoshop in general until I started using CS4 today. When I import a tiff (after working on the NEF/RAW in Nikon Capture NX2) into CS3, the image appears with very hard and jagged edges (eg. along the outlines of a face, cloth, etc.) instead of being smooth. In NX2, these edges are smooth, but not in CS3. Moreso, when viewing the same tiff in CS4, the edges ARE smooth and don't have this jagged or extra hard look. I guess this can also seem like it is extra over sharp. You can notice it at 16 percent, but also at 40 percent and more magnified as well.
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May 7, 2004
i need help on text that i just cant seem to get smoth edges. i tried saving it as gif, jpg,tiff. the thing is that i need transparency, not for the web but for a restaurant menu, when i save as gif, i get extremely bad edges, now as jpg the image is ok but i have the white background. im doing the layout in publisher, where i could click the with BG as transparent but i still get jagged edges.
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Jul 21, 2011
I know this is a common problem for beginners in animation, but I made researches about this subject, even reading my book "mastering mental ray", without success.
[URL] ...
I have two main problems in my animation
1- Jagged edges (on the neon tube surrounding the decor)
2- flickering of the wireframe shader on buildings and the self-illum greeble reflected on the ground and other surfaces
I tried many settings playing with samples per pixel and filter params and even spatial contrast, and failed to get rid of that. (for example I tried 1/16 or 4/16, even 1/64 with mitchell or gauss filter, etc) (I tried lowering the spatial contrast at 0,01) (I also tried to render at a higher resolution then scaling it down... no success, jagged edges and flickering still present).
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Jul 2, 2013
I am new to Illustrator and I just atempted my first vector drawing. The problem I have is that I finished all of the lines using the pen tool on all the outlines. I saved it as an svgz file and then I selected all of the lines and converted it to a live paint object to add in color using the live paint bucket tool. This all went well until at the end I noticed that along the outlines the color looked jagged along it.
Also I can see the outline of the pen tool when it intersects with other outlines with the pen tool. In the previous version of the Image before I converted it to a live paint object it did not do this.
Above is before I converted it to a live paint object.
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Apr 15, 2012
I have a gif (as below) and I am trying to remove the strip of yellow you can see diagonally. the image was originally a fawn/yellow/brown colour, but using the 'Replace Colour' tool, I have managed to colour most of it in blue - apart from that yellow strip you can see.
When the image is magnified, the diagonal strip of yellow under the blue appears with the edges all jagged and it looks untidy. Is there a way to make them smoother, or should I begin by doing the whole thing in a different way? I am using Photoshop Version 8.
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Jun 8, 2012
I'm working on a social media icon rollover png. I need the bottom row of icons to be slightly lighter than the top row for a mouse over effect. I know this is probably something easy I'm screwing up, but when I use bucket fill to change color, I get that circular jagged edge look.
What's the secret to changing the color of a circular object without the jagged edges?
Added attachment below where you can see the jagged effect - I just bucket filled with the lighter color.
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May 13, 2013
Is it the limitation of my hardware that gets me these jagged edges or is there a way to at least make drawings with smooth lines?
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Dec 29, 2008
I've tried 2 create a pattern similar. But the edges are jagged. And I can't find a tutorial on this (even though i swear that I saw one on this before).
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May 31, 2013
I have Illustrator CS6 and I've noticed something odd. Whenever I create shapes they have jagged edges. I've attached a screenshot so you can see this. I'm wondering if it's a setting or something that I don't have turned on (or off).
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Oct 9, 2013
I am working on a freelance logo and the client kept mentioning that my sample PDF's seem to have "smudge" on part of it, I never saw it and then I asked them to actually SEND me the file while I was not at my primary computer so I can look at it.
It seem that when you zoom in and out the shape changes and gets these random jagged edges. I don't see them on my computer or phone and my client only sees them on her desktops but it does also print out with these weird edges as well. I converted all type to lines and did an export to PDF to show her samples. The first image shows how it is supposed to look and how it did look when I first opened, the other 2 show what happens when it gets zoomed. And it changes too, it isn't the same jagged edges every-time.
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Dec 8, 2012
When I export pictures from LR for web the text sometimes come out as expected, but other times it comes out with hard jagged/pixelated edges. I have so far been unable to find a pattern to when this happens, but it has followed me since LR3 on a different PC.
Above shows an example. Proper watermark on top, pixelated on the bottom.
The watermark has been made using a TTF-font from LR. Current system is a fairly highspec PC, win8 and LR4.1 (64-bit).
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Feb 13, 2013
I'm having an issue with Refine Edge. I like to often add a slightly feathered edge to my masks. I figured recording an action of using Refine Edge would give me a quick way to do that to prevent harsh-edged selections. Well, RF gives me a soft edge, but also adds sort of an aliasing to it as well, which of course I don't want. get smooth edges using RF? Below shows an example.
Win7, CS6 64bit
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Oct 24, 2012
In the perspective viewport ONLY, i have spotty/broken poly edge lines with Viewport clipping turned 'on' and adjusted to allow zooming in more.
Max wasn't doing this until day before yesterday. the only thing i did to my system or max was use the FloorGenerator/MultiTexture script and plugin from CG-Source.
Removing the files from CG-Source did NOT resolve this issue. i've also applied EVERY hotfix/update from Autodesk and have the 'most current' drivers from NVidia.
Here's a viewport grab demonstrating what is happening (using Nitrous).
My system is not weak, though i could use a better processor:
i3 (quadCore)
16gb Ram
EVGA GTX550 ti (2gb)
OCZ Vertex SSD (120gb)
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May 25, 2013
Illustrator CS6.
I created some images in illustrator. Saved the images as a .tff. Put the images in a Word.docx. Looks great. Convert the word.docx to a pdf and my images have jagged edges. I have anti-alaising check in my preferences but still the image looks bad.
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Jan 1, 2006
how to set the radius of a rounded edges box BEFORE I draw it, but I can't find how to adjust it AFTER I draw it!
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Jul 14, 2013
VS6 Ultimate
Windows 7
I am trying to render some small animated clips to be used as overlays in home movies. I am animating in a program called Poser. I animate 30 to 60 second clips rendering them over a green background (0 blue, 0 red, 255 green) and output them in Uncompressed AVI at 1280x720. When I bring them into VS6 they look great on track 1 but when I put them onto an overlay track they suddenly 'go small'; I right click and change to 'Project Size' (which I have set to 16:9) and apply the Chroma Key; this is where I begin to get the Jagged Edge effect? Especially on anything with a straight edge - for example: I have a Skull and Crossed Swords that I want to spin 360 - the sword edges become so horribly jagged, it just is not acceptable.
However, still using Poser as my 3D rendering engine, I can render a still and save out as a PNG and it will import into VS6 and overlay (as a Still) just fine. I did try rendering Each Frame of the spinning skull as PNGs and assemble the animation in VS6 and again I ended up with the jagged edges...even if this did work it would not be do-able with my 6sec clip of a waving flag (too many frames!)
Perhaps my AVI aspect size to VS6? I notice that while in VS6 I am working in only 720x480 however my final target is to burn to DVD in Wide Screen (I also would like to have MPG and/or AVI to play direct from computer on home entertainment system to TV)
A little background: I do historic reenacting at various events, shows, parties, Tall Ship events, Ren Fairs, and such. The overlays I want for various use: Title effects, overlay photos/videos within the project. Video files come from my Sony HDR-CX430V, photos from Canon SD790IS.
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Oct 8, 2013
I have been messing with a simple black rectangle and when I transform it, jagged edges appear. This is the base for a logo for web. I have anti-alising checked in pref. The logo looks horrible and blurry/jagged on the edges even when previewed on several screens from pc to mac.
this is also happening with text, that has been made an object (top of text seen in the rectangle.)
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May 29, 2013
I was designing some cartoon character, but I've noticed something, I'm working on CMYK and I've got some black lines on the top layer, and some red and violet color shapes in the bottom layer for the background color, but like if the colours weren't mixing allright in the edges, like some kind of jagged white fine edge and I don't know how to get rid of it.
Here are some jpeg of the problem: [URL] ....
Perhaps it's not as strong as I see it on the CMYK Illustrator vector, but it's pretty annoying on the final result. How to get rid of these things?
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Apr 17, 2009
I've got a very annoying problem. When drawing rectangles with grid / guidelines showing using 960 Grid System (although it happens with other documents as well), the edges of the rectangle are not sharp, e.g. - note top and right side is blurred. There are no styles applied.
When I switch off grids / guidelines, the rectangles are always sharp.
Also, resizing rectangles causes loss of sharpness to edges.
Using CS4.
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