CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Preparing Images For Plasma Cutting Metal Art?
Dec 2, 2007
Using Corel to prepare images for cutting on a CNC plasma table. any easiest way to prepare images for cutting. With merging images, Lettering and original art work transfer. I need to convert to a DXF format to drop into the machine program (Sheetcam). I have used trace with some success. By this, I mean that the image "looked" good, but I seem to be doing something wrong because the graphic will not run on the machine.
Im new to both coreldraw, and to the graphtec cutter, so my problem may have a very simple answer. Ive been playing around with it, learning how things work. Smaller images are no problem, but Im having trouble cutting larger images.
the plotter can cut up to a width of 610mm, and Im using 610mm vinyl. I need to cut some items that are 600mm wide. First time I tried, it left a gap on the left side of approx 50mm. It also stopped cutting approximately 20mm from the right side. next time, I loaded the vinyl into the machine 45mm further right and tried again. this time the left hand edge was positioned where I expected, but the right side still stopped in the same place as previously, leaving a gap of around 70mm on the right hand side. you would think I was trying to cut something bigger than the capacity of the cutter, but obviously this isnt the case.
if I have missed any necessary information etc, Im very new to all of this.
I have CorelDraw16 loaded on a W7Pro 64 bit system it has all the latest updates, I use it to run my Roland vinyl cutter. I am trying to convert some drawings to a DXF format so they can be cut on a CNC Plasma Table as well. It is my understanding CD16 by default saves DXF files as "Splines" you have several options for what years of Autocad to save them as.
The two tables I have tried to upload my DXF (R11, R13,AC 2005 or AC 2008) files are a Koiki Aronson and a Retro Plasma System. Neither one could open the files. Further research shows that some CNC machine controllers prefers "Polylines" over the "Splines".
I have found an add on utility (Leonard CNC Pro Software) that will export the DXF file as a Polyline, Polyarc, Line/Arc or a Line only. I have other options such as toolpath directions ect.
I need information on a couple of issues. I create a newsletter for a public library in CorelDraw on a pc and my printer uses adobe on a mac. I export my work as an ai file, but he tells me that my images that I convert to a grayscale bitmap are rgb, the text that I copy and paste from Microsoft word have random open characters that are filled in (like o's) and are multiple blacks even after I change them to pantone process black u and that my black is not plain Pantone black (there is no plain BLACK in my pantone pallettes). I use process black u and 100% Pantone 300 U.
I have downloaded an eps file, which I need to cut. I use a graphtec ce5000-60 cutter, and a plugin called cutting master 2 in order to use coreldraw.
when i select application launcher and choose cut / plot, it opens cutting master. when i do this, it only shows the 2 outer lines of the logo i need to cut. I have attached a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. I have tried lots of things to recitfy this, but as a complete beginner with this software, I really dont have a clue.
why (sometimes) when I export text or graphics as .eps files to my cutter it cuts the same outline up to four to five times and ends up cutting right through the backing paper. I have been using postcut with various corel editions since 1997 with no problems until recently. It also cuts random lines through lines of text which is such an expensive pain in the ass.
I started to use the production manager in flexi sign to cut my designs and same thing happens, except for the random lines but it will make up to five cuts on some objects. All text and graphics are exported the same. Has something in corel newer versions changed in relation to this?
Im trying to cut out the centre of the letter R below. Normally I break curve apart, select the centre, and trim it from the outer. I can then select the centre piece and remove it. As you can see, this has worked with the letters P & O. When I do it with the R it seems to have worked, to the point where I can even select the centre and remove it, but when I put it back over a coloured background, it is still white.
A customer sent me a jpeg of a white dove that they want printed on vinyl and then contour cut to put on their travel trailer. The picture was a very low dpi and I scanned it and increased the dpi to 150. I tried to trace it, but it just would not come out right.
My question is -- Can I put cutting lines around the dove as a bitmap and then be able to print and contour cut it out?
I just recently purchased a new computer and installed all my software. When I'm in corel draw and click on the icon to send to my plotter/cutter, the cutting Master 2 plug-in opens behind corel draw. It always opened in front of my corel screen on my older pc. how to get it to open in front of corel?
Have recently upgraded to corel 11, from 9, but at the same time upgraded my computer.
When I try to plot a simple circle shape on my Roland CM24 the image cuts twice and is extremely slow (juddering).
I believe the double cut is caused by the hairline & fill but messing around have only gone from double cutting each shape individually to do double cutting the whole image.
Using CD x4.I cut directly from Corel. I was trying to do a simple 2 color vinyl job. I put reg marks but they are only on one layer. I tried copying but they weren't in the same place as the other layer.
Is there a way to get the Reg Marks to appear on all layers properly ?
Is there a way to change the outline color around a large group of images all at once?
I am trying to create an outline color for contour cutting and I have the outline color in my spot colors but now I was wondering if I could apply these change to all the images at once instead of changing each one.
when i cut vectors letters and numbers, its cuts but at every character it does not seem to completely fill the edges. so i always have to use my small nt cutter to do that.
i read the manuals, changed the offset, reduced the cut speed, increased the pressure and even convert to curves before i cut but the problem does not go away. the company where i bought it from is not very useful.
maybe because the machine is chinese i have a creation pcut ct630 vinyl cutter.also in coreldraw, i always use "harline" when cutitng anything is it correct?
I'm having a hard time finding the right compression ratio for online images. My graphics always end up too large without the quality to match. I haven't had luck exporting from Corel Draw to a JPEG, so I usually save my CDR file, open it in Corel Photo- Paint, and save as a .jpg from there. I always play with the Compression and Smoothing values in the Export JPEG screen, but I think I'm missing something.
We hired someone to put together a Flash graphic recently. It was essential an exisiting graphic with sliding text boxes. My JPEG graphic that he worked from was 113K and his final Flash graphic is only 36K, and it's far more sharp and crisp.
The kind of graphics I do are used for a web site and also for printing with a Roland Versacamm wide format printer. My question is for graphics for a web site do you design in RGB colors and when you design for printing are you using CMYK colors.
Or are you using one type of color over the other for both purposes?
Once upon a time a professional told me to import images to corel in the correct resolution and not to downsize them within corel because the quality will be worse then. Is this really true? Or is it no problem to downsize any image or upsize an image that has a big DPI?
I'm new with Corel and I'm creating a banner and logo for a nonprofit organization as a volunteer. I have two or three questions. How do I divide a vector horizontally and vertically? How do I use a downloaded font in Corel? I can't import it in. Is there another way?
I have missed them, but last night after installing the X6 from the download site, I can not find the new 1000 fonts, templates, or the 10,000 new images.
I cant figure out how to contour my images so it only cuts my outline when I send it to my graphtec cutter, I have a Graphtec CE5000-60 cutter plotter, Corel Draw Graphics Suite X5, and Windows 7.
I have got the Connect docker up but I can't see the content.I have opened the folders but the files are just white squares...... If I drag one onto the workdesk then the image appears.Photos and Objects work but can't see the clip art images
I am having a strange problem when exporting jpg images. I export the image and I can open it with PhotoPaint, but if I try to import it to Dreamweaver or send it in an email, the file is attached, but the image cannot be seen. I get the square with the red X instead.
I have been using Corel since version 3. How to save an image for the web once you have created hotspots with url links. I'm trying to create a link for my facebook page image to my website.
Sometimes I am working with "heavy" files, images of huge size and when I thrown them to corel it really starts to slow down. My question now is, if I remember correctly there is an option when you import an image to corel it just keeps the path of the image and adds the image on corel on very poor quality just for you to work easily. When you are finished you just make something and the paths of the images are replaced with the originals.Where can I find that option?
I have a website that I recently updated with a new logo created on Corel Draw X4 and then edited using Photo Paint X4. I resampled the image at 72 dpi and save as a jpg.
Once saved I loaded it to my Microsoft Windows Live Small Business account for upload to my website. It was a straight forward process. However, when viewing the website, I noticed that while the logo was visible using FireFox browser, it was not visible using the Explorer browser.
My first thought was that it must be a setting in the browser, but the image also failed to render when viewing the website through my smart phone browser.
This brought to mind that I had had this problem before when trying to upload an older logo design in the same manner. Some browsers just would not load the image.
So, I had this crazy thought that it may have something to do with Corel and the way it saved jpg images. So, I opened the jpg using the old Microsoft Paint program and without making any changes to it, I saved it from there. After that the image loads on the website with all the browsers that wouldn't work before.
ive encountered a problem in X3 when i try to export any artwork or photos to my desktop as jpegs they images are all blurry,outside lines are not sharp at all,ive not altered any settings whatsoever and also found that full A4 images will not save at all,just as a solid black line.