I´ve a problem when import all types of audio file, the application crash...but is curios that if I export the file that crash the application (in Lost and found) to the desktop and try import this audio there aren´t problem..import ok...and if this audio is edited with a image and import with import media tool (audio and video) import ok.
Another question about import / export...when a tried export a quick time in the column of status of background tasks appear the message that my "host" does not seem to exist, and not process the quicktime move.
Using Extension 1, I am importing an RGB Uncompressed clip with 8 channels of audio with 7&8 a stereo pair. Only the first 6 come in correctly, the 7th channel has no audio and is not marked as a stereo channel. The 8th channel is not shown at all.
I tested the same clip in Flame 2012 and all 8 channels import correctly.
New update seems to have caused any QT with audio and video to be locked together....ie if I lift the video, it'll lift the audio, or if I apply an effect to audio, the video becomes unrendered, where previously it wasn't. Used to be able to modify or edit without V&A locked together.....
I'm working on Smoke 2013 on LINUX. There are new Options to export a File with Audio. Where can I read what each option is doing, because we had some mistakes on some Files because of the Audio.
When I import an audio file into Smoke it ends up being longer, and plays slower than it does outside of Smoke.
The file is a stereo mp3, 16 bit, 44kHz Its normal duration is 13:19 In Smoke it shows up as 13:30
I tried applying a Time Warp to speed it back up but I can't apply the speed change. It is reset back to 100% after trying to change it.
Even if I don't import the file, in the MediaHub, in preview mode it shows up with a duration of 13:30 and plays slowly. The project has a 24P frame rate in case that has any influence.
I m importing 400 jpg file(4k resolution) and it is quite slow when comes to bin. and when i tried to open that folder in bin and trying to select all of them and taking on timeline, it takes hell of time and sometime gets crash.
I m usining Mac pro latest machine with 32 gb RAM and usining quadro 4000 graphic card. While same thing we are doing on other mac machine which is 3 years old with FCP 7, does not have any issue at all
Im not sure if this is a bug but boujou 5 doesn't export .fbx files .... Boujou 5 can only export a .dve file for Smoke .... but my question is , how do i import this .dve file ?
I know how .fbx works.... You just go to Import in Action Node Bin and click on the .fbx but I'm clueless about this .dve file ...
I imported 24-bit, 48 khz audio-mono .wav-files and dont get an output of them. The Audio from the camera files are no problem. The debug mode shows me that I dont have audio dropframes.
I am trying to convince Smoke to import audio @48kHz. I have a new project within Smoke reading the input sample rate from my AJA card at 48K. The file that I am importing is 48K and it plays at 48K from the Mac desktop. When I import the file into smoke it sample rate converts it to 44.1 KHz.: Option_click on the file in the Smoke desktop confirms this. All hardware input and output sample rates are set to 48K. Is there a setting that I am missing in Smoke?
The default sound for my Mac is set to the AJA card and no other audio software is running.
Merged two mono tracks into a stereo one, then highlighted the clip and tried to cut the clip using ctrl-V - all that happens is the track becomes unhighlighted.
If i use shift Ctrl-V, then the track does get cut but so does every other track!
I checked the keyboard shortcuts and i'm pressing the right keys, just not seeing anything happen...
I use pr5. I got a clip (.mov with audio) and imported the clip and enable the cache source media so it will be transcoded into stone. Now after i edit the clip into the timeline , i want to reveal the master clip. so i select the clip and the audio as well (sync) and try to do match frame (F key). I got new clip reveal in my desktop but only the video, it got no audio. How to get the audio back from the original source ? why the match-frame is ignoring the audio ? so far i have to do silly steps by re edit the source clip back to the timeline to pair back with the audio. is this a bug ?
When exporting a sequence I'm having problems with my audio being distorted, like it was peaking. Audio in the timeline sounds good, I did have some gain adjustments on some clips which I removed to see if that was the issue and the same problem is happening. No other effects other than some reverb are present.
Faders were normalised and audio peaked at -1dB only for a few seconds, the normal audio levels are about what is shown in the screenshot, around -6 to -5 dB.
This was exporting via the iPod preset with not further adjustments.
MacBook Pro Retina 15" - OS X 10.8.4 - 4TB G-tech G-Raid - Smoke 2013 MacPro 5,1 - OSX 10.8.5 - 64GB Ram - 12TB Pegasus RAID - 24 inch HP DreamColor - Smoke 2013 - Maya 2013
I have a timeline where the actual movie and music start at 10:00:00:00. Before that, I have a black chart with names on it. There is no audio underneath. But when I export a quicktime file, it pulled the music up front to the first frame of my chart (therefore, the music is too short now and out of sync...) Why is smoke doing that and how can I get Smoke to output the qt correctly?
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I am editing in the timeline in Smoke 2013. I bring in a music track onto track 4. I bring in a interview clip on track 1. Only one or the other will playback and not together at the same time. I also notice on the audio tracks patch area a small square that when you place the cursor over and drag left or right I assume channels are being selected. What is this square box for and how do I get all my audio tracks to playback together?
I am using Panasonic P2 footage at 1920 x 1080. 29.97 NDF. I have brought them in through the media hub and created folders that correspond to each P2 card I stored on my Video Array. I am using a ProAvio Video Box with a RocketRAID 644 controller. What gives? Why am I not able to hear all the audio tracks during playback?
How is the best way to keep sync with clips that have audio. In Premiere for example, when a clip contains audio it handles both video and audio as a single thing until I explicitly unlink them. But in Smoke, even with the option Select linked, which as far as I can tell it only works for selecting and activate that little arrow (do not remember the name of the function) in the tracks table, keeps all ok but only on that track.
This is the normal operation of Smoke? He really will always treat the audio and video of same clip as separate things? Am I missing something? Because at least for me, that's came from Premiere, always be remembering to set all the tracks and always go to the menu and select Enable linked is what most complicates the editorial work in Smoke.
Every minute or so, I loose audio on playback (timeline or sources). The only thing that seems to fix the issue is cycling between AES BNC (or XLR) to Embedded and back, and the audio will playback fine again . . . for a few minutes, and then I need to recycle it again. I've restarted Smoke, restarted the computer, and down a full shut down and restarted . . . and the issue continues.
Any way of locking all the audio tracks at once. I am using Smoke 2013 on Mac with Smoke Classic Keys Set up, I can lock all the video tracks at once by shift-clicking on the Lock icon of any video track, the same doesn't seem to apply to audio track...
Every Quicktime I import and cache into my project won't play audio, even though the audio tracks show up in the timeline with waveforms and the seqeunce specs match that of the source audio. Apparently Flame users are having similar problems. I'm having to strip out the audio into AIF for separate import and re-sync.
Oddly enough, I can hear the audio prior to import when playing the preview clip in Media Hub.
I imported an AAF from Premiere Pro and the media came in separately from the video. So I have a video clip and a separate audio clip instead of the two together. Is this because I chose "Save Sources Separately"?
I am currently trying to set my audio to coreaudio line out, and video to my kona.
I quit smoke, changed to coreaudio in the smoke setup, hit apply, and then quit the app. when I restart smoke it tells me that it is disabling the audio output due to an audio / video mismatch.
Below I have three screen shots. The error message, my system sound panel, and the smoke setup window. Why I am geting this error?
I'm running 10.8.4 with a kona 3g, and smoke 2013 ext1
Yesterday while playing with Smoke 2013 I activated the audio desk whiles in the standard player. It showed up as expected on the left side of the player BUT the Audio FX desk we used to see in the classic interface showed up on the right side of the player. That was awesome but today I activated the audio desk and only the mixer on the left showed up.
Any way to scrub the audio in the timeline using the arrow keys or the sequence positioner? Also, with "Snap" on, is it possible to have the positioner snap to a marker in the timeline?
I have been using smoke for about 2 weeks now and I keep having audio glitching and skipping on my timeline as well as when I try to export my project to proresHQ. I am working with proresHQ media and a mp3 music track. Sometimes I can restart smoke and it will go away for a while but it always seems to come back and at random places and always shows up when I export. I am unable to export any projects do to this
System smac2013ext1 osx 10.8.5 32GB RAM nvidia quadroFX4800 nvidia Geforce 8800 GT 512MB onboard sound used AJA KONA 3G(Installed but not used in Smoke2013, no monitors hooked up) Internal 6TB RAID0
In Smoke 2012 attempting to select two audio tracks for merging and/or splitting results in the message "two layers must be fully selected". I have the two layers are selected in the far left-hand-side of the timeline with the selection buttons. The manual is not specific either.
Conversely, selecting a stereo audio track and applying stereo 'stereo split' results in the message "At least one stereo track needs to be selected". Selection was performed, as above, with the far left-hand-side track selection box.
The point is that creating a 'new sequence' results in a single video track. When two mono audio tracks are created to accomodate the audio portion of the clips they have to be converted to stereo.