AutoCad :: See Absolute Rotation Of Rectangle Or Polyline?

Jan 14, 2012

what a saturday night with the drawing ok here is the point when we draw a rectangle, we can see the properties about it (pr ENTER) But i want to see absolute angle value . Or absolute rotation, doesn't matter how to call it.

You can see it for line, but can't for rectangle or polyline.

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AutoCad 2D :: Rectangle Sticking To Polyline

Jun 28, 2011

Just downloaded autoCAD2012 and am going through some of the new features.

I drew an arc polyline and then drew a rectangle, I then moved the rectangle to sit on the line. Once I move it here it seems to stick to the arc line, so if i move the rectangle, where the line is hitting the shape drags along with it.

I would prefer it not to stick for the time being.

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AutoCad :: North Arrow Rotation In Title Block With Rotation Property Editable In SSM

Jul 27, 2012

I am making a template file having title block with fields. I use this template for creating layouts and sheets using Sheet Set Manager and the fields will be updated from the data of SSM. Now i would like to add a dynamic north block to my template. The block could be rotated (i have this block in file itself) and rotation angle could be inserted. Now how can i add a custom field to SSM so that i could set a rotation angle for the project and thus every new layout or sheet created using the template has the north block rotated with the angle mentioned in SSM.

Here is the file...........

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AutoCad :: Rotation Of Drawings In Viewport Without Model Rotation

Sep 21, 2011

I want to rotate a drawing in my paper space, but without rotating it in model space. So that I still can work on it easily in model space.

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AutoCad :: Rotation 1 Automatically Triggers Rotation 2?

May 15, 2007

I have a North Arrow that I would love to make into a dynamic block. I would like to be able to rotate the N that represents where the north direction is. But while rotating the N around the center of a circle I would like the letter itself to stay un-rotated. It seems simple, if I rotate the letter around the axis of a circle 90 deg, I would like the letter itself to rotate -90 deg on it's own axis. Of course this is easy to do manualy, but how do i do it so that rotation 1 automaticaly triggers rotation 2?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Creating Absolute Coordinates?

Oct 3, 2013

I am struggling to create absolute coordinates on my autocad. I've done it before and tried on different computers drawing the same shape and it works but for some reason when i enter the points into autocad on my comp a line is created instead of a triangle.

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AutoCad 3D :: Moving Objects To Absolute Coordinates?

May 19, 2013

I am still having trouble moving objects to precise coordinates. For instance, the thing I drew may be in the correct position in the x-y plane but I want to move it in the positive z direction a precise number of units. Or move it along the y axis by specifying where I want it to be not how far I want it to move.

I see...just use the tab key.

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AutoCad :: Arc (start-2nd-end Point) Absolute Or Relative Coordinates?

Sep 5, 2011

I have a problem with absolute and relative coordinate regarding drawing an arc.

From my previous studies, I thought whenever I input coordinates in command line, in order to use absolute coordinates I just enter them. If I want to use relative coord, then I can prefix them with @ sign.

For an arc I input as follows: start point: 0,0 2nd point: 500,500 end point: 1000,0. I was expecting to get a half circle from origin to 1000,0 point but to my surprise I find out that CAD gets the input coordinates as relative.

Am I missing something? 1.dwg1.jpg Is this behavior same for all other object drawings?

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AutoCad :: Routine To Move Objects To Absolute 0 / 0 Position

Jan 21, 2014

So I have a lot of 2D drawings (a couple thousand roughly) that I need to go through and shift the objects within to the absolute 0,0 position. That way, when we insert them into a new drawing, everything is centered appropriately and not way off the screen.

Instead of:
Open File > Select Objects > "MOVE" > Specify Basepoint > " * 0 , 0 " > Center View on Newly position Objects > Save File > Close File
... Repeat ...

By way of a LISP routine, or a script that could automatically do the above steps on it's own. Even something that doesn't require me to hit *, then tab, then 0, then tab, then 0 again.

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AutoCad 2D :: Tracking From First Point With Relative Instead Of Absolute Coordinates

Jun 5, 2013

Having trouble recently with tracking,For example if i start the line tool, and track from a point, i am given absolute coordinates instead of relative coordinates from that initial point. Absolute coordinates are not much useful to me, I want to be able to start a line at a certain distance from another point.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Switch To Drawing In Absolute Coordinates At All Times

Sep 26, 2012

How to switch Civil 3D back to drawing in absolute coordinates at all times (even during the PLINE command!)?  And what would be a good reason for changing the default coordinate entry at the commandline from absolute to relative, anyhow?

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Maya Animation :: Control Curves Rotation Axis Coinciding With Joint Rotation?

Jul 15, 2011

When setting up a simple FK control curve on say the wrist for example, many times the control curve isn't exactly perpendicular to the local rotation axis of the joint movement, so when we position the control curve to be perpendicular to the joint - it has a rotational value added, but the rotational handles are lines up with the rotational handles of the joint that we want to move.

Freeze Transformations: then the control curves rotational handle go back to being skewed (out of alignment with the joints)

We want to Freeze transformations before constraining the curve, but we'd really to keep those rotations control handles to remain aligned with the joints rotational handles. This will make it an exact control when animating - grab the rotational handle of the curve, rotate it, and the joint will move exactly in the proper direction.

how to get the rotational handle of any control curve to run perpendicular to the shape after freezing transformations?

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Illustrator :: Path Resets Rotation Of Gradient To Its Original Degree Of Rotation

Jan 13, 2014

To summarize: It seems that compounding a path resets the rotation of the gradient to it's original degree of rotation.
Detailed version:

1. Create a shape.
2. Add a gradient fill. Note it's degree of rotation. Let's say it's set at 10°.
3. Now rotate the shape by any means (transform or rotate tool). Note the gradient degree of rotation has shifted the same amount as the shape was rotated (if it was rotated 50°, the gradient will show at 60°).
4. Make it a compound path.
5. Instantly the gradient shifts back to it's original degree of rotation of 10°.
It appears that when rotating a shape with a gradient, the rotation of the gradient is locked to the rotation of the shape. But when making it a compound shape it releases that lock and "remembers" it's original state. But that is only true as soon as you make it a compound path, but if you no go ahead and rotate it just a bit using the cursor (as opposed to selecting transform > rotate), the gradient will switch back to how you would expect it to rotate in the first place...
Workaround would be to make it a compound path before rotating the shape at all.

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AutoCad :: Global Edit / Block Attributes Rotation BACK To Match Block Rotation

Dec 13, 2012

using AutoCAD 2009 (vanilla)

I got too smart for myself today in bringing an old drawing up to current standards...Everyone seems to want their block attributes to be zero - I have blocks where the attributes are best when they match the rotations of each blocks.

I have an old drawing that was rotated (as it should be) at approx 2deg.

I used a lisp routine to global edit all the blocks that needed to be at zero. BUT for some reason (and after hundreds of blocks were corrected), I noticed I now have two blocks that should NOT have been in the set have had their attributes rotated to zero....and the attributes should be at the same rotation as their block's rotation.

Because those two blocks have a fixed tic mark, I can click on the mark to see what the block rotation is, then rotate its attribute to that rotation, but I have hundreds of blocks! One-at-a-time sucks....

Any chance there is a GLOBAL way to edit an attribute rotation to match its own block's rotation?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Convert Time CDATE In Absolute Minutes?

Mar 26, 2013

How to convert the format obtained in "CDate" in absolute minutes?


Command: (rtos (getvar "CDate") 2 4)
The result is:
What I need is:

+01 minuts
+13 hours X 60 = 780 minuts
+26  x 1440 = 37440 minuts

the current time this month is: 38221 minutes

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AutoCad 2D :: Drawing Polyline To Have Tooltip Box Show Cumulative Length Of Polyline

Nov 6, 2013

Is there a way, when you are drawing a polyline, to have the tooltip box show the cumulative length of the polyline, rather than the length of the current segment being drawn?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Reduce Polyline With Multiple Vertices To Single Polyline

Jun 7, 2012

I would like to take all the vertices out of a multiple-vertices polyline so that it reduces to just its start and end points, can this be done?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: 3D Polyline To Polyline To Spline With Max

Sep 21, 2013

Due to modeling purposes, I need to convert a 3D polyline to a spline. What I have been doing is:

- change polyline fit/smooth to cubic from properties
- convert polyline to spline by typing spline -> object
- method -> fit from properties

You can see the original 3D polyline (green) and the resulting spline (magenta) in the attached drawing.When I zoom in and measure the distance between the two entities at different points along them, at some points the perpendicular distance exceeds 5 millimeters, and I want to ensure the deviation remains under 1 millimeter or even less.

I know I can change the knot parameterization of the spline, and this does work at some locations, but the difference increases at others.Why is there a 5.6 mm difference between the spline fit point and 3D polyline vertex, as measure in the attached drawing?

Now, I can go and manually stretch the fit point to coincide with the vertex. Also, I can add fit points between existing ones to drag the spline closer to the original 3D poly.

However, some of my polys are really long, and it is very time-consuming to do this manually while measuring points along the entities to make sure the distance stays small enough.

how to automate this process? For example a lisp that would maybe take the original vertex points, add say maybe 3 (not too many) new ones between them, and then generate a spline while making sure the deviation is less than the set value of 1mm? I am using AutoCAD 2013.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Getting Polyline Data Into A Custom Derived Object (from Polyline)

Nov 11, 2013

I've been working on a custom polyline object, and I've got it functioning!!Having said that, I plan to run its creation around picking a point for bounary selection.

(Other than trying to step through every vertecies) is there a technique I can thow the polyline data from a traceboundary result into my custom object? I've been trying to add the polyline from traceboundary to my object BEFORE it's added to the transaction by the way...I assume that's right, since I want to put it's data in my custom object then add my custom object to the transaction instead.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Convert Metric 3D Polyline To 2D Polyline

Jun 29, 2013

I want to convert a 3D polyline to 2D polyline.

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AutoCad :: Automatic Join Polyline Onto Existing Polyline?

Sep 16, 2011

Is there any way at all to draw a new polyline - from the endpoint of another polyline, and have it automatically join as one polyline from the existing section??

I know this can be done via PEDIT, but its so laborious and soo many clicks, and I have alot of segmented Polylines that I need to consolidate when I draft.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Align Polyline Onto Another Polyline

Mar 22, 2012

Any way I can align a new polyline to a reference polyline (orig polyline).

The 2 polys will be generally the same length, however, the number of vertices will differ.

Also I need to mantain the same distance between the vertices on the new poly and the new and reference poly won't follow the same direction.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Find If Polyline Is Inside Another Polyline

May 18, 2011

How do you find 'if' a polyline is inside another polyline?

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Photoshop :: Ruler Not Keeping Absolute Measurement

Apr 28, 2013

I was under the impression that the rulers across the top and bottom of the canvas were measuring the length and width of the window at the given resolution.

However, this can't be the case, because I notice that when I crop a photo down from a width of 70 to a width of 20 on the ruler, when the crop finishes, the width of the canvas is back to looking like 70, so the ruler is not absolute, but some kind of relative measure? And is there a way to get an absolute ruler either of any unit?

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Illustrator :: Convert Expanded Appearance Rounded Rectangle Back To Sharp Cornered Rectangle

Mar 12, 2013

Any quick tips to convert an expanded appearance rounded rectacngle back to a sharp cornered rectangle?

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Photoshop :: Selective Color Tool About Absolute Vs Relative

Aug 4, 2013

I tried to find good information about selective color tool about absolute vs relative
i 'm reading

but i did not understand.

ps i would like to have cs6 manual in pdf.

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Photoshop :: Rounded Rectangle With Other Layers As Actual Rectangle

Feb 14, 2011

I have 4 layers (background, layer1, layer2, layer3-text). They fill all 300 x 600 pixels that comprise the .psd/future image. What I want to do is use a rounded rectangle to encompass all of the other layers, so that the surrounding pixels (around the rounded rectangle) are transparent.

I want all of my current layers to be the content of a rounded rectangle.

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Lightroom :: White Balance Copy / Paste - Absolute Or Relative Value?

Mar 19, 2013

The question is basically when you copy the White Balance setting from one image and paste it into another, is the pasted setting an absolute value or a relative value?
For example... I import three RAW images, each shot with Auto White Balance.
Image #1 is a gray card and with a WB of 6500K.Image #2 is a product shot with a WB of 6000KImage #3 is a product shot with a WB of 6200K 

Let's say I adjust the WB in Image #1 to 6400K - an adjustment of -100K from the "as shot" WB.
When I copy those WB settings from Image #1 to Images #2 and #3, will the target images get an absolute value of 6400K? Or an adjustment of -100K?
Would I have:

Image #1 = 6400KImage #2 = 6400KImage #3 = 6400K 
... or ... 
Image #1 = 6400KImage #2 = 5900KImage #3 = 6100K

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Polyline To 2D Polyline?

Mar 2, 2012

How do you convert a closed Polyline to 2D Polyline? CONVERT does not work in reverse.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Convert 2D Polyline To Polyline

Jun 25, 2008

I have 2D polylines and want to convert to polylines, but to no avail. Tried to 'spline2pline' this line, but ACAD refuse to select it.

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3ds Max :: Create Absolute Layer And Activate Setup / Animation Mode Toggle

Jul 1, 2011

The big problem with CAT. 3dsmax 2012 64-bit. Problems have appeared after installation SP1. I adjust a skeleton. In Link Info In Setup Mode I activate Animation Controller and Additive To Setup Pose. Then I create an Absolute Layer and activate Setup/Animation Mode Toggle. The bone departs not clearly where.

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