trying to delete a file every time CAD is fired up and/or a new drawing is opened. i cannot make it work so far. planning to incorporate it into acaddoc lsp file.
I want to change a lot of table cell text in one time, try to explain something.
In the front of my drawings i have a view tables. in the second column stays a code that represent a location.
e.g. LVC stays for Low voltage cubicle. Now it is my intention to substitute these code to the description of code in one time and only the second column. The several descriptions are written in an .txt file, like LVC;Low voltage cubicle and on the next row LVP;Low voltage panel, and so on.
I think it is only possible with Lisp? or there are other way?
In the past i did it one by one, because mostly there where 2 or 3 tables, now i have a big project with more than 20 tables.
My work needs to convert thousands of DGN files to DWG. We are using AutoCAD 2012. Is it possible to batch convert dgn files with a LISP and a mapping file?
I have a list that is "acl", I would like to convert it to a string "acl", everything that I have read uses alot of code. Does this really take that much code to do?
I have searched the web and the Autodesk Discussion Group for a LISP Routine that allows me to convert all attributes in a drawing to Layer 0 but i have had no luck. It would be great if the LISP could edit xrefs as well although not sure if this is possible.
**BATTMAN command will take too long for the hundreds of blocks, xrefs and drawings i need to edit.
I wrote code for an application that stores links to lines and blocks in dictionaries using handles. The routines work well and I can manipulate the data marvelously, but if one of the lines or blocks get erased the whole danged opera falls apart. I knew this when I wrote the routines and have always been careful about using the ERASE command, as a matter of fact, I considered disabling it.
I am trying to make the package more robust. I have been experimenting with attaching a reactor (:vlr-erased) to the objects which fires when the object is erased. Unfortunately it fires before I can retrieve the handle of the object so that I can remove the references from the dictionaries. The only thing that I can retrieve once ERASE fires is the ObjectID. I can't seem to find a Visual Lisp routine to convert this value to a handle, does one exist? Is there an ObjectID collection that has any references in it?
Run TIME command and then take the resulting text and save it to a file.
Ideally, the text file should be named based on the drawing name. I know there's ways to write text to a file but I haven't had any luck taking the output of a command and exporting it.
I am trying to finalize a routine which extracts attributes (created in all CAPS) from a drawing, does a bit of list handling and then will finally write each item of that list to its own line out to a TXT file.
I've had a request from an end-user to change the case of the words in the TXT file from all UPPERCASE to having each Word Capitalized Within Each Item :
I have a data structure called LayerList in the format [LIST "LayerName" "Linetype" Thickness Color]I then use the following piece of code to go through the structure selecting polylines and converting all polylines on a given layer to the correct thickness
(foreach layr layerlist (setq player (car layr)) (if (setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "*polyLINE") (8 . player ) ))) (command "pedit" "m" ss "" "w" 0.15 "") (princ " No polylines exist!") ) )
However all i keep getting is Bad SSGET list value at the command line,
I only do programming when absolutely needed so it usually only happens every couple years. I wrote this routine to count nested blocks inside of dynamic blocks to count parking spaces. The routine worked fine but was relying on the ltscale to scale a block containing an attribute for the total number of spaces. I want to update the routine to use an annotative block so the scale doesn't have to be set. I changed my block containing the attribute but now when I run my routine, the attribute height gets changed each time the routine is run. The text just gets larger and larger. Here is the portion of the routine where the attribute info is gathered and updated with the new value for that attribute. If you need the entire routine, I can post it with a slight modification so it will work outside our network.
(defun updateattrib () (setq CNT 0) ; sets count to 0 (while (< CNT (sslength ss)) ; starts loop while CNT is less than the number of objects in the group
I am running this in Civil 3D 2010 but will want it to work in 2013 so if the solution will only work in 2013, that is fine with me.
I need a function that allows to convert the polylines selected with a width globalize defined in a double closed line (spaced by the same width of the polyline), with a hatch inserted automatically defined.
Brilliant idea to draw raceways quickly: instead of making handmade double lines, connect, enter the hatches all by hand, you could quickly draw the polyline with width identical to the size of the duct, and then the lisp transform it into a duct more aesthetically pleasing if compared to the full polyline!
Looking for routine for converting text to attributes inside the block?
In my drawing I hv some attribute blocks having some Text in it. I need to change the Texts inside the blocks as Attribute Texts. I am attaching sample Blocks drawing..
Someday the light bulb is going off and I will understand mapcar and lambda. However.....I have a program that reads an excel file sheets. Sometimes the sheet only has 1 column, sometimes 2 or more.
I need to convert the saved values from the sheet to a list with the text spaced evenly. Unfortunately the text lengths vary. I would like a subroutine to pass the list to and return a list of strings with text aligned with padded spaces allowing for the longest text in each column. I am using the new list in a dialog box with fixed_width_font=true (so columns align).
Convert Fields to text in my Title Block. I want to change some specific attributes only to convert into texts in my title block ( "MODE_A3" is my Title Block name).
For example in "MODE_A3" block having lots of tags like TAG1, TAG2, TAG3 upto TAG10 with fields. I need to change TAG3, TAG4, & TAG5 attribute fields into texts in all layouts.
I am aware of the plot stamp available in the Plot Dialog box, however, we are looking at ways to imbed this info in the dwg. I currently have the WD_TB with an attribute for FULLFILENAME, an attribute for PLOT DATE, and an attribute for PLOT TIME12. So I get the information on the dwg. I would like to be able to run all these attributes as a string. I have tried FULLFILENAME|PLOT DATE|PLOT TIME12 with spaces, commas, ( ), " ", etc. and I do not know the proper syntax to get this to work. I have also tried (getenv "FULLFILENAME") or the getvar, in the title descriptions box.
I have subroutine that retrieves a list of detail numbers in a drawing. Sometimes there are missing numbers. I am looking to find a list of any missing numbers.
Example -
(setq List_DN (list 1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12 17))
Missing numbers are - 4,8,9,13,14,15,16
I would like a subroutine to take the List_DN are return the following missing numbers as text