How to keep text from mirroring? I know about the MIRRTEXT command and set it to "0", but my text still mirrors. It's not just one bit of text, if I mirror my entire drawing, every piece of text in it does, too. A co-worker a year ago had figured out how to keep some certain objects with text in them (shelving/tables - we do foodservice layouts) from mirroring, but it has been so long, she forgot the program.
I am trying to mirror a block which has text defined internally. However, the text will not reverse when the block is mirrored. I have read some documentation which said to use MIRRTEXT with a setting of "1".
I tried this and it didn't work, are there any other options which allows the block to stay intact and not have to explode it?
I got a simple question about the creation of copies of an object. Is it possible to have the objects in the mirroring of an object change with the object used as reference for mirroring?
If there is no function to do this directly is there a way to do it via Ilogics to update the mirrored objects? If possible even by deleting and creating a new the mirroring yet not manually but by i logic?
I am attempting to mirror an object, using an endpoint but 6.5 units to the right of it. However, i don't seem able to do it, as when i mirror the objects they just end up touching.
I know the 2012 version doesn't have dialog boxes for features such as hatching and the array commands, it is possible to set it up on this version so these options become available.
I have installed the service pack, but I am still having trouble getting my structural steel shapes to mirror correctly. The green button is not an option for these parts, only the yellow and grey. I can, however, mirror everything else properly. How do I get these parts to mirror correctly?
I have a fixture that will have a symmetrically opposite fixture. Is there a way to copy/mirror the fixture in vault that would include the drawings?The new fixture would also be in a new project.
I was thinking I would copy the entire design in vault to a new project. I could then open it up and mirror the entire assembly. Would that work?
Is there a command out there that allows you to mirror objects from an apparent midpoint from like an otrack without physically drawing a line then having to erase it later? I thought there was a way to do it, but my memory is failing me.
I have a problem with a model and the drawing. In the model i have mirrored some holes. In the drawing the hole-table shows some of the mirrored holes on the position of the original ones. Also some entries are doubled.
I have also tried to redo a fresh drawing, the problem persists.
System: Inventor 2011 64 bit Subscription bonus pack with sp2
I also tried o another system without change. The model is too big to attach, so i attached only a pdf-dok.
I am atempting to mirror a large assembly, and noticed that not all of my contraints were retain, is there a way to make to mirror and retain all of the contraints?
I'm trying to make a Dynamic Block for handicap parking spaces (attached).
I have a flip action so that I can switch the direction of the linear array. The problem is when I flip the block, the handicap logo is mirrored (obviously....).
Is there a way to mirror just the location of the logo, instead of mirroring the location AND the logo?
Would it be possible to make a block with the handicap logo and lock the X scale value to 1 ?...
worst comes to worst, i'll remove the flip action and replace it with a rotate action.
I have a sheet metal part. It is a machine door with four edge flanges. I have mirrored this part. The origin part has flat pattern while the mirrored creates the folded pattern.
It still folded even when origin is in flat pattern.
Coming from a background of ProE, Usually a mirrored group of constrained parts would mirror with alternative constraints locking them in place. Is there a way to do this in Inventor?
Every time I mirror constrained parts through a Datum plane, the results are loose components that could be dragged anywhere. I might aswell have just placed them again, though it gives me a good idea of where they should be.
Without grounding them, is there someway of locking these compents in the mirrored position.
Also, bolted connections pick up on patterned holes and populate them, yet there is only one constraint to the original hole and the rest can rotate around it.
How do i mirror an image? i want to mirror this image and then make it look as if its over a lake, so that i can attempt with this image i took of the vegas sunset
I spent a good deal of time creating a little custom shape, combining layers and such, only to realize that...ack! it's facing left and I really wanted it to face right!
IS there a command that would "mirror" the layers - thus changing the orientation of the overall image?
I come from a PSP background, still a bit new to PS, and didn't see a tool for mirroring like PSP has.
I'm trying to mirror an object (wipers). But i can't. Mirror tool not mirrors the animation, just the model, so when i play the animation on the mirrored object, it moves weirdly. Symmetry is nor an option. I'm not using bones or anything, just 3 objects, two with rotation, one with rotation and translation.
Im desinging a flag for our 4x4 owners club ive made the deisgn simple but to stop it looking like a standard country type flag ive broken the middle with some jagged lines.
What i would like to do is mirror this and on the mirrored side have it in white just like the text has flipped.
We're having issues saving and importing skin weights, and mirroring these weights on our character meshes because our characters have some geometry that has been combined into their mesh (like eyebrows, fake spikey hair, eyelashes, etc)
Maya seems to take the UV's for all the combined meshes and stack layer them into the 0-1 space in the UV editor. When we save skin weights for the main mesh, the weighting maps are all messed up and useless for importing because they are based on UV's that are supposed to be clean and dedicated only to the main mesh.
how to save weights and mirror weights for meshes like ours?
Is there a tool to mirror objects like there is in Max inside Maya? I am trying to copy my rig controllers to the opposite side but I cant find any tools to do it in 1 click...
When I insert text with either the TEXT command or MTEXT command, the text is displayed mirrored. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the MIRRTEXT variable because that is used when I'm actually mirroring the text. In my case, the text is mirrored as soon as I insert it. How can I get it back to normal? Is there a variable I'm missing?
Text is allowed only on the outside of a rectangle shape. The text cursor disappears when I try to enter it into the rectangle and when I place it on the edge of the rectangle, it rurns into a slanted "A" and allows texting on the border of the rectangle. Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (build date Sept 7, 2010). This software came with my new HP Pavilion dv7.
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
I have designed a C# application to To Print I Cards Of School. Here I am sending data from my application to a CDR FILE (Already Created ) Which Contains ADDRESS Text Field..Now I Need to Print Address(which contains 60 characters or more) on this Text field .
I Have Used The following c# Code.. To Replace Address text field that contains text 'Address '.....
s.Text.Replace('Address',"Text To be replaced .......") s is Active shape...
This Works Fine But How can i WRAP TEXT....of Address field.
trying to copy txt from an outside text editor and pasting them into an open, editable text layer in my workspace. The problem is that I can COPY the text fine, but when I click over to PS to paste it into the open editable text layer it either pastes the previous text from my clipboard OR it won't paste anything at all. I can then go into any other text field on a browser, spreadsheet document, a different text editor, notepad, etc and successfully paste the proper batch of text I wanted to paste into PS. Sometimes I have some rather large files open 50+megs when I notice this happen. I have to save my work and close out entirely of PS and then open it again before I can begin editing my original document again and successfully paste the text into the open editable text layer. This may last for a few COPY/PASTE sessions of additional text in additional text layers, but then begins displaying the symptoms I described above.
I am on Win7 on an AlienWare M17XR3 laptop with 16G RAM and AMD Radeon HD 6900M Series display adapter.I assume it's either in my PS performance settings which I have PS using 10413MB RAM and has over 350G scratch disk space. If it's not that I guess my laptop system performance settings which I've never tinkered with since I purchased it.