AutoCad :: Function For Creating Quantities Of Continuous Order Text

Jun 12, 2013

I am wondering if Autocad has some sort of function for creating quantities of continuous order text. Example: I have a grid for which each cell needs a label as such A-001, A-002, A-003..... etc.

I didnt know if there was any function within Autocad that serves as a text generator for something of the such.

Right now I have just copied the first Cell "A-001", pasted in all the other cells, and am individually going through and changing each number. This is a lot easier than generating text each time but it is still quite cumbersome.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Generate Quantities By Creating Sections?

Aug 4, 2012

I am trying to generate my quantities by creating sections with template to do the cut and fill, however after i create the corridor and the corridor surface which should use the bottom of the curb, instead it is using the top of the curb. How can i change it so that it uses the bottom of the curb. It is a road crossection which i used from toolpalette, CIVIL3D 2012

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Photoshop :: Creating Continuous Pages?

Jul 24, 2013

I have created 8 seperate files and i now need to link them together to make an 8pg pdf, how to do this?

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Photoshop :: Creating A Continuous Image

Apr 30, 2006

how to create a continuous image when placed with the left end next to the right or vice versa.

This is for a header on a webpage, where i would like the image repeated across the top, one next to the other. I would like the image to be seamless, so it just appears to go on and on.

I have several images selected that are close to being able to be adjusted so that they will work end to end,

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Photoshop :: Creating A Continuous Line With The Pencil

Jun 19, 2004

I am using PS to create a bitmap for another tool (not PS) that requires shapes to be completely closed. I am drawing using paths and then stroking with the pencil. The problem is that a 45 degree line will be stroked like this with a 1px pencil: Code:

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VideoStudio :: Inserting Continuous Text Through Video

Feb 24, 2013

How can I enter continuous text that runs the entire length of a 8 min project. I know how to enter a title, but I need unbroken text narration.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Creating IF-function Into A Field

Sep 27, 2012

I am creating a drawing template that everyone in my office will use, stored on a shared location. I want the label "Drawn by ...." in the title block to be filled automatically with the drafter's name who created the drawing. It would be easy to just add the field "Author" or "LastSavedBy", but my situation is more complex. Our workstations are identified by a code that consists of first two letters of given and last name, for example John Smith's computer is named JOSM. So if I use "Author" field, then I would get "Drawn By JOSM", but I want to get "Drawn by John Smith".

I would like to some how create a field that contains function:

IF author=JOSM, value=John Smith
IF author=MAST, value=Mary Stuart

Is it possible to create such functionality? I found out something about Expressions and Diesel Expressions, but didn't understand much.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating A Shape From A Mathematical Function

Mar 29, 2013

Using Mathcad, I can create a file with x and y values defining a 2D shape from which I want to create a swept volume.

I want to import these values into Inventor to use as a definition of a sketched line and then use the revolve function to generate the shape. 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating Array Using Split Function?

Jan 10, 2013

In asp I'd write:

arrFileName = Split(DrawingName, "_")

JobNumber = arrFileName(0)
DrawingTitle = arrFileName(1)

SheetNumber = arrFileName(2)

I'd like to do the same thing in lsp. I don't want to be limited to three fields so the split function is perfect.Is there an equivalent?

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AutoCad :: Creating Series Of Dynamic Blocks In Order To Create Tabletop Conveyors For Plat Layout

Jul 21, 2010

I am currently creating a series of dynamic blocks in order to create tabletop conveyors fro plat layout. I am using AutoCAD 2009 and am currently having issues making the turning sections. I know this is very simple using AutoCAD 2010 as there are geometric constrains available.

The curved sections must be able to have the inside thickness adaptable, the wall thickness must remain 1/2" thick, and the corner sections must have a 30, 45, 60 and 90 degree radii on them (although allowing any angle would be ideal). I was going to use visibility states to achieve the different angles as this seemed the easiest way to do this.

Attached is the basic 90 degree corner with an inside width of 4.5" with leaders labeling the areas that must be adaptive.

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Edge Animate CC :: How To Adjust The Position Of Text In Order For Animation Text To Be Visible

Mar 3, 2013

I have created my Animation:

The stage size you see above is H: 400px, W: 550px.
I would like for the stage to be smaller, say H:50px./W:400px
Ok so if I change the size of the stage the animation text will not show, so I need to adjust the position of the text in order for the animation text to be visible, but in doing that, I am disrupting the timeline and the animation goes all funny, is there another way of doing this without disrputing the timeline?

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AutoCad :: How To Set Z Position / Elevation To 0 In Order For Text To Return To Normal

Sep 16, 2011

i gotta deliver some drawings. Problem is that when i move/copy/etc any Mtext/Multileader/Dimension in Autocad 2011 LT the text "thickens".

I googled the problem at first and found out that for the Mtext, i needed to set Z positition/Elevation to 0, in order for the text to return to normal. What i gotta do to fix the dimensions and multileaders.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block For Quantities?

Oct 22, 2013

We are currently working on a very large master development plan submittal here at work. As part of the MDP, we are expected to deliver quantities calculations to the client.

I don't particularly feel like going through our entire proposed subdivision and counting up water fittings and whatnot. I am working on a dynamic block (attached in 2012 file format) that has visibility states for all of the different water fittings that we will be using for this project.

Is it possible to use either a lookup parameter or a block properties table to produce a quantities count, so to speak? I.e., to somehow get a count of all of the instances of this block in a particular drawing and how many instances are in what visibility state? So this table would tell you 1/32 bend: 15, 1/4 bend: 35, etc.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: No Function Definition With Distance Function

Oct 25, 2013

This seems absolutly silly.

(setq p1 (getpoint))
(setq p2 (getpoint))

(setq Dist (distance p1 p2))

Why does this not work?

I'm trying to build a command to replace AutoCAD's "DI" command, to give distance and delta x, y, and z values in decimal and imperial, and keep the angles in XY plane and out of XY plane.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Deleting Pay Item Quantities

Mar 30, 2012

We are just starting to use the pay items through QTO Manager & Takeoff.  Everything was working fine until...I deleted a hatched area that represented a Butt Joint quantitiy.  Now when I go into Compute Quatity Takeoff & select the Compute button, this quantity that was deleted is still there.  And, since it is now deleted, I can't find a way to remove it from the Butt Joint quantity.  I've tried using "Removes pay item from specific objects."  I've tried deleting all my quantities and starting from scratch. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Half Quantities For BOMs

Feb 5, 2010

I have a purchase component set that includes 2 identical pcs. i.e. part number xxx01(.iam) consists of part01(.ipt) and part01(.ipt). Typically I would place xxx01(.iam) into an upper level assembly, and get a BOM count of xxx01 QTY = 1. This works fine.

Now I have a similar component xxx02(.iam) that includes part02(.ipt) and part02(.ipt). With this component I use only half of the purchase component set in many instances. Therefore I would like to have the ability to place part02(.ipt) as a single part and have a BOM count of xxx02 QTY = 0.5.

The best solutions I have found is either to place xxx02(.iam) and manually override the BOM count to 0.5, which is error prone, and inevitably causes an issue each time.

Or I can set the Part Number of part02(.ipt) to be xxx02, and create a User Parameter in part02(.ipt) called BOM_QTY and set it to 0.5 ul and then set the Unit Quantity (using the BOM tab of the part file's Documents Settings) to use the User Parameter. The result of this is a BOM count of xxx02 QTY = 0.5ul.This method displays ul in the Parts List, which of course is an issue as well.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Sorting Multi Line Text In Alphabetic Order

Apr 23, 2013

I required a lisp for sorting Multiline text in alphabetic order. (Ascending and Descending)

For example in my drawing it contains lot of Mtexts having multi rows. I need to sort texts inside Mtext. Like PDC-012, DAG-012, AAG-096. I need that Mtext should be AAG-096,DAG-012,PDC-012.

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AutoCAD VB :: Copying Text After Search Function Into Table Then Transfer To Excel

Oct 19, 2009

I am new to VBA for Autocad and have basic knowledge of Autocad, but have experience with VBA with EXCEL. I am trying to search for text written on to a drawing that has been written as plain text. There is no table. I am writing code to open each drawing in the file as a for each next loop and then find text, then copy text to a table cell, in a table set up within the loop statement. Then I intend to transfer the data to Excel. When I copy the text into the cells of the table and transfer to Excel, the text does not transfer. Is there something I need to do to re-format the text copied straight from the drawing into the table cell. The drawngs have been produced by some external drafting service provider, most likely in India. The functionality of Autocad has not been used and therefore, there are no tables. The text titles, sub-titles etc... are just basically text with lines drawn around them, to simulate a table that looks like a table but are infact not.

My main problem is copying the plain text (titles, sub-titles, references etc...) into a table cell for export to Excel. Any knowledge of copying Autocad plain text to Autocad table cells

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unknown Error Within BOM Quantities Column?

Jul 14, 2009

In five years using Inventor I've never seen this- I can't get it the parts list or BOM to register the quantities. Each box comes up with "Unknown Error" and it will not allow manual override to update those quantities.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extract Blocks Name And Quantities From Drawing?

Apr 2, 2012

i basically need to extract all the blocks and quantities used in a drawing as the drawing we make are usually really big and takes time to pan around to count all blocks.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Grading Fill Quantities For Building Pad

Mar 11, 2013

I have created a building pad on my site and need to extract fill quantity. I set the elevations on my building and created a 5:1 grading object. to the existing ground.Autodesk Instructions are, for the actual building footprint, that I need to create a grading object at 1:1. for the area covered by the actual concrete pad. Need screen shot of the style settings of this grading criteria. because the area is flat it is impossible to determine if the floor area has been built. When I run sections and create volume reports the only fill quantity is from the grading objects that slope out from the pad. I must be overlooking a setting in the style for 1:1.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Show Associated BOM Quantities On Balloons In Drawing?

Jan 3, 2012

How do you show associated BOM quantities on balloons in the drawing?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Earth Work Quantities Except At Bridge

Apr 13, 2013

There's some old posts on this topic but thought I'd check in for latest . using C3D 2011

How to except out earthwork via bridge?

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 / How To Find Quantities Of Blocks On Drawing

Aug 6, 2013

I'm trying to find the quantities of blocks on drawing. I used "quick select" command - select by Block Reference. My blocks have some customer’s attributes (for example type of block) which I couldn't find on block reference list.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: When Edited Field Text / How To Change Display Order (edit Property Fields)

Sep 25, 2012

I am using a symbol that includes a several text boxes.  Each text box includes "prompted text" and "drawing properties".  When I insert the symbol onto a drawing, the "Edit Property Fields" menu appears.  In this menu, I can input my prompted field text or see the various "drawing properties".

My question is, how do I change the order that these property fields are displayed?  It seems as if it depends on the order that the text boxes were created while defining the symbol definition.  Is there any other way to change the display order?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cut / Fill Quantities From Google Earth Surface

Jan 14, 2013

I am using Civil 3D 2011 for my job. I am trying to put together preliminary estimates and need earthwork qunatities. I have no issue importing a google earth surface. I import the surface and create a boundary. How do I calculate cut/fill quantities? I tried creating a finished ground surface then making a tin volume surface to compare the two. However, I do not know how to create a fnished ground surface. I have also tried grading in civil 3d. Cannot get anyting to work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Revert An Edited BOM Back To Original Quantities

Apr 26, 2013

Is there a quick way to revert an edited BOM back to the original quantities before they were edited?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Passing A Function Name To Another Function

Nov 13, 2012

I'm trying to be able to have a function run another function with the secondary function being passed as an argument to the first. I'm trying to create a recursive function and the recursive part works great. I just need to be able to have the recursive function run other functions to actually do stuff.

Here is something I found that should do what I need, mainly run a function from a function name in a variable.
Sub test() Dim ftnName As String Dim argument As String Dim result As String ftnName = "myFunction" argument = "cat" result = Application.Run(ftnName, argument) MsgBox resultEnd SubFunction myFunction(inString As String) As String myFunction = inString & " has " & Len(inString) & " letters."End Function

 However I get the error "object required" on the "result = Application.Run(ftnName, argument)" line. So I'm guessing the Inventor VBA doesn't like this method of doing this. I'm just hoping there is a way to do this or this function will be useless or reduced to hardcoding functions which still defeats the purpose.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Estimating Quantities Of Beams Columns Or Elements Of Engineering?

Aug 18, 2012

Is there any program to automatically calculate the amounts of beams, columns or elements of engineering in autocad?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Quantities And Design View Representations?

Mar 6, 2012

Is there a way to have the parts list filter to show only the visible parts from the view representation, especially the quantities? I thought that was what the filter is for. And if not then what is the filter used for?

IV 2012 sp1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: List Subassemblies And Then Their Lower Level Parts With Quantities

Nov 2, 2012

I have an assembly consisting of both sub assemblies and individual parts.When I insert the bill, it is only showing me the parts and assy's needed to build the assembly.Is there a way to have it list the sub assemblies and then their lower level parts, with quantities?

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