AutoCad :: Find Delta Angle Of Arc?

Dec 11, 2012

find the delta angle of an arc? I know the length and radius.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Delta Angle Expression DMS

Mar 21, 2012

get 2012 to make an expression for curve delta angles come in DMS and not decimal degrees?  Why do I need this?  Well C3D does not have a delta angle label for curve pipe and our client requires it on the drawings.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Edit Alignment Delta Angle

Nov 17, 2013

I have created an alignment from an imported polyline. I now need to vary the delta angle between some of the tangents for different scenarios. I see the delta value in the panorama but it is not editable. Is there a way to enable it? If not, how can I adjust the angle parametrically?

Infrastructure Suite/C3D 2013, LDT 2004, Power Civil v8i SS1
WIN 7 64 PRO
HP Pavillion h8xt, i7 2600, 12 GB
RADEON 6450, 1 GB

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Delta Angle In Map Check Report To Tenths Of Second

Oct 31, 2009

When I run the Map Check report in C3D 2010, the Delta angle on curves displays to a tenth of a second, no matter what I do with settings. It should display to the whole second.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Alignment PI Label With Lat Long / Station And Delta Angle

Feb 27, 2013

We are trying to label the intersection points on an alignment with the following info:

Delta Angle

We can make it work with a Northing and Easting, but there is no option for a LAT LONG under the tangent intersection labels.  I tried to make an expression that would format a Northing as a LAT but it just gave me jibberish.

I was able to do it but adding a point at each PI and making a point reference text, but you then have to select a different point for each label....  which works but it is still a multi step process.

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AutoCad :: Find Out Viewport Rotation (or Angle)?

Jan 10, 2012

I am working on a project with several sheets. The viewport rotation (or angle) on each sheet is different. How can I find out the viewport rotation (or angle)?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Where To Find Steel Angle L-Shape

Apr 4, 2012

Where can I find the “steel angle” L-shape?In the palettes, I could find the I, W and C steel shapes but wondering if the steel angle (L-shape) is somewhere else in the AutoCAD

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AutoCAD .NET :: Find Rotation Angle Of Current View

Feb 3, 2012

I'm looking to find the current rotation of my view in modelspace.

This isn't the ucs direction but any arbitrary view i'm using.

For example using 3dorbit to rotate around an object.

I want to match some temp graphics to align flat to my view.

I see there is a VIEWDIR variable. so that may be what I need.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can't Find Option To Use Angle In Rectangular Array

Jun 24, 2012

I can't find the option to use angle in rectangular array in AutocAd 2013. I am using the classic view mode.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Disable The Delta Z Value By Default

Sep 3, 2013

My customer is using autocad 2014 and find that sometime when he draw a line and select it, the properties show that there is a data in the delta Z value field, this cause confusion to customer since the length calculation is included the Z value, customer doesn't want the length calculate in 3D, my question is how to disable the delta Z value?

note that I am not looking for how to flatten existing drawing, I am looking for how to set the Z value default =0

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Delta Z Of Feature Line In Label

Aug 16, 2012

I have a plan I want to create a table of feature line (the ones used as ditch cl's) with the designation (ie R1), the overall length (this part I can do) and then the Delta z of the entire feature line. I can get segment Delta z, but not the entire Delta z.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: How To Label Delta From A Curve To Non-tangent Line

Jun 19, 2012

I need to lable the delta of a PI in an alignment where one segment is an arc and the following is a non-tangent line.

Geometry points don't offer delta and Tangent Intersections won't label at PCs and PTs.

Is there an expression that can be used?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Revcloud And Delta Routine

Jul 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a lisp routine where It will create a layer for the delta that is needed and at the same time adds the delta. I get delta revisions often and it takes time to add a new layer and a new delta for each plan. I would like to create a routine that creates the the new layer based on the revision number.

For example if I get a revision 2 I would like to have a lisp routine that creates a new layer but asks what number i would like to use, once the new layer gets created the revcloud command would run, I use polylines around my revisions then change them to cloud with the revcloud command. after i pick my polylines to be changed to clouds then it would add a delta block that is in an attribute and it lets me put the number of the revision i want. At the end I would have a new layer, a cloud around my revision and a delta corresponding to the revision number i'm currently working with.

I have a routine that creates the new layer, sets it current, and starts the revcloud command where i can pick the objects to change to clouds, after that I'm stuck, I'm not sure how to tell AutoCAD that after the selection is made to start the insert command to insert that delta attribute block. I mean the routine ends after i pick my objects, I tried doint the delta first but i ran into the same issue since my routine ends after AutoCAD ask me to pick a location to put my delta block.

I need to figure a way to tell AutoCAD that after something is picked or selected then to continue with the lisp routine without ending it. I atteched an example of what I have.

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AutoCad :: Change Default Drawing Angle From 30 Degrees To Another Angle?

Oct 15, 2008

Im drawing in isometric view and want to change the default drawing angle from 30 degrees to another angle.

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AutoCad 2D :: Rotate An Object To Match An Angle Without Knowing The Angle?

Oct 5, 2011

Is there a quick way to rotate an object to match an angle without knowing what the angle is? I am using AutoCAD 2011 now. I was using 2007 and I had an add on command the would rotate an object using a base point and picking the two lines that make up the angle, and it would match the angle you wanted. I can not get that command to load in 2011.

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AutoCad :: Rotation Angle Doesn't Match Angle Inquiry

Jul 25, 2012

I have a property line that is N 36d19'52" E but needs to be N 12d52'18" E. The obvious and calculated rotation angle would be 23d27'34" but when I rotate the line by the calculated angle it doesn't rotate to the right angle. It's off by 0d11'10"!? When I draw a line by bearing at N12d52'18" E and inquiry the angle between the property line and the drawn line the angle difference is in fact 23d27'34".

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AutoCad :: How To Read Angle Of Line And Insert Block To That Angle

Feb 11, 2011

Let's say I am inserting a square block into a dwg and want to get it parallel to an existing angled line. Do I have to read the angle of the line and insert the block to that angle or is there a quicker way?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make One Angle Half Of A Driven Angle

May 26, 2013

I have used a driven contraint in a sketch.

Can that also be done in an assembly?

In one assembly I want to make one angle half of a driven angle.

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AutoCAD VB :: DXF ELLIPSE Relationship Between Actual Angle And DXF Angle

Jul 6, 2013

how to convert "real world" angles of elliptical arcs into those shown in a dxf file?

Say that I have drawn an elliptical arc with its start angle on 210 degrees and an end angle of 324 degrees. The values in a DXF file, for an elliptical arc, have something to do with the contant "PI" (3.14159). I know that a full circle is 2*Pi but how to do this with elliptical arcs!!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Subassembly Composer - Variable Ditch Bottom With Slope And Delta Y

Oct 22, 2012

I'm trying to build the ditch portion of my Subassembly backwards from an offset target "DitchOffset". The elevation of this point should be derived from a point that is using Slope and Delta Y from point "P12" (see attached). Must be at least 1m from the bottom of SubBase with a 5:1 slope. 

The Ditch Bottom will be variable width. I'd like to be able to select my offset alignment for my ditch bottom. Have a link from this point extend at a slope to the Target Surface to complete the foreslope.

I can't quite picture how to complete the links from the DitchOffset point. This may be complicated but the diagram identify what I'm trying to do.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Curve Label To Display Delta In Degrees / Minutes And Seconds

May 27, 2010

I'm using civil 3d 2008 and trying to lable my pavement radius with Line and Curve Label but the delta setting is only in decimal, how do i get it to read degrees, minutes and seconds.

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Illustrator :: EPS Delta Symbol Not Displaying

May 21, 2012

I have a eps figure that was generated in MATLAB. One of the axes should contain a "Delta" (triangle) symbol. The symbol appears if I allow Preview (OS X) to convert the esp file to pdf. However, when I open the file with Illustrator, I loose the "Delta" symbol (It gets replaces with a box). I need to edit the eps file with Illustrator, but I also need to retain the "Delta" symbol.

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Finding Delta E Calculator?

Mar 18, 2011

I used to have a DeltaE calculator which I downloaded free from the Internet, but it does not seem to be available any longer.

The idea was to type in the Lab specification for two colour samples, then the calculator would come up with the difference between them expressed in units of Delta E.

I have found a calculator which requires Photoshop CS, but I cannot locate a free-standing version.

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Illustrator :: Shortcut To Draw A 45 Or 90 Degree Angle From Drawn Line On Angle?

Nov 13, 2013

Is there a shortcut to draw a 45 or 90 degree angle from a drawn line on an angle using the pen tool?  ie. Rather than just from the x and y axis.
I trace a lot of maps and site plans.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Angle-distance With Vertical Angle And Distance

Nov 19, 2012

I would like to draw a smiple line using the transparent command 'AD (angle-distance).

My distance is not horz., so I want to enter the Vertial angle and the slope-distance, in LLD the command was AD VD.

So how do you do this in Civil 3D 2012.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get Value Of The Angle?

May 24, 2011

How can I get the angle of a line as shown in the picture?
if (obj.GetType() == typeof(Line)) {
Line linha = (Line)obj; double angulo = linha.Angle;
Point3d startPoint = linha.StartPoint; Point3d endPoint = linha.EndPoint; }
For in my code I techo angle value in double. Could any method return the integer value of the angle?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Calculating Angle Between UCS And WCS?

Aug 19, 2013

how to Translate WCS coordinates to PSDCS? where can find the C# code?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Convert Angle From UCS To WCS

Dec 13, 2011

I have derived an angle from an entity in UCS. how to convert this angle to the correct angle in WCS?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Angle Between Two Lines?

Aug 10, 2011

II am looking for two things...

1) A good explanation of Vector3d.  I have been unable to find a good explanation in the ARX documentation or on the online .Net developers guide.

2) Need getting the angle between two lines.  The lines in question are in an orientaion similar to the greater than operator ( > ).  I have attempted to use the Vector3d.GetAngleTo method to get the angle, but I do not understand it enough to be successful!

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AutoCAD .NET :: Calculating Angle Between UCS And WCS

Jun 3, 2011

A question regarding converting angles between co-ordinate systems in AutoCAD .NET.

Im creating my first little utility to form selected block attribute references into a nice neat list. The current version takes a selection of blocks and a list insert location and then moves the attribute references to the location and rotates them to WCS angle of 0.

I now want to expand the program to make it a little more flexible and allow you to form the list parallel to the currently selected UCS x axis (the i.e. and angle of 0 in relation to current ucs's).

I have managed bumble my way through and transform the attribute positions correctly to form a list relative to the current UCS but am strugling on how to work out in code what the equivlanent WCS angle value would be.

I have done some calcs using .net framework to calculate an angle between two vectors (see code extract below). But this introduces a small error into the angles (i.e. if my ucs is set rotated 45 degrees around the zed and i use the below maths, the resulatant angle is 45.0000002 when read in acad afterwards).

Matrix3d ucsCur = ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem;
CoordinateSystem3d cs = ucsCur.CoordinateSystem3d;

// the below seems to work by calugulating the angle between two vetrex using .net maths class but this introduce a small accuracy error. Is there a better way?

Double rotAngle = Math.Acos((1 * cs.Xaxis.X) + (0 * cs.Xaxis.Y) + (0 * cs.Xaxis.Z));
//set the attribute reference rotation to the calculated WCS radian rotation value "rotAngle" 
attRef.Rotation = rotAngle;

Im sure there is a better way built into the managed autocad wrapper using a tranform matix and the ucs vertex information but dont really know how to go about it. Any links explaining how to work with the UCS in .net.

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AutoCad 2D :: Angle Are All Way Off - Line Not At 65 Deg

Jul 13, 2011

For some reason my angles are all way off. I type line 3<65 and it goes nowhere near 65 deg. My coordinate system is normal. I attached screen shot.

you can see command line on bottom and line not at 65 deg.

weird angle.jpg

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