I am trying to batch plot to PDF's from a drawing file that has multiple tabs in it. I would like each tab to be a separate PDF file. We are utilizing Acrobat X to write the PDF's. AutoCAD places all of the tabs into one file whether I tell a Multi-sheet file or a Single-sheet file.
I'm trying to find a way to plot multiple (over a thousand) DWG files to PDF without doing each one manually. I've played around a little bit but without any luck. I'm using AutoCAD 2002 LT. Is there any way to do this?
I've also got little to no experience with the more complex settings and abilities of autocad so do so in laymans terms.
2002 lt has no general publish (only publish to web) option and how sheet sets work.
noticed that the file size of pdf's created using the publish command in C3D 2014 are much larger than files created using 2013? I'm talking twice the size in some cases. I've gone through the settings and found no differences, but there must be something I'm missing. When I use the plot command on a single layout, the file sizes are similar, so there must be something in the publish command.
Publishing to PDF as single sheets for insertion into other documents or page managers (such as Indesign) works fine, apart from the fact that it makes crappy work of JPGs should any be embedded in the CAD file. Plotting individually using high quality PDF settings also works but it's difficult with large sets.
Therefore, I would like to publish a tab set to PDF using the plotter named in page setup. However, what this does, is it forces me to pick the file name and locaiton each time, rather than using the one specified in the publish dialog. Is there a way around this? That is, can I make the named plotter behave like the "DWG to PDF" one (that is, name the files automatically)?
If not, can I make the "DWG to PDF" one not compress JPGS?
As to why - I work in a mac environment and everyone draws in Illustrator. I use CAD and many times, for large projects, need this sort of page management. And every once in a while, I need to insert a rendering into a CAD document and then publish.
I have been ateempting to use the DWG to PDF.pc3 to batch convert a bunch of drawings to PDF. Everything appears to work well but I keep getting layers in my PDF's which I do not want as the slow down printing. I have turned off "include layer information" in the pc3 custom settings and I have also set "Don't include" in the publish options.
I am obvisouly missing something somewhere as I continue to get PDF's with layers.
I would like to use the plot function to generate 3 individual PDFs from a 3-sheet idw in Vault.Requirements:
1. Each PDF needs to be named after a certain field that is already populated in iProperties
2. All PDFs need to be output to a fixed folder in Vault
I have tried some iLogic codes and indeed it is possible to do that from within Inventor. But should we need to print a large number of idws that will be a nightmare for me.
Is there a way to export multiple layout tabs to create individual CAD files at one time? I have a CAD file with 80 layout tabs. All the Drafting work was done on Paper Space of the Layout Tabs. Client wants 80 separate CAD files.
I tried right clicking on the layout tab but it will ONLY allow me to export one tab at a time.
I'm creating interactive PDFs for a client that include tables with empty cells that will be populated afterwards (depending on what information a customer puts in on a form).
The forms are created in InDesign and exported as interactive PDFs, but I need to be able to name the live fields (in InDesign) before I export the Interactive PDF, so that I don't have to select each indivual field in the final PDF and rename them.
The reason I want to be able to do this pre-PDF production, is because the forms will be rebranded over and over again and I don't want to have to rename hundreds of cells time and time again in Acrobat Pro.
The deveopler who's populating the cells already has predefined names for them, so I can's simply give him the names that Acrobat automatically defines.
From all our parts of an assembly we made 1 IDW with multiple sheets. Now we want to convert this IDW to PDF's and in such a way that we have one PDF for each sheet, and each PDF files needs the same name as the sheet.
I have over 150 ISOs made and ready to be converted into PDF but I don't know a way to do this without opening each one idividually and printing it to my PDF writer. There must be an easier and faster way to do bulk PDFs.
I've started having a problem with the Publish command when publishing multiple drawings to PDF.
When I plot a drawing using the plot command, I don't have a problem.
When I publish one drawing using the Publish command it is also fine.
It is only when I try to publish multiple files that the problem occurs- the PDFs are produced, but the it is as if the drawing contents (paper space) has been shifted up by 10mm or so, cutting off the top of the drawing, and creating a larger margin at the bottom of the drawing. I use exactly the same page setup as for the single drawing plot.
There seems to be no setting that would change this, and the fact that publishing a single drawing works suggests that there is some kind of bug. At the moment i have to plot every drawing individually (or get my colleague to do it- it works fine on his machine, same page setup file!)
I seem to be having an issue publishing multiple layouts into a single PDF.
All the layouts are setup to plot to 'Adobe PDF' and in the Publish options I have set 'Publish to: Plotter named in page setup' as well as 'Multi-sheet file'. When I click OK I'm prompted for the filename for each layout and have to save them as separate files.
The only time it does work is when I choose 'Publish to: PDF' which I guess uses AutoCAD's internal 'DWG to PDF' method. Is my preferred method an Adobe issue or is it fixable through AutoCAD?
when I publish multiple layouts to a single pdf. When I publish all the files at one time the right side of the drawing where the title block is cut off about an inch and does not show the complete title block. Publishing to a printer as a multiple batch or publishing the layouts one at a time to pdf does not exhibit this problem.
I am trying to attach a number of tiff files to individual dwg files. There are about 300 so I am writting a script that will open a new dwg, insert the tiff and save the dwg at a given name, so i have filedia set to 0 and everything is user input.
The problem I am having is that when I use the iinsert command and enter the path for the tiff I get this error: (filename)was not found or is not valid. This is pathed to a network drive. When I copy the same folder to my c: drive and run the command everything works as should. is there any reason for this?
When pathed to the c: drive and working correctly it looks like this:
G:EngineeringCURRENT JOBSMOTIVA11301 DCS Migration Phase 2 Execute Engineering Detail DesignDRAWINGSWORKING SETLOOPSDEMOD70 was not found or is not valid.
I noticed in the error message it cuts the end of the file name off. Is there a character limit?
I have done this before with a path to the network and everything worked as should. We have recently upgrade to 2013 but i would'nt think that would be an issue.
So basically, file on local drive everything inserts fine. File on network, get error.
I'm used to using AutoCad R14 and just recently had to purchase AutoCad 2010. The printing service that I have to use has to have the drawings in a PDF format and I found out how to make the conversion. However, the lineweights, the linetypes and the linetype scales are all out of wack. I have read about setting up a CBT file, but apparently I'm missing something someplace. I want to plot by color to achieve lineweight. Linetypes and linetype scales are set when the object is drawn, where the default is Continuous and 1 respectively.
I need to scale up about 300 circles (manholes) but i need to hold the center point of each manhole. is there a command for this so i don't have to scale each individual circle?
the only property I can actually define for each individual sheet (for use in iLogic, text fields, etc.) is the sheet name. This is extremely limiting. Each sheet in my drawings has several properties of its own--sheet number (most importantly), what part is ON the sheet, the designer, the revision, etc. I would love to be able to use each of these in labels on the sheet, for example, a text box with "<Sheet #> - <Part> (<Designer>)". The only possible way I could do something like this is to use the sheet number as the Sheet Name, and then use that value in the sheet's text labels, headings, and title block. However, I want to be able to use descriptive names for the Sheet Name, plus that's just one property.
Is there any way I can create and define multiple custom properties for individual sheets? I was exploring the idea of using iLogic, using the ActiveSheet command, possibly, and "tricking" inventor into creating properties for a given sheet.
If I open a 4-page PDF in CorelDraw, I can edit anything in it. But if I save my changes, it saves as a 4-page cdr file. But I want to save the changes to the PDF. Is the only way to save the changes to the pdf file to re-publish the whole 4 pages to PDF again and have it replace the old one when asked? Wouldn't this further compress any jpgs?
Re-publishing the whole thing and changing the settings to no compression (and remembering to reset them back again later!) seems very inefficient......The question, of course applies to single page pdf's as well, but I'm thinking of deleting or adding a page or changing page order.
In Adobe Illustrator CS5, you now have the capability give a name to each artboard in your illustrator file. I understand that you can easily save each artboard as separate AI files but I would like to save them as separate PDFs instead.
Any script, or know the actual method of doing so? All I can possibly theorize is to save the artboards as separate PDFs and then have Acrobat convert those artboards to PDFs.
We use a similar sub-assembly in almost every assembly we design. So what I would like to do is make a template from this sub-assembly that I can make adaptive, constrain to the proper parts and have it resize to the main assembly. I've been trying to do this for a few weeks now with little success.
I have seen tutorials make adaptive part templates but never adaptive assembly templates. Is this even possible?
I know you can't make individual parts adaptive to multiple assemblies without saving each part as a different file and I think that's where my problems are coming from. Even though I save the template as a different file is it still referencing the original adaptive part in my library folder? If so, is there a way I can make it not do that? I may be way off base there too I don’t know.
I have numerous text objects I want to rotate 180 while retaining each text objects insertion point. There's got to be an easy way to do this.
Long explanation: I created an annotation template to label pipe diameters on an imported shapefile. Everythings good, labels are parallel with lines, except for the fact that some labels are upside down. Is there an expression that would eliminate this? In my annotation template, my rotation expression equals the "angle" field of the object. My "quick and dirty" fix was to burst the annoation labels, and manually rotate necessary text, which wasn't a huge headache since I'm dealing with a relatively small number of labels, but in the future I might have hundreds of upside down labels.
Is there a way (script possibly) to break multiple splines to individual spline objects? More specifically i want to find a quick way, when i have many splines (attached together) to make each spline (spline element) a separate spline (such as selecting it and detaching it). Unfortunately the "explode" command breaks each segment and not spline to an individual object, while selecting and detaching each one is not an option since i have to deal with hundreds or thousands of splines (produces by hair & fur).
it would be nice to be able to send art I have created to customers in an interactive pdf where they may click on different shirt colors they may want to order and see their art displayed on those colors similar to clothing websites.
I have a floorplan of a building and am labeling exits of the building for evacuation routes. Each exit label is on its own layer. I need to show the floor plan from different perspectives/orientations and therefore need to rotate the exit labels in place on their own individual axis. So far I have been going in and selecting the image (label) on each layer and rotating it 90 degrees and then repeating the process for the next label. When I group the layers they all rotate on one axis and therefore are not near the exit they are supposed to be near. Is there an easier (quicker) way to rotate the labels as I have to do this for four different perspective for each of four floor plans?
I mad e the mistake of creating my corridors for a large site in the same drawing, and now I would like to pull them apart into individual drawing files for each corridor. I thought that last time I tried it, the drawings or data somehow got corrupted. I am running C3D 2009.
Prior to printing my work, I save PDF versions of my files. More often than I'd like, when I print the PDF file from my computer, some of the graphics do not print correctly. For example, a portion of a curved graphic (like a swirl) might be cut off leaving a blunt straight edge. Have issues with PDF files? Is there anything I can do to control this quality issue?
This is probably a really really simple question but I can't for the life of me find how I can find out an individual image size from multiple images on a canvas. eg I have 3 photos i want to arrange 1 large and the other two next to it half the size. How can I edit individual image size on the canvas as when I select the image on a sperate layer I want to resize it just resizes the entire canvas and not the individual image