AutoCAD 2010 :: Publishing Multiple Layouts To PDF

Feb 19, 2013

when I publish multiple layouts to a single pdf. When I publish all the files at one time the right side of the drawing where the title block is cut off about an inch and does not show the complete title block. Publishing to a printer as a multiple batch or publishing the layouts one at a time to pdf does not exhibit this problem.

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AutoCad :: Publishing Multiple Layouts Into Single PDF

Mar 18, 2013

I seem to be having an issue publishing multiple layouts into a single PDF.

All the layouts are setup to plot to 'Adobe PDF' and in the Publish options I have set 'Publish to: Plotter named in page setup' as well as 'Multi-sheet file'. When I click OK I'm prompted for the filename for each layout and have to save them as separate files.

The only time it does work is when I choose 'Publish to: PDF' which I guess uses AutoCAD's internal 'DWG to PDF' method. Is my preferred method an Adobe issue or is it fixable through AutoCAD?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: DWF To PDF - Publish Multiple Layouts

Oct 26, 2012

How to use Autodesk's DWG to PDF driver to plot multiple through publish?  Whenever I try to plot more than one layout at a time I get a driver not found error.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiple Layouts In Model Space

Nov 26, 2013

Multiple layouts in model space suddenly stopped showing boundaries.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Publishing Multiple Drawings To PDF

Jan 28, 2013

I've started having a problem with the Publish command when publishing multiple drawings to PDF.

When I plot a drawing using the plot command, I don't have a problem.

When I publish one drawing using the Publish command it is also fine.

It is only when I try to publish multiple files that the problem occurs- the PDFs are produced, but the it is as if the drawing contents (paper space) has been shifted up by 10mm or so, cutting off the top of the drawing, and creating a larger margin at the bottom of the drawing. I use exactly the same page setup as for the single drawing plot.

There seems to be no setting that would change this, and the fact that publishing a single drawing works suggests that there is some kind of bug. At the moment i have to plot every drawing individually (or get my colleague to do it- it works fine on his machine, same page setup file!)

See attached example.

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AutoCAD LT :: How To Print Multiple Layouts

Aug 20, 2010

How do I print multiple layouts at once in the same file, like a batch print so i don't have to individually print each layout?

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AutoCad :: Move Multiple Layouts DWG To DWG?

Feb 7, 2012

I have the drawings, which has 64 layouts each. I want to move the multiple layouts to one dwg (means one drawing should have 128 multiple layouts with in) At this that two drawings having layout only, i deleted all object in model space, model space would be the same for that two drawings, after i made the combined dwg. I tired to move the layout by using drag and drop on design center, It was not done. the autocad shows the message was fatal error: out of memory.

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AutoCad :: Attempting To Publishing Multiple DWG Files To Individual PDFs?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm using AutoCAD Mech 2008. is there a way to publish multiple dwg files to individual pdf's.

Right now I typically plot to Adobe PDF, extents/center to plot/fit to paper/monochrome.

Upon doing a search, someone mentioned "AutoPublish" upon closing. Is this an option, and if so, is it my only option?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publishing Using DWG To PDF

Nov 16, 2012

Publishing files using Autocad 2012 with a page setup to plot to PDF files. I am utilizing Autodesks "DWG to PDF.pc3" file. But I have to go and manually rename the files to remove the "- Model". Is there a way to change this while publishing? Or am I stuck with this file naming convention?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Propagate Block Through Multiple Layouts?

Nov 7, 2011

I'm trying to import a a custom titleblock into each existing layout from a dwg. So far, i've been successful in importing this block into the first layout but can't seem to figure how to bring it into the remaining. I have a command that runs before this one that allows the user to define how many layouts should exist, so for instance, if a user opts to create 7 layouts, once they import this titleblock, i'd like it to appear in all 7 layouts. So far this is what i've got.

namespace CHTitleBlockImportMetricH
public class CHTBMETRICH


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AutoCAD 2013 :: Can't Publish Multiple Layouts In Grayscale / BW

Dec 9, 2013

I use 2012 at home and 2013 at office, I would like to PUBLISH more than one layout in grayscale, now I`m having it in color. 

how can I define the plot style/ page setup within the PUBLISH command?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: No PDF Prompt Anymore When Publishing?

May 31, 2010

has something changed in 2011 controlling prompts to save pdfs when publishing from sheetset manager?? im using page overrides, which uses dwg to pdf.pc3 file. it publishes but no prompt for file name. i have checked the sheetset publish options and it is set to multiple & prompt for file name, however it still doesnt prompt and saves it in the folder nominated. where else is this controlled?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publishing / Batch Plot

Jun 11, 2013

Is there a limit to how many drawing files one can send when using the publish command? Using ACAD 2010.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Multiple Sheet Sets Sharing Same Layouts?

Jan 21, 2013

I am in the process of generating a separate package which is a suppliment to the main package for a project. The sheets from the suppliment will be incorporated into the main project, but many sheets from the main project will not be included in the suppliment. 

My thought was to make a separate sheet set that shares layouts with the main set which I was able to do by making a copy and renaming the .DST file. Now I see that supposedly a single layout cannot exist in two sheet sets. I ended up working around this by creating a sheet in SSM with the same # and Name in each Sheet Set and was able to get them to appear in both. Want to find out if I'm creating a landmine of a problem down the road or if there is a better way to do what I'm doing. In the past, I beleive we simply selectively printed only the appropriate sheets but on that project it was cumbersome and at the scale of this project it will be worse.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Creating Multiple Layouts Based On Form Input

Nov 3, 2011

I've been working on this code for a bit now and I've got a Windows Form with a numeric up down box which is designed to determine how many Layouts (PaperSpace) that a user would like generated.

I've got the form to pass the value as to the function as an argument but an not sure how to get the function to automatically generate "x" amount of Layouts based on the value of "int x". Right now i've just got a few "if" statements controlling the system, but i'm looking for a more elegant solution than a sea of "if" statements.

namespace CHPaperSpace
public class PaperSpace

// This will be the function associated with my command
public void CHPAPERSPACECOMMAND(int x)

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AutoCad :: Sheet Sets - Multiple A3 Layouts Printed As 1PDF?

Feb 2, 2014

how to take multiple A3 Layouts, and instead of having to plot and select each layout, can I select all the layouts and have them Pdf into one document.

I have had a look at publish and tried to do it, but they are still printing as individual sheets. What exactly does the term "sheet sets" mean. Is this what I am trying to achieve or is this a different action?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Apply New Page Setup To Multiple Layouts?

Nov 3, 2011

Okay, so I have about 25 layouts on this particular drawing that already have a default page setup assigned to them. I just created a new page setup and want to apply it to these layouts...but I cannot. I can select the right setup in the publish window but it does not stay current after publishing.

The problem also comes up if I do a "-purge" or wblock the entire drawing as to remove weird elements. The pagesetups then show as missing.

If I create a new drawing and setup the page setup for the first time AutoCAD will ask if I would like to apply to all layouts. Where is this option for existing drawings?

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Assigning A Page Setup To Multiple Layouts?

Jul 22, 2011

I used to use a really nice VBA routine for assigning a page setup to multiple layouts, but now I need something that will work for 2011 and up.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Resize Viewports Across Multiple Layouts

Jun 25, 2012

Any routine to re-size viewports in multiple layouts? We have to re-size viewports as they were created a little too small and are now spread across almost 1000 drawings in 18 dwg.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Delete Block From Multiple Layouts

Apr 26, 2012

I got a model-file with several layout tabs and I want to delete a block in all layout tabs.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Create Layouts In Multiple Drawings

Aug 10, 2013

I have a csv file that has the drawing names and their layout names listed in columns A and B. Before I begin a project, I have to create the Sheet List (in Excel) and the csv file. The csv file is needed because I have a lisp routine that reads the csv and updates all my Title Block attributes in all my drawings. (VERY sweet program)  What I'm wanting to do, is create new layouts (using my dwt) based on the information in the csv file. So, when I start a new project all I need to do is create the base drawing files first. Then, in my csv file I've got those drawing names listed in Column A and their corresponding sheet titles (Layout names) in Column B. I run the lisp and it reads the csv and creates layouts in all those base drawings and naming the layouts with the sheet titles from column B.

Column A                                                      Column B
DRAWINGS                                                 SHEET TITLES
drawing1.dwg                                               A100
drawing1.dwg                                               A101
drawing"n".dwg                                            "n"500
Etc, etc.

I'm needing a way to automate creating hundreds of layouts at once. (very time consuming).So the lisp has to be able to read a csv (or Excel--doesn't really matter) and create new layouts (using my dwt) in as many drawing files represented in column A. [and filtered so it doesn't create duplicates so I can run the routine at a later date when new sheets are added to the drawings] Captcha?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publishing High Quality PDFs

Sep 26, 2012

Publishing to PDF as single sheets for insertion into other documents or page managers (such as Indesign) works fine, apart from the fact that it makes crappy work of JPGs should any be embedded in the CAD file. Plotting individually using high quality PDF settings also works but it's difficult with large sets.

Therefore, I would like to publish a tab set to PDF using the plotter named in page setup. However, what this does, is it forces me to pick the file name and locaiton each time, rather than using the one specified in the publish dialog. Is there a way around this? That is, can I make the named plotter behave like the "DWG to PDF" one (that is, name the files automatically)?

If not, can I make the "DWG to PDF" one not compress JPGS?

As to why - I work in a mac environment and everyone draws in Illustrator. I use CAD and many times, for large projects, need this sort of page management. And every once in a while, I need to insert a rendering into a CAD document and then publish.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Missing Font - Publishing To PDF Fails

Jun 14, 2012

Am publishing dwgs / saving as .pdfs / Preview looks good, but when I plot, one line of text appears as series of dots and the error msg from Adobe is close to "Cannot find ArialMT font, some text may not format or print correctly...."

My co-workers have no problem publishing these same dwgs from their workstations, however.  Also, there are several text objects / boxes in the dwg, and they all print fine 'except' for the one.

Restarting etc., doesn't make any difference.  Neither does plotting in Preview or Draft and so on.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publishing Sheet Sets Not Working?

May 4, 2011

After publishing, the printer icon shows the job is spooling, when i hover over it, it says "publish job in progress". And never changes. The sheet set works fine in 2011. I have tried recreating, updating dwt files, multiple setups, tried using the dialogue box and publish override. Nothing is working.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Using Fields In Layouts?

Jul 16, 2012

When I add an object field in paperspace to report on the scale of a viewport in the layout, as I return to that layout and zoom in or out the viewport displays as hot in MS (tab reports as PS) and leaves the MS information of my previous visit embeded on the layouts neutral background and the "new" zoomed MS information is added to modelspace.  The background objects cannot be selected or deleted but if I go to the block editor screen -choosing any block for my selection, when I close the block edit and return to the layout, the objects are cleared.  I have installed service pack #1 for v12 and I lso have installed V13.  I didn't notice this problem prior to the service pack or usin v13.  I have an Intel i7 processor, 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Apply Page Setup To Multiple Layouts?

Nov 25, 2013

Is there any way of applying a new page setup to all the layouts at once?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Publishing Dialog Won't Accept Changes For Layer Settings

Jun 12, 2012

My issue is with the Publish dialogue.  I am publishing several sheets to PDF.  I do not want layers to be available in the PDF.  I shoud be able to control whether or not layers export with the PDF in the "Publish dialogue box > Publish Options > General DWF/PDF options > Layer Information"  (then there are two options, either to include or not include layer information).  However, when I change it to "don't include" and close out of that box, the main Publish dialogue still shows the layer option as included and the layers are in the PDF after I publish it.  why the layers still show up?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Copying Layouts Between Drawings?

Jun 7, 2012

I have been trying to figure out how to copy a Layout from one DWG to another. I know there are several threads about this, and I have tried the methods they reccomend, but I am having an unusual problem.

I have been trying to open a Layout by using the "from Template" option for creating a new Layout, then opening the DWG containing the desired Layout. It works, but everything drawn in model space ends up compressed into the lower left corner and there is nothing in model space. So, the paper space information from the Layout is being imported, but the drawing info is getting mixed up somehow.

I have tried using the Design Center with identical results.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Import Layouts As Sheets

Jun 10, 2011

When I try and import layouts as sheets, the "Prefix sheet titles with file name" is subdued.  (AutoCAD MEP 2012)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Rotating Views / Layouts

Sep 14, 2012

DView commands. We're using layout drawings of sites that are aligned with True North.

We've been using DView to rotate site layouts within model space in order to to align the layout better within the window and set up icons as such. And we have multiple Sheets set up with different information being displayed (ie different layers turned off). But when we go to the sheets, the Paper Space view still shows it's Original Orientation.

What I'd like to know is there a simple way to set the various different layouts to the same as Model Space, Without having to manually DView each Viewport as well?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Layouts - Creating Viewports

Jan 4, 2013

I am trying to organize my drawing in model into different viewports for printing purposes.  However, in Layout # 1, once I delete an item it also deletes the item in model space. In Layout # 2, can't edit, select, highlight or anything ( I am in Layer 0).  How can I fix that ? Basically, I want to create several layouts, each layout will contain a certain section of my drawing in model space then. I am not "layout savvy", trying to get hang of it.

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