AutoCad :: New Layer To Be Switched Off In Existing Viewports
Aug 23, 2011
Is there an way that I can get an new layer that I create to be frozen in all existing viewports on my drawing. I know you can freeze an newly created layer for all new viewports but that does not solve the fact that the new layer will show on all existing viewports.
I have an existing drawing with numerous viewports. I would like to know if there is a way to link those existing viewports to the set as "sheet views" without having to delete them and re-create them using the normal sheet set process.
I've noticed that each viewport has a variable in its properties display called "link to sheet view" with a yes or no entry, but it doesn't seem changable.
Is this possible, or must I re-create them from scratch?
I'm using Autocad 2011 and When I'm working in a viewport in paper space, I isolate a layer, work on it, then unisolate it, CAD will automatically turn off (with the lightbulb) all the other layers that I'm not using in that current viewport. This means that every time I'm done editing a certain viewport, I have to go back to my model space, and turn back on all the rest of the layers in my drawing (with the lightbulb) so I can work in a different viewport with different layers. Is this just a bug in my version? or is there some way to stop this?
I have two viewports in a drawing file. One is for existing and new conditions and one is for existing and demolition conditions. So, I want one viewport to freeze some layers and the other viewport to freeze other layers. After picking and freezing certain layers in each viewport, I created New Layer States - One called New Floor Plan and the other called Demo Floor Plan.
When I click inside one of the viewports and select the appropriate layer state it changes both viewports to the same layer state. That is not what I want. Is it possible to have one layer state in one viewport and another layer state in another viewport?
When hovering over this button in the layer manager the following is displayed.
"Creates a new layer and freezes it in all existing layout viewports. This button is accessible from the model tab or layout tabs".
Key words here being EXISTING and LAYOUT viewports. So I've got an existing xref attached to an existing layout and per the displayed tip this means, to me, any new layer created within the xref that has this option enabled will be frozen in all existing layouts.
Since a layout is a viewport, I assume this means the layout itself, not a viewport object used for viewing modelspace content from a layout.
Even if this means a viewport object used for viewing modelspace content, that doesn't work either, so what exactly is the point of this feature?
How to control existing layers (Freeze On/Off), in an existing viewports (5 of them in Paperspace) in AutoCad Existing drawing with I just want to trigger On or Off, different layers in each different viewports.
Let's say you create a floor plan, and you use the Layer State manager to separate the framing plan, finish plan, reflected ceiling plan, etc. Now, when you go to create a sheet, you xref this plan into model space with all of the layers thawed/on, go to your titleblock in paper space and make a viewport.
Currently, if I click into a viewport and use the Layer State manager to show just the information of the RCP, it will freeze all of the layers I don't need, but it will freeze those layers in model space, instead of just within the viewport. It gets very time consuming doing it the way I always understood to do it; making sure all layers are thawed/on in model space, and then going into each viewport and manually VP-freezing each layer I don't need.
So can Layer States be set up to work within viewports, to only have those layers VP-frozen?
I have a sheet set with several sheets, each sheet with a viewport that ultimately xrefs to the same base file. In that base file, I have changed some layer properties (color), but I can't get those properties to show up in the viewports on each sheet unless I go into the layer properties of each viewport on each sheet and change them individually. On other layers, I have set them to be no plot layers in the base file, but they still plot on the sheets. I have tried just simply freezing them as well, but they still show up in the viewports. I have tried viewport overrides, but maybe don't do it properly? How can I get these properties to translate over to the viewports on each sheet without going through each sheet one by one?
Is there an easy way to switch from a viewport in paperspace to modelspace and have the same layer state show up? I typically run with my paperspace set up with the layers showing how they will print (show lightweights and display plot styles) but I would like to be able to switch to model space and only see the layers that are showing in a particular viewport, to minimize manual layer isolation.
Is it possible to assign viewports in paper space to a separate layer?
Explanation: I have a paper space with one singular viewport. On the same paper space I added three other viewports that I scaled in but only need for one thing. Can I assign these viewports to a layer and apply them when I need them or do I have to make a seperate paper space for each task.
I am producing some floor plans which I am having to split into several sheets. I am reusing the overall plan in small scale as a key/location plan (in a seperate viewport).
As the viewport is at small scale I want to make the pens thinner so walls don't come out too thick so I go into the layer manager and change the viewport pen colours and freeze off unwanted layers. Trouble is although I can copy the viewport between sheets and drawings it won't remember the layer settings is there a way that I can either: Set a variable to remember the layer settings within the viewport when copying Write a script to change the layer colours within the viewport and vp freeze the unwanted layers so all the keyplan match between all of my sheets.
The script wouldn't be too much problem for me as I mostly use key commands but when I tried changing the layer colours using -la -> c -> red all the viewports changed not just the current one. Is there a different command to change the viewport colours or is it just not possible from the command line.
I know that if I make a selection I can press Ctrl + J to promote that selection to a new layer. Is there a way to promote the layer but leave the focus on the existing layer?
What would be the absolute icing on the cake would be if I could have the focus stay on the existing layer AND for the selection that has just been promoted to be de-selected.
I'm creating a drawing set that has over 100 sheets with varying amounts of viewports on each sheet (from one to four). Each sheet is its own file, so there is only one layout per file. For each section of the drawing set, the viewports will have the same layer state.
Is there were a way to update the layerstate of each viewport through a batch LISP routine? This would save me DAYS in opening each file, importing the layer state, and restoring it for each viewport. It seems straight forward, but I have no idea where to start with batch routines.
I have just installed 2012 and have drawn a 3d model. In paperspace i have a couple of viewports , all nicely set out at 1:5 scale. then i click in another viewport and bam, all the other viewports change scale (zoom out) and orientation. is there some system variable that i have overlooked?
I have a black and white image I want to use this layer as a transparency/opacity mask to another layer of the same dimensions. Is it possible to import the existing black and white image as the layer mask as opposed to manually painting in the mask?
I have been working on a drawing for a client in the Metric template, everything displayed in metric, measures in metric, etc. Then this morning when I opened the file, the measurements have switched to imperial. The profile is still the metric one, and when I enter a value for a line length it is clearly using metric because it goes where I expect it to go, however the numbers displayed onscreen are in imperial. Is there an easy way to get this to switch back to displaying in Imperial?
Just installed C3D on my Dell POS Windows 7 machine (OS is up to date).
I have noticed that the functionality between using the F3 and F8 keys reverses itself when first used. If I hit F3 I turn Ortho ON/OFF. If I hit it again, I turn Osnap ON/OFF. If I do the F3 key, then do it again to get the Osnaps set how I want, then go to the F8 key to set the Ortho mode back to where it was before I hit F3, it changes my Osnap setting, and I end up chasing my tail around and around. I can use the SCREEN buttons down below my working area. but I prefer keys, finding it far easier to hit F3 without even having to look at the key board rather than put my cursor over the little square of turn Osnaps ON/OFF there.
The code I'm using is supposed to go through all of the layouts and freeze the specified layer in the single viewport that is defined on that layout. It works for some viewports, but not for others. A "List" of the objects show the viewports are the same. I have a LiSP routine that gets me more info about selected objects. The first is a viewport that does not freeze the specified layer, the second does freeze the layer. Here is the code I'm using:
Public Sub FreezeNewLayerInVPs(ByVal pageNumber) Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim db As Database = doc.Database Dim layerToFreeze As String = "DETAIL_" & pageNumber Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager. Start Transaction( )Dim layTable As LayerTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), [code]...
Is there a way to cut pixels from one layer and paste them to a selected layer (as opposed to pasting the pixels to a new layer which is created by PhotoShop)?
Also, is there an easy way to make sure that the pasted pixels remain in their original position with respect to the overall canvas? I'm simply trying to move pixels from one layer to another layer while maintaining the position of the original pixels.
I've got a Photoshop file that someone wants me to use as a template. It has an existing layer that I need to put a picture into without modifying the layer or creating a new one.
Whenever I cut and paste a picture into it, the pasted picture becomes "Layer 1" but I want it to paste onto a layer which is already there (rather than become a new layer).
I'm new to photography but taking every chance I can to learn and slowly upgrade my tools. I recently switched from a PC(CS3) to Macbook Pro(CS6). Since doing so, I am having a huge problem. My photos show up exactly as I want them to on my Mac, in and out of Photoshop, but look washed out almost everywhere else, including the web, on PC's and in print(Shutterfly). There are a few exceptions like facebook, but still not all of the photos show up the same quality as what I saw on my Mac.
I thought I did a good job of calibrating my Mac and I'm not doing anything different in PS, but I'm completely lost on what could be causing this.I can upload one of my jpg's so you can see what I'm seeing off my Mac if needed.
I've got a Photoshop file that someone wants me to use as a template. It has an existing layer that I need to put a picture into without modifying the layer or creating a new one.
Everytime I add a picture it comes up as a new layer. How can I add it to the existing one?