AutoCAD 2010 :: Use The Layer State Manager Within Viewports?
Jan 31, 2013
Let's say you create a floor plan, and you use the Layer State manager to separate the framing plan, finish plan, reflected ceiling plan, etc. Now, when you go to create a sheet, you xref this plan into model space with all of the layers thawed/on, go to your titleblock in paper space and make a viewport.
Currently, if I click into a viewport and use the Layer State manager to show just the information of the RCP, it will freeze all of the layers I don't need, but it will freeze those layers in model space, instead of just within the viewport. It gets very time consuming doing it the way I always understood to do it; making sure all layers are thawed/on in model space, and then going into each viewport and manually VP-freezing each layer I don't need.
So can Layer States be set up to work within viewports, to only have those layers VP-frozen?
I'm creating a drawing set that has over 100 sheets with varying amounts of viewports on each sheet (from one to four). Each sheet is its own file, so there is only one layout per file. For each section of the drawing set, the viewports will have the same layer state.
Is there were a way to update the layerstate of each viewport through a batch LISP routine? This would save me DAYS in opening each file, importing the layer state, and restoring it for each viewport. It seems straight forward, but I have no idea where to start with batch routines.
We have a procedure of detaching Xref's from any drawing on our project to minimize Navisworks load time.
Is there a way to save a list of xref’s that are in your drawing so the next time I go back to that drawing I can just pick on the saved list and it will pull up all those xref’s??
We load a composite of over 2000 models. The drawings that contain xref's in them increase load time so we have to detach all xref's from the drawings before we save to minimize this load time.
I would like to add the layer state drop-down from the ribbon to one of my toolbars, but can't find it in CUI command list. Is this feature only available with the ribbon?
I have two viewports in a drawing file. One is for existing and new conditions and one is for existing and demolition conditions. So, I want one viewport to freeze some layers and the other viewport to freeze other layers. After picking and freezing certain layers in each viewport, I created New Layer States - One called New Floor Plan and the other called Demo Floor Plan.
When I click inside one of the viewports and select the appropriate layer state it changes both viewports to the same layer state. That is not what I want. Is it possible to have one layer state in one viewport and another layer state in another viewport?
Why a layer state assigned to a viewport can only restrict the layers showing? I want my viewport to show the proper layers all the time, even when those layers are not visible in model space.
C3D 2012 SP2.1 WIndows 7 SP1 64 bit 24GB RAM Dual quad core xeon 3.2ghz cpu's Triple Monitors
I have a sheet set with several sheets, each sheet with a viewport that ultimately xrefs to the same base file. In that base file, I have changed some layer properties (color), but I can't get those properties to show up in the viewports on each sheet unless I go into the layer properties of each viewport on each sheet and change them individually. On other layers, I have set them to be no plot layers in the base file, but they still plot on the sheets. I have tried just simply freezing them as well, but they still show up in the viewports. I have tried viewport overrides, but maybe don't do it properly? How can I get these properties to translate over to the viewports on each sheet without going through each sheet one by one?
Using CAD2011, froze, I restarted it and reopened the file I was working in. In my ribbon, all layers read "0", but show the correct ByLayer color according to what layers they were on before the crash. If I list something, it shows the correct layer, and not that it's on "0". When my coworker opens the same file everything is as it should be, which leads me to believe some setting got messed up during this crash.
It is making work way more difficult than it should be - I can't see what layers are what!
What is the layer "Status" in the layer property manager? It doesn't correlate with the On/Off or Freeze/Thaw . The icon appears to be a sheet of paper but some are blue and others are gray. I cant tell what makes them change colors from blue to gray.
Layers are shown in the drop down menu from the ribbon but when I open the layer manager no layers are visible. I can click in the empty space and the layer will highlight. See attached.
I have noticed when changing colors in the layer manager it does not take the first time and sometimes the second either. It does not seem to matter if creating a new layer or simply modifying existing.
Do the people that develop (anti-endusers ) the upgrades ever think like an end user? Having the Layer Properties Manager set up with default filters that show "ALL" layers or "Xref" layers without a default for "Layers Local ONLY" is so counterintuitive and non-user friendly! This is just another example of how Autodesk has absolutely no regard for the end user.
Most annoying thing, the VP Freeze and New VP Freeze columns in the Layer Properties Manager keep resetting themselves to original position. I've done all the proflie stuff, re-save it after changing it, re-load it when I find the error, etc.. and still it reverses every time I restart AutoCAD.
What is it with the columns in dialog boxes? I've posted how the column widths in the File Dialog box reset everytime too. How they don't follow windows folder options. Is this some Windows issue or AutoCAD issue?
Layer manager keep loosing the icons that represent a function. When you open layer manager, there are some icons on top of the layer manager page, one functions as make layer current, the other one to create a new layer & so on. these icons after a few time that we use layer command they all disappear, the only way to fix it is to close autocad & open it again. Of course if we use classic layer manager then things are ok but classic layer manage rhas uts own problems & limitations also.
My own guess is that the commad "layer" which invoke layer manager has memory leak, & when it is used a few time basically makes your system works on less memory resources & the only way to fix it is to abort the operation & start every thing all over again.
We are currently working on a big project which contains hundreds of drawings. We're using the sheet set & are very happy with with it. I have one question: How can you change the initial state of the sheet set manager. When I open my sheet set, some subsets are always expanded. I would like my sheet set to close all subset when I initially open the sheet set.
When I use the Layer Isolate command, then use the Layer Unisolate command, everything seems to work fine, as far as displaying the correct layers again. However, when I go to the Layer Manager, I noticed that all frozen or frozen in current viewport are also turned off.
LAYISO set to OFF (use fade?)
This only happens in a maximized viewport, not in model space.
My goal is to batch plots using VB in Visual Studio 2008, Autocad Map 3D 2010, Win 7 Pro 64. It all works but now I want to apply layerstates.
I am using the example in the dev. guide here: [URL]........
My questions:
1. If you use Option Strict, how do you convert from integer to "layerstatesmasks.color"? VS shows the error "Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'Integer' to 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.LayerStateMasks'." I can't figure out the conversion. Are the values documented somewhere? "clientmask" is not in the object browser or the dev. guide.
2. If you aren't sure what is masked, do you turn on all of the options on (on, color, linetype, lineweight, etc.)? Is there a sum of values that means "layerstatemasks.all"?
3. LAS files are DXF format. Do I have to read the LAS to detemine what the user wants?
4. The second argument to .restorelayerstate is the viewport id. The examples use objectid.null. I could have several layouts to plot, and maybe several viewports. Is the process a) Make the layout current, b) activate each viewport, c) set model space current, and d) restore the layerstate?
I have a drawing where I need to open the layer manager to turn on a layer in a view port but cannot get to that particular column. As you look across the top of the layer manager I can see all the headings of each column beginning with "Name", "Status", "On" and so forth. The last column heading I see is "Description" but I need to go even further to the right to get to the column I need to be at but can't get there. There is no scroll button on the bottom of the layer manager which would allow me to do that.
I have a client experiencing a layer manager dialog box issue - the layer names are disappearing... This is not happening all the time - and in different files.
you can match the layer filters with in the layer manager to the drop down on the how do i get the to match so the filter im viewing in the manager is what i see in the ribbon.
I'm working with AutoCAD LT 2013. Just recently my layer State has not allowed me access. When I try to add a layer or edit a layer I can't get access and I get a pop-up note which reads:
When I access layer states manager I can add a new layer-BUT it does not show up in Layers. Acts like the Layer State is Frozen to further modifications.
When I restore a saved layer state in one viewport the adjacent viewport (with a different saved layer state) changes. I also don’t seem to be able to save these edited layer states so that they retain my edits.
How to get the classic layour manger to use the ACA layer manager tools?
In 2008 before the floating layer manager the manager looked as the Classic version does now in AutoCAD ACA 2012 with the tool of "new layer from standard". This tool now only seems to be in the floating layer manager and when I switch to Classic manager the "new layer from standard" is removed from the dialog box.
I want to use the classic dialog but have access to the "new layer from standard" tool
I'm working with AutoCAD Architecture 2011 and working in the xref. I have my layer states set up, no problem. However, I have a layer that still shows up in all states even tho it is not saved in the layer states. If i click on it, it shows as off. It is a block, I have it on the ByLayer and the correct layer.