I've always layout my floor plans three dimensional with the tools pallets commands such as walls, rails, door, windows & ect. I always have my walls pre-hatched with the solid pattern which is really effective to the floor plan. Normally when I put windows in the wall the window is clearly shown without the hatch in the wall but for some reason my wall's hatch started covering the windows and I can't seem to solve this problem.
I have an assignment to draw a bathroom. I have walls that are spaced 3 5/8 inches apart and the drawing shows insulation batting between them. When I use the batting insulation linetype and run a line between the walls the batting symbol extends beyond the 3 5/8 inch walls. how do I get it to fit between?
how can i draw this plan without knowing the angles for each wall? when i draw , the last wall is incorrect can autocad adjust the angles of walls for me after typing the length of the walls ?
I created a new wall type that includes Stud, Sheathing, and Rigid Insulation. I need to show the existing CMU walls cutting through the new Stud walls. Can this be done?
I want to turn my in-place mass walls (sloped or helical) to structural walls but i don't know how to do it. I'm able to do the walls but when i switch it to the analytical view the wall doesn't appear because it's not structural. It's there a way to do in-place mass structural walls.
had my cross sections ready to go all day, had to add points to my surface layer is all i did, now when i cut the sections they are all laying on top of one another.
I have some geotextile sheets of specific dimensions (that's 45mx5m) and a surface (not a regular one) with grades ranging from 3.5% up to 34%.I would like to "fit" those sheets on the surface (which should overlap one another by .30m (see attached image)) but not project them, (that's why I don't believe "drape" is the proper word).
Meaning that since the 45m dimension is facing up/down slope, the length should be less in projection (see attached image) and that should be calculated automatically since the surface is a very irregular on (not like the attached dwg which is included as an example).
I've got an issue where I will be drawing a pline in model space and use the roller on the mouse to zoom out and it automatically switches me to paper space. Is this a Civil3D issue or a mouse issue?
I'm working on a lighting plan. So I want to create symbols for switches and for lights and connect a switch to a light using an arc so that when I move either switch/light, the arc is repositioned accordingly. Similar to connectors in visio.
I use a MacBook Pro to print to an Epson 9800 roll printer.All of a sudden, the Epson is laying down huge quantities of ink, especially when I print onto film (for screen printing). It puts down so much ink, the ink dribbles down the film and drips off the printer, pooling on the floor, until I leap up and cancel the job. What's more, the printer is printing a light-colored background to images that had no background to begin with.
Here's the catch: *this only happens in Photoshop.* (I'm using CS 5.1.) If I take the same image file, place it in Illustrator, and print it, it comes out just fine. So the problem lies in Photoshop's print options.
I was wondering whether it is possible and quite easy to create a necklace laying down on a white surface.
It concerns a Yin-Yang necklace and I would like to create it like it is laying down on a white table or so (so a kinda inclined view). And you should only see it laying down because of the shadow or so.
I have seen this done before, but my text always comes out skewed and crappy looking. Basically, I have a cell where the background image is repeated so that it look like a solid image. I try to make a new image in photoshop with a transparent background. I type in some text, and apply "smooth" to it. Whatever format I save it in though, it looks like crap when I place it in the cell! Is there some step I am missing?
How to put an image on top of a background, or how to put images on the clipboard. How to do this for a very wet behind the ears newbie. I am trying to set up some different backgound that i can overlay images of cars on, for website ads.
When I try to switch to a different layout in a drawing AutoCAD will switch to a different drawing. Then I have to go and get back to that drawing to do anything to the layout.
How to select or delete the unwanted switches in my layout drawing ? I can select it ... may i know what layer is that and it doesn't appear in my model drawing...
I have installed version 3.5.10 and I am working on a project where I need to overlay gridlines onto a photo. I have tried using the gridline feature, but that does not work, and I have watched a video tutorial which has good information but the tutorial was for version 3.5.8. The features that were in the tutorial seem not to be available to me with the version that I am using.
Autocad 2013 (64 bit win 7) when selecting a migrated wall style (wall style used in previous version of acad) it shows in properties that it is BASELINE, tho clearly on screen the grips show a left or right justification... THEN when switching the style of the all to something else, it will make the wall BASELINE justification.. which makes the wall move.
I have just upgraded to 2013, and there is one "feature" I find kind of distracting. When working in a part, I create a new sketch. When I extrude that sketch, Inventor automatically switches me to an Iso view. I don't want that. I would prefer to stay in the view that I established.
I set a snap for ease of use, e.g. if my intended output scale is 1:50 I will set my snap to 25, this makes drawing lines fast and simple.
When I used the break command in previous versions (I skipped 2011) the break would keep the snap on so I could break either side of a line with a perfect unit gap.
In 2012 when I select the first point it disregards the snap and just puts the break wherever I select on the line meaning the gap is not neat. Is there anyway to put this back the way it was?
I'm trying to create a Blurb book using LR4.2. I'm running into problems laying out the dust jacket. All my pages are full bleed but I don't know the full bleed pixel dimensions are for the dust jacket (standard landscape 10" x 8"). I'm using the layout where one image covers all of the flaps, covers and spine. I would need the pixel height plus the pixel widths for the flaps, covers, and spine.
Laying out multiple clips to tape from smoke 2013 (maybe in excess of 20 - 30 clips at one time) without having to 'ctrl/click' on each clip individually. In every previous edition of smoke I would be able to go to media library, highlight the folder with all the clips in and press 'output' and all clips would be taken to I/O menu. This is a must for multiple playouts to tape which some of us still have to do on a regular basis. AND don't get me started on having to re-timecode every clip individually because someone thought it a good idea to remove the 'step' (increment) timecode button.
And why if i use smoke2013 without the mac menu at the top do I not have an 'Output to' or 'Capture from' VTR menu.
I have a line or a pline segment and i want to start a line from a point laying there and go perpendicular outwards. Is there a way to do it with tracking?
Yes, i saw the command draw line at an angle but i find it a little bit complicated for a simple task like that. I am sure autodesk have a simplest solution about that.
If i am already at the draw line mode and i can easy catch the tracking perpendicular to previous segment but if i want to start from another line and go perpendicular i cannot make the tracking work.